Vermont Town: Mr Mayor YOU ARE FIRED!

Rutland-VT-WNHow many Syrian refugees are OK  for a Vermont town?

Former Rutland Mayor Chris Louras lost his bid for reelection on Tuesday, in what was described as a referendum on Syrian refugees. Louras, who had been a major proponent of resettling Syrian refugees in Rutland, lost to David Allaire, a “leading critic” of Louras’ plan.  Louras had served as mayor for the past 10 years.

Back in 2015, Louras announced that he hoped to bring 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees to Rutland, which has a population of about 16,500 (making it Vermont’s third-largest city).

Louras’ plan was controversial as he did not consult with other city officials before contacting refugee resettlement agencies.

President Donald Trump’s executive orders cracking down on immigration from Syria and other Muslim countries scuttled the town’s original   plan to re-settle 100 families.  Only two Syrian families made it to Rutland, Vermont.


Firenze Sage:   The people’s republic of Vermont can’t even handle the input.


wiretapping: Has dear olde Saint Obama done it before?

Obama's history of wire tapping
Obama’s history of wire tapping

Has  dear olde Saint Obama engaged in wiretapping other times — before Trump?

Former Ohio Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich defended President Donald Trump’s claims about being wiretapped by the Obama administration during the 2016 presidential election.

“It’s important because there are people who are saying about President Trump’s claim, ‘Oh, it could never happen.’ Well, frankly, it happened to me,” Kucinich told Fox News on Friday. Also on Friday, the former congressman penned an article on Fox News describing the incident — a phone call in his congressional office from a foreign leader had been tapped in 2011, and he listened to a recording of it in 2015.

“Members of Congress ought to be aware that my experience was that my phone wasn’t safe in a congressional office,” Kucinich, who served in the House of Representatives from 1997 to 2013, said. “Now, if they can do that to a member of Congress, they can certainly do it to a presidential candidate, and they can do it to private citizens as well.”

The former congressman learned that he had been wiretapped two years after leaving office, when he was approached by The Washington Times. “The newspaper’s investigative reporters called me, saying they had obtained a tape of a sensitive telephone conversation that they wanted me to verify,” Kucinich wrote. “When I met them at a Chinese restaurant in Washington, they played back audio of a call I had taken in my D.C. congressional office four years earlier.”Kucinich recalled that the call had been from Saif el-Islam Qaddafi, a high-ranking official in Libya’s government and a son of the country’s ruler, Moammar Qaddafi. “At the time I was leading efforts in the House to challenge the Obama administration’s war against Libya,” the former congressman recalled. “The Qaddafi government reached out to me because its appeals to the White House and the State Department to forestall the escalating aggression had gone unanswered.”


Firenze Sage:  Well so much for the most transparent govt in history.


Schwarzenegger: What’s a CA governor to do?

celebrity apprentice“I quit!” says former CA governor Schwarzenegger concerning his job with “The New Celebrity Apprentice”.

The TV show has been on for the last 15 years.  Schwarzenegger’s low ratings were mentioned recently  by President Trump during a prayer breakfast.


Monterey Bay Forum:  Can anyone remember what the former CA governor did  that helped California?    Somehow —   this makes for a chuckle.


Black children’s worst enemy?

readingLooks like black children’s worst enemy is …. black politicians.

Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond said, “I expect that Mrs. DeVos will have an incredibly harmful impact on public education and on black communities nationwide.”

Those and many other criticisms of Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos could be dismissed as simply political posturing if we did not have an educational system that is mostly mediocre and is in advanced decay for most black students.

According to The Nation’s Report Card, only 37 percent of 12th-graders were proficient in reading in 2015, and just 25 percent were proficient in math ( For black students, achievement levels were a disgrace. Nationally, 17 percent of black students scored proficient in reading, and 7 percent scored proficient in math. In some cities, such as Detroit, black academic proficiency is worse; among eighth-graders, only 4 percent were proficient in math, and only 7 percent were proficient in reading.

The nation’s high-school graduation rate rose again in the 2014-15 school year, reaching a record high as more than 83 percent of students earned a diploma on time. Educators see this as some kind of achievement and congratulate themselves. The tragedy is that high-school graduation has little relevance to achievement.

In 2014-15, graduation rates at District of Columbia Public Schools, just as they did nationally, climbed to an all-time high. At H.D. Woodson High School, 76 percent of students graduated on time; however, just 1 percent met math standards on national standardized tests linked to the Common Core academic standards. Just 4 percent met the reading standards.

The low black academic achievement is not restricted to high-school graduates of D.C. schools. The average black high-school graduate has the academic achievement level of a white seventh- or eighth-grader. As such, it stands as unambiguous evidence that high schools confer diplomas attesting that students can read, write and compute at a 12th-grade level when in fact they cannot. That means they have received fraudulent high-school diplomas. There are many factors that affect education that educators cannot control. But they have total control over the issuance of a diploma.


Firenze Sage:  Why would a passel of lying, useless, corrupt politicians not want its constituency to read? 



work from Obama’s new home: Valerie Jarrett

valarie jarrett

Personal life of Valarie Jarrett:   She married and divorced a doctor and has one daughter.  In 1983 Jarrett married William Robert Jarrett, son of Chicago Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett. She attributes her switch from a private to a public career to their daughter Laura’s birth and her own desire to do something that would make their daughter proud.[32]

To one reporter’s emailed question about her divorce, she replied, “Married in 1983, separated in 1987, and divorced in 1988. Enough said.”[32] In a Vogue profile, she further explained, “We grew up together. We were friends since childhood. In a sense, he was the boy next door. I married without really appreciating how hard divorce would be.”[32] William Jarrett died in 1993 at age 40, and at the time of his death was director of obstetrics and gynecology at Jackson Park Hospital.[33]


Image manipulation? Russian flag & Trump

russian flagWhat’s the Russian flag look like –  well, it’s red white and blue.  Guess what — let’s pull a fast one say  a couple young men.

One of the persons  the  behind the supposed “prank”   was paid in the past  by  Hilary Clinton to go disrupt Trump rallies.

trump name on flagThis appears to be  more stuff  from the left/ liberals who  wants to connect Trump somehow  to Russia and that somehow Clinton’s victory — supposed to be a given — was stolen wrongfully by Trump.  That’s the narrative.

One thing for sure:  now we know what the Russian flag looks like.  That Russian flag by the way has  only been around a couple decades.


Media: their job is to control exactly what people think some say

fake-news-pppListen up ….

Controlling “exactly what people think” is the job of the media, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski boldly declared Wednesday morning.

While discussing President Trump’s entreaties to the American people to remain skeptical of the press, Bzezinski worried that if the economy turns south, Americans may end up trusting him over the media.

“And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he  [Trump] could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think,” Brzezinski said. “And that, that is our job.”

SCARBOROUGH: “Exactly. That is exactly what I hear. What Yamiche said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters that I talk to who were Trump voters and are still Trump supporters.

They [Trump supporters] go, ‘Yeah you guys are going crazy. He’s doing — what are you so surprised about? He is doing exactly what he said he is going to do.'”

BRZEZINSKI: “Well, I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he [Trump]  can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job.”


Firenze Sage;  These totalitarians think this is what freedom of the press is all about. Journalism school or indoctrination camps?



hey mom can we go skating today? No, Trump built the rink

woolman-ice-rink-central-park-new-york Hey mom can we go skating  today in Central Park?  At the Woolman ice-rink?

No?  Why?  Because Trump built the rink.

A group of liberal moms at an elite New York City school torpedoed an annual ice-skating party.

Why?  Because Donald Trump rebuilt the  rink in the 1980s.

The picture below shows Trump in 1986 when the Woolman ice-rink in New York Central Park  opened under budget and ahead of schedule.

trump-woolman-rink-1986The Dalton School said that the  ice-skating event was shelved due to low participation.

reported anti-Trump sentiment is said to be the real reason the ice-skating caper was cancelled.  When The New York Post asked the school’s parent association president about the allegation, she refused to comment:

Dalton’s PA president, LaMae DeJongh, declined to comment — but sources said the low attendance was due to rampant anti-Trump sentiment at the elite prep school, which boasts alumni such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Trump repaired the ice-rink:  Before Trump took over the project in the 1980s, the Wollman Rink in Central Park was a symbol of government incompetence. The rink’s repairs and renovations went $12 million over budget, contractors botched the amount of concrete needed, and for six years the incomplete rink served as a lightning rod for the press to remind the Ed Koch administration how untamed things were in the city, according to Bloomberg.
When Trump finally took over fixing the Woolman rink in Central Park,  he finished two months ahead of scheduled and $775,000 under budget:

Firenze Sage:    This is almost as stupid as boycotting a hospital wing the Koch brothers donated. Liberals are mindless  — but, oh so principled.


Climate change: the roach coach is no longer a metaphor

cockroach-on-breadPrevent climate change by eating cockroaches? cockroach bread?

From the “ew! just ewwwww!” department of climate salvation, comes this idea that’s sure to catch on with people who are really concerned about reducing their carbon footprint.

Forget steak, forget Soylent Green, it’s roach-bread!

Looking for an easy, affordable way to get a high protein diet? Researchers of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) in Rio Grande do Sul may have come across a crunchy answer, although it might turn your stomach; cockroach-laced bread.

Just like peanuts: ‘Tasty’ cockroach bread may feed world’s population in climate change era

The threat of climate change looms large, providing a unique set of challenges for the future, including how we will feed an estimated 9 billion people by 2030. One group of researchers in Brazil has proposed a different, stomach-churning solution. Cockroaches made into bread.

“They remind us of ches[t]nut or peanut. They’re really good and tasty, and (their presence) does not affect the flavor of the bread,” said Myrian Melado, a researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande, as reported by AsiaOne.

The practice of eating insects, known as entomophagy, has existed for millennia but has been largely overlooked in the western world since the agricultural revolution.

However, as climate change continues to threaten the long-term viability of traditional livestock agriculture, scientists are once again turning to insects as a potential solution to world hunger both now and in the future.


Firenze Sage:  Just imagine Algore and Leonardo aloft in their gas guzzling jets serving roach ala Rio Grande.

