About time Americans get educated about Islamic law and how it can affect your local American community. Take a few minutes to read 10 reasons why NOT to have Islamic law affecting you and those you love.
By the way, the prophet Muhammad had nine (9) wives when he died. Yet he told his followers that they could only have four (4) wives. Is that an example of do what I say, not what I do? Some call that hypocrisy….?
Muhammad beat his wife A. and ok’s beating wives who are “high handed”. Wife beating ok? Not in my view.
Have we not evolved beyond the nomadic, violent values of 7th centurry?
Currently, there are a multitude of pictures and sculptures of Jesus — the Son of God — in Roman Catholic churches. Growing up in Asia, I remember seeing a beautiful 100 foot long golden image of Buddha. Clearly, many religions do routinely have images and statutes of God and prophets on display.
In contrast, some churches forbid or do not have any graven images. Best as I know, Episcopal churches and Protestant churches typically do not put graven images — statutes or pictures — in their churches. Yet, no Episcopalian or fundamentalist church threatens the Roman Catholic church with death or other retributions for their graven images.
Whether they should or not, many religions do make graven images of God and God’s prophets. And, they put those graven images in their homes, temples, churches. There are no graven images of God in Jewish synagogues. At least in recent history, the Jews have never attacked Christians or other religions because of graven images or pictures.
Should the Islamic prophet Muhammad be an exception? Should a picture of Muhammad – or a contest to make many pictures of him supportive of free speech result in death threats? It did. Recently, Molly Norris – who sponsored a contest to make a multitude of pictures of Mohammad — went “underground” due to Islamic death threats.
In the Islam-ist world, pictures of the Prophet are forbidden. Make a cartoon of him or jest about the Prophet — yes, that can result in a death threat.
There have been many political ideologies — and yes Islam is a political ideology — that seek to dominate the world by violence and intimidation. Telling the world ‘no graven images’ of Muhammad or dire effects will occur is one more instance.
For sure, America can require Islamic mosques/ community centers to abide by American laws. For example, America does not allow Mormons to have multiple wives. Likewise, America can require mosques/ community centers to act similarly as others do: provide charity to the local community and reach out to other Faiths.
How can your church, synagogue or faith organization “shake hands” with local Islamic mosques? How can your faith organizations encourage a local Islamic faith organization to join the 20th century world and support common spiritual, religious goals? Specifically, get a commitment against jehad, against death threats, and a commitment for tolerance, compassion and the equal treatment of men and women.
Maybe that might be something to put on the agenda for Outreach in your church?
written by Cameron Jackson DrCameronJackson@gamil.com
See the following:
“Everybody Draw Mohammad Day was a 2010 protest in support of free speech, specifically in opposition to those who threaten violence against artists who draw representations of Muhammad.
It began as a protest against censorship of an American television show, South Park, “201” by its distributor, Comedy Central, in response to death threats against some of those responsible for the segment.
Observance of the day began with a drawing posted on the Internet on April 20, 2010, accompanied by text suggesting that “everybody” create a drawing representing Muhammad, on May 20, 2010, as a protest against efforts to limit freedom of speech.
U.S. cartoonist Molly Norris of Seattle, Washington, created the artwork in reaction to Internet death threats that had been made against cartoonists Trey Parker and Matt Stone for depicting Muhammad in an episode of South Park.
Depictions of Muhammad are explicitly forbidden by a few hadith (Islamic texts), though not by the Qur’an.[1]
Today, Catholic Churches have images of Jesus on a cross. Episcopal Churches and Protestent churches do not have graven images of God in their church. Episcopalians and Protestants do not make death threats on Catholics for hanging a statute of Jesus crucified on a cross.
“Postings on RevolutionMuslim.com (under the pen name Abu Talha al-Amrikee; later identified as Zachary Adam Chesser) had said that Parker and Stone could wind up like Theo van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker who was shot to death by a Muslim extremist. The individuals running the website later denied that the postings were actual threats, although they were widely perceived as such.[citation needed]
Norris said that if people draw pictures of Muhammad, Islamic terrorists would not be able to murder them all, and threats to do so would become unrealistic.
Within a week, Norris’ idea became popular on Facebook, was supported by numerous bloggers, and generated coverage on the blog websites of major U.S. newspapers. As the publicity mounted, Norris and the man who created the first Facebook page promoting the May 20 event disassociated themselves from it. Nonetheless, planning for the protest continued with others “taking up the cause”.[2] Facebook had an “An “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”” page, which grew to over 100,000 participants. A protest page on Facebook against the initiative, named “Against ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day'”, attracted about the same number of supporters. Subsequently, Facebook was temporarily blocked by Pakistan; the ban was lifted after Facebook agreed to block the page for users in India and Pakistan.
In the media, Everybody Draw Mohammed Day attracted both support from commentators who felt that the campaign represented important issues of freedom of speech, and the need to stand up for this freedom, as well as criticism from other commentators who found the initiative crass, juvenile, and needlessly offensive.
Dreams of which fore-fathers? What if the original colonists to America for 3-4 generations had all been of Islamic faith?
Imagine America founded by true believers of Islam. Since there is only Allah and one Faith, no other faiths would have been allowed in America. Like Saudi Arabia, which has no Christian churches, America would have only mosques. Had American been founded by Islamic believers, pedophilia (sex with pre-pubescent girls) would be OK, women would not have equal rights to men and America would not be a democracy. And on and on.
Obama just does not get it. Islam is principally a political ideology that seeks conquest through war. And non-believers at best — if followers of the Book– are to be humiliated and forced to pay a tax as a non-believer.
Now Obama has offended Hindus by equating mosques with temples. See below.
“A Hindu Temple and a Islamic Mosque is not the same thing. Obama should apologize for his misleading statement.: Brahmachari
(This message has been sent to the 9/11 protest organized by Hindu Human rights Watch from Upananda Brahmachari, Editor, Hindu Existence)
Barack Hussein Obama does not know about the Reality of Radical Islam.
“How could he really understand the difference of a Christian Church, a Hindu Temple and an Islamic Mosque?
I do not know extensive about Christianity and Jesus. But I believe that there is no scope of hatred preaching from the services of a Church. May it be for Justice, Peace and Love. And the Hindu Temples are the abode of peace and spirituality which embrace everybody in the fold of highest philanthropic attributes.
But the Mosques are the workshop of devils who want only Jehad to destroy the civil society to capture this world under a monolithic Islamic pattern. They don’t know democracy, not peace, love, brother hood anything with the non-believers. Mosques are the epicentre of all Islamic hatred, disharmony and the catastrophe for us. It is an arsenal of Allah to end up humanity.
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes are our helmets, the minarets are our swords, and the faithful are our armyâ€â€¦ as they think so, why do you think different Mr. Obama?
The whole American Nation is against the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, where over 3000 innocent lives were lost under a complete Islamic massacre. And you are allowing a refuge of those radical Islamists in the name of Ground Zero Mosque. The rest of world is also against such aggression of Islam in NYC and USA.
Equating Hinduism with Islam, you did a Himalayan blander. Mr. President of US, you should apologize and keep the Ground Zero Mosque ever restrained.
There should be no Mosque at Ground Zero. Repeat, No Mosque at Ground Zero.
Brahmachari is available at hinduexistence@gmail.com or at +919007543148
Islam-Watch exposes Islam as a false religion that is anti-democratic and opposed amongst other things to equality for women. Islam permits sex with prepubescent girls. See below:
“Conclusion: Quran 65:4 obviously stipulates Iddah to divorced prepubescent girls. Moreover, the Quran prescribes no waiting period or Iddah for a divorced woman, who makes no sexual contact with her husband. Therefore, divorced prepubescent girls need to observe Iddah, simply because sexual contact has occurred between her and her husband. This proves beyond any scope of doubt that the Quran endorses pedophilia, the most abominable and perverted of all sexual crimes.”
What a dismal life so many Muslim women endure. Islam is a man’s religion and women treated so poorly. How can Western women reach out to Muslim women so that Muslim women have choice?
So few Muslim women speak out against their condition.
In A God Who Hates Wafa Sultan describes her grandmother’s life. Her husband, the grandmother’s husband, took a second wife after his sons died. The grandmother had to walk ahead of the couple and later had to serve the wife and stay in the background.
Some current info about Wafa Sultan follows:
Counterpoint: In defence of Wafa Sultan
Posted: March 12, 2010
By Joanne Hill
“Tarek Fatah has used the National Post to present a one-sided, inaccurate and potentially dangerous editorial about statements made by Dr. Wafa Sultan during her March 3rd debate in Toronto with Dr. Daniel Pipes.
“Mr. Fatah’s article is not an unbiased report: it is an opinion piece full of loaded terms such as slur, attack, hateful, anguish, Islam haters and vitriol. He misquotes Dr. Sultan and presents as fact a conclusion that is not supported by any of her statements: a conclusion that I believe puts her life in danger.
“I am a freelance reporter; I covered the debate between Dr. Pipes and Dr. Sultan for the Jewish Tribune. I have an audio recording of the entire event, including the Question and Answer period, so I can state with complete accuracy what was and was not said by Dr. Sultan.
“Mr. Fatah assumes the authority of a mind-reader to reveal what he claims is Dr. Sultan’s hidden intention. Given his first-hand experience of the eagerness of some Muslims (or “Islamists” if he would prefer) to issue death threats against anyone who is perceived as threatening Muslims, there are three reasons why I find it disturbing that he would attribute to Dr. Sultan this motivation: “Perhaps the answer she had in mind was too outrageous even by her own standards: Force Muslims to convert or die.”
This is disturbing, first of all, because Dr. Sultan said nothing that would lead the listener to come to this conclusion. When asked during the Q&A, “How do you get Muslims to reform? Do you expect them to convert to another religion?” Dr. Sultan replied:
“Give them the freedom to choose: that’s all I’m asking for. Give them the freedom to search, to ask, to be exposed to different sides, different values, different lifestyles. I can tell you from my very own experience, what has helped me to reform myself is being exposed to Western values and being free to express my conclusion. I always compare between my life under Islamic Sharia and my life as a free woman in America and I write about that on my website in Arabic. So when you expose people to different [sic], and you give them the freedom to choose, that’s all we need in the Islamic world. I’m not asking [them] to convert to a different religion; I’m asking to grant them the freedom to choose, the freedom to be, to follow whatever path they want to follow. That’s all.”
Second, this is what Dr. Sultan said at the conclusion of the Q & A:
“I’m not speaking up against Islam to please anyone but my conscience. We suffer a lot under Islamic Sharia. It is not fair. Enough is enough. We need to live our lives as human beings. I want you to know I’m not here to incite anyone against Muslims. Muslims are my family: my Mom, my brother, my sister. You know, I cannot peel off my own skin. I feel sorry for them because they are victims of a very hateful ideology. Really, if you take a look at any Islamic country, what do you see? Nothing but miserable situations, especially women who are living in this society. So I am speaking up to save them, looking for a better future for them. And believe it or not, when it comes to my readers in the Arab world, I feel it is easier for me to address my thoughts than to penetrate the Western mind. People in the West live by the Western ethical code which doesn’t allow them to judge people based on their religion – and there’s nothing wrong with that-but they need to know that Islam is not merely a religion: it is also a political ideology and that’s what I am fighting. That’s what I am speaking up against. And I hope one day, the future for our generation in the Muslim world will be much better than the life I lived under Islamic Sharia in Syria.”
And third, the terrible, secret motivation which Mr. Fatah attributes to Dr. Sultan is in fact a commandment made by Mohammed to his followers regarding non-Muslims:
“Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war… When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them… If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them.” (Source: Sahih Muslim Book 19, Hadith #4294.)
There is more.
Contrary to what Mr. Fatah writes, Dr. Sultan did not say: “Muhammed was a child rapist.”
Rather, she said: “As a married man, Mohammed raped Aisha when she was nine; he was 54.”
If Mr. Fatah is hurt by this statement, perhaps he should consider the source: Islamic doctrine. I challenge Mr. Fatah to deny this.
When she said, “There is no moderate Islam,” Dr. Sultan stated quite clearly, more than once, that she was quoting the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, who said in 2007 in response to the term “moderate Islam”: “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
Again, perhaps Mr. Fatah should take umbrage with Mr. Erdogan unless he, like the people who took Macleans Magazine to the “human rights” courts, would suggest that it is no longer permissible in Canada to quote Muslims when they have said something unpleasant about Islam.
I was paying close attention throughout the debate and at no time did I see Dr. Sultan sneer. She did not say, per Mr. Fatah, “I am ‘clean’ of Islam.”
Dr. Sultan was speaking of the long, difficult process of breaking free from a religious upbringing that has been embedded in one’s psyche from childhood. She said, “It is not an easy process: it is very tough. I still behave, in many ways, as a Muslim. I debate in a way [that] I am right and everybody else is wrong.” This drew laughter and applause from the audience. Dr. Sultan continued, “So it’s under my skin. I don’t follow a specific religion. Of course I believe in God and I am empowered by Him.”
Mr. Fatah writes that he was “traumatized” by Dr. Sultan’s words. If this is truly the case, I would suggest that Mr. Fatah’s sensitive feelings render him too delicate for this Western society in which he has chosen to live, because we in the free world are not required to continually couch our statements in qualifiers or cushion our strong words. Dr. Sultan spoke plainly and strongly about her personal experience as a woman raised in an Islamic country under Sharia law. Contrary to Mr. Fatah’s characterization, she was funny, down-to-earth and as far from hateful as one can get.
Besides, even if Dr. Sultan does hate Islam, what business is that of Mr. Fatah’s? Is she not entitled to her express own opinion? As a Christian, I was irked when Dr. Pipes said that Christianity “started on a much lower base” than Islam. But so what? Only a fool would deny the history of crimes committed by Christians against Jews.
Why was Avi Benlolo required to spend at least 20 minutes after the debate placating the hurt feelings and smoothing the ruffled feathers of a self-described “hardened secular Muslim” who is supposed to be on the side of freedom of religion and freedom of speech?
I see at the bottom of Mr. Fatah’s article that his upcoming book is entitled, Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti- Semitism. On the night of the debate, Mr. Fatah informed Avi Benlolo (in my presence) without a trace of irony that his new book was going to be called, Why We Hate Jews.
Unlike Mr. Fatah, I will not presume to know his motivation in saying that to Mr. Benlolo or in writing his misleading editorial about Dr. Sultan. I will say, however, that I believe he owes Dr. Sultan, this newspaper and its readers an apology and a retraction.
The Secretary of Defense called the preacher who planned to burn the Koran in protest against a mosque built at Ground Zero. And the preacher has backed down for now. No burning.
Better that the preacher and those who shape public policy in Washington D.C. and elsewhere read the Koran.
Look at the core values of the Koran and how those values shape Islamic societies.
So, is Jihad and beheading OK if you are Muslim?
Do you want religious freedom for Islamic persons to practice their religion as they choose in America? That sounds OK? General Colin Powell says so. He supports a mosque near Ground Zero.
What if the Islamic religion is not just a religion but also a political philosophy? What if Islamic religious law — Sharria law — makes you as a non-believer a second class citizen?
Do you want Islamic Sharria law to take root and spread via mosques throughout America? Do you want second class citizenship as a country?
Do you think marriage for 3rd graders is OK as Sharria law permits it? Do you want women required to wear a veil? Is it OK that a woman must have 4 witnesses to divorce and a man needs none? Do you want men to have 4 wives and multiple concubines? All of the above are integral to the political philosophy and Islamic Sharria law.
Stop thinking of Islam as a religion and think of it as a political philosophy.
How are people best organized as a political entity? Western civilization traces possible answers back to Plato and Socrates. The Middle East traces back to to Mo-hammed and the Koran.
Historically, we as Americans are tolerant. We don’t attack others. And we don’t lie down and give up when attacked.
Building an Islamic mosque near Ground zero is a provocation that should not be ignored.
Islamic terrorists are ruled by Islamic Sharria law. There is one law for Islam and another law for unbelievers which includes the West.
The events of 09-11, the day President Kennedy died and the bombing of Pearl Harbor are all defining moments for many Americans. Many of us remember where we were and what we were doing when we learned President Kennedy had been slain. And the same goes for 09-11. Only a few of us remain that personally remember the day Pearl Harbor was hit.
Without warning or provocation the Japanese killed thousands of American military at Pearl Harbor. Out of the blue, President Kennedy was slain while waving to people standing along the streets of Texas. On 09-11 America was attacked in multiple locations by Islamic extremists bent on murder.
09-11 woke America up. America had been hit before at the Trade Center but the first attack was prosecuted as a criminal act. On 09-11 America saw on TV a coordinated terrorist attack at multiple locations involving civilian and military victims.
It was some time before we learned that 14 of the 16 terrorists were young men from Saudi Arabia who shared the same political/religious Islamic political philosophy.
That on 09-11 there was dancing in the streets of some Muslim cities at the sight of the plane hitting the World Trade Center says a lot about how many Muslims view America — we are unbelievers who deserve to die.
Recently a Christian preacher threatened to burn the Koran. Bad idea!
Read the Koran! Learn about Sharria law and the political philosophy that under girds Islamic societies.
Let the words of the Koran burn into you.
After you have read the Koran, answer the following question: Do you want Islamic political philosophy and Sharria religious law organizing your local community? I don’t.
Where are the moderate Muslims? Why have they not publicly rejected the terrorists and radical Islam? Do the moderates fear that some Iman like the Australian Fritz Mohannand might put a jehad out to be-head them?
Probably time to find out what is preached by Imams in your local mosque and Islamic community center. Islam is more than a religion, it is a political philosophy.
Building a mosque near Ground Zero has aroused many Americans. And rightly so. Americans believe in fair play.
It is not fair that a greek orthodox church cannot re-build near by and planners OK a mosque.
Mosques are built as a sign of victory. It is not right to memorialize 3,000 plus Americans killed in the name of Allah and jehad.
For a non-partisan exam of th role values play in current issues of public policy — and the issue of building a mosque at Ground Zero certainly involves public policy — take a look at The Public Philosopher found at: www.thepublicphilosopher.com
written by Cameron Jackson
Monterey Bay Forum
On the news: Â American tax dollars are used to restore Islamic minarets. So what?
Keep a perspective: the Iraq war over 8 years cost about 100 billion less that the first, original stimulus by Obama.
The following is all about only about a few millions.
Of the three largest expenditures by the State Department in 2010, one is for the Church of Holy Redeemer (625 K), another is for a Mongolian monastery ($575 K) and the third is for a citadel in Afghanistan ($450 K)
A quick run through the 2010 list shows restoration of a Nigerian minaret ($15 K), a grand mosque ($76 K) and a minaret in Mauritania ($62 K). Those three add up to roughly $133 K.
In the big scheme of things $133 thousand tax dollars is not much.
If America is going to pay for restoration of so many world-wide treasures the least the State Department could do is provide a map with addresses, emails and telephone numbers.
If we are going to pay — we should have a say — i.e., to easily go see them.
All those people upset with spending on 3 Islamic treasures:
See the foll lowing: Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
“Since its creation by the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation has provided financial support to more than 640 cultural preservation projects in more than 100 countries.
This accomplishment, now 10 years in the making, represents a contribution of nearly $26 million towards the preservation of cultural heritage worldwide. More importantly, it shows the depth of our nation’s respect for the cultural heritage of other countries.
The Fund supports a wide range of projects to preserve cultural heritage, such as the restoration of historic buildings, assessment and conservation of museum collections, archaeological site preservation, documentation of vanishing traditional craft techniques, improved storage conditions for archives and manuscripts, and documentation of indigenous languages.
“In 2010, U.S. ambassadors in more than 90 countries around the globe applied to the Fund on behalf of partner institutions and organizations for support in meeting pressing cultural preservation needs.
OK — so who are those “partners” and what did they do other than put their hand out?
Among those receiving grants in 2010 are the Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National, for the documentation and assessment of buildings and sites in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, affected by the January 2010 earthquake; the Petra National Trust, for the rehabilitation of the Nabataean-era Flash Flood Protection System at the Petra World Heritage Site in Jordan; and the National Museum of Namibia, for the conservation of the Oranjemund shipwreck collection.
In Pakistan, the Department of Archaeology and Museums received a grant for the restoration of the early 17th-century Sheikhupura Fort. An impressive red brick fort built by the Mughal emperor Jahangir as part of the royal hunting estate of Hiran Minar, Sheikhupura Fort was an important rest stop for the royal entourage as it traversed the empire between Kashmir and Kabul. In the early 19th century, the fort passed into the hands of the Sikh Maharajah Ranjit Singh, and his queen, who built inside the fort a majestic four-story palace revered for its extraordinary wall paintings. This project will support the restoration of the fort and the palace interiors, and contribute to the economic development of the surrounding are
An Australian guy named Fritz Muhammad just issued recently a death sentence on a Dutch politician. His web site is kalamullah.com
The reason given by Fritz M. is that the Dutch politician “mocked” and “laughed” at Islam and the Prophet.
Oops! No laughter at “real” religion?
What did the Dutch politician do? He said that Islam religion and political ideology are “retarded”. He and his party do not support more Islamic immigrants to Holland.
According to radical Islamist Australian Fritz M., — an Australian citizen working on a Ph.D. — the Dutch politician should be be-headed.
And thus Fritz M. issued a death sentence on the Dutch politician.
Frankly, I think that Australian Fritz M. should work on be-heading small creatures such as fleas and ants. And then work up to be-heading his personal nails.
I say it is time that moderate Christians, Jews and Islams unite. Is this possible?
Let’s laugh and make fun of people like Fritz M. No, not make fun of Islam. Make fun of Fritz M. who wants to use Islam for his purposes.
So what do you say Fritz M.? If anyone wants to Comment on his web site they MUST leave an e-mail. Not here. Say what you like here. And, no “be-heading” will be recommended.
kalamullah.com is the web site for Friz Muhammad, the Australian radical Islamist who recently calls for be-heading of a Dutch politician.
Fritz Muhammad is angry because the Dutch politician called Islam ‘retarded”. Anyone who mocks Islam… anyone who laughs at Islam… anyone who degrades Islam will die by fatwa said Fritz Muhammad.
One must leave an email on Fritz Muhammad’s site in order to comment. I was tempted but did not.
It is time for moderates to laugh at Friz, to mock him and to deride what he says.
Fritz Muhammad calls on extreme Islamics to be-head a person. But, a jehad is only binding on the author!
Let Friz Muhammad start by doing his own be-heading… of first fleas! And then work up to be-heading ants! Let him practice on creatures way down on the food chain! And then let him work on chopping off his … nails!! Yes, clean up the old hands of Fritz Muhammad!!
I do think it intemperate for that Dutch politician to call Islam “retarded”.
That is an out of date term. Mental Retardation has been replaced with Intellectually Deficient. An 8 sylable phrase instead of a 6 sylable phrase.
I say this tongue in cheek and to mock Fritz Muhammad. Why not consider Islam as developmentally delayed rather than “retarded”?
Just as persons can be developmentally delayed so can cultures, religions and political ideologies.
That Islam permits children in second and third grade to be married… that women must wear a veil …. that women are second class citizens … that Christians and Jews are not equal to Muslims …
Isn’t it fair to say that these ideas are developmentally …delayed? Let me know who goes to Fritz Muhammad’s web site and mocks him to his face.
Yep!! Hey, Fritz, Islam is progressing … just more slowly and at a slower rate. The Islam religion, political ideology and culture is developmentally delayed! What does that make the Prophet? Heavens! I am not mocking the Prophet just Fritz Muhammad. He deserves to be mocked. And laughed at!
written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
Yes — let’s mock Friz Muhannad! Let’s laugh at him! Let’s deride him for his comments.
Feiz Muhammad calls for Geert Wilders beheading after his appearance on Australian TV
Radio Netherlands (thanks to a tip from Esther)
Jihad leader wants Dutch anti-Islam MP beheaded
Here’s the video (thanks to TT)
A radical Muslim preacher, Feiz Muhammad, speaking on a members-only jihadist website, called on Dutch radical Muslims (are there any other ones?) to decapitate Mr Wilders because he was “humiliating Islamâ€.
An interview with Mr Wilders recorded in June was aired by SBS TV in Australia on Sunday. He called Islamic culture “retarded†and “violentâ€.
The Dutch intelligence service (AIVD) possesses a copy of the imam’s speech. Intelligence sources say Feiz Muhammad is considered on a par with US Muslim preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is seen as the brains behind a failed attack on a plane flying over Detroit.
Mr Wilders told daily De Telegraaf, which published a recording of the speech on its website, that he is shocked by the death threat.
Mr Wilders’ Freedom Party wants to restrict immigration from Islamic countries and considers Islam a violent ideology rather than a religion. The Freedom Party is currently involved in protracted negotiations to support a minority centre-right government of free-market liberals and Christian Democrats.
An interview with Mr Wilders recorded in June was aired by SBS TV in Australia on Sunday. He called Islamic culture “retarded†and “violentâ€.
We reported:
Mr Muhammad said, “Seeing this evil filth from people like that dirty politician… In Islam, anyone that mocks Islam, anyone that laughs about Islam, degrades Islam, the punishment whether he is a Muslim or a non-Muslim, the punishment of mocking Islam is death. (…) If he did this, if it’s been confirmed, behead him, chop his head off.â€
The Dutch intelligence service (AIVD) possesses a copy of the imam’s speech. Intelligence sources say Feiz Muhammad is considered on a par with US Muslim preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is seen as the brains behind a failed attack on a plane flying over Detroit.
Mr Wilders told daily De Telegraaf, which published a recording of the speech on its website, that he is shocked by the death threat. He got in touch with the Netherlands’ anti-terror czar, Erik Akerboom on Thursday. “I want to know right away why the AIVD and the anti-terrorism co-ordinator never told me about this threat.â€
Mr Wilders’ Freedom Party wants to restrict immigration from Islamic countries and considers Islam a violent ideology rather than a religion. The Freedom Party is currently involved in protracted negotiations to support a minority centre-right government of free-market liberals and Christian Democrats.
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Too small? Click hereThis is a satirical website. None of what you read here has anything to do with Islam, because Islam is a Religion of Peace. Everybody knows that good Muslims never do the things they do, (because Allah does it for them, Quran 8:12) and we know that only our misperceptions, ignorance and stereotyping of Islam makes Muslims chop off heads, kill and rape women and children, bomb subways, buses, nightclubs and fly jets into buildings. If it wasn’t for the media and da Jooozzz, we wouldn’t even know its happening.We welcome open, honest, thoughtful, and vigorous discussion in the comments threads, so do yourself a favour and don’t accuse us of being ‘haters’ because we are loving, tolerant people. Don’t curse us, don’t threaten us with death or hellfire, and don’t accuse us of being “just like the terrorists” because we don’t do to Muslims what they do to us or to themselves. Yes, we know that only idiots oppose Islam and sensible people submit, but you should know that we are ignorant bigots, hypocrites and Islamophobes, and we prefer to remain that way…But since you are forcing yourselves (and your abhorrent belief-system on us) we will defend ourselves, because we must. Avoid tu quoque and ad hominem attacks. If you annoy us, you will be banned and your posts summarily deleted.Try to add to the discussion, don’t try to sell snake oil, don’t try to cover us with Islamic shrouds of kitman and taqiyya, write in English, try to tell the truth, (we know that’s hard for you because you are all pathological liars) but the truth will set you free, try it!One more thing: don’t think you can post here under multiple monikers. You will quickly be disappeared! The same goes for trufers and conspiracy kooks: you get one chance, one time. Blow it out of your ass if you must; put your stupidity on display.But you won’t be back, trust me on that.Take a deep breath before you post, try to make some sense, do not just vent, do not make a fool of yourself and if you prove us wrong you can earn 10 Islamic dollars for your piggy bank. Deal?
{ 1 trackback }
A call for beheading Dutch Politician for insulting islam | Harrisonburg, VA Chapter
September 3, 2010 at 2:40 pm
{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }
Leo Hugh September 3, 2010 at 9:39 am
Show this filth how its done try it on his head. Stop these barbarians before these filthy muslimes destroy the world.
kaw September 3, 2010 at 11:28 am
I wonder why muslims are so selective about what they understand as being offensive speech. feiz, islam is retarded and you are a good example. You are a moron, which is why the only thing you can do is rant rubbish, that you don’t understand, to other muslims, some of whom, unfortunately, are dumber than you. A message to you from the free world feiz – go and commit seppuku – however you have a minute fraction of the courage of the Samurai so I doubt that you have the balls.
Mullah Lodabullah September 3, 2010 at 1:35 pm
Geert is being prosecuted for drawing attention to stuff like the imam is spouting, and the Dutch authorities do … nothing. They like having their heads left attached.
Mullah Lodabullah September 3, 2010 at 1:37 pm
Holland gets Geert Wilders – we get Bob Brown, pulling Julia’s strings for the next three years (?).
al-Kidya September 3, 2010 at 1:40 pm
I declare this Fatwa for the beheading of Feiz Muhammad.
How do you like me now, jerg-off!
al-Kidya September 3, 2010 at 1:49 pm
Idon’t wish for his beheading…that would just prove that I am as violent as that nutcase.
No, I would like his brain replaced with one with a higher IQ and more passive. It’s just too bad medical science hasn’t solved that problem.
Mullah Lodabullah September 3, 2010 at 2:12 pm
* No, I would like his brain replaced with one with a higher IQ and more passive.
A sleepy lizard?
kaw September 3, 2010 at 3:07 pm
Sleepy lizards are intelligent. I would even say that the replacement of his brain with that of a dead slug would result in an almost infinite increase in I.Q..
Mullah Lodabullah September 3, 2010 at 3:10 pm
Sorry kaw, I didn’t mean to disparage the sleepy lizards – a dead slug will
Cecilie September 3, 2010 at 3:21 pm
Hi people, friends in despair over how our culture is being threatened and eroded bit. I have just finished Brigitte Gabriel’s excellent and super well researched and documented (almost every sentence comes with a reference note) book They Must Be Stopped.
Give it to anyone who ever starts spouting about “tiny minority†“let them have their innocent mosque†and “but the Old Testament is violent too†if you can’t be arsed to spend two hours every day patiently explaining to them what’s really going on.
Anyway, in her book Brigitte (after having used the term herself, admittedly) questions the term “radical Islam.†She says, and it’s true, what people like this guy is addicted to is just ISLAM. Pure Islam. At the end of the book she calls it that. I think we should too. It’s just islam and doesn’t deserve a capital i.
huddie September 3, 2010 at 3:57 pm
Shoot the son of a bitch on sight. Muslims have no place in our society. The sooner we rid this world of these shit eating swines, the better off this world will be.
Cecilie September 3, 2010 at 4:24 pm
Huddie – there, there. Don’t stoop to their level and all that. We must get rid of them to be sure, but shooting will only dirty our hands. It is true they have no place in our society, but let’s do it by relentless expulsion and deportation.
For example, we could demand that the law enforcement apparatus in place in our democratic societies swing into action and actually treat everyone the same according to the law, for example by prosecuting everyone who spouts “hate-speech,†not only those who, like Wilders, quote passages from the koran …
persikas September 3, 2010 at 6:15 pm
al -kidya
‘No, I would like his brain replaced with one with a higher IQ ‘
His what ?
‘dirty your hands …………….’
I don’t think killing someone to protect yourself / your society is dirtying your hands .
If you did it for that reason , I don’t think it
is going down to their level .
There’s a big difference between killing because someone doesn’t share your beliefs and killing to protect yourself
Anyway , that’s just my little comment – we’re on the same side of course
Mullah Lodabullah September 3, 2010 at 7:44 pm
* ‘No, I would like his brain replaced with one with a higher IQ ‘
His what ?
Thanks persikas, I needed a good laugh! 🙂
Therese September 3, 2010 at 10:02 pm
Got a problem? Off with their head says the Queen of Hearts.
These totalitarian views held by the madmen of Islam are those of crazy people. When Lewis Carol wrote Alice in Wonderland, he was poking fun about people like that, and it is said wrote it when smoking those funny cigarettes. Be that as it may, there is always an element of truth in all insanity.
The Truth about Islam is they really do these horrendous things. They will not stand for any dialogue. So all you stupid politicians, take note – we are not dealing with normal people. Rachael Woodlock may be living an Arabian fantasy at Monash University (paid for by us) telling us the Muslims only want to love us. What a stupid woman. What a stupid woman, misguided by her studies of Islam. She is only a tool for the true Muslim agenda. Where do these Aussie chicks get off with this treasonous behaviour within the country who fosters her education and then behaves like a teenager, giggling and wetting her pants. She welcomes the appointment of mad Iman’s into our country. Read her speeches and check the website.
She and others like her such as “Aussie Chick†from Mudgee NSW, who thinks Osama bin Laden wanted her for his wife. Her name is “Mother of Mohomad†not the mad Mohomad but her son by that name. Aren’t they quaint? She is living in our south western Sydney suburbs, dressed in the full black tent, and is number 1 on the Asio most watched female in our country. She should be charged with treason too. They can only bring us all down and this is their aim while accepting Centrelink payments for herself and her four or five kids. Get back to Arabia. There is no place for these idiots in our fair land.