Opioid pain killers kill. Naloxone saves lives.


Naloxone saves lives of those who overdose from opioid overdose
Naloxone saves lives of those who overdose from opioid overdose

Opioid pain killers kill. Naloxone saves lives.

In 2011, four times as many persons died from opioid overdoses than from heroin.

Overdose deaths have risen dramatically.

In 2011, opioid painkillers killed almost 17,000 persons. That same year heroin overdoses killed far fewer —  4,400.

Nalpraxone is sold as a generic. It requires a prescription and costs about $4 a dose for an injectable version and about $45 for a  nasal spray.

Numerous state and local governments are making arrangements so people can purchase Nalpraxone readily at pharmacies.

Contact your doctor and or public health facility to find out how you can keep Nalpraxone handy should someone you know overdose from opioid pain killers.

written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

for more information see the Wall Street Journal, August 29, 2014 A3



Undersecretary Murawsky’s record at Hines VA: the continuing horror



only 25% of employees at Hines VA provide direct services
only 25% of employees at Hines VA provide direct services

Undersecretary Murawsky’s record at  Hines VA:   the continuing horror.


Petzel was replaced by Murawsky:  Last week, VA secretary Eric Shinseki tried to bring closure to the scandal by firing the VA undersecretary of health, Dr. Robert Petzel, and filling the position with Dr. Jeffrey Murawsky — the director of VA’s Great Lakes Health Care System in Winchester, Ill. Since 2009, Murawsky had oversight responsibility of the Edward Hines VA Hospital in Cook County, Ill.

But Freedom of Information Act requests by Illinois-based watchdog group Open the Books reveal that the VA spent millions on bonuses during the last three years at Hines.

Only 25% of femployees  at VA Hines provide direct care:

Worse, in 2013, only about one-in-four of Hines’ 4,230 employees were those providing the actual primary care: doctors (309) or nurses (about 800), Open the Books found.

Five veterans died waiting for care at Hines.

As far back as 1999, the VA had found systemic quality-of-care problems at Hines with little done to correct them. A VA study concluded that “Hines has the most inefficient physical plant for inpatient care and the most significant compliance issues with patient privacy.”

In 2005, a VA study rated Chicago the worst regional office in the country. Now the man in charge at Hines, Murawsky, has been elevated to oversight of the entire VA system.


Firenze Sage, ESq.  This is almost surreal. How do you take the very worst administrator and put him in charge? he’s from Chicago to start.  Now let’s see who his rabbi is.


bones grow stronger with exercise at any age

Bones grow stronger
Bones grow stronger with exercise at any age

Bones grow stronger with exercise  at any age.  Did you know:

1. Strength training makes your bones stronger. 

2. Strength training increases our muscular strength which makes daily activities easier. Through the aging process we lose muscle, and strength training can slow or reverse that process.

3. If we simply walked more the health of our nation would improve greatly.

4. Exercise is the best medicine.

5. You don’t need a formal exercise program to lose weight or get healthier. Find an activity that requires movement and do that.

6. Exercise may be just as good as pills for mild to moderate depression, though pills are likely to help quicker. The best therapy for depress is a combination of appropriate medication and therapy particularly cognitive behavioral therapy.

7. Exercise without dietary changes rarely leads to weight loss.

8. You can’t do an exercise, like a crunch or sit-up and lose fat from that area and shrink it.

9. Exercise is like brain food:  it increases blood flow to the brain and increases a chemical, BDNF, that acts like fertilizer for proper brain function. If you want to help stave off cognitive decline, be sure to remain physically active on a regular basis.

10. Because it’s one I deal with all the time, it’s worth emphasizing. If you’re not losing the weight you want, it’s unlikely to be an exercise issue, but more so a diet related issue.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/10-things-i-wish-everyone-knew-about-fitness-2014-3#ixzz2xCcZ1Ty7


Your wife or your dog? [$575 million for Population, Health & Environment]


Your Dog or your Wife?
Your  wife or your dog? 

Your wife or your dog? To protect your dog, salmon and birds,  don’t have babies with your wife?  Really?

Pick up a copy of Obama’s $3.9 trillion budget . There,  among the TSA fee hikes, Medicare payment cuts and the $400 million for the Department of Homeland Security to fight global warming is a curious little item.

On Page 930 of  Obama’s  budget that never ends is $575 million for “family planning/reproductive health” worldwide especially in “areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species.”

 The idea that the way to protect insects, fish and animals is by preventing human beings from having children is part of an approach known as Population, Health and Environment (PHE),  PHE h integrates population control into environmentalist initiatives.


Firenze Sage, Esq.  Environmental madness paid for by US!!

More info about PHE:

“More than 1 billion people live in ecological hotspots, many of which are remote areas of critically important biodiversity under intense pressure from human activity. Conservation work is usually located in these remote areas to protect the remaining biodiversity. In the developing world, the communities in these remote areas often suffer from ill health because of limited access to health services or family planning. These communities also tend to suffer from poor nutrition, water supplies or sanitation. Inadequate health care in these communities is usually because of economic struggles. Livelihoods in the rural communities depend on natural resources and small-scale agriculture, which can force people to use natural resources unsustainably because of pressures such as rapid population growth or health issues. This can be damaging to ecosystems and the biodiversity in these rural areas.

Conversely, people’s health relies on the health of their environment. Their surrounding ecosystem provides them with goods and services such as water, food, medicine, fuel wood, building materials, and other resources. Damage or disruption of these natural goods and services can have severe consequences for human health.”


There’s a short window for clot breaking with strokes

Clot breaking with strokes:
There’s a short   window for clot breaking  when a person has experienced stroke symptoms.

Strokes caused by clots can, depending on your symptoms,  be managed with high doses of blood thinning medication.

So, learn how to screen for stroke like symptoms. 

Can the person smile, stick out their tongue, raise their arms above their head and hold them there a couple seconds?

Think of a one year old child who sees their parent. Young children will instinctively raise their arms to indicate they want to be picked up. And they engage in social smiling to encourage caregivers to interact.  Tongue sticking out is opening the mouth and shows ability to control facial movements.

So know the symptoms of strokes.

Know that persons who are experiencing stroke-like symptoms cannot think normally and need someone else to make decisions.

And get to emergency fast.

If you have a stroke due to clots and within short window of a few hours,  you may be given massive blood thinning IV which actually breaks up the clots.

And, with proper treatment, many or even all  of your  deficits from the stroke may disappear within hours. 

So, check out the hospitals in your area.  Do you have a hospital with specialized stroke treatment and therapy?  In Santa Cruz County, CA Dominican Hospital is the one hospital with specialized treatment and  a Acute Rehabilitation Unit (RHU) for on-going therapy.  Therapy provided includes Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. 

By the way, the diagnosis and treatment of strokes done at Dominican Hospital is class A terrific.



Progressive progress [Bill de Blasio sets new rules for others]


Progressive progress: Bill de Blasio sets new rules for others.

Just days after Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an aggressive plan to prevent traffic deaths, CBS 2 cameras caught the driver of a car carrying the mayor violating a number of traffic laws.

As CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday, the mayor’s two-car caravan was seen speeding, blowing through stop signs, and violating other traffic laws. Kramer reported that if the driver of the lead car, which carried the mayor in its passenger seat, had been cited, he would have racked up enough points to get his license suspended.

When the mayor announced his 62-point safe streets initiative, which includes lowering the speed limit to 25 mph, he said, “We want the public to know that we are holding ourselves to this standard.”



Firenze Sage, Esq.  Well here we go again.

[New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s progressive progress]


Visionary Street Safety Goal: No Fatalities or Serious Injuries on New York City Streets

In just one night two weeks ago, three New Yorkers were killed while walking on New York City streets. This, tragically, was not unusual. In the past year, 291 of our neighbors were killed in car crashes, and 15,465 pedestrians and cyclists were injured in collisions with motor vehicles.

“In New York, one person is killed in a car crash every 30 hours. Every 10 seconds, a New Yorker suffers a traffic related injury, and every two hours a traffic injury results in dismemberment or disfigurement. From 2001 to 2010, more New Yorkers were killed in traffic than were murdered by guns. The consequences for New York families is tragic: being struck by a car is the most common cause of injury-related death among children 1-14 years old, and the second most common cause among those aged 15 and older.


[why food deserts abound] Surprise! Everyone hates broccoli

food deserts abound because people hate broccoli
Why food deserts abound. Surprise!

 Why food deserts abound. Surprise! Everyone hates broccoli!

 In inner cities and poor rural areas across the country, public health advocates have been working hard. Why?  to To turn around food deserts – neighborhoods where fresh produce is scarce, and greasy fast food abounds.

In many cases, they’re converting dingy, cramped corner markets into lighter, brighter stores.  that offer fresh fruits and vegetables.

In some cases, they’re building brand new stores.

To change inner city food habits they built stores that were attractive. 

“The presumption is, if you build a store, people are going to come,” says Stephen Matthews, professor in the departments of sociology, anthropology and demography at Penn State University.

To check that notion, he and colleagues from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine recently surveyed residents of one low-income community in Philadelphia before and after the opening of a glistening new supermarket brimming with fresh produce.

What people actually eat:

 What they’re finding, Matthews says, is a bit surprising: “We don’t find any difference at all. … We see no effect of the store on fruit and vegetable consumption.”

Surprise!  Everyone hates broccoli.



Firenze Sage, Esq.  As usual,  the Obamas are wrong.





Food Deserts: Where Have All the Inner-City Grocery Stores Gone?

by Jeremy Bowman  Apr 4th 2012 6:00AM

City grocery storesChicago entrepreneur Karriem Beyah grew up working in the grocery business, but when he courted some industry heavyweights to bring stores to the South Side, their response was disdainful: “Who wants to go over there, in that negative element?”








What are probable causes of autism? Vaccines?

What are probable causes of autism in babies? Vaccines?

Defer vaccinations for some children ages 18 to 24 mo?
Defer vaccinations for some babies  ages 18 to 24 mo?

What are probable causes of autism in babies? Vaccines?   Research says mercury in vaccines does not cause autism because there’s no more mercury in the vaccines. That’s the beginning of the story …

But maybe the vaccines themselves overwhelm some babies who genetically are more likely to develop it than others.

What to do? Talk to your MD about a delayed schedule for vaccinations.  A particularly vulnerable window seems to be the 18 – 24 month period. Why not defer vaccinations if certain conditions exist.   drcameronjackson@gmail.com


Research Reaffirms: No Vaccine-Autism Link

Jan. 7, 2008


A new study may be the latest nail in the coffin of a theory that draws a link between the mercury-containing vaccine additive thimerosal and autism.

The research is the latest to contradict concerns over childhood vaccinations as a possible cause of autism — concerns that have gained publicity in the past decade as the number of children diagnosed with the disorder climbs steadily in the United States.

Because vaccinations are mandatory for all children at a certain age, some parents and doctors believe that the mercury once found in many childhood vaccines may contribute to the development of autism. However, so far a number of large scientific studies have shown no association between thimerosal and autism.

And the most recent research to nullify this association, published Monday in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, reveals that the prevalence of autism for children ages 3 to 12 continued to increase in California even after 2001 — when all but trace levels of mercury had been removed from most childhood vaccines.

“If thimerosal exposure is a primary cause of autism, then the prevalence of autism would be predicted to decrease, as young children’s exposure to thimerosal has sharply decreased to its lowest levels in decades,” noted lead study investigator Robert Schechter in the commentary section of the research.

Much Ado About an Additive

Before 2001, thimerosal was used in many childhood vaccines to prevent microbial contamination. However, in July 1999, the U.S. Public Health Service implemented a precautionary measure removing thimerosal — which contains 49.6 percent ethylmercury — from all childhood vaccines.

To determine whether reduced exposure to thimerosal led to a decrease in autism cases, researchers at the California Department of Public Health analyzed data from the California Department of Developmental Services on the prevalence by age and birth cohort of children with autism between 1995 and 2007.

But instead of finding a decrease in autism following the elimination of thimerosal from most vaccines, researchers found that for each quarter from 1995 to the end of 2003, the prevalence of autism in children between the ages of 3 and 5 years increased from 0.6 to 2.9 per 1,000 births.



From 2004 to 2007, when exposure to thimerosal from childhood vaccinations vastly declined, the prevalence of autism in children between the ages of 3 and 5 years increased from 3.0 to 4.1 per 1,000 births.

The findings bolster the position that has been steadfastly held by the Institute of Medicine, and many doctors worldwide, that no link can be established between thimerosal and autism.

Some researchers say that the absence of a link has already been demonstrated in Denmark, where thimerosal was removed from all vaccines in 1992. Despite this move, autism rates in that country continued to rise until 2004.

“Conspiracy theorists will continue to engage this theory on the link between autism and vaccinations, but hopefully, they will take into account that this idea has been refuted on an international scale, not just by the CDC,” said Mark Slifka, associate professor in the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute at Oregon Health Sciences University.

“Studies out of Sweden and Denmark, independent studies on an international basis, have all come to this same conclusion.”



Emergency Room Nurse Experiences Mayo Man

ER visit by Mayo man for toe pain Written by a former highway patrolman, now   an RN.  skotcoz@hotmail.com

E.R. room
Mayo man visits ER for toe pain & refuses to leave ER room.

“One night in the ER, I just took over as charge nurse when one of my younger, female RN’s approached me for some help.

ER client refuses to leave room
ER client refuses to leave room

She was having some difficulty discharging one of her clients.

She had given the client his discharge paperwork and nearly 20 minutes passed with the client remaining in the ER room.

When she went in to check on him, he told her to “fuck off!” and in essence, said he’d leave when he was ready.

This was late swing shift, very busy, with a lobby full of sick folks who needed rooms.

I view most of my younger female RN’s as  my little sisters, so I decided this particular ER client needed to have a personal visit from me. As I announced my presence and began to move into the room around the closed curtain, I was met with multiple obscenities launched in my general direction.

He  accused me  of trying to get a peek at the client while in an undressed state. I found it humorous because he was fully dressed minus one shoe. shoe



The thing that struck me as a bit funnier was he had paused in this state of dress  (minus one shoe) to make a sandwich.

sandwich  made in ER  room by Mayo man before departing hospital



He emptied his backpack onto the exam stretcher which included a loaf of bread, mayo, and cheese.

When I advised him that I didn’t appreciate his candor with my nurse, he cursed at me, told me to get out of his room. He actually ran across the room and pushed my chest with both hands. I didn’t react at first because he really surprised me, and he actually bounced off me. He was kind of methish, about 5′ 9″ and weighed about a buck fifty.


I’m six feet tall and weigh in at about 200.

male R.N, 6 feet, 200 pounds of muscle on duty
RN, 6 feet, 200 pounds of muscle,  tells Mayo man to leave ER & hit the road.

That being said, the physical contact pissed me off a bit and I warned him against a second attack and what would probably happen to him if he touched me again. Some staff had witnessed the interaction and called security.

Security  arrived and stood behind me as we watched him install that last shoe. I told him to pack up his food and hit the road.

As he was loading his backpack, the verbal onslaught continued. When he finally finished, he tried walking past the group of us patiently waiting for him. I calmly raised a hand to stop him, which he walked right into. He told me he needed to get by me so he could get his bike outside of the lobby. The security guards and I advised him he was leaving by the closest exit, which was the ambulance bay doors about 20 feet away. He protested a bit, but with direction from security he finally left and took the long way around to get his bike.

 On the way out, he found it necessary to shown me some crude gang tattoos. 

Mayo man's gang tatoos
Example of  gang tattoos


He assumed we would all accept them as threats. My guess is that they may have been real but any gang probably found that this guy was too bat shit crazy to hang with anymore.

This incident is not the weirdest thing to ever happen, just a small picture of  daily life in the ER.


what happens in the er

More stories to come.

If anyone was wondering, without giving any confidential information away, Mayo man  was seen for a very minor complaint resembling the acuity of toe pain.  

P.S. You all  paid for his ER visit.”


The author is a former highway patrolman who now is an RN.

Other relevant posts include: 






Ignorance costs [knowledge of ObamaCare]

What are real costs of ObamaCare? People do not know what a deductible is.
What are real costs of ObamaCare? People do not know what a deductible is.

Ignorance costs. Most people do not understand  the costs associated with ObamaCare:

For example:  Do you know what a “deductible” is?

A recent academic study published in the Journal of Health Economicsfound that just 14% of individuals who have health coverage could correctly answer all four of four basic questions about health insurance. For example, they did not know  what a “deductible” and “copay” are.

If comprehension figures are that low for the insured, analysts worry what that portends for the uninsured, especially for a program as complex as Obamacare.

Unawareness of terms like “deductible” could prove mind boggling for people. 

A recent analysis by Avalere Health of 19 state marketplace plans found that the average deductible for an Obamacare bronze plan—the lowest option available—is $4,300. That means big out-of-pocket costs for the newly insured.

Other studies have show similar results. A Carnegie Mellon University study finds that 86% of Americans ages 25 to 64 do not understand Obamacare.


Firenze Sage, Esq:  And how many of the geniuses that put this monster together understood it?
