Oh???? OK to beat wife when Islamic wife ‘unruly’ says Islamic community in Munich

  left hook or right cross?

The Islamic community in Munich issued guidelines on its website that encourage men to assault their wives or female partners if they are “unruly.”

The Bavarian Broadcasting 24 outlet published the shocking report on Saturday, writing, “In the case of a marriage in great difficulty or when the partner is ‘unruly,’ the Islamic Center Munich [IZM] invokes the Koran. Accordingly, the husband should comply with three steps: First, reprimand. Second, separation in the marriage bed. And third, beating.”

Visitors of IZM’s website have been informed about the permissible beating of women for 15 years, according to the Bavarian Broadcasting 24 journalists Sabina Wolf and Joseph Röhmel, who first reported the story.


Firenze Sage   JAJ48@aol.com   The holy Koran strikes again.

That Trump lowers flag until sunset 8/8 shows ignorance of neo-nazi symbol 88?

American flag at half mast today until dusk August 8.
It doesn’t get loonier than this!
Analyst Finds Hidden Nazi Message in Trump Honoring Victims by lowering flag until dusk August 8.    The analyst  says:
“And I’ll give you an example of that. We have to understand the adversary and the threat we’re dealing with. And if we don’t understand how they think, we’ll never understand how to counter them. So, it’s little things and language and messaging that matters. The President said that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8th.
That’s 8/8. Now, I’m not going to imply that he did this deliberately but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House. The numbers “88” are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet and, to them, the numbers “88” together stand for “Heil Hitler.” So, we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8.”
Firenze Sage   JAJ49@aol.com    This is a high ranking ex FBI lunatic. What has happened to law enforcement when psychotics have guns and subpoenas.

The RUSSIANS are coming for … Kamala Harris? Tulsi Gabbard?

 Kamala Harris Campaign Suggests Tulsi Gabbard is Russian Operative After She Destroys Kamala on Debate Stage

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)’s campaign press secretary suggested Russia was behind Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) after she landed an effective blow on Harris’ record as a prosecutor during the Democrat debates on Wednesday night.

Her press secretary, Ian Sams, tweeted shortly after the attack an NBC News article from February 2019 claiming the “Russian propaganda machine” was promoting Gabbard:

“Reporters writing their stories with eyes on the modern-day assignment desk of Twitter, read this: ‘The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat,’” he tweeted. He later retweeted his tweet.

It was a devastating night for Kamala Harris and her campaign. After a strong performance in the first debate Kamala had nothing when confronted about her career as California prosecutor.


Firenze Sage   JAJ48@aol.com     Is this a step up or down  from calling  Kamala  Harris  a racist?


Mother Teresa: goes from rat infested Baltimore to Calcutta ….

Flashback: Mother Teresa Set Up Sisters of Mercy Hospice in Rat-Infested Baltimore – Visited the City Three Times
The Democrats and their media attacked President Trump this week for pointing out the horrible living conditions in rat-infested Baltimore.

Mother Teresa saw this too.

The renowned Catholic founder of the Sisters of Mercy built a hospice in Baltimore to care for the poor and show them dignity.

Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata established the home at St. Wenceslaus Parish for those afflicted with AIDS.

The Baltimore Sun reported:
Mother Teresa came to Baltimore in 1992 to dedicate Gift of Hope as an AIDS hospice.


Firenze Sage    JAJ48@aol.com    If Mother T can see the problem and do something, why can’t the hundreds of   politicos?


How slavery came to the USA & what can Democrats / Republicans do 2019?

Freedom from slavery:  So how many slaves came to the New World from Africa  and what  can the Democrats and Republicans do today?

Well how about that — only  a tiny percentage of slaves  came from Africa  to the New World. About 388,00 total.  A tiny percentage of the total.

According to PBS.org and Dr. Henry Louis Gates, between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. Only about 388,000 were shipped to North America. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

Today in Africa there are an estimated 9.2 million people living in modern day slavery.  The population of Africa 2017  is 1,256,268,025.


Firenze Sage   JAJ48@aol.com      And to think only the USA had slaves?   Wake up,the slaves came from black slavers who sold black people.

If Democrats and Republicans were serious about eliminating the blight of slavery they may want to focus on modern day Africa.

This week Nancy Pelosi and 12 Democrats will travel to Ghana to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the first slaves from Africa arriving on American shores.

Will these Democrats speak out against the thriving slave trade in Africa today?


The Shadow knows who got to Mueller

The Shadow knows.

Why Special Prosecutor Mueller performed as he did.

Did Mueller speak his mind freely? Maybe Mueller’s  not all there?  Perhaps Mueller  has cognitive decline?  Or  maybe Mueller just does not remember his report?

Or maybe ‘someone got to him’?

The Morning Briefing: Democrats Turn to Conspiracy Theories for Dud Mueller Performance

Ted Lieu Clings to Conspiracy theory to explain Mueller bomb

It’s not out-of-character for these lefties to buy into conspiracy theories, we are still living among corporate media and political partisans that maintain President Trump is an agent of RUSSIA.

Now comes poor Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.). Lieu  says that someone “got to” Robert Mueller, who bombed in his “one night only” performance of the Democrats’ stage production of “The Mueller Report: Orange Man Forever Bad.”

Lieu appeared on CNN (where else?) to assert his conspiracy theory:

“[Y]ou say Mueller fully understood your question. Doesn’t Mueller’s correction, which he later provided, prove otherwise?” Blitzer asked.

“This is what’s so odd about that exchange. Special counsel Robert Mueller agreed that the OLC opinion prevented a sitting president from being indicted, and then the Republican member after me asked him a series of questions to try to get him to walk it back, and he did not do that.”

“And then it wasn’t until there was a recess with the Intel committee that he started to walk some of it back,” said Lieu.

“I don’t know who got to him. I don’t know who talked to him, but that was very odd, what he did.”

Blitzer asked Lieu, “What are you suggesting?”

“Are you saying he only did that because of pressure from someone?”

“I don’t know,” said Lieu, “but he clearly answered the way he answered to me, and then he had numerous times to walk that back by the next Republican member who asked him a series of questions on the exact same issue trying to get him to walk it back.”


Firenze Sage:   JAJ48@aol.com     Clearly Mueller forgot again what was in “his report”. Lieu took advantage of a doddering witness and got shut down. “The shadow knows”.


ANTIFA is no Lone Ranger with black mask who helps people. Unmask those bad ANTIFA persons!

Remember the Lone Ranger who wore a black mask and helped people?   A man who, with his sidekick Tonto, sought freedom and justice for all?

ANTIFA,  no lone ranger, hides their identity behind black hoods. ANTIFA is   a bunch of violent persons who beat up journalist Andy Ngo in Portland. No arrests were made.Ngo suffers permanent injuries.  Many thousand in Germany lend support to ANTIFA.

Take off those masks from ANTIFA.  Bring justice to Portland and journalist  Mr. Ngo.  Stop this lawlessness in Portland before it spreads.

How control ANTIFA?   Make the wearing of masks and hoods at demonstrations illegal.  Let people assemble and express their views freely   — without masks.

written by Cameron Jackson   JAJ48@aol.com




One, two, three — 3 spiritual exercises how to converse with God?

Spiritual exercises?  How to converse with God?    How can you expand your daily  consciousness of God,  who is in all and all present.

Catholic priest  Father Larry   learned after the death of his wife Joan nineteen years ago how much he needed God as his Friend, the same way  as Abraham was God’s friend.

“But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend. ( Isaiah 41:8).

Says Father Larry:  There’s one, two three spiritual exercises you can do daily,  which take about 5 or so  minutes a day.   These spiritual exercises are a way of expanding your consciousness of God who is in all and all present.

At the  ‘Last Chance Cafe’ 7/28/2019   (6 pm Sunday  Mass at Resurrection Catholic Community in Aptos, CA)   Father Larry  said:

1) Think back over the last 24 hours for an interaction or event  that went well in your life. Re-experience those moments and hold them in your consciousness.  Then,  give thanks to God for those moments and event.

2) Next.  Now think back over the last 24 hours for an interaction, project  or event that did not go well. This time think how  it might have gone better and replay in your  consciousness how it might have gone.  And now, ask God  for grace that next time that it will go better.

3) Think ahead to the next 24 hours.  Think about what might happen in the next 24 hours,  about up-coming   projects, events or interactions which you think will occur.   Pick a particular  possible event.  And ask God for strength and wisdom as you experience that up-coming event or interaction.

That’s the One, Two , Three spiritual exercises you can utilize to expand your consciousness of God as your Friend and Companion on the Way.  Thank  Father Larry  of Resurrection Catholic Community, for these suggestions.

written by Cameron Jackson   7/29/2019      JAJ48@aol.com


Ladies night out in Israel or Arabia? [U.N. votes Israel as one & only nation that violates women’s rights]

Overall freedom and women’s rights better in Israel or Arabia?  Choose.     Israel  is the one and  only  nation that violates women’s rights,  so says the United Nations (U.N.).

We are taught that all cultures are equal, that they are all equally valuable. We are told that, despite creating the modern, technological world, western, capitalist, mostly white cultures are no better than Arab, Persian, or Islamic cultures anywhere else.

Welcome to the United Nations where magical thinking like this dominates. It’s what makes it difficult to determine whether the U.N. is a circus or an insane asylum.

Case in point; the U.N. Economic and Social Council voted 40-2 (with 9 abstentions) to single out the state of Israel as the only nation that violates women’s rights. Voting in the affirmative were countries where husbands have the “right” to rape and beat their wives (Saudi Arabia), stone women who commit adultery (Iran), and other Middle Eastern and African states where the unspeakable practice of female genital mutilation is routinely practiced and accepted.

Israel was singled out for allegedly being the “major obstacle” for Palestinian women “with regard to their advancement, self-reliance, and integration in the development of their society.”


Firenze Sage    JAJ48@aol.com  Let us move the U.N.  from NY to Cairo and then de-fund it.
