get written commitment by Congress Use pen, email and phone to contact your representatives in Congress. Tell your representatives that you want their public statement in writing that they oppose Obama-Care and will — if re-elected — repeal Obama-Care.
First step next week hopefully is that the U.S. Supreme Court, after hearing oral arguments, will find the individual mandate to be unconstitutional. And since the individual mandate is connected to all other parts of Obama-Care [no severability clause was deliberate] all of ObamaCare should be found unconstitutional. Probably sometime in June the U.S. Supreme Court will tell the public what they decide.
For now, keep telling your representatives and the newspapers and your friends and acquaintances what you think.
Here’s some information:
Obama-Care costs twice as much as predicted says CBO. Obama-Care puts decisions in hands of unknown government administrators instead of patients and their doctors.
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Below is from the American Spectator.
“American communists and the radical left generally have long targeted the Roman Catholic Church. They know their enemy, one that is both spiritual and eternal. They have long attempted to pit Protestants and Catholics against each other. It’s an old art, really, that’s today totally forgotten.
And so, is this tactic being resurrected right now under Barack Obama? Is this more of the “fundamental transformation” we were promised — elected by oblivious Americans in November 2008?
If Obama can frame his mandate as a matter of contraceptive freedom — rather than an obvious constitutional affront on religious liberty — he may be able to successfully pit large numbers of Protestants and even many Catholics against the institutional Catholic Church. It would be the kind of religious agitation that would make the Marxists of the last century — particularly Obama’s mentor — very proud. How’s that for “hope” and “change”?
Paul Kengor is professor of political science and executive director of the Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College. His books include The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism and Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century. He is currently writing a book on Frank Marshall Davis.
Prison time & no more license to practice law for US Justice attorneys Friedrich, Glavin, Morris et al who withheld and manipulated evidence that lead to a guilty verdict for Alaska Senator Stevens?
Read the reports and you decide. (WSJ, 3-17-2012)
That’s what citizens can & probably should request happen to all the US Attorneys responsible for this failure of justice which changed the balance of power in the U.S. government. Those attorneys got their licence probably from the District of Columbia. The State can jerk their license. A judge could require an independent investigation. Obama could order his Attorney General to act ….
But don’t hold your breath [as you will turn blue in the face waiting] for U.S. Attorney Eric Holder or President Obama to act. Three years have passed and Holder has not disciplined any of the men or woman involved.
ObamaCare got vote #60 from Alaska Democrat Senator Mark Begich when Senator Stevens lost the election in 2008 shortly after U.S. Justice department obtained a guilty verdict based on systematic concealment of significant exculpatory evidence.
What happened to breaking up rocks and push-ups for POWs? Instead, taxpayers pay for another — the third — recreation field for Gitmo prisoners.
This is the third recreation facility at Camp 6, which houses “highly compliant” detainees who live in a communal setting, the report stated. Other facilities include an indoor recreation field and an outdoor recreation field.
The new field will afford the detainees “maximum access” — about 20 hours a day, via special passageways to allow passage into the new recreation yard without military escort.
A military police representative who asked not to be identified by name told the reporters that allowing high levels of activity outdoors helped reduce behavioral problems at the camps, and limited the amount of interaction between detainees and the guards, Fox reported.
Why not just give them ball room dancing? It would certainly be cheaper.
State law requires caregiver for a totally disabled relative to pay SEIU union dues which are automatically deducted from pay check. Supreme Court will weigh in on the legality. What say you? SEIU union dues
Theresa Riffey provides help around the home for her brother, a quadriplegic, and receives a small stipend from Illinois’s Medicaid program for her efforts, saving the state the cost of providing full-time care. Illinois law requires her to pay a portion of her check every month to an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear her case that asks on what basis, besides raw political power, a state may compel independent home-care workers and other similarly situated self-employed persons to support and associate with a labor union against their will.
The new Robin Hood motto: Take from the caregivers and give to the fat cats.
From the Netherlands: A controversial system of mobile euthanasia units that will travel around the country to respond to the wishes of sick people who wish to end their lives has been launched in the Netherlands.
The scheme, which started on Thursday , will send teams of specially trained doctors and nurses to the homes of people whose own doctors have refused to carry out patients’ requests to end their lives.
The launch of the so-called Levenseinde, or “Life End”, house-call units – whose services are being offered to Dutch citizens free of charge – coincides with the opening of a clinic of the same name in The Hague, which will take patients with incurable illnesses as well as others who do not want to die at home.
The scheme is an initiative by the Dutch Association for a Voluntary End to Life (NVVE), a 130,000-member euthanasia organisation that is the biggest of its kind in the world.
“From Thursday, the Life End clinic will have mobile teams where people who believe they are eligible for euthanasia can register,” Walburg de Jong, a NVVE spokesman, said.
“If they do comply, the teams will be able to carry out the euthanasia at patients’ homes should their regular doctors be unable or refuse to help them.
A Hawaiian mom says she was humiliated when asked to prove her breast pump was real at an airport.
The woman says she was flagged for additional screening at the Lihue Airport Wednesday because of her electric breast feeding pump.
She claims agents told her she couldn’t take the pump on the plane because the bottles in her carry-on were empty.
“I asked him if there was a private place I could pump and he said no, you can go in the women’s bathroom. I had to stand in front of the mirrors and the sinks and pump my breast in front of every tourist that walked into that bathroom. I was embarrassed and humiliated and then angry that I was treated this way.
When the bottles were full, she was allowed back on the plane.
Maybe TSA should be forced to hire woman with breasts who have used pumps! Or just continue to be as stupid as possible.
Was it a fluke? A surprising bit of luck that Sandra Fluke was chosen by Democrat Congressman Cummings? Why not email Congressman Cummings and ask him. There is no phone listed for Congressman Cummings. He is on Facebook. Call Congressman
More likely it was Democrat strategy which caused Democrat Congressman Cummings to choose Georgetown University 3rd year law student Sandra Fluke to testify at Darrell Essa’s congressional hearing on religious freedom and Obama’s mandate that churches pay for birth control.
Georgetown University has Catholic roots and does not pay for birth control for students. Sandra Fluke knew Georgetown University’s policies and choose to enroll anyway.
Per review of Georgetown University Law Center curriculum, third year law student Sandra Fluke probably took the usual array of law classes typically offerred by most law schools.
Georgetown University Law Center’s curriculum is listed below.
Georgetown University Law Center’s curriculum looks quite similar to the curriculum offered at Monterey College of Law, Seaside, California. Georgetown Law Center just costs three times as much as Monterey College of Law.
Of note, Georgetown University Law Center offers no law courses in reproductive rights, male and female sexuality or privacy law. Georgetown offers nothing that provides legal training directly related to being a ‘reproductive rights advocate’ which is how Ms. Fluke describes herself.
Just possibly Ms. Fluke may have taken a class titled Advanced Constitutional Law available to third year students. [Constitutional Law does discuss the Supreme Court cases related to the reproductive privacy rights of woman.]
Why not call Congressman Cummings, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and ask him why Sandra Fluke? It’s easy to contact him via a contact box Congressman Cummings is also on Facebook. And his wife is Dr Maya Rockeymore-Cummings.
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“Selecting courses as a second and third year student can be a daunting task. Georgetown is blessed with an enormous range of course offerings. Yet, the breadth of choices can make the selection process seem overwhelming. Many years ago the Law Center had a prescribed upperclass curriculum. The faculty stopped dictating which courses upperclass students should take, however, when they themselves no longer agreed about what should be required, given the increasing diversity of law practice and divergent views about the benefits of various courses of study. This movement away from required upperclass curriculum has occurred at most law schools in the country. Currently at Georgetown, the only required upperclass courses are Professional Responsibility and a course that meets the upper level writing requirement.”
“Nonetheless, most faculty and lawyers would probably concur that it is advisable for students to take Tax I, Constitutional Law II, and Corporations. Taxation and the corporate form are ubiquitous in our society and therefore lawyers should have at least some familiarity with these areas. In addition, these courses are prerequisites to a number of more advanced offerings in the areas of business and corporate law. Constitutional Law is not only relevant to other courses, it addresses fundamental issues about the nature of our government that well educated lawyers should understand. In addition to these courses, most students take Evidence: it is a prerequisite for many clinical courses and in the view of many is basic to understanding the American judicial processes. Finally, given increased globalization, lawyers frequently need to be able to operate effectively beyond our national borders — communicating with people of other legal traditions and understanding the potential complications when other legal traditions are implicated. As a result, we recommend that you take one or more courses in international or comparative law.”
“Beyond these courses, you should select a balanced and well-rounded array of courses that add to your theoretical understanding, your doctrinal breadth, and provide you with exposure to the range of skills that a good lawyer needs. You should choose a mixture of public law courses, such as Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Environmental Law, International Law I, or Federal Courts, and private law courses such as Commercial Law, Corporate Finance, Intellectual Property, International Law II, or Family Law. Most faculty members would also encourage you to take at least one course a year (or semester) that particularly piques your interest even if it is not clear how it will fit into your career plans.”
“Lawyers are called upon to use not only their analytical skills and substantive knowledge, but also their ability to structure creative solutions, to work collaboratively with others, to negotiate effectively, to be persuasive orally and in writing, and to communicate effectively with both lawyers and non-lawyers. Therefore, you should consider taking courses that use a variety of pedagogical formats and enhance your skills in a variety of areas. We recommend that you consider doing a clinic. Clinics offer not only the opportunity to “learn by doing,” but also the unique opportunity to engage in critical self-reflection about the lawyering process. In addition to our clinics, Georgetown offers an extensive array of practice and problem based courses such as Business Planning Seminar, Negotiation, Civil Discovery, and Trial Practice.”
“Some students discover their area of professional interest while in law school. For these students, we have provided lists of courses in particular subject areas. The Dean’s Office and faculty members will be glad to provide advice on the selection and sequencing of courses in particular subject areas. But, if like many other students you are unsure of what your professional interest in law are, remember that a life in law is a life time of learning from other lawyers, from your clients and CLE courses and we hope through Georgetown. Finally, many students find very rewarding an experience of deep and intensive engagement in the 3rd year either through a capstone seminar such as Professor Tushnet’s Advanced Constitutional Law Seminar or a major clinic. You may want to plan your schedule accordingly.”
“You will find additional information on this Web site and in the bulletin. We also encourage you to seek advice about your specific academic programs from individual professors or the deans during the course registration process. In addition, various group events such as the Curriculum Fair and Faculty Panels on Course Selection are helpful sources of information.”
Why not call Congressman Cummings, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and ask him why Sandra Fluke?reproductive rights
It’s easy to contact him via a contact box
Congressman Cummings is also on Facebook.
Congressman Cummings’ wife is Dr Maya Rockeymore-Cummings. Dr. Maya Rockeymore-Cummings is an advocate and analyst in the area of health. She is currently working on social change strategy via Global Policy Solutions.
Perhaps Congressman Cummings’s wife Dr. Maya Rockeymore-Cummings knows whether Sandra Fluke is a fluke?
reproductive rights
First free government paid birth control pills.
Later, govt paid free treatment for ovarian cysts?
Sandra Fluke’s story: Law student Fluke has a student friend with an ovarian cyst who lost an ovary due to Georgetown University’s no birth control coverage. But what about coverage under parents’ medical policy until age 25?
And after free government paid birth control pills, what about free cervical caps, free IUD’s, free diaphragms, free treatment for sexually transmitted disease, free abortions and free after abortion care …
These women related birth control costs can sky rocket. And what about the cost of contraceptives for men? “It’s only fair…” will say Obama …
A woman, Sandra Fluke, knowingly chooses to go to a Catholic law school, Georgetown University. Ms. Fluke spends the next 3 years as a law student fighting Georgetown’s policies. Ms. Fluke researched Georgetown’s policies on contraceptives and knowingly choose to enroll.
Georgetown University does not pay for birth control contraceptives.
Recently, President Obama mandates free birth control pills for all women. Obama’s mandate requires Catholic churches, charities and religious institutions — and perhaps Georgetown University — to provide all forms of contraception at no cost to women. [Clearly all health premiums will increase as there is ‘no free lunch’.]
Congress held hearings as to whether President Obama violated the Constitutional right of religious freedom. Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke tried to testify before Darrell Issa’s congressional hearing.
California Republican Darrell Issa is the Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Ms. Fluke was denied the right to participate on the panel or to testify as an expert witness by Congressman Issa as she described herself a reproductive rights activist [what law classes has she taken in reproductive rights? What field studies? what basis for expertise?]. Fluke has no expertise regarding religion and she is not a priest, preacher or other religious leader.
Democrat Nancy Pelosi held a hearing Feb. 23, 2012. Pelosi called Sandra Fluke to testify. Ms. Fluke testified before Pelosi that government should pay her the $1,000 a year that Fluke and other Georgetown female law students have to pay for birth control pills.
Ms. Fluke testified that woman at Georgetown University Law School cannot afford the $1,000 a year which contraceptives cost. [Georgetown’s tuition is $40,000 and room and board costs $20,000. Checking around, birth control pills can be purchased for as little as $5 and about $50 a month through Planned Parenthood.]
Is all of this orchestrated by Obama’s reelection committee? Done so that more women are likely to vote for Obama in 2012?
Clearly, Obama and Pelosi and the Democratic Party are not concerned about reducing disease and sexually transmitted diseases.
It is well known that condoms and foam are the best methods to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. And it is also well known that birth control pills are related to blood clots in woman. So, to protect women’s health other methods such as cervical caps or diaphragms can be used by women and do not pose health risks.
What about men? The cost of birth control methods by men [vasectomies, condoms] is not mentioned by Obama, the Democrats or Nancy Pelosi. So, it appears that this is all about dangling a carrot before women.
Dangling the carrot of free birth control pills for women is all about the continuing saga that Obama, Pelosi and the Democrat Party want more control of people’s lives. Democrats like Pelosi and Obama want control over sexuality, reproduction and who has babies.
Elijah Cummings of the Congressional Black Caucus, criticizes Congressman Issa for not allowing Ms. Fluke to be on the panel — nor allow her to testify But law student Fluke has no known expertise in areas relevant to religious freedom. Law student Sandra Fluke had a story to share: a fellow student at Georgetown suffered an ovarian cyst which was not covered.
Republican Darrell Issa is Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Democrat Elijah Cummings from Maryland’s 7th district, is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
It’s time that Congressman Darrell Issa asks that Elijah Cummings answer the following questions:
1. Does the Congressional Black Caucus, of which you Cummings are a member, support the U.S. Constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion?
2. Do you Congressman Cummings support legislation passed by former President Clinton and currently the law which protects religious freedom?
3. Answer yes or no Congressman Cummings, Congress has the authority and can and should question the constitutionality of President Obama’s recent mandate to require religious institutions –such as Georgetown University — to provide free contraceptives?
So, why not cut and paste the above three questions and send them along to Democrat Congressmen Cummings with a cc to California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa? It’s easy to do.
six months Hearing loss in babies has huge effects on their general development: hearing loss impacts language acquisition, speech, psycho-social well being and overall learning.
Research shows that the critical time to stimulate the auditory and brain pathways is during the first six (6) months of your child’s life. So pay particular attention during your child’s first six months that he or she continues to hear normally.
The good news is that children with all degrees of hearing loss — who receive appropriate interventions prior to 6 months of age– can obtain speech and language skills comparable to their normal hearing peers when age 3 years.
What parents can do:
Check and re-check that your baby’s hearing remains normal. Visit your pediatrician for screenings as your doctor recommends. Research recommends hearing screening every 2 months until age one year — and every three months until age two.
Keep this in mind:
Even mild hearing loss can significantly interfere with the reception of spoken language and educational performance. Research shows that children with one ear hearing loss are ten (10) times as likely to be held back at least one year compared to children with normal hearing.
Many children are affected with ear infections: Chronic otis media (ear infections) affects 5 – 30% of children age 6 to 11 years and can persist 4 – 5 months with or without medical interventions.
Watch for possible symptoms of hearing and ear problems. Does your child: Tug at his/her ear; turn side of head towards parent; appear inattentive; strain when listening; make frequent mistakes following directions; day dreams; tend to isolate; tire easily; talk too loudly or too softly; have a speech problem; appear passive.
Does your child appear to have pain in their ear? Do you see redness or drainage from the ear?
Methods to assess for hearing loss in young children:
Otoacoustic Emissions Technology (OAE)OAE
Otoacoustic Emissions is a hearing test that uses a small probe inserted into the external ear to introduce a sound stimulus (series of beeps) and measures the response sound, like an echo, emitted by the inner ear (cochlea) of a normal hearing person. The cochlea of a person with a hearing loss greater than 25-30 dB does not emit a sound in response to a sound stimulus.
Many studies have shown that screening children 0 – 3 years of age may be beneficial with OAEs. The OAE technology is very good for children who are unable to respond to a sound by raising their hand or dropping a toy in a bucket to indicate a response to the stimulus.
Children with developmental delays [possible autistic spectrum issues, possible intellectual disability] may not understand or often refuse to follow simple directions. OAE may be a useful screening for children with developmental delays.
Note that OAE may not detect mild hearing loss (20 dB to 40 dB) which may affect performance in school. The gold standard for screening children over age three is with a pure tone audiometer conducted by properly trained personnel.
To summarize: Parents can greatly reduce possible hearing loss in babies and young children with appropriate interventions. Know why its so important that children hear normally. Get medical attention immediately when young children appear to have difficulties with hearing normally.
Take children for routine screenings every 2 months during first year or as your pediatrician recommends. Watch for signs of possible ear infection and behaviors that indicate difficulties with hearing. Knowledge, parent involvement and appropriate medical interventions to improve hearing are particularly crucial during your child’s first six months. Parents can do a lot to reduce hearing loss in babies and young children.
In CA, children with developmental delays are typically referred for Early Start services. Early Start services are provided through the government from birth until the child turns three years old.
Roughly 70% of the children referred for Early Start services in CA are due to speech delays.
And, a very important medical questions is: Can this child hear normally? If a child applying for Early Start services cannot hear normally different medical interventions are needed to address hearing loss.
In Santa Cruz County assessment for Early Start services is done via various vendors. These vendors provide assessment reports concerning the overall development of the child/ applicant for Early Start services.
Whether or not the applicant for Early Start services can hear normally is vital to determining the appropriate kind of services to provide to the child.
Any parent who applies for Early Start services in Santa Cruz County should check with the vendor and whoever receives the assessment report and inquire about their child’s hearing abilities. Was the child’s hearing abilities screened? Can the child hear normally? And if the child does not hear normally, what appropriate medical services are recommended?
Remember the first sentences of this post: Hearing loss in young babies has profound effects on the general development of a child. And, parents can help in many ways so that their child hears and develops normally.
Whether to return to part time work or be a stay-at-home mom. Factors to consider include whether both parents or mostly mother will give the one-to-one physical contact and early care for the child.
Santorum and newborn A family of husband, wife and a two-year old is blessed with the birth of a baby in Feb., 2012.
Shall the newborn’s mother, who loves her work, return to work 1/2 time or stay at home 100% to raise two pre-school children — given the high cost of child care?
With Rick Santorum’s child policy, a family with two children subtract $22,200 instead of the current $7,400 — which is 3 times the current support.
$22,200 — if cash into a family’s wallet — buys one year of nanny time (50 weeks x 40 hours x x $10 an hour) or heaps and heaps of diapers. [Of course, it’s not cash into the family’s wallet. It’s income the parents earned which is NOT taxed by the government.]
So, a baby born on Valentine’s Day, February 2012 will be six months old by the middle of August, 2012.
If the baby’s mother returns to work in late August or Sept. 2012, four months hence, we may have a new President of the United States. Hopefully, a the new President has the courage and support of Congress to abolish Obama-Care.
So, thinking ahead: Maybe it makes at least economic sense to for a mother with 2 preschool children to work part time.
On the other hand, there are many factors to juggle when deciding whether to be a 100% stay-at-home mom or juggle daycare, baby care and work.
Such as the length of commute for each parent.
And whether both parents — or largely mother — will do the diapering and one-to-one physical contact time that all young babies need and relish. And, of course, there is the general wear and tear of juggling work and family concerns for both parents.
And, very importantly, the parents must consider the overall health of their newborn baby. Some babies come out bouncing and feisty. Other newborns need more support to thrive.
All newborns are such a miracle to behold!
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Below written by Rick Santorum in the WSJ Feb. 25, 2012:
“In your editorial “Romney’s Tax Reboot” (Feb. 23) you state that my tax plan would triple the child credit. This is incorrect. My plan triples the personal exemption for dependent children, not the child credit. The effects are far different.
Families would be able to subtract $11,100 from income for each child instead of $3,700, an extra $7,400. For a family in the 10% bracket, this would reduce the tax liability by $740. For a family with no tax liability, there would be no effect.
In contrast, if the $1,000 child credit were tripled, this would reduce tax liability by an extra $2,000 for eligible families and would be refundable.
If the charge is that I have a plan that favors hard-working American families, then yes, I am guilty. If the charge is that I am expanding welfare, then I am innocent. It is critical to promote families and help them raise children.