firenze sage–Black football player finds no racism in Mexico

Taking a knee  — during a football game in Mexico.

Before the NFL game in Mexico City between the Oakland Raiders and New England Patriots, Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch demonstrated an historic cluelessness.

Running back Lynch  takes knee protesting U.S. anthem in Mexico and stands for Mexican flag

Lynch, a regular kneeler this year during the playing of the national anthem before the games, actually stood for the Mexican national anthem — before protesting the U.S.  flag by taking a knee.

What  black football running back Lynch does not know about skin color and racism in Mexico –  skin color  dominates  Mexican society.

Overall, one’s skin color is the major determinant of that person’s place in  Mexican society- educationally, occupationally, connection-wise and status-wise. Dating back almost 500 years to when the Spanish conquistadors’ blood began mixing with that of the indigenous population, in Mexico lighter skinned people have been considered to be more desirable, more worthy and more beautiful than darker skinned individuals.

Just take a look at who is employed where. Generally speaking, the most sought after, best, most important and highest paid jobs are disproportionately filled by those that have the lightest skin. Lighter skinned persons dominate such professional fields as medicine, dentistry, engineering and architecture. The same can be said about the upper echelons of politics and in academia. Conversely, the lowest paying jobs and those with the least social status such as housekeepers/maids, construction workers, street vendors, restaurant kitchen workers, and public transportation employees are unfortunately the “birth right” of those with darker skin.

Nowhere is this racial/ethnic discriminatory dichotomy in Mexico  more visually apparent than in the worlds of entertainment and advertising. In the country’s numerous and popular telenovas/soap operas usually the lead roles are portrayed by light skinned performers with darker skinned persons normally portraying “subservient” roles as maids, cooks or gardeners or “villains” such as criminals.

How could that running back not know?  Get a bite to eat  for an hour in any small taco/ burrito shop in the U.S.  with Mexican music and TV playing.   One does not have to go to Mexico to see how light skin is depicted via TV.


   Firenze Sage:   It is not racism that is the problem. Let us start with ignorance.



“The Science Guy” Bill Nye on frozen heat


“The science guy”‘s  facts are wrong — on sex and frozen  heat

Minus 454 degrees — that’s really frozen — is ‘toasty warm’ says ‘the science guy’ Bill Nye.   Redditers were not fans of the answers Bill Nye “the science guy” gave in an AMA.

They grilled former children’s show host Bill Nye  for dodging questions and giving inaccurate answers.

Bill Nye held the AMA on Wednesday to promote his upcoming documentary. Nye says his goal is to end “anti-scientific thinking,” but Reddit users were left less than satisfied with answers “the science guy”  gave to their questions.


Redditers couldn’t resist going after Nye for saying science is “true whether you believe it or not.” Commenters quickly pointed to Nye’s less-than-scientific claim that gender is a spectrum, and not binary.

Right off the bat Nye got hit for saying 3 Kelvins was “toasty warm, referring to the temperature of space. One savvy commenter noted 3 Kelvins is about the same as   -454 degrees Fahrenheit.” That’s really frozen.


Firenze Sage:   Beware global warming experts in witch hats.


firenze sage—when is a corn pop not a corn pop? [breakfast cereal]

When is a corn pop not a corn pop?

 Kellogg’s will be redesigning Corn Pops cereal boxes after a complaint about racially insensitive art on the packaging.

The Battle Creek, Mich.-based cereal and snack maker said on Twitter Wednesday it will replace the cover drawing of cartoon characters shaped like corn kernels populating a shopping mall. The corn pop characters are shown shopping, playing in an arcade or frolicked in a fountain. One skateboards down an escalator.

What struck Saladin Ahmed was that a single brown corn pop was working as a janitor operating a floor waxer. Ahmed, current writer of Marvel Comics’ Black Bolt series and author of 2012 fantasy novel Throne of the Crescent Moon, took to Twitter Tuesday to ask, “Why is literally the only brown corn pop on the whole cereal box the janitor? this is teaching kids racism.”

He added in a subsequent post: “yes its a tiny thing, but when you see your kid staring at this over breakfast and realize millions of other kids are doing the same…”

Kellogg’s responded to Ahmed on the social media network about five hours later that “Kellogg is committed to diversity & inclusion. We did not intend to offend – we apologize. The artwork is updated & will be in stores  soon.


Firenze Sage writes:   Rice Krispies are anti Chinese ….  or is it cultural appropriation …. or maybe it is just breakfast?


Hilary Clinton’s chickens come home to roost? Who colluded with who?


Hilary Clinton’s  chickens come home to roost?

Hilary Clinton’s chickens   come home to roost? Who really colluded with whom?

Hilary and the Democrat Party colluded to create fake information [the Trump dossier] which — for the past year — has affected many people’s reputations.

For nearly a year, the media has pounded away on the narrative that Trump colluded and stole the election from Hilary.

Hilary Clinton’s  campaign message  for President  was simple and consistent:   Trump is not fit to serve.

Now we learn via the Washington Post 10/24/17   that  Hilary Clinton  ‘knew’ Trump’ was supposedly unfit because she  and the Democrat Party paid the bill to create  false info about Trump.

Hilary Clinton and the Democratic National Party (DNC) paid $9+ MILLION for Fusion GPS to pay Christopher Steele  to create the dossier on Trump.

What is Fusion GPS?    hiding? Fusion GPS describes itself as a “research and strategic intelligence firm” founded by “three former Wall Street Journal investigative reporters.” But congressional sources say it’s actually an opposition-research group for Democrats, and the founders, who are more political activists than journalists, have a pro-Hillary Clinton, anti-Trump agenda.

“These weren’t mercenaries or hired guns,” a congressional source familiar with the dossier probe said. “These guys had a vested personal and ideological interest in smearing Trump and boosting Hillary’s chances of winning the White House.”

Dirt digging by Fusion GPS:  Fusion GPS was on the payroll of an unidentified Democratic ally of Clinton when it hired  long-retired British spy   Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. In 2012, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to uncover dirt on GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. And in 2015, Democratic ally Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to investigate pro-life activists protesting the abortion group.


Take away:  Now we know why Hilary Clinton was so adamant that she ‘knew’ that Trump is unfit to serve.  She ‘knows’ because she paid lots of money to create false  information on Trump  via Fusions GPS.

Next step: Let’s  require Fusion GPS to open up it’s books.  We may learn a lot more about who colluded with whom when that happens.

Like exactly who profited from the sale of 20 percent of USA uranium to Russia when Hilary Clinton was Secretary of State.  Did Hilary  collude?

And,  why now is the Washington Post and its backers willing to throw Hilary Clinton under the bus?  Because she just won’t go away?

written by Cameron Jackson



Freedom NOW from ObamaCare!

Freedom NOW  from ObamaCare!

Americans are not stupid. They can  make informed choices.

Let people  choose their doctors and their  health plans.

What to do?  Legalize competition across state lines.  That will drive premium  costs down.

Give  ObamaCare  no money via the  Exchanges.  Let people opt out totally.  Let small businesses create their own collectives. Encourage Health Savings Accounts with families making the decisions how to spend their health dollars.

written by Cameron Jackson

Phil Gramm, Republicans, Stand up for Health Freedom  WSJ, Oct. 19, 2017

“President Trump has now created another such opening for compromise by announcing he will end ObamaCare’s cost-sharing payments to insurers. Without a constant injection of additional money, ObamaCare premiums will spiral upward, and the number of Americans who benefit from the program will continue to fall.

But the initial bipartisan bill, offered by Sens. Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D., Wash.), is more of a capitulation than compromise. It resuscitates ObamaCare but hardly provides a fig leaf for Americans who want their health-care freedom back—the very people who elected Republicans.

“Any agreement to restore funding for cost-sharing payments should be tied to provisions allowing families to opt out of ObamaCare and buy coverage that meets their individual needs. The compromise should also grant insurers the right to sell such plans independent of ObamaCare’s rules and its rigged risk pool.

“A money-for-freedom compromise would at last provide an opportunity to debate health-care freedom, something the public was denied by the great ObamaCare lie. If Democrats refuse to allow ObamaCare’s losers to escape in return for funding for the program’s beneficiaries, it will be Democrats who let the program collapse. Throughout the debate they will be forced to argue against the very health-care freedom they falsely promised when they adopted ObamaCare.”

the above is from an  article in the Wall Street Journal Oct. 19, 2017   by Phil Gramm  “Republicans, Stand Up for Health Freedom”


Do American kids want to wait on tables at seasonal resorts? 300,000 foreigners do!

In 2016, 300,000 foreigners  received J-I visas to work or study in the USA.

In the WSJ Oct. 5,  Herb Segal, USA (retired) raised the question, “Are these foreigners replacing native workers at lower pay?”

These 300,000 foreigners can  wait on tables, manage reception desks and perform housekeeping and  custodial tasks at seasonal resorts.

“Are there no native kids looking for work experience to fill those programs?” asks Herb Segal.

Underlying this issue is what Congress will do — if anything –  concerning  comprehensive immigration reform.

Today, Senator Corker  publicly stated that all or most  Republicans oppose the Trump agenda.  What say you,  is this  ‘insiders’ opposed to ‘outsider Trump’?


written  by Cameron Jackson


Free Speech! Know something about Aptos, CA or enviorns?


What do you know? Speak up about Aptos CA and enviorns

Free Speech!  Know something about Aptos CA or enviorns?

Your VOICE is welcome  here on Monterey Bay Forum  — a ‘forum’ for all views.

Licensed Psychologist PSY 14762 Dr. Cameron Jackson writes under her own name on issues including autism and psychology.

Other people chose to write under ‘pen names’ — and you can too. So long as you have some expertise on a subject and will be polite — you are welcome!

Speak up!  Free speech is precious.  And yes there are ‘consequences’ to free speech  — people may disagree with you.  And that, too, is a precious gift of our Constitution.

Location:  The Aptos CA and Santa Cruz CA area are located about 75 miles south of San Francisco, CA.

Housing:   The medium price for a home in Santa Cruz just surpassed $850 K  — up considerably in the last 3-4 years.

Traffic:    Traffic in this area has become …. impossible …. people now plan their day around traffic conditions.

Sanctuary Cities:   Santa Cruz as well as San Francisco are ‘Sanctuary Cities’ ….  which have  legal consequences for all.


written by Cameron Jackson


freedom ? — Trump, Hilary and the “swamp” in Washington square off…. who is winning?

Three issues:  immigration, taxes and health care.  Looks like  the “swamp” still runs Washingon D.C. The alligators are strong.

And the world keeps getting less safe in so many ways…. Las Vegas with 50+ dead and 500 sent to hospital. So sad.  So terrible.

Trump stumped for a physical   Wall to control illegal immigration,  he wants to  reduce taxes on the middle class  and Trump  wants to repeal Obama-Care.

Where are we?

So far, 10 months into his Presidency,  Trump   can’t seem  get much done on any of these three issues.  The ‘swamp’ [big time donors, the ‘establishment’ of both Democrats and Republicans] oppose Trump’s stance on all  3 issues.

Remember Hillary?  Hilary opposed a Wall, wanted  a single payer system of health care and said  she wants to soak the rich –  but who knows really what her policies would have been on taxes.

Freedom for the little guy.  The small business.  The lemon juice  stand.  People who want to start a business or grow one.  How can we help to  increase freedom?

And how can people safely go to a Country Western concert and just ‘hang out’ with friends listening to music that heals them?  How do we as a People heal …?

written  Oct. 7, 2017  by Cameron Jackson




Comcast, government, bureaucracy: Just keep ’em moving … what to do about The Big Shuffle?

Just keep ’em moving.  That’s what happens when you deal with  government and  bureaucracy.   Just try to start something new in a moribund organization — it won’t get off the ground.

Yesterday   — in Aptos, CA –  in a Parkinson’s support group a man  with severe Parkinson’s issues said to a government bureaucrat:

Can you help?  Whenever I contact Comcast I get the big shuffle …  Comcast used to come out and help when my service got messed up and now they do nothing …

And what did that government bureaucrat do?  Nothing.  He referred the man elsewhere.  Ah, yes, just keep ’em moving. That’s the  Big Shuffle.

What to do about COMCAST?   It used to be that they helped people who had problems. Now it’s just  ‘move ’em on….’

It’s not just COMCAST — it’s lots of organizations including churches.

You want to put a bench outside a church building?   You get referred to the architecture committee which does not meet officially anytime.

How about gathering up empty pill bottles and sending them oversees?  If the organization is moribund — those worthy  projects just don’t get off the ground.

What to do?  Don’t give up! Find a way!

written by Cameron Jackson




‘safe inside his alabaster chamber’ – Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

    ‘Safe inside his alabaster chamber’ – Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

Chicago can’t spare cops to investigate death of man ‘found floating’ in Lake Michigan.

Dispatchers tried to assign the drowning call around 2 p.m. But every 19th District cop was tied up, assigned to other duties–like watching the mayor’s house.

This may strike you as odd, but while that man was dying on the sand, there were seven cops doing essentially nothing in the same police district. Two were assigned to sit in front of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s house at 4228 N. Hermitage. Another two were committed to sitting in the back of the mayor’s house. Another two were assigned to a roving car that circles the mayor’s home. And the seventh was the sergeant in charge of the mayor’s castle guard.


Firenze Sage writes:   Rahm opposes gun permits for others. Rahm has more guards than a drug lord.
