Symbols of American freedom matter. Don’t sell shoes with a Betsy Ross flag?  Why? Because African-American Kaepernick  finds the Ross flag symbol offensive and associated with slavery. Get real.
Does Kaepernick know anything about Betsy Ross? Anything about early American history?
Betsy Ross is a woman to admire not spurn.
Let’s compare 2019 ex- football player Colin Kaepernick with 1776 seamstress Betsy Ross:
Personal commitments to family?  Kaepernick has a girl friend [Nessa Diag] since 2015. He’s not married and no children. Betsy Ross was soon widowed after marrying at age 21 outside her Quaker faith which caused her to be ‘read out of the Quaker church’ for doing so.  She later married again and had children.
Professional skills?  Colin  Kaepernick was a second string quarter back who turned down a contract with the San Francico 49ers. He is a rich, civil rights agitator.
Betsy Ross was child number 8 of 17 children. Betsy  attended a Quaker school 8 hours a day to learn sewing, reading and writing. She became a skilled seamstress. Fairly soon after marriage to John Ross at age 21, Betsy’s husband died while he was guarding ammunition.
A few months after her husband’s death, Betsy met with the Committee of Three which included George Washington. This meeting lead to Betsy Ross’ sewing of the first American flag.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) married her brother Elmi in 2009 – 2017,  possibly for immigration benefits.  Omar has 3 children by Hersi and married him in 2018. She filed taxes while legally married to someone else.
So who will Ms. Omar answer?  This representative, Ms. Omar, is not easy to contact. Ms. Omar has no FAX and her mail box  number (202) 225-4755 is full. So she cannot be contacted by FAX or phone right now.  Her snail mail address is 1517 Longsworth HUB, Washington D.C. 20515.
Ms. Omar accuses Trump of ‘keeping children in cages’ [at the southern border] and that illegal aliens are ‘forced to drink from toilets.’
Aptos Psychologist
Omar comes into the USA under false pretenses. Now she makes false accusations of others? Â
Omar gets into America based on gaming the system [marries her brother possibly to get immigration benefits].
Illan Omar gets elected to Congress  and falsely accuses Trump's administration of putting' children in cages' and 'forcing adults to drink out of toilets.'Â
Prison toilets are one piece entities wherein the water tank is above the seat. Yes, people in prison can drink from the top part of the toilet.
To: Ms Illan Omar:
1) show the public the 'cages' where children are kept? Yes VP Pence found extreme overcrowding of men which demonstrates the crises at the border.
2) answer the question whether you are communist and whether you support al Quida
3) You have failed to answer the following question asked by others: Did you receive immigration benefits while married to your brother Elmi?
4) Ms. Omar, Which do you hate most? a) USA b)Trump c) Israel
It appears that you hate all three.
5) Is 'hatred of others' -- zenophobia -- a part of the heritage of Mohammand and Islam? Yes it is, according to author Wafa Sultan who wrote A God who Hates.Take Away:
Muslim society and the Islam religion are vastly different from American society and freedoms based on the U.S. Constitution.
Muslims such as Ms. Omar come here for what they want and some, like Ms Omar, game the system to get in. And then some Muslims, including Ms. Omar, attack the country that offered assistance and entry.
Islam as practiced in much of the middle east is a political system which cannot be separated from it's religious component. That issue is something which the Supreme Court must deal with. Soon.
Some Muslims come here for their version of 'freedom of religion/ politics' and then seek to impose their version of Islamic religious/ political system here. Ms. Omar is one of those Muslims.
Congress woman Ms. Illan Omar shouts 'racism' while benefiting from the many freedoms which only the USA offers because of our Constitution.
Some progressive Democrats, which include Rep. Illan Omar, seek to undermine U.S. freedoms by imposition of their version of islamic/ sharia law/ zenophobia views.
Rep. Illan Omar accuses others of behavior she engages in: racism, zenophobia and hatred of that which differs from her views.
When will Illan Omar realize that people don't care about her color -- they do care about her views.
written by Cameron SmithJackson
Further, Sen Hirono knows little about economic freedoms.  Now  we learn Hirono did not know what the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was when asked by a reporter Thursday if she would be for moving forward with the replacement to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
The USMCA, a change from NAFTA, is a bipartisan trade agreement that some think could benefit America’s farmers, ranchers, businesses, and workers. Once approved by Congress, the USMCA is supposed to help longstanding trade problems by giving American businesses more freedom to sell their goods and services throughout North America.
When asked by a reporter if she thinks Pelosi should bring up the USMCA, Hirono responded by saying “the what?†The reporter asked again, if Pelosi should bring up the USMCA for a vote in the House, to which Hirono responded again by asking “the USMCA?â€
One of her staffers then cut in, and said to Hirono, “the new NAFTA.†Hirono paused for a while and then said, “I have to think about that.â€
Trump’s tariffs on Mexico will reduce illegal immigration? Doubtful.
The economy is booming.  Jobs are easy to get. People seek freedom.
All a person has to do is get in the USA and disappear for two years before showing up for a hearing. Thousands are picked up daily by the border patrol and sent throughout the U.S.A.  See picture above. About 1,000 were arrested May 20, 2019.
Trump is ‘making good’ on a promise to his core supporters prior to his election. Trump has tried other routes — with little support from the courts or congress.  So, ‘hit them where it hurts’ i.e., in Mexico’s pocket book. Tariffs on Mexico will start at 5% and escalate.
avocados from Mexico may soon cost more
Looks like avocados from Mexico will cost more.
Immigration and health care costs are likely big issues in the 2020 elections. The now Democrat controlled congress spends little energy on either issue and prefers Trump bashing. And now Trump bashes back.
In the picture of five people above, Deon Johnson is the second person from the left.
Will church pick a ‘community organizer’ for their next bishop? Tomorrow, 6/1/19, clergy and laity reps pick one of five contenders for the top job as Bishop of El Camino Real.
In his taped performance at Almaden episcopal church in San Jose Deon Johnson appears smooth, verbally quick and similar to another community organizer who captured the American presidency back in 2008 – Barack Obama. Deon Johnson is a native of Barbados, and currently lives in Michigan with his husband and two adopted children.
Below are  videos of several of the candidates speaking at  Almaden church in San Jose, CA.
One of them, Lucinda Ashby, grew up in Peru, speaks fluent Spanish and her role model is her model.
Require elected officials state in writing — 24 hours ahead of time — how they plan to vote
The  way current  Council meetings are currently conducted is an abomination .
I suggest that each member of the council be required under penalty of forfeiture of  to submit 24 hours in advance of any meeting a statement in writing which sets forth the member’s views on issues to be voted upon and contentious issues which are not to be voted upon.
The views are not binding but are for the purpose of alerting the assembled crowd to the position of the particular   council member which would allow a member of the audience to focus his question on the issue at hand. And, furthermore, it would require the councilmember to answer a specific question with respect to his view and why he holds it.
‘Transform lives’ — bit the dust as part of a proposed Mission Statement for St. John’s episcopal in Aptos, CA
So what’s “church” all about at St. John’s episcopal church in Aptos, CA? It’s changing. What we do know: ‘transform lives’ bit the dust and won’t be included in the new Mission Statement.
Soon — or very soon — this small episcopal church of typically 75-100 persons attending an average Sunday 10:30 AM service — will collectively agree on a new Mission Statement.
Assuming that Mission Statement words become connected to new church behaviors — there will be a host of new objectives and goals monitored by the church vestry/ board.
Initially proposed as the new Mission Statement: ‘Love like Jesus, respect the dignity of all people and and transform lives.’ This was proposed by the new Rector, Mother Tracy.
One member wrote in, ‘What does it mean to respect the dignity of all people?’ That it appears was a hard one to define. At a general meeting concerning ‘transform lives’ as part of the Mission Statement one member strongly objected, “I don’t like it” without saying why. That thought prevailed.
So, where is St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church going concerning finalizing a new Mission Statement?
What’s most recently proposed: ‘to love God and love our neighbors by doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God – together.’
Anyone out there recognize the biblical basis for the above? The Great Commandment has been squished together with the old testament question, ‘What doth God require of thee, O man?’
Anyone willing and able to write a basic Mission Statement for a small Christian church? Here’s one try:
‘We, as part of the Body of Christ, love God & neighbor, seek to forgive others and also ourselves, pray as He teaches us to pray, and do such acts as Jesus’s life, teachings, death and resurrection suggest.’
Go for it — suggest a basic Mission Statement for a small, episcopal church.
 Highly likely. Mother Tracy brings her perspective and changes are happening.  This inference is based on reading the lengthy email sent out by the Mother Tracy (aka Mother  T) concerning the proposed Mission Statement.
What we do know:
 One:  Mother T chose the well known social justice verse from the old testament — what doth god requires of thee? written by the  prophet Micah.
New International Version
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Mother T quotes Micah as “Do justice” not     “do justly…” There are numerous translations. Few translations use the words “do justice”.  Most translations say “do justly”. There’s a large difference between “justice” and “do justly”.
We do know that Mother T — who has numerous, excellent  skills — has not parented her own small children. Children often say or demonstrate ‘that’s not fair’ concerning sibling antics and parents step in on a daily basis to deal justly with them.  As most parents who have raised small children know, handing out  justice is a far cry from dealing justly with their children.
 The prophet Micah is better translated as ‘do justly’ or ‘act justly’ rather than ‘do justice’.
Courts of law, judges and juries “do justiceâ€. As individuals we can choose to ‘act justly’ and ‘do justly’.
 Two: the words of the proposed Mission Statement for St. John’s are vague – sufficiently so  that most anything can be plugged in as a Goal / Objective tied to an underlying ‘do justice’ theme (Micah 6:8).
The guts of the proposed Mission Statement:
Love like Jesus. Respect all persons. Transform lives.
All three prongs — love, respect and transform – easily morph into social justice goals which focus on equality –  which for many includes providing free needles for persons addicted to heroin / opiates and provide free living space for all homeless persons residing in Santa Cruz county.
ALERT! A simple logo & mission statement for St. John’s Episcopal, Aptos, CA  Based on Love, Respect and Transform.
Here’s a suggestion for a far more simple Mission Statement for St. John’s which is based on the core words Love, Respect and Transform. The word Alert. Be alert. Stay alert.
And ALERT  means stay off heroin/ opiates. Stop using needles. Stop pushing free needles for addicts.  Support free detox via methadone tablets and mobile detox facilities. There’s a truck that provides free showers which goes to St. John’s episcopal and other Aptos area churches. Let’s have a truck that goes to those addicted and supports persons who choose to get free of drugs and be ALERT!
 And, no more nodding off while alive. The apostle St. Paul told people to stay alert.
The word ALERT readily connects to the core words of Love, Respect and Transform which form the basis of St. John’s proposed mission statement.Just add a couple vowels to L R T  – add a and e — and ah,ha — the word ALERT.
Yes – stay alert! That a decent, basic, solid stance towards life — to Love, Respect and Transform.
And for non-believers and non-Christians and atheists — of whom there are quite a few at St. John’s –  the word ALERT contains  no mention of Jesus Christ, of Him as the Son of God, of Logos or of anything explicitly Christian. There’s little liklihood of offending anyone with a logo of ALERT.
Note however that in the above image for ALERT that there is a triangle.  The triangle could symbolize Father, Son and Holy Spirit for those who do believe Jesus Christ lives yesterday, today and forever.
Back to the beginning ….
Social Justice is largely all about equality – and not about freedom.  Social justice advocates seek equality at the expense of freedom.
Like a say in the direction St. John’s takes?  Then come on Sundays at 9:15 – 10:15 for the next couple week or so. Come, listen and participate.  Stay ALERT!
Slipped on a banana peel why homeless in Santa Cruz CA says Jon Showalter, President of AFC & member of St. John’s Episcopal in Aptos, CA
Homeless in Santa Cruz CA — Why? Largely just economic,  a slip on a banana peel? Or are people homeless due to lots of inter-related issues with use of illegal drugs interwoven? Your experience?
From government statistics:  Roughly 40% surveyed report at least one or more serious health conditions:   drugs/alcohol; psychotic/emotional; post traumatic stress disorder, physically disabled and chronic health conditions. Such are the statistics.
It’s one thing to report and another thing as to what the real problems are.  Surveys are simply what people choose to report.
Per government survey, roughly the same percentage of homeless persons look for work (43%) compared with those who report they are unable to work (43%). These figures are from Santa Cruz County data.
A different  viewpoint expressed recently by  homeless advocate Jon Showalter: He said in a talk that 60% of local homeless are “economic refugees”who “slipped on a banana peel” and lost their social network. We need to know them human to human Showalter emphasized.
It’s 60% economic to 40% other (mental illness/ drug and alcohol)  states homeless advocate Jon Showalter who spoke to 50+ women in Aptos,CA at Resurrection Catholic Community 3/18/19.
Showwalter is President of the Board for the Association of Faith Communities (AFC) and member of St. John’s Episcopal church  in Aptos, CA. The AFC meets monthly at Calvary Episcopal church in Santa Cruz, CA  and has 11 representatives of largely north Santa Cruz faith organizations including Buddhist, Hindu and Christian.
Following Showalter’s presentation, Pat Lorenzo of Resurrection Catholic Community updated attendees concerning other programs currently in place through mid-county churches which assist homeless persons with meals, shelter, showers, socks and other services. The collect Socks program will continue says Pat Lorenzo who applied for ,and received, three or four thousand pairs of socks in December, 2018. Those socks have been dispersed throughout Santa Cruz County Lorenzo said.
New long term sheltering program: Showalter states that a new sheltering program starts 3/18/19 at St. John’s Episcopal in Aptos, CA. Occupants of 3 cars will shelter long term in the parking lot of the church. One car/person has been doing so for several months. Persons in the new sheltering program will be vetted through the Association of Faith Communities states Showalter.
Not in my backyard issues:
Whether or  how the nearby  housing project — located adjacent on two sides to St. John’s Episcopal  church in Aptos, CA – was contacted concerning the long term sheltering program was not discussed by Showalter at the Guild meeting nor in recent email sent by the Rector, Mtr Tracy,  to St. John’s Episcopal congregation.  At the Guild meeting an attendee discussed how a successful  Catholic church sheltering program — located next to a school — managed the “not in my backyard issues”. Ongoing communication, sharing meals with the parish and a 6 am leave the premises each day were central rules she said.
Comment by Aptos Psychologist:
Are people homeless in Santa Cruz mainly  due to “a slip on a banana peel”? Mostly an economic issue and only somewhat a mental health/ drug issue?  Nope. Why the multitude of needles on the beaches? Why the feces and urine smells in downtown Santa Cruz? Why the encampment of 100+ unauthorized tents at the entrance to Santa Cruz, CA.  Why do young mothers not take small children to Santa Cruz parks?
Reality:  It’s probably the reverse — 80+ percent drug/ alcohol/ mental illness and 20 percent economic.
What do statistics say?
Take Away : The numbers show an overall decrease in homeless persons comparing numbers  first collected (2005) to the latest numbers (2017).  There were about 3,400 homeless in 2005 — and 12 years later — about  2,200 in 2017.
For communities to receive federal grant money for homeless issues those communities must count homeless persons every two years.  Communities  use the Point in Time method of counting.
Statistics collected by Applied Survey Research show that in 2005 there were 3,371 homeless and 8 years later in 2013 — the high point – there were 3,536. In 2015 the number was 1,964 and in 2017 it was 2,249.The statistics listed above can be found via United Way and from Santa Cruz County.
One size shoe does not fit all:
There’s a fairly new federal law that cities cannot displace homeless unless they provide a bed/ place for them. New York City shelters almost all of their homeless.  California provides services to 1/3 of all the homeless in the U.S.  — must be the weather and beaches? — and roughly 70% of the homeless are not sheltered. Thus we see encampments of homeless tents at the entrance to Santa Cruz, CA.
What say you? The government — and religious faith organizations — should provide long term house / housing space for all?
Fax Sen. Heidi Heitkamp re YES Kavanaugh!  Vote on Saturday Oct 6, 2018. See FAX numbers for North Dakota below: FAX does get to her. Her email boxes are full. So — FAX !!