What are real costs of ObamaCare? People do not know what a deductible is.
Ignorance costs. Most people do not understand  the costs associated with ObamaCare:
For example: Â Do you know what a “deductible” is?
A recent academic study published in the Journal of Health Economicsfound that just 14% of individuals who have health coverage could correctly answer all four of four basic questions about health insurance. For example, they did not know  what a “deductible†and “copay†are.
If comprehension figures are that low for the insured, analysts worry what that portends for the uninsured, especially for a program as complex as Obamacare.
Unawareness of terms like “deductible†could prove mind boggling for people.Â
Another antic by the EPA concerns lead. In an unbelievable bit of hysteria about lead pollution, the EPA has just blocked pretty much all installations/repairs of fire hydrants? Why? Because they have a small amount of lead in their composition.
Now this would be almost, almost, just barely, defensible if there was real concern of significant amounts of lead going into the primary water mains but that’s not the issue.
They’re worried that… someone might turn on the hydrant and drink from it. Ok, in a worst case scenario there might be, might be, an annoying amount (to the EPA) of lead in the water that’s been sitting in the hydrant, namely the first couple of gallons. But if anyone’s drinking from a hydrant it’s been running for hours and thousands of gallons have washed through it.
So the fire departments have to sit back and seal up any broken units, and have to waste precious minutes and resources tapping into the next one down the block. People’s lives and properties at stake, for no good reason whatsoever.
Firenze Sage, Esq. Â Used to be that dogs contributed the only pollution near hydrants.
Great moments in military history by Odd Bodkins: Â
Eisenhower misses D Day while looking for a 4th for bridge.
Nelsonmisses Trafalgarwhile playing whist with a cabin boy.
Washingtonmisses the Delaware ridewhile playing nine pins.
great moments  …Hannibal’s invasion
 Another  great moment in military history: Â
The white house clown, J. Biden, asseverated that the Osama raid was the greatest military event ever –or at least since Hannibal showed up with his elephants.
great moments … Hannibal’s invasion
Obama  nonetheless after a round of golf managed a few minutes concentration on the epic event between games of spades.
Brave Americans died at Benghazi and nobody knows where our Bohemian corporal dwelt.Or his well traveled, unaccomplished secretary of state. But  ‘what difference does it make?’ as she  said.
They both lied to the parents of the fallen.
They (Obama & Clinton) lied to the parents of the fallen.
What has become of the self proclaimed only world super power when it cannot put air power over Benghazi in at least the same amount of time it takes to fly the president’s dog to Martha’s Vineyard?Â
Time to put air power over Bengazi was the  same to fly Obama’s  dog on vacation  to Martha’s Vineyard
When one exhibits such low regard for warriors under his command,how can one credit any claim of his that he really cares about the ordinary folks who really hoped for a leader?
Look up in the sky it’s  Bo, Obama’s dog, arriving on vacation.  Â
 Rooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents,.  And, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs.
And look up in the sky! Â Of course, Â the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft.
Bo, the president’s Portuguese Water Dog, arrived separately on one of two MV-22 Ospreys. These aircraft are , a hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane.
Obama shuffled cards  while Osama was caught, killed and  burned.  Reggie Love says he and President Obama played cards during the Osama bin Laden raid.  The the president told Love, “I can’t watch this entire thing.”
What Reggie Love said at a public event:  “Most people were like down in the Situation Room and [President Obama] was like, ‘I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing,’ We must have played 15 games of spades,”
Love was Obama’s “body man,”. As his body man, Love  spent much time with his boss while he worked for Obama at the White House. Love has since been replaced by another “body man”  named Marvin.  Love, Marvin and a White House photographer played played cards for hours while the night bin Laddin was caught, killed and burned.
This little thing called the Internet … makes it much harder to govern.” said Secretary of State John Kerry.  He spoke  to State Department personnel at the U.S. Embasy in Brasilia, Brazil. Â
Ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that were tamped down for centuries by dictators. And,  that was complicated further by this little thing called the internet. And complicated by  the ability of people everywhere to communicate instantaneously and to have more information coming at them in one day than most people can process in months or a year….  It makes it much harder to govern … and that is complicated by a rise of sectarianism and religious extremism that is prepared to employ violent means to impose on other people a way of thinking and a way of living that is completely contrary to everything the United States of America has ever stood for.
More regarding  the pesky little internet  comments by Kerry:
Bait & switch tactics used  by Reid for  Single Payer.
Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past†insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.â€
Bait & switch tactics:
“What we’ve done with ObamaCare is have a step in the right direction. But we’re far from having something (ObamaCare)  that’s going to work forever,†Reid said.
When then asked by panelist Steve Sebelius whether Reid  meant ultimately the country would have to have a health care system that abandoned insurance as the means of accessing it, Reid said: “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.â€
In just about seven weeks, people will be able to start buying Obamacare-approved insurance plans through the new health care exchanges.
But already, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is predicting those plans, and the whole system of distributing them, will eventually be moot.
When Congress passed the health legislation plan that the President sought, they radically changed health care in the United States, and audaciously imposed a strong-armed federal government onto perhaps the most personal of all segments of American life. The Supreme Court subsequently failed to support the fundamental principle of limited government. Legal battles are still underway, and strong governors are doing their best for their constituents. But this president is not likely to do more than just talk and campaign about compromise; moreover, there is no need for him to worry about the next election. Even worse to contemplate, though, is that President Obama and the Democrats may actually have received a willing acceptance of the infantilization of the American people by their government, from voters who followed the siren call of bigger government and embraced a new culture of increasing dependence, regardless of the consequences.
Thus spake President Obama, not  winner of the geography bee:Â
“If we don’t deepen our ports all along the Gulf — places like Charleston, South Carolina, or Savannah, Georgia, or Jacksonville, Florida — if we don’t do that, those ships are going to go someplace else. And we’ll lose jobs. Businesses won’t locate here.”
The IRS Scandal and that Obama knew is  just one reasons to get involved  in the 2014 elections. Don’t let what happened to the Tea Party and conservative groups happen again. This is  what we know about the IRS Scandal: Â
The chief counsel for the IRS, William WILKINS, Â is one of two appointees made by Obama. And of course Obama talked and talks to his appointees.Â
Typical Obama tactics:  We know that Obama’s typical technique is to wipe out or eliminate the opposition. Obama did so in his elections to become a U.S. senator. Obama understands and uses Chicago style politics. So we can readily guess that Obama does  and did communicate to his appointee at the IRS what Obama wants:  muzzle the  conservative and Tea Party opposition by delaying their ability to get 501 c 4 tax exempt status.  So, did Obama know? Of course he did.
Obama’s appointee, the IRS chief counsel WILLIAM  WILKINS,  sought information about Tea Party and conservative groups. Obama  appointee  WILKINS specifically wanted “information about political activities leading up to the 2010 elections”.  This has come out  in testimony given before Congress.
What we know:  IRS employees Ms. HOFACRE  was so frustrated by the delay tactics that she asked for a transfer. HOFACRE  says it was like working in lost luggage as she  had to send specific cases up for review.  HOFFACRE’S supervisor  Carter HULL said that Lois LERNER told him to send the cases up. Whoops!  Another lie for Lois LERNER.
 Hull’s supervisor Ronald SHOEMAKER says Lois LERNER said to send them to the chief counsel WILLIAM WILKINS.
Overview:  Lois LERNER planted a question & lied about planting a question. LERNER  then blamed the Cincinnati office as being the only office involved. But other offices have been implemented and testimony given that cases were sent to Washington.  Then the defense was that the IRS was too badly managed to pull off a sophisticated conspiracy. Remember President Obama saying that he only heard about the IRS scandal from the evening news? Then the defense  shifted to say that progressive & liberal groups were also targeted.  But no progressive or liberal groups have come forward to say that they too got targeted by the IRS.
So what to do: Â get involved. Request that Lois Lerner be given immunity so that she must testify under oath and “spill all the beans”
This story just might wake up some of the low information voters.  Obama’s brother gets faster service for non-profit status  from the IRS than usual, conservative Americans here. Wonder why?  Time for congress to investigate and get the news out.  It is congress’s job.
We have the president of the United States’ word as a gentleman that he knew nothing about the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of his enemies until he “learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this.â€
Furthermore, although the commissioner of the IRS, Douglas Shulman, visited Obama’s White House no fewer than 157 times, which is 156 times more than his predecessor Mark Everson ever visited the White House, we know that this was for legitimate Easter-egg rolls, as he testified to Congress, and meetings to discuss Obamacare. The Easter Bunny, one should note, visits the White House two to four times as often as the average IRS commissioner did before Mr. Shulman came along. But you can’t make a health-care omelet without breaking Easter eggs: It is one of the many distinctive features of Obama-style “health†“care†“reform†that, while it has not led to the hiring of a single additional doctor, nurse, or hospital janitor, it did require the biggest expansion of the IRS since the Second World War. So, when he wasn’t rolling Easter eggs and advising the moppets on whether they needed to declare the luxury Belgian white chocolate balls with praline filling, he was participating in vital meetings on how many extra SWAT teams he was going to need to enforce the new colonoscopy non-compliance penalty.
Let us also overlook the excellent treatment received from the IRS by members of the president’s family. Although acting commissioner Steven Miller apologized for the “horrible customer service†conservative taxpayers had gotten, a gentleman by the name of Malik Obama received impeccable, express service when he took the precaution of mailing in his non-profit application from N’giya, Kenya, rather than notoriously slower mail processing centers such as Phoenix and Dallas. Malik, the brother of President Obama, runs the Barack H. Obama Foundation, named for the president’s father. On May 30, 2011, they applied for tax-exempt status, and had their approval signed less than a month later by Lois Lerner herself, and conveniently backdated by Lois to cover the two-and-a-half years the enterprising Malik had already been raking in “tax-deductible†donations from Americans. The Washington address of the Barack H. Obama Foundation appears to be bogus, and it’s not clear whether the funds are being used back in Kenya for anything other than supporting the famously lavish lifestyle of Malik and his twelve wives. Given that the IRS is not shy about asking American conservatives for Facebook posts and lists of who attends their meetings, Ms. Lerner surely would have been within her rights to ask Malik Obama about the “exclusive†photographs currently displayed on the Barack H. Obama Foundation website of a recent meeting in Sudan, one of only four countries the U.S. government designates as a “terrorist state,†and the Foundation’s apparently extensive association with the Sudanese president and blood-soaked genocidal war criminal Omar al-Bashir. Given that the IRS likes to ask conservative taxpayers whether their friends and relatives are planning on running for office, Ms. Lerner might like to ask Malik Obama when his friend President Bashir is planning on leaving office. After another quarter million corpses?Whatever. Let’s take it as read that, when U.S. taxpayers wind up giving tax breaks to an entity linked to the butchers of Darfur, it’s pure coincidence that the racket turns out to be run by the president’s brother. Let’s accept that Malik Obama just got lucky that his letter landed on the desk of Lois Lerner, and that, when she backdated his application for two-and-a-half years, she’d momentarily forgotten that it’s illegal for her to backdate it more than two-and-a-quarter years. Indeed, let’s take the president at his word that the existence of this shadowy IRS entity working deep within the even shadowier U.S. Treasury planted in deep cover within the shadowiest conspiracy of them all, this murky hitherto unknown organization called “the Executive Branch,†that all this was news to him. What that means then is not that this or that elected politician is corrupt but that the government of the United States is corrupt.