PVUSD lost $410 K as students refuse to attend one day — Watsonville, CA sanctuary city
Sanctuary city Watsonville CA school district  PVUSD  lost $410 K  school revenue in one day  —  because 7,600 students failed to attend school on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017.
Changing the Bylaws have consequences – some un-intentional.
Elections have consequences — nationally and locally in Aptos, CA.  Likewise, changing the laws have  consequences.
And some un-intended consequences from changing the laws  should be carefully considered.
Is freedom of assembly useful to redress grievances? Â Yes.
At the national level,  President-Elect Trump plans for the Pentagon to have much greater say in how to manage combat against Islamic jehad terrorism. No longer will the battle field be managed, as it was before,  per President Obama’s direct  decisions. (WSJ, Sat. Dec. 10, 2016 Pentagon to Show Trump Tougher Options).
At the local level in Aptos, CA,  an episcopal church — St John the Baptist Episcopal in Aptos, CA —  recently changed its  church Bylaws  as to  A) who is a Member and  B) who can be elected to the board of directors.
And — probably — there will be some  un-intended consequences at the church level  because of  the 2016 Showalter Bylaw revisions:
*  a reduction in the number of  members on the church rolls;
* an increase  in unilateral power exercised by the priest;
* less overall  participation/ connection by those who attend.
The  revised  Bylaws take effect Jan 1 2017.  The Bylaws  affected  who was nominated  in the Dec. 4, 2016 elections.
Per the “old” 2014 Bylaws:  The simple, basic  standard used to be that any baptized adult is a member of the Parish.  There are 4 categories. You only have to meet one category to be a Member.   If you are in category A or B or C or D then you are a member of the Parish.  No if’s or buts about it!
How the changes in Bylaws  came to be: The interim priest thought revisions were in order and he  created a committee of  three (3)  including himself (aka Showalter 2016 Bylaw revisions).
An aside:  It appears that the Showalter 2016  Bylaw revisions break a rule of thumb:  don’t set a  difficult to meet, new standard.   The Showalter 2016  revisions are difficult  to meet  because — more than likely — some current Vestry members don’t or cannot meet the  new standard and many long time  pew sitters cannot.  Seriously, when was the last time that the Vestry was polled — and the records provided — to determine whether  each  Vestry member is listed  on the Parish Registrar?  That’s  probably never happened.
Another major dificulty: Imagine the sheer dificulty of rustling through folks’ giving records to figure out who is giving what to where over  what period of time.
Per the 2016  Showalter Bylaw revisions,   to be a member one must be “registered on the Parish Registrar as a baptized Communicant of the Parish …”  and …. and. …. and…. and…
Meet all the “ands”  in the Showalter 2016 revisons  and then you’re a  Member.  That is a substantive change.  Supposedly, no substantive changes  were to be part of the 2106 Revisions.
That’s not cool!  Don’t say no substantive changes in the revisons  and then make them. But, per the Nov. 2016 Vestry meeting, the church agreed to substantive changes.
What to do about all this?  Try the following:  Why not  walk up to someone on the  church Vestry  and inquire:
Do you know whether you actually are on the Parish Registrar?
Have you opened the Parish Registrar  and checked?
Do you support a  Parish church law that all voting Members must be on the Parish Registrar?
And what  do you think about the following scenario:  Next year at election time,  we  shall we all stand in line ( just like national elections) and “someone” will determine whether we meet the “standard” so that we can vote? To vote in a national election you go to a place, you say who you are, someone looks up your address and you sign on the line that you are you.
So –  before voting in 2017  the St. John the Baptist Episcopal church  election committee will check to ensure:
A) that the  name is on Parish Register?
B) that name is on Treasurers books as contributed to the un-designated general fund for the last six months?
C) that  the person is known to have taken Communion 3 times this past year? Only the Priest can verify this, right? More power will  wielded by the priest with this requirement.
D) that this  person is baptized and over  the age 18?  Maybe best for potential voting Members to bring a picture ID?
So. Â what can you do? Â The usual: Â Â Petition your government!
Freedom of assembly is a right Americans have to petition their government. Â To petition a church government there needs to be a determination of how many members there are and therefore what constitutes a quorum. Â Thus, Â changing the meaning of Member has significant consequences.
So who is a “member”?  There’s about 227 families listed on the church directory.  How many of those 227 families  are listed on the Parish Registrar? That informaton should be publicly available.  How many give to the Building Fund but do not give to the Un-designatged Fund?  Many people put Cash in the Plate as their way of giving.
Just discussing the above issues suggests why it’s best to simply keep the  2014 “old” Bylaws which have four (4) categories whereby persons from all those categories  are all Members.  The “old” 2014 Bylaws per Member  is an  inclusive standard  which has worked. Why ‘fix’ what’s not broke.
Elections have consequences.  And, changing the  church Bylaws  have consequences  — and some not so good,  un-intended consequences.
Basic questions  to  answer:   Who is a member of the Body of Christ?
Must  members of the Body of Christ have to pay to pray?
Written by Cameron Jackson   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
 Blasphemy. Ah, what’s that?  Quote the Quaran and go to jail?  It may be 5 years  jail time for  Christian politician Ahok in  Indonesia,  which is 90% Muslim.
 If sharia law becomes acceptable in the USA — could USA citizens be charged with blasphemy?   Geeze!
What did Ahok  do?  Ahok, a Christian,  quoted the Quaran in public.  That’d  be OK if  he was Muslim — but he is a Christian. All non-believers are “kafirs”  includiig Ahok. Everyone except Muslims are un-believers.
Recently, Â Ahok was on the cover of Forbes in Indonesia. Â He could be in for trouble big time. Â Â
So what’s “blasphemy’? For Islamics in Indonesia,  “blasphemy”  is  profane talk.  Irreverence.  Which includes  the actions of a  nonbeliever or “kafir”  quoting the Quaran.
In Indonesia, the maximum punishment for ‘blasphemy’ is five years imprisonment.
Transparency.  People want it in government.  Also needed in the process of selecting  church leaders.
 Let people know what’s going on as it’s going on.  People want to know.  And they should be able to know.
What is needed — but not happening — to select the next Episcopalian priest  for St. John’s  n Aptos, CA?
Need transparency. Provide accurate information.  Get  real involvement of the congregation  in an  on-going basis.
So far that’s not happening at St. John’s in  Aptos, CA.
What  the head of the Search Committee  told the Vestry  [Board of Directors]  of an Episcopal church in Aptos, CA  10/26/2016:
“You, Vestry,  will get three names.  Shortly before Thanksgiving or a little after.  You will get the complete files.  You will be trained how to evaluate these three applicants.   No vestry person is allowed to talk one on one with any applicant and there must always be a Search committee  person present. No private conversations. allowed.  It’s too toxic”
Is this how the Holy Spirit works?  Give the Holy Trinity more room!  More transparency might help.  Also really accurate information.  And more  involvement by the congregation.
The Vestry  recently went on a Retreat to improve the process of communication between members of the Vestry.  And it  has worked.  Communication has improved.  The Vestry learned about “compassionate communication”.
What about “compassionate communication” with the congregation?  Or will all the issues that have been swirling around  be swept under the rug?  Hope not.
Suggestions/ Â Comments for selecting the next Rector/ Priest for St. John’s: Â
get paid background checks
Get paid background checks  — don’t just rely on telephone calls made  by church  search committee  members. Pay for  professional and reliable background checks. Know who this person is! Â
Provide the Vestry [Board of Directors] with  more than 3 names to choose  — why only provide  3 out of total pool?  Will it be 2 men or 2 women and why not provide 5 or 7?  Â
Get more involvement by the church  members  — members travel, hear and know about possible applicants.  Episcopalians tend to be a well traveled group of people.  Get names from the congregation. Listen to the congregation. Provide regular updates.  So far that is not happening. Â
 Prof Put on Leave for Comparing Black Lives Matter to KKK in Facebook comment.  Free speech?
The University of Virginia announced Friday that a professor has agreed to take leave after posting a Facebook comment that called Black Lives Matter racist and compared it to the Klu Klux Klan.
In a Friday statement to the campus, Provost Tom Katsouleas slammed business professor Douglas Muir’s Facebook post, emphasizing the university’s commitment to fighting racism and social injustice.
Katsouleas seemed to say that Muir’s opinion, in and of itself, threatened free speech on campus.
The university’s commitment to social justice “in no way squelches academic freedom, which welcomes dissent and encourages the voices of others whose perspectives may differ from ours—thereby adding new insights to our own,†Katsouleas wrote. “But statements such as Mr. Muir’s do not foster intellectual exploration, nor do they encourage the voices of others. … We can engage in healthy debate and respectful disagreement without offering insults that suppress the free expression of ideas.â€
Firenze Sage:  We encourage free speech that we feel fosters intellectual exploration and encourage voices of others. And we decide if it does!! Do these academics even read what they write?
Two parades in One: Â Muslim segregation for a parade in London – wrong?
Central London was brought to a complete standstill on Wednesday after Shia Muslims held a segregated religious march down London’s main shopping street.
The event was segregated by gender, with men leading the way down Oxford Street with a sea of veiled women following behind.
It was held to mark Ashura day, part of the month of Muharram – the second holiest time in the Islamic calendar when the violent death of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad is remembered.
According to the Evening Standard, placards read, “Terrorism has no religion†and “men and women are equal in Islamâ€.
Firenze Sage: Â I remember when an order to go to the back of the bus(parade) was unconstitutional and wrong.
Clinton chairman John Podesta  takes on those old fashioned Catholic beliefs — Clinton’s chairman hits them hard. For those totally unaware of Catholicism  — try a Dummies book!
“For the most part, 1P5 is a politics-free zone. Our mission lies elsewhere — in the restoration of the Catholic Church and its proper place within the world. Sometimes, though, the two areas overlap, and never in recent memory has this been so apparent as in the revelation of an actual leftist conspiracy against the Catholic Church in America.
“The ongoing dump of emails from Wikileaks has laid bare a campaign to infiltrate the Catholic Church here in the United States and to undermine her teachings. A campaign that would make Saul Alinsky (with whom Hillary Clinton had a well-documented relationship) incredibly proud.
From the Wikileaks website, we see this 2012 email exchange between Sandy Newman, President of “Voices for Progress†to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s current campaign chairman (click the image to enlarge):
From the Wikileaks website, we see this 2012 email exchange between Sandy Newman, President of “Voices for Progress†to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s current campaign chairman ….
Aptos Psychologist: Hilary wants women re-made in her image of women.  Hilary’s ideas spring from  progressive, leftist ideas.   For  Hilary,  Christianity, Catholicism and  the importance of Mary  are old fashioned, dumb ideas.   Hilary’s chairman, John Podesta, is simply one of Hilary’s many  political operatives.
The .45 caliber divorce,  Islam  style:  brother executes his sister. Because she married a Christian.
Sitting around the kitchen table, a  Pakistani man  executed his sister with a bullet to the head.  Why?  Because she  had married a Christian man.
Therefore,  the Pakistani  had “no choice†but to kill her because of her shameful act that brought dishonor on her family.
While his younger sister, Tasleem, was sitting in their kitchen with their mother and sister, Mubeen Rajhu shot her in the head at their home in Lahore this past August.
Eighteen-year-old Tasleem had married a Christian man named Jehangir.  Jehangir had  agreed to convert to Islam to please her family.
Conversion  to Islam was not enough  to stop her brother from killing her.
Use the faith you have — such as a small mustard seed. Size of your faith does not matter. Use it.
Tonight there was a Feast of Five service at a local church in Aptos, CA — St. John’s.
At this event:  Comfy foods for you?  Hot dogs? Other meats?   Those orange chips someone brought? Those chip that leave yellow  marks on your fingers and taste so good.
One month from now there will be another Feast of Five service.
Every day you can stop by for Pokemon Balls. Â Coming soon: Â more locations for Poke Stops.