Firenze Sage: hardworking taxpayers targeted again…. who ICE arrested recently in L.A. area

  Hardworking taxpayers targeted again…

Who are the persons   ICE arrested recently in the Los Angeles area?   Eighty-eight percent (88%)  of the 212 individuals arrested in the Los Angeles area this week for  ICE  immigration law violations were criminals with previous convictions.

Over the course of five days, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officers and special agents made the arrests and served 122 notices of inspection (NOIs) to businesses in the Los Angeles area of responsibility. This is in addition to notices of inspection issued to 77 businesses in northern California just weeks ago.


CAMPO, CA – MARCH 6: (NEWSWEEK AND US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT OUT) Mexican nationals who illegally crossed the California border are apprehended and handcuffed 1 mile inside U.S. territory by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents on March 6, 2006 in Campo, California. 

92%  — 195 of the 212 arrested included 1) convicted criminals, 2)  those who failed to leave the United States after being issued a final order of removal, and 3) those who returned to the U.S. after being removed.

More than 55 percent of those arrested were serious or violent felons or had been convicted on significant or multiple misdemeanors. Their crimes include child sex crimes, weapons charges, and assault.

ICE Deputy Director Thomas D. Homan remarked:

“Because sanctuary jurisdictions like Los Angeles prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, our officers are forced to conduct at-large arrests in the community, putting officers, the general public and the aliens at greater risk and increasing the incidents of collateral arrests.”

ICE focuses its enforcement efforts on individuals who “pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security.” This does not mean that any class of illegal aliens are exempt from enforcement actions.


Firenze Sage:  Rack one up for the good guys.


Firenze Sage: who is Elizabeth Carisle? fake name AG Loretta Lynch

  Stay on outlook for fake stuff:

Fake names used by top USA govt officials:  Illustrating how government hides information from the American public, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name to conduct official Department of Justice (DOJ) business in agency emails obtained by Judicial Watch. As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias Elizabeth Carlisle in emails she sent from her official DOJ account. In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”

This begs the question of how many other government officials use fake names and whether those aliases are searched when agencies process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Besides Lynch, we have only discovered the use of such aliases among government operatives to conduct official business at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Obama’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, famously used the alias Richard Windsor in a government email account to conduct official business and communicate with staff. Jackson even took required EPA computer training under the fake identity with the handle She eventually resigned over the scandal, which brought to light the agency’s violations of federal open-records laws.


Firenze Sage:  Did anyone in the Obama administration follow the rules?    More screw the  public from the most transparent admin in history.



which RAIL TRAIL best for people living in Santa Cruz County? Still time to tell the RTC what you think!

Which RAIL TRAIL best for people who live in  Santa Cruz County?

Do we want a wide TRAIL  that can handle electric bikes and wheel chairs and walkers or do we want  a narrow trail  along a high fence that preserves the rail tracks for a train that may never happen?

There’s still time for you to tell the Regional Transportation Center what you think.

Measure D — which passed in 2017  — preserves the current  rail tracks and permits only a narrow trail.

Maybe there’s a better solution?  Read and decide.

Click  here   for a comparison of the wide one versus narrow one.

Go to the link below to sign petition.

Thank you Dana Abbott, a gardener with Aptos Community Garden, for providing information.

written by  Cameron Jackson


You must pay union fees to get & keep a govt job? Your money supports political views you disagree with. That’s question Supreme Court will answer

You must pay union fees to get & keep a govt job? Your money  spent to  support political views you  fundamentally disagree with? That’s wrong.  This violates your freedom of speech rights.

For example, the SEIU  supported Obama in 2008 & 2012   and supported Hillary Clinton in 2016.   The SEIU pours millions of dollars into the Democrat Party each election cycle.   Why should  union dues you must  pay to keep your job be spent  for  politics you disagree with?

The Supreme Court hears a case on this issue starting Monday, February 26.  This is from the Wall Street Journal:

“Across the U.S., more than 500,000 state and local workers have objected to funding union advocacy but are nonetheless required by law to pay “fair share” fees to labor unions they have refused to join. The Supreme Court upheld the practice in a 1977 case, Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, reasoning that otherwise workers could “free ride” on the union’s collective bargaining. Prohibiting unions from charging nonmembers directly for political speech, it believed, would protect their First Amendment rights.

“On Monday the justices will hear oral arguments in a challenge to that 1977 decision brought by Mr. Janus. They should heed Justice Felix Frankfurter’s observation, in an earlier case on mandatory union fees, that it is “rather naive” to assume “that economic and political concerns are separable.” As Mr. Janus argues, bargaining over wages, pensions and benefits in the public sector involves issues of intense public concern and thus core First Amendment-protected speech. A state law that forces public employees to fund that speech violates their rights, no less than compelling them to speak. ( Janus v. Afscme doesn’t consider these questions for unions in the private sector.)

 “Other unions that held pro-Clinton rallies include the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union, which represents about one million public workers. The SEIU convention passed a resolution that the union will “elect Hillary Clinton” as president “by mobilizing millions of voters.” Unions and state governments maintain that nonmembers can be charged for these conventions because they are where the unions adopt bargaining strategies and representational policies.
Aptos Psychologist: Stop taking money from government workers’ paychecks.  People are smart and can decide for themselves what politics they want to support.

Firenze Sage: electrocute me or stab me but don’t boil me? [lobsters are protected in Switzerland]


boil a lobster? Not in Switzerland

It’s OK to electrocute or stab lobsters in Switzerland but you cannot boil them.

And you cannot punish barking dogs.  

Switzerland regularly ranks as one of the best places on earth to live. Beautiful scenery, picturesque cities, robust, friendly people, and, if you like winter sports, a winter wonderland.

But few nations outdo the Swiss in nanny statism. Their national legislature proved that again by banning the practice of putting live lobsters in boiling water. I guess the Swiss can’t stand the thought that in the few seconds it takes the lobster to give up the ghost, it might experience pain.

The Swiss banned the manufacture and sale of fois gras, the delicacy where geese are force fed to bursting in order to harvest their enlarged livers. But banning the boiling of live lobsters? That would appear to be another effort to micro-manage society.

The first national legislation of its kind in the world calls for a more humane death for lobsters, by “rendering them unconscious” before plunging them into scalding water. Two methods are recommended: Electrocution or sedating the lobster by dipping it into salt water and then thrusting a knife into its brain.

   The same law also gives domestic pets further protections, such as dogs can no longer be punished for barking.


The measure is part of the broad principle of “animal dignity” enshrined in Switzerland’s constitution, the only country to have such a provision. The constitution already protects how various species must be treated and specifies that animals need socialization.


Firenze Sage:  How do you stop a barking dog? Electrocute or stab him?


Sanctuary Cities Santa Cruz & Watsonville: Why not follow federal laws which permit ICE to arrest at Local Jails rather than go find them at home, work & in community?

   Sanctuary Cities Santa Cruz & Watsonville:  Why not follow federal laws on the books which permit federal authorities aka  ICE to arrest “bad dudes” in local jails rather than go find them in their homes, work place and community?  Santa Cruz has some of the highest rates of crime in California.

Let’s do what we can to reduce crime in Santa Cruz and Watsonville, California. Below is a link to a FOX news report on ICE activities.

National Statistics on Recidivism — who gets arrested again and again

Bureau of Justice Statistics studies have found high rates of recidivism among released prisoners. One study tracked 404,638 prisoners in 30 states after their release from prison in 2005.[1] The researchers found that:

  • Within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Within five years of release, about three-quarters (76.6 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Of those prisoners who were rearrested, more than half (56.7 percent) were arrested by the end of the first year.

  • Property offenders were the most likely to be rearrested, with 82.1 percent of released property offenders arrested for a new crime compared with 76.9 percent of drug offenders, 73.6 percent of public order offenders and 71.3 percent of violent offenders.

It’s time that local Santa Cruz county  politicians set policies that save fragile resources.

Per the FOX interview (see above link), the top ICE official says that ICE can process 10 inmates in  in one 8 hour  shift.  Vastly more time and resources are required for ICE  to find the”bad dudes” who were released back on the streets.

Connect with data bases so it’s easier to capture the truly “bad dudes” committing horrific crimes across the USA.

Currently ICE has access to local law enforcement databases, organized by states, such as Arizona and Texas, and metropolitan regions, such as the greater Seattle, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. areas. In Arizona, AZLink, the database that experienced the most DHS searches during this period, pools together information from numerous law enforcement agencies across the state.

The person-power required  for ICE  find the “bad dudes” released back into the community  is huge.

ICE targets individuals known to be at certain places in Santa Cruz and Watsonville, CA.    By putting the work on ICE  go find them in the community  generates fears concerning  who else will be picked up.

Releasing “bad dudes” back on the streets puts Santa Cruz county at risk of more crime.

The known rate for re-offending is over  high. Over 50% will be arrested again within one year.  So — by releasing the “bad guys” back on the streets local Santa Cruz and Watsonville Sanctuary City policies are directly responsible for more crime in Santa Cruz, Watsonville and elsewhere in the county.

Aptos Psychologist: 

Let’s hold our local Santa Cruz and Watsonville CA  politicians accountable.  Cooperate with ICE so that  the”bad dudes” — the really “bad dudes” — are put on ice and if appropriate deported. Let’s stop the revolving doors  at our local Santa Cruz and Watsonville  jails wherein those arrested are quickly put back on the streets.  What say you?

written  2/22/18  by Cameron Jackson


DACA kids, crime, illegal immigration & sanctuary cities …. what to do?

   DACA kids, crime and illegal immigration.  Yes,  legal immigration makes America great.  What to do about the 300,000 illegals including  those under the DACA program linked to crime?  Some 207 murders ….  
The vicious MS-13 gang, stifled under former President George W. Bush, exploded during the Obama era fueled by 300,000 illegals, including those given amnesty under the DACA program, and has now been linked to crimes in 22 states, according to a new report.Since 2012, 207 murders have been tied to the gang called “Mara Salvatrucha,” and there are over 500 cases nationwide of MS-13 members being charged in major crimes, according to the report from the Center for Immigration Studies.

But it can sometimes be hard to deport the illegals involved because about half of the crimes detailed in the report occurred in so-called “sanctuary cities” that do not cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

President Trump has pledged to crack down on the gang and deport those in the United States illegally, and report author Jessica M. Vaughan suggested that it can’t happen soon enough.

Detailing how the gang rebuilt itself under Obama’s open-border immigration policies, she said, “this resurgence represents a very serious threat to public safety in communities where MS-13 has rebuilt itself. The resurgence is directly connected to the illegal arrival and resettlement of more than 300,000 Central American youths and families that has continued unabated for six years, and to a de-prioritization of immigration enforcement in the interior of the country that occurred at the same time.”

The research she supervised at the immigration think tank found that MS-13 concentrations were in areas where so-called “unaccompanied alien children” were put under Obama, including Virginia, California, Maryland and New York. They included those participating in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals who Democrats in Congress are fighting for.

She cited an example of a Maryland DACA recipient charged with gang activity who urged pals in El Salvador to take advantage of Obama’s policies:

One MS-13 clique leader in Frederick, Md., who had received a DACA work permit and was employed as a custodian at a middle school in Frederick, Md., and who was recently incarcerated for various gang-related crimes, reportedly was told by gang leaders in El Salvador to take advantage of the lenient policies on UACs to bring in new recruits, knowing that they would be allowed to resettle in the area with few questions asked. Several of these unaccompanied minors now have been arrested and incarcerated for various crimes, including a vicious random attack on a sheriff’s deputy in 2015.

Crime, torture and theft are the trademarks of the gang.

“The MS-13 members identified in the cases we found were accused of very serious crimes, including 207 murders. More than 100 were accused of conspiracy/racketeering, and dozens of others were charged with drug trafficking, sex trafficking, attempted murder, sexual assaults, and extortion,” said the report. Vaughan is the center’s policy director.

The report noted the difficulty in seizing and deporting some of those involved because the crimes occurred in many of the 300 sanctuary regions in the nation that don’t cooperate with ICE.

“The proliferation of sanctuaries may complicate disruption of MS-13,” said the report. “Many of the hotbeds of MS-13 activity are also places where local officials have adopted sanctuary policies. These policies prevent ICE from working effectively with local law enforcement agencies. There are approximately 300 sanctuary jurisdictions in the country, and they include municipalities, counties, and states.11 About half of the MS-13 arrests in our case set (222) occurred in sanctuary jurisdictions,” said CIS.

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner’s “Washington Secrets” columnist, can be contacted at

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Freedom … to kill? No. Freedom from guns? Not possible. Freedom from violence due to mental illness? Possible.


Take away guns? Medicate persons with violent tendencies?

Murdering  kids at school, youth at universities, parishioners at church and  people at music events.  That’s become a reality of USA life in 2018.  What can we do? Yes there are things we can do.

Yes –  there are drugs that can medicate and control violent urges to kill self and other.

No — it’s not realistic to take away 300 million guns from the U.S. population. Take away the guns is the “answer” according to some.  That is not realistic. Perhaps making it illegal for gun sellers to sell guns that spit out thousands of bullets — that’s possible.

Yes — a number of states have enacted laws so it’s easy to lock up persons who may harm others or themselves (including California).

Yes — shoot back!  That works.   There are stun guns and taser guns and  a variety of ways to arm persons who can “guard” at public places, e.g.,  schools, churches, malls and other places where people congregate.

Yes — use modern surveillance cameras, drones and modern technology  to watch those with known histories of violent histories.   And permit law enforcement to keep track and monitor persons who  post  violent threats via  Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

So yes — let’s get real.  There are too many young men (so far just men) who choose to kill others.

We must control persons’s with known, long term histories of  violent  urges via appropriate medication and appropriate incarceration.

Don’t ask for a federal government solution.  States must experiment and do what’s right for their citizens.

written by Cameron Jackson


Firenze Sage: the case of the absent Native American Indian [Elizabeth Warren]


Elizabeth Warren claims to be an American Indian

  Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has claimed to be Native American, is conspicuously absent from a Tribal Nations Policy Summit this week.

The National Congress of American Indians Tribal Nations Policy Summit is taking place in Washington, DC, this week, and it features a whole host of politicians and high-profile speakers, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

However, Warren — the only U.S. Senator who has claimed a Native American heritage — is missing from the guest list. (RELATED: Reminder: Elizabeth Warren Lied About Being Cherokee)

Cherokee genealogists have traced Warren’s family history and were unable to find any ancestors that identified as anything other than white, but that hasn’t stopped Warren from doubling down on her claims, pointing to her family’s “high cheekbones” and plagiarized “Pow Wow Chow” recipes.


Firenze Sage:   Probably  Elizabeth Warren didn’t get back from her buffalo hunt in time.



Firenze Sage: rat tails for sale! Help! [invasive nutria rodent in CA that eats aquatic vegetation]

Nutria rats in CA eat aquatic vegetation and threaten wetlands & marshes — Help!

Nutria rodents.  California is facing a new immigration crisis, this time in the form of large, swamp-dwelling rodents called nutria. Golden State officials are actually asking for help to deal with this unwanted population.

Wildlife officials are asking California residents to report any sightings of nutria — an invasive rodent that eats so much aquatic vegetation that it threatens wetlands and marshes.


The California Department of Fish and Wildlife said Thursday it is trying to eradicate the rodents from the state because once established, nutria could cause loss of wetlands, damage to agricultural crops and levees, dikes and roadbeds.

It says more than 20 nutria have been found in wetlands, rivers and canals and in Merced, Fresno and Stanislaus counties.

Apparently, the nutria’s life consists of eating and mating. They can consume 25 percent of their body weight each day in vegetation, and a female can give birth to up to 200 offspring each year.

Nutria (also known as coypu) originally hail from South America. The species was introduced to the United States when Louisiana livestock entrepreneurs decided to farm them for fur in the 1930s. The attempts proved unsuccessful because the wily beasts tended to escape easily.

California officials may wish to review the way Louisiana has been dealing with their nutria problem, albeit in a typical red-state manner. The bayou-centered “Sportsman’s Paradise” offers $5 for every nutria tail brought in by intrepid hunters. Given how eagerly the homeless in California collect cans and bottles for the recycling fee, the swamp rats would rapidly go on the endangered species list.

Additionally, the Cajun cooks have perfected various recipes for this invasive species. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries asked the state’s chefs around to prepare nutria in a variety of ways, in hopes of sparking interest in the under-appreciated meat.


Firenze Sage:  Imagine,an unprotected species in California. The sky has fallen.

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