Stone & Weber seek to kill golden goose Proposition 209 which keeps CA color-blind & replace with racist policies of affirmative action

Assemblyman  Mark Stone and Dr. Shirley Weber   District 79 seek to  kill  the golden goose,  Proposition 209,  by passage of   ACA 5 which, if passed,  brings back the corrupt   policies of “affirmative action”.

Dr. Weber talks the talk that CA needs””opportunity for all” but Dr. Weber walks the walk that women and persons of color are those needing the opportunity and that quotas of “affirmative action” can deliver.

Read Dr. Weber’s Sample Letter which   she wants you to sign and  send back to  her.  The   phrase  “women and persons of color”  are the persons Dr. Weber  actually seeks to assist.

Under the cover of media attention  focused on  the  COVID-19 pandemic and the  riots, the Democrats  seek swift passage of ACA 5 through the CA state legislature  so  ACA 5 will be on the ballot in November.

Why is the golden goose — Proposition 209– so golden?  Proposition 209, passed in 1996,  made it illegal to use race as basis for decisions as to who got into CA state universities, who got contracts and who was hired for public jobs.  CA has been “color-blind” and the golden state has benefited enormously.

ACA 5 supporters seek to bring back “affirmative action” to CA.   Why bring back the  old, racist policies  of  “affirmative action” that use skin color as basis for decisions?   Why, given that Proposition  has been is a success story why replace it with failed policies?

The numbers clearly show that — because of  Proposition 209 — more minorities attend Univ. of CA state schools and very important more graduate.  Because of Proposition 209 students are better matched with colleges and thereby better able to succeed.

Recently returning to CA,  Ward Connerly  allies in 2020  with Asian Americans against  race discrimination.   Tenty-five years ago  Ward Connerly as a member of the University of California’s Board of Regents got an inside look at the “corruption” affirmative action introduces.  Connerly launched Proposition 209.

Mark Stone represents Santa Cruz CA and areas near by.   Let’s get Mr. Stone on the  KSCO 1080 radio so he can answer questions about “affirmative action” and why he thinks it’s time to kill the goose Proposition 209 that gives the golden eggs of thousands of success stories wherein students matched better with colleges succeed and graduate from schools in far greater numbers than before Proposition 209.   Why bring back the old quota system?  Is this really the way  forward for “women and persons of color” to succeed?

What say you?

written by  Cameron Jackson, Ph.D., J.D.    licensed psychologist  PSY14762





How help stop racism & keep CA colorblind? Stop ACA5 from passing …

How you can help  stop racism and keep California colorblind?

Pick up  a phone and call your legislature and oppose passage of ACA5 by the CA state legislature.

Assembly Constitutional Amendment N0. 5 aka ACA5 kills Proposition 209 which in 1996  made it illegal to consider race in making decisions who gets into CA state schools.  Proposition 209 has made it possible for far more minorities to enter the UC system and for far more to graduate.  The numbers are there which show that Proposition 209 is a success story.   More minorities go and more minorities graduate now thanks to Proposition 209.

For those living in Santa Cruz CA and near by your representatives in CA government are  Mark Stone   (916 319 2029) (831 425 2570)  and Bill Monning (916 651 4017) (831 425-0401)   are your representatives.

Another way to contact Mark Stone is via Facebook.  

Mark Stone is a co-author of ACA-5.  Per  telephone contact  6/2/2020  with  one of Mr. Stone’s Santa Cruz  field representatives,   Mr. Stone believes that getting rid of Prop. 209 is a good thing which  will create a level playing ground. 

How about an invitation?  One way to get some questions answered:    Let’s get Mr. Stone on KSCO 1080 in Santa Cruz  so locals can get answers to their questions.  Michael Z of 1080 attended UCSC  years ago.  From Mr. Stone’s Facebook page, why not invite him to speak on the radio via KSCO 1080? 

This is a crucial week for registering opposition to ACA5.    The Democrat controlled CA State Legislature  want ACA 5 on the ballot in November.  ACA 5 makes race central again in deciding who gets into state schools. Why the push now?  With the pandemic and riots dominating the news now,   it’s a  convenient  time  to push the race card and get ACA 5 on the ballot without even a vote in the CA Senate.

ACA 5 overturns Proposition 209 the successful ballot initiative passed in 1996 which made it illegal for CA to consider race for awarding contracts, in hiring for public jobs and in deciding who is admitted to  CA state schools. Ward Connerly, age 81, is back in the saddle working to join the fight against a new effort to overturn what he accomplished in 1996 and return race to the center of how decisions are made.

Those who care about a colorblind CA and that it remain that way can  join Wenyuan Wu’s organization Asian-American Coalition for Education. Wu’s organization   part of a broader  alliance of Asian-American groups trying to stop ACA 5.  Click here  to become a member of  Wu’s organization and fight racism in education.

Organizations that oppose CA proposed legislation  ACA5   include  a broad range of organizations:  the Asian American Legal Foundation,  Facebook group  Asians Not Brainwashed by Media and Fair  Chance for Asians to the Panda Kung Fu Center of the Univerisity of California, Chinese Alumni Association and Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation.

These associations have  organized against ACA 5 because Ms Wu says, “If it passes, Asian-American students will be further scapegoated and penalized in college admissions.”

Proposition 209 has resulted in more — not less — minorities graduating from CA state schools.  See below from Jacoby with

Antelope Valley Press who  writes Who are the enemies of 209?

“In the University of California system, four-year graduation rates of underrepresented racial minorities rose from 31.3 percent [before Proposition 209] … to 43.3 percent during 2001-03. In 2014, underrepresented racial minorities’ four-year graduation rate rose to a record high of 55.1 percent.”

Jacoby continues:  “And what is true of graduation rates is equally true of enrollment. Both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of all admissions, there are more minority students on University of California campuses than ever before. The charge that Proposition 209 “stymied” diversity in California’s public higher-education system, Wu says flatly, “is simply untrue.”

“Last summer, the University of California system admitted the largest and most diverse class of freshmen in its history — without resorting to racial quotas. Fully 40 percent of the new undergraduates, reported the Los Angeles Times, were African-American, Hispanic, or American Indian.”

So why are the Democrats in Sacramento pushing ACA5 now?  Because with the pandemic and now riots it’s easy for the Democrats to push it through.  So they think.  So  — pickup your phone.  Call your representatives.  And call radio stations in your area.

Democrat  fat cats in CA state legislature go after the mouse  of Proposition 209 which  in 1996 made it illegal to consider race in awarding contracts, in hiring and in school admissions.

The  Democrat  cats running  state government in CA  go after  Proposition 209  ‘mouse’ ….    Run mouse run!  Run for your life!    Most ‘experts’ expect ACA5 to win if it makes it on the CA  ballot in Nov.  That’s why it’s important to act now.  Pick up your phone?   What say you……

written by Cameron Jackson






A COVID-19 “Kiss” – Keep it simple & help re-open your town

Keep it simple —  here’s some ways that   you  can help  open your CA town or city.

It’s what you do –  and what you tell your government to do — that will get the economy humming again and do so safely.

Rule #1:   Expect zero from the government and  figure out what you can do each and every day to solve  problems related to  management of COVID-19. It’s what you do — not what the government tells you to do — that matters.

Every town is different.  The following is about Santa Cruz CA and their local paper the Santa Cruz Sentinel. Santa Cruz has lots of tourists and a  U.C. facility.

A “take away”  from reading  several stories in the 5/29  Santa Cruz Sentinel:   Local  government bureaucracy grinds on and on  doing little  to re-open the economy.  Local health officials trend along with what state officials say to do.

Put the  three  5/29  Sentinel stories  regarding  COVID-19  together  and you read that Santa Cruz County Public Health Officer  Dr. Gail Newel  is miffed that  Gov Newsom did not do as she expected. “The  governor is not following the cadence that was expected” she says.”  That’s a low whine.  Gail Newel  thinks Santa Cruz has taken “a very thoughtful approach” and now working “fast and furious” to re-open.   Don’t hold your breath, Santa Cruz folks.  This  local public health officer   is part of the ‘too little and too late’ crowd.  More businesses will flounder. There will be more domestic abuse.  And more depressed kids.

One wonders why  Santa Cruz County has such a low death rate from COVID-19. Is it low because of how the health officials count?     Health official  Gail Newel says that the state health statistics which currently  list 3 deaths and not 2  for Santa Cruz County are in error because the third death  had the virus but that person  did not die from the virus.    

So when a cluster of elderly living in a Santa Cruz county group home who have diabetes and high blood pressure and obesity die after infected with COVID-19 from a staff person that means those persons did not die from the virus  but rather from their pre-existing conditions and therefore should not be counted in the local  COVID-19 count? Is it the way in which Santa Cruz County health officers  count deaths?  A way  that makes for such a  low count?  

How many residents in any Santa Cruz county long term facility have  died since COVID-19 (early Appril) became a serious health problem?  Were any of those persons tested for COVID-19? Since testing is not mandatory  for long term  health facilities / nursing homes and only now, three months into the pandemic, state government suggests that a  testing plan be made …. There is no easy way to know how many have died due to the virus while living in a nursing home.   

Look elsewhere how COVID-19 deaths are counted.  All over the USA health departments are counting deaths which include a positive COVID-19 test as a death due to the virus.  But not Santa Cruz County according to health officer Gail Newel.

Rule #2:  Isolation is bad for the soul and hard on people.   We punish people by locking them up — remember that.     Do what’s sensible to stay  mentally healthy.

Take specific actions that put money into other people’s wallets.  Deliberately buy take out to help local restaurants stay afloat.  Go to hardware stores and stock up on items you will need in the future.

Drive around in your car  and smile and say hi and count those ‘contacts’ as part of your social routine.  Remember who and why you smiled at others.   Those smiles break  social isolation. Yours and other people’s. You help others and yourself when you smile.  Not a crocodile smile but a real smile from the soul.

Rule #3: Set a daily schedule for yourself  that includes what we have learned helps manage COVID-19:   Take  your daily temperature before and after your in-home or out-of-home  work.  Yes you should have a daily  “work” routine.  Wash your   hands frequently  with soap and water.  Keep your hands off  your face as COVID -19 gets into your body  via eyes, nose and mouth.  Keep your distance from other people as best makes sense socially.  Masks?  You figure it out.  Just another way to control people, for sure.  They are easily contaminated.  You breath in the CO2 you just exhaled.

Rule #4:  Learn how to advocate for the most vulnerable who are the most likely to get COVID-19 and die from it.  Remember — 40-50% of all COVID-19 deaths occur to elderly persons with pre-existing conditions who are  living in long term  nursing facilities.  Since that is where the bulk of deaths occur it only makes sense to do all that’s possible to ensure that staff are healthy and residents are tested and isolated from others when they test positive.

  What you will learn from the news  in the Santa Cruz Sentinel  is that  CA government has done squat — nothing — to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable citizens.  There are no required testing, isolation and contact tracing plan  of all residents and all staff persons.

Learn how to advocate for persons in  your CA town and city.   Those are our veterans, retired folks, farm workers and others  who are cared for by a variety of persons.  Staff   persons   help get the elderly to the toilet,  help feed them and when necessary may  diaper them and  routinely give medicines to them.

Remember two thirds of all Americans take 3+ medicines  on  a daily basis.     These  nursing home staff persons have close physical contact with the vulnerable elderly. And if the staff have symptoms it’s easy to pass along the virus to the residents.

How to  advocate for our most vulnerable that are in group facilities?  Go visit these long term housing facilities.   Call them.  Contact them any way you can.

In the Santa Cruz Sentinel 5/29 had the  following:  The State Department of Public Health issues a letter saying facilities should draft  testing plans for all residents in settings without cases and all residents who have been exposed to the virus. That this Letter  says it would be a good thing …. means that three months into the pandemic our CA  state government and local  government have no standards in place and no ‘blue print’ to offer so testing, isolation and finding others exposed  is routinely done of persons in long term facilities.

One way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to require daily temperature  testing of  staff  and that they fill out a brief questionnaire  as to possible symptoms they had during work.    Couple monitoring of staff with   appropriate testing of all residents.

Santa Cruz County has about 10-12 long term care facilities which care for about 1,066 persons. The staff that care for them are not highly paid R.N’s but LVN and others without letters after their name.  They may or may not be trained in how  COVID-19 spreads.  Some may live in crowded living conditions which exist in pockets  throughout Santa Cruz County.  Keeping a close watch on symptoms by staff and residents is crucial to keeping our most vulnerable safe.

Another way to reduce   COVID-19  is to take the needed tests to the  facilities.  That way testing of staff and residents  will be frequent and regular.     A handful of churches in mid-County  currently  fund a truck which provides showers for the homeless.  That’s been going on for a year or so.   What about a  truck that  would go  around to the long term care facilities and brings test kits  to these facilities?

Now is the time to politely ask  your  county  health officer and other government officials  to provide  immediate and regular  testing of all staff and residents of local nursing homes.

As individuals we can do lots to stop COVID-19 in its tracks.  Government can test and should test immediately and regularly those most likely to die from it — the elderly with pre-existing conditions.

What say you? What  do you suggest  that can help re-open your CA town  safely and now?

written by licensed psychologist Cameron Jackson


COVID-19 death rate lowered to about double that of flu

The COVID-19 death rate  was lowered recently  by  the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  to  about double that of flu.    The lowered death rate for the virus is vastly   lower from the initial 2+ million that were estimated to die from COVID-19. Currently, 5.4 MILLION have contracted it and 348 thousand have died world wide. 

A thought:  We don’t  close the  entire USA economy because of the flu (which kills between 30-60 THOUSAND a year)  and, had  the CDC and public officials known  the correct numbers,  we would not have closed the entire USA  economy over a death rate  double the flu.

Given what we know now — that  COVID-19 has a double the flu rate — what stops or slows the  re-opening up fully and quickly?

Politics?     Democrats are looking  ahead to  the USA  2020 elections.  Back of their minds:  How can the Democrats get votes by blaming Trump?

Remember, the original numbers  estimating COVID-19 deaths were based on computer models.    The real numbers that suggest a death rate similar  to flu  are based on data of actual deaths.

The same Democrat run states –  including California  and New  York –that are loudest in demanding a USA  federal rescue have hurt themselves  the most with long, strict lockdowns and tax spend policies.

Blue states run by Democrats  reopen slower.  They represent about 1/3 of the economy.  About 2/3 in New York and New Jersey  half of leisure and hospitality jobs in CA disappeared between Feb. and April compared to  43% in Florida.

Is this a political tactic?   People dependent upon the government  for groceries and rent are more likely to vote Democrat in the 2020 elections.

Some churches in CA have pushed back and the Gov. has changed course.   CA Gov. Newsom  relaxed rules which will allow churches in CA  re-open with strict rules.  Various CA  churches  have sued  Newsom and planned to open by  May 31, Pentecost Sunday.

So what to do when out in public?    Wash hands and social distance.  Those changes  seem sensible.

Wearing masks seems problematic.  Taking in clean air is a lot harder to do with a mask on.     Persons with breathing difficulties  will have even  more difficulties.   The USA has lots of children with asthma issues.   Turning one’s head  and covering one’s mouth are easier to do  and these were practices taught eons ago.  Those practices  could be resurrected.

Don’t forget where the COVID-19 virus came from:  China.  Chinese officials and politicians  locked down China and protected their country   from the virus and at the same time they  loosed the virus on the world. Now over 190 countries have dead citizens because of Chinese policies.

Will China be held  accountable? If we can’t change China we can change our policies.  Let’s make sure our medicines are made in the USA and not in China.

Your thoughts?    email 





Do what we need to do — shelter in place for weeks as Gov. Newsom says?

Gov. Newsom says it will be weeks before he modifies CA’s mandatory stay-at-home order.   Government has to do “what we need to do” before relaxing the order. says Newsom.

That’s an awfully nebulous  standard for a CA  Gov.  to use to make decisions that affect 40 million citizens.

Some entities   have pushed back. Police chiefs in Modoc and Humboldt  Counties refuse to enforce CA  Gov. Newsom’s order to close beaches.

Trinity Covenant Church  in Aptos, CA    starts real services  Sunday,May 3 – including celebration of  the Body and Blood of Christ  – in their parking lot instead of their auditorium    Church elders  talked   through issues with  local government officials about their decision.

What do we really  need to do right now?     In my view, we need to  grow  the  economy and socialize  as a society as we largely did.

Remember: The overwhelming evidence   suggests   that the people most susceptible to the virus are the elderly with preexisting medical conditions.   So why target everyone else for confinement?   Because “we need to do it” says Gov. Newsom.

Gov. Newsom’s policy to continue sheltering in place for many more weeks  harms  40 million people in CA.  His policy promotes dependence on government.     Does  Newsom  want more people fleeing CA for a place in some state  where they can have a business rather than rely on welfare?  Over 1/3 of all persons on welfare already reside in CA.   Roughly 13.3% of CA residents live in poverty.

And, why did  CA Gov.  Newsom buy all those masks from China  –whose politicians exported chronovirus to 192 countries?

People have the right to petition their government  for redress of grievances — on the beach and in the public square. The “experts” were and are wrong about number of supposed deaths in USA (2 million was estimate originally). Businesses have seen their livlihoods  collapse as  their income turn to zero.

CA hospitals are relatively empty and the back up places for additional hospital care are being put to other uses in Santa Cruz, CA.  Across the USA hospitals are closing  and   going broke as they have not been able to do elective surguries and their beds are largely empty.

It’s time now  that the  health care “experts” (Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx)   took a back seat to “what to do now” to open up the economy and let people lead lives as close to normal as possible.

What say you?   write




Over kill reaction to corona virus? 40 have died …half from one facility

Overkill reactions n to the corona virus?   Are you hoarding toilet paper?  Hiding toilet paper in your safe?  Come on now ….

Roughly  40 persons in the  USA have died from the Corona virus, about half who died are in one nursing home in Seattle, Washington.

The most vulnerable to succumb to the virus  are older  persons over 60 with respiratory issues and chronic illnesses. Roughly half of those who have died are from one facility in Seattle, WA.

One local Santa Cruz MD predicts that one MILLION persons in the USA alone  will die from the virus.  Based on what facts?  That’s an overkill reaction.

What does  make  sense to do:

  1.   regularly and frequently  wipe down using disinfectant wipes those   surfaces people frequently touch  (door knobs, church pews, tables, railings)
  2.  regularly and frequently wash hands 20 seconds with soap and water
  3. practice ‘social distancing’ so less exposed to coughs
  4. stay home when  sick or think you are getting sick

The stock market plunged down to levels where there are good stocks to buy.   One area to consider are consumer goods companies which produce disinfectant wipes.  For example,  Clorox wipes are  made by a CA company  with 8,000 employees. Clorox is a a subsidiary of Proctor and Gamble.  So — why not  invest in America’s need for more disinfectant wipes to keep surfaces clean?  The Motley Fool recommended buying Proctor and Gamble today 3/12/2000.

written by Cameron Jackson 3/12/2000



Socialized murder kills people


socialized medicine killed Princess Diana as France has no trauma specialists and she was left in the tunnel over an hour

Princess Diana died because of socialized medicine.

Author Dr. David Schneider, an orthopedic surgeon from Colorado, explained how with socialized medicine, wait times for care “are disastrous.” In Canada, the wait time to see a specialist is two years, and then another two years to get the procedure.

“People in this country would go crazy if you were told you had to wait four months,” he said.

Then he explained how Princess Diana would be alive today, if not for socialized medicine. “Princess Diana was in the car accident in France,” he explained. “They actually don’t have any trauma specialists in France.”

“For the first hour after that accident, she was still in that tunnel,” he continued. “And after an hour, they took her to a nearby hospital and she was alive for another three hours and they couldn’t control the bleeding from her pulmonary artery.”

Schneider explained that “there were no trauma-trained people there.


Firenze Sage:   Bernie Sanders  learned nothing from his trip to the Las Vegas cardiac unit.   In many countries he’d still be awaiting treatment. Can you imagine heart surgery in Havana?


Ignorant know it all ladies of The View support jobs for Biden’s family in govt

Know it all ladies of The View  support  jobs for Biden’s family in govt

Ignorant know it all.  After Joe Biden’s shocking victories on Super Tuesday the ladies of The View are already finding jobs for Joe’s family members in government.

Certainly, Hunter Biden will find himself a job.


Whoopi Goldberg on Wednesday pushed for Jill Biden to be the next Surgeon General, saying, “She’s  a hell of a doctor.”

Jill Biden has  master degrees  in education —  no degrees in  medicine.
Democrats don’t care.


Firenze Sage:  Why bother to look something up when you know it all.


Liz Warren schools us …. [she cracks down on school choice]

Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pledging to crack down on school choice if elected, despite the fact that she sent her own son to an elite private school, publicly available records show.

The 2020 presidential candidate’s public education plan would ban for-profit charter schools — a proposal first backed by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders — and eliminate government incentives for opening new non-profit charter schools, even though Warren has praised charter schools in the past.

“To keep our traditional public school systems strong, we must resist efforts to divert public funds out of traditional public schools,” Warren stated in her plan.

Warren has pledged to reduce education options for families, but she chose to send her son Alexander to Kirby Hall, an elite private school near Austin. Tuition for Kirby Hall’s lower and middle schools — kindergarten through eighth grade — is $14,995 for the 2019-2020 school year. A year of high school costs $17,875.


Firenze Sage        If our “traditional schools”are strong why  are yours in a private wigwam?

Copyright ©2016 Deborah M. Zajac

[Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren  sent her son to private school …]


Annrae Angel or Ari Symons for Santa Cruz judge in 2020?

Annrae Angel says why she — not Ari  Symons — should get your vote for  Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge in 2020 elections.  Egregious conduct by  judge Symons running a red light    is the issue,  says Angel.

Attorney Annrae Angel  spoke  10/30/19 at the  monthly meeting of  Santa Cruz Repbulicans. 

Read  “the facts” of  the Symons case  as  gathered by the CA state    government Commission on Judicial Performance.    The Commission  meets  behind closed doors  and  allows  no questioning of “the facts”  before reaching their “conclusions”. Closed door proceedings without input raise multiple  red flags for me.

Should you,   as I do,  think this Commission has overstepped it bounds, tell them what you think. See the form which you can fill out complaining about a judge.    How to complain to the government entity which appears to target people wrongly?  Petition your government.

Ari Symons said that  she  ran the red light. Think  of the Simon game  many people have played.

Ari Symons clicked the Red and  played  the game straight.    ‘I did it!’ she told people immediately.   Symons   told co-workers  the truth.  She ran the red.

When someone says repeatedly that they did it, that they ran the red light and that the  moving vehicle  violation ticket is their –how can that be a viewed  by the  watch dog  government entity  as a  ‘cover up’ or considered  ‘egregious behavior’?

Rather, overall this appears to be  the Democrats  in Sacramento targeting an individual.   Perhaps it would be better if CA was not run by the Democrats?

Per the “facts” as stated  by the Commission, Ari Symons told  co-workers that  she  ran a red light   that morning.   Some time  later Symons  wrote  letters saying she was the one who ran the red light. Later, things got   muddled between spouse Michael and wife Ari. Not every spouse does what the other spouse wants, correct?  So says Symons concerning overall handling of the red ticket.       Ari Symons   made mistakes how the matter was handled.   Symons   has admitted her mistakes.

Aptos Psychologist:   These facts and the others listed by the Commission for Judicial Performance    don’t add up to “egregious conduct” by  Ari  Symons.

And,  the CA state  government should not get away with wrongful behavior.    Come on, government Commission for Judicial Performance   Do  better! Or disband, re-group,  and  re-fresh your standards.  Don’t target individuals.  Play the game straight.

This entity. the  Commission on Judicial Performance,  meets  in San Francisco Dec. 4-5, 2019 and Jan 29-30, 2020.  Phone:   415 557-1200  FAX 415 557-1266 Three members   of the Commission — Nishimura, Capozzi and Torres — can be replaced immediately as they have exceeded the number of years they can serve.

Tell our state  government   to add new members to the Commission on Judicial Performance  who will act honestly and with integrity.  Make sense?

written  10/31/19  by Cameron Jackson 

