Sexual abuse of 1 million US catholic children & what you can do?

protect the children from sexual abuse

Where is God?  Where was God during the 70 years that 1,000+  catholic children were abused by 300 priests in Pennsylvania?  No one protected those  children.

What can you do? What can all of us do? Let’s do more than just acknowledge the problem.  That is a start however.

August 14 2018 this was published

Pope Francis  August 20 2018 speaks   strongly:   we must acknowledge the truth and take on the pain. … and fight all forms of corruption he said.     Pope Francis calls for prayer and fasting.   And he calls that we  all fight clericalism.  What ever that means.     Read Pope Francis’s words.

What;s the response?  So what did the  local  catholic priest have to say  last Sunday?

In Aptos, CA  the the homily Sunday August 19 2018   was on the meaning of the Eucharist.   What was said in that homily  8/19/18:

Come to church to receive the true Body and Blood of Christ.  God is truly present in the  Body and Blood of the Eucharist — those  words summarize  the sermon preached Sunday, August 19, 2018   at Resurrection Catholic community.

The priest  emphasized, You need to come once a week to receive the true Body and Blood of Christ.

What was the response? About   1/3 took  the Cup.  Almost all  present came up and received the Bread.  About 5-7 children were present at this 6 pm Sunday  service. About 200 + persons were present (a guess).

Not taking the Cup more often than not — that is the norm in this catholic church.

Aptos Psychologist:  Yes priests prepare sermons ahead of time.  OK  so this evening  the priest spends the entire 10 minutes on the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist  — that God is truly present in Body and Blood.

Take Away

And the TakeAway from the sermon is that only the “real” stuff — the actual presence of God — is there during the Mass.  So do get to church at least once a week.

A church service – whether catholic or episcopal or other — has numerous opportunities for prayers for forgiveness and recognition of issues the church needs to face.

The issue of abuse of 1000 children by 300 priests in Pennsylvania  has been in the news all week.

Not to say anything  — during Prayers of the People, during Announcements and other times — is to fail to recognize the truth and fail to take on the pain that those children and their families experienced.

Yes — acknowledge the problem.  That’s a start.


Listen to hospital patients & stop staring at computers / adding data no one reads! Change the medical system?


LISTEN to patients in hospitals & stop staring at hospital computers!

Listen to hospital patients  & stop staring at hospital computers and  putting info into medical systems no one reads. Or rarely reads.  Wake up and get hospitals to wake up.

MD’s and nurses now spend heaps of time staring at computers — and little time listening to you.  Why?  Money they get.

Ever spend a week in a hospital recently?  Family and friends visit?

Dominican Hospital, Santa Cruz, CA:   What everyone sees — at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, CA for example — is nurses sitting in front of computers.l And patients principally see RNs when they come to give medications  — with their computer in front of them.

At Dominican Hospital the patient gets asked the same questions in the ER area and again when “admitted” to the hospital.   But later  — when leaving the hospital  — they do not have an easy way to leave with a copy of their records.  Yes there is a way  — but not readily available.

Listen.  And listen some more.  All this is Bad News for patients who do need someone to listen.  Patients need someone to touch. them.    And someone to be there with them.



Should illegal immigrants — who contribute to long lines at the DMV — vote in CA elections?


Long lines at  DMV in CA

Should illegal immigrants –who contribute to long DMV lines — vote in local and state elections in CA? The DMV

Latest DMV news:  The DMV  botched 23,000 voter registrations in 2018.

Speak up about long lines at the DMV.  Publicized by Jim Paterson of Fresno, CA.

Speak up!  Use your voice! Here’s how to Comment on  Active Measure 18-0005.

In CA, long lines at the DMV  are due in part   to thousands of illegal immigrants who are legally  permitted get driver’s licenses. Over one million illegal immigrants receive CA driver’s licenses.  San Francisco now allows illegal immigrants to vote in school elections.

Question:  Should  those illegal immigrants also  be allowed to vote in CA local and state elections?  Is it time to control our southern border with Mexico?

CA Democrats recently rejected Republican Assemblyman Jim Paterson’s request to audit the DMV.  And now we learn that the Democrat controlled legislature in CA has  has  special DMV office so the Democrats and other politicians  don’t stand in lines.

So  the Democrat controlled elite  CA legislature  get special treatment for themselves  while  the working class  “masses” stand in long  lines  — due in part to  the  one million  illegal immigrants permitted by CA   Democrats  to get driver’s  licenses. A million plus illegals do make for longer DMV lines.

Spokespeople for Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins did not respond to questions whether it’s appropriate for lawmakers to get special services at the Capital office.  Of course not.

You have until August 24 to Comment on whether only US citizens may register to vote and vote in CA elections.  Speak up!

My view:

I agree that only U.S. citizens can register to vote in California state or local elections. CA has a border with Mexico and thousands of persons illegally cross the border The statistics are staggering.

These illegals are citizens of other countries and their allegiance is to those countries — not to the U.S. Only people who stand in line and legally are permitted to enter and later go through the process of becoming a U.S. citizen should be permitted to vote in CA elections. Go Monterey Bay Forum for more discussion. All public comments are welcome there. Cameron Jackson

Below is the measure that will appear on the November 2018  ballot:  

Elections Code section 2001 is added to read:
2001{a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, only persons who are United States citizens may
register to vote and vote in an election held within the territory within which he or she resides and the
election is held. This section applies to elections held by the state and every subdivision of the state,
including cities, counties, charter cities, charter counties, charter city and counties, and districts.

written by Dr.Cameron Jackson, licensed psychologist in CA  (PSY14762).  Monterey Bay Forum welcomes new authors who know about northern California particularly Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties.   How to contact Dr. Jackson and other authors including Firenze Sage: 

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717




FAKE News published about your business on YELP — squelch it!

How remove FAKE news from Yelp

Someone publishes FAKE news about your business. What can you do?   Get that review removed! Get the FACTS straight.

Use Yelp rules  how to get fake, misleading and biased  news removed.    IF someone violates  the Content Guideline & Terms of Service –  those reviews can be removed.
Can you remove a review from Yelp?  Yes.
To delete, they can go to ABOUT ME -> REVIEWS and then click on the little garbagecan icon on the bottom right next to the review for your business. Deleting reviews can work on Ripoff Report, Google+, Yelp!, Facebook, Yellow Pages, YMLP and other review and map sites.

Remove Negative and Fake Reviews from Yelp, Google and Other Sites

What’s Palestine? [All Walls must go says Cory Booker]


All the Walls have to Go sign held by Cory Booker

Is  Cory Booker pro Palestine? Just not understand Israel’s need for a defense Wall?  Or just  fuzzy thinking? His denial does not hold up.

Senator Cory Booker was photographed holding a sign bearing a pro-Palestinian movement slogan. The image appeared on the Twitter feed of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a self-described “coalition of 330+ groups” working “for a US policy toward Palestine/Israel based on        freedom, justice, and equality.”

“From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go,” the sign read.

Trump Wall opposed by open borders Booker

Booker, however, claims he wasn’t aware that the sign called for an end to the border wall between Israel and the Palestinian territory, but rather only a U.S. border wall with Mexico.  

“In one instance, amid the rush, he was posing for a photo and was passed a sign to hold – he didn’t have time to read the sign, and from his cursory glance he thought it was talking about Mexico and didn’t realize it had anything to do with Israel,”


Firenze Sage opines:  Do you suppose  he [Cory Booker]  reads proposed legislation with the same acuity?


Power tends to corrupt, absolutely [criminalize plastic straws]

“We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives” says Santa Barbara politician

No Straw Man Here: The Mask Slips in Santa Barbara

Posted: 05 Aug 2018 08:52 AM PDT

(Steven Hayward)A little noticed detail in Santa Barbara’s recent drive to criminalize plastic straws, which culminated in the Santa Barbara city council taking testimony from a nine-year-old about the planetary menace, has come to light in recent days. During that council session, councilman Jesse Dominguez said the following in response to citizens who asked “what’s next?”:

“Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”


Firenze Sage opines:   This bozo [Jesse Dominquez]  got 1100 votes in his district and now wants to control the world based on the bogus “research of a nine year old.


“Tweets” connect hot weather with suicide by researchers spending your money


researchers spend your money examining “tweets” about heat and feelings about life

Tweets connect hot weather with suicide? 

  Based on an  analysis of “tweets” ….    

Researchers at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley predict that climate change will “likely boost suicide rates worldwide.”

The new study, published last week in the journal Nature Climate Change, “found very strong evidence that abnormally hot weather increases both suicide rates and the use of depressive language on social media,” lead author Marshall Burke told Berkeley News.

“This may be the first decisive evidence that climate change will have a substantial effect on mental health in the United States and Mexico, with tragic human costs.”   Tweet This

[RELATED: UC Berkeley study links economic inequality to climate change]

This, the researchers say, can be extended to form the conjecture that “unmitigated climate change” could lead to between 9,000 and 40,000 additional suicides in the United States and Mexico combined by 2050. According to the scholars, this difference is comparable to the estimated impact of economic recessions, suicide prevention programmes, or gun restriction laws.

“That’s an increase of several percentage points over rates today, which are actually rising as other causes of death decline,” UC Berkeley points out in its coverage of the study.

According to Stanford News, the team analyzed the language of more than half a billion tweets, finding that words like “lonely,” “trapped,” and “suicidal” are more prevalent when temperatures are higher, even among “rich populations” and those who “are used to warm weather.”


Firenze Sage opines:   This is supported by “strong evidence”  based on an analysis of tweets.

More likely the study is strong evidence of a waste of other people’s money which flows to pro global warmers.


Stop consuming Chinese made drugs? China fakes data & adulerates drugs


China fakes medical data & adulterates drugs

Check  your medications & make sure  that no drug  ingredients are made in  China.  Better safe than sorry.   Stay safe from Chinese made “adulterated” drugs based on fake data.  The following is based on a Letter in WSJ August 4, 2018.

In 2017, the most warning letters for adulterated drugs  issued  by the FDA (see went  to Chinese drug  manufacturers.  India was close behind.

One example:  the anti-hypertensive drug valsartin — made in China — was recently recalled,    One safe and simple solution, many cardiologists  moved  their  patients to a different medication. But what if you like varsartin and want made in USA medications?

One excellent resource in Aptos, CA  is Frank’s Pharmacy.   If  you or someone you know   likes  varsartin,   you can get USA made  valsartin through Frank’s Pharmacy.

China is now one of the biggest producers of drugs and drug products in the world.

Chinese drug  products appear to be   not trust worthy because info about them is   based on fake data.    Radio Free Asia reports that an internal review in 2016  by Chinese drugs regulators showed that the Chinese fabricated the test results.

One resource available through Amazon books and on Kindle is   ” China RX : Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine”.

Can someone explain why one  must pay via Amazon  $12 for a Kindle  electronic copy  of “China RX”   and $14  for a paper copy?   Shame on Jeff Bezos!

written 8/4/2018  by Cameron Smith Jackson, licensed psychologist PSY14762

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717

anti-white racism – really? Sarah Jeong newly hired by New York Times

  Why hire  Sarah Jeong for NYT editorial board?   Her writings ‘smell’ of  hatred (go Twitter & read) for   various kinds of people.

A rose by any other name is still a rose with a lovely smell.

Not a good ‘smell’ here.

If  Sarah Jeong of  Korean ethnicity made similar remarks of Koreans — as she has of ‘whites’— would the NYT  hire her? Nope.

Seek quality in thinking —not  this kind of ‘diversity’ — for NYT editorial content.
Sent by  current  NYT  subscriber Cameron Jackson


Upcoming Vigils at Richmond CA support Open Borders for ALL illegal Immigrants — Is this what CA needs? Go and decide


OPEN BORDERS for ALL  per  Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity

There’s several upcoming vigils at Richmond CA which  support Open Borders for ALL Illegal  immigrants  — is this what CA needs?  What the USA needs?

OPEN BORDERS for ALL is vital  according to Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity.  Really?

How come everyone wants “in” as a refugee to the USA and there’s no rush to leave the USA and  be a refugee elsewhere?  Why don’t we help people stay where they are and — if they leave — help them get back to their homelands, back to their culture, back to the world they grew up in, know and love?

Are  the “welcome the stranger” sermons  — frequently preached from many   church pulpits — used by the Open Borders crowd?  Maybe the persons preaching “welcome the stranger” sermons are the Open Borders crowd.

Here’s some useful info:   There’s three upcoming vigils for illegal immigrants detained by ICE at Richmond Detention Center CA.  Friday June 8, Sat. July 7 and Sat. August 8. Why not go and  you decide.

Why not have a vigil that represents more than one opinion?

Mother Deborah Lee  is the Executive Director of Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity.  Per reviews of Interfaith literature,  this group  mobilizes faith communities for immigrant, racial and economic justice.

This post will update regarding info about the vigils…..

Here’s a list of organizations that assist:
