Obama’s Hope & Change via Obama-Care

Obama-Care kicks in unless ...
Obama’s Hope & Change via Obama-Care kicks in unless Independents and Republicans successfully defund or put it off  for a year.

Remember Obama’s promise of Hope & Change back in 2008? And instead of focusing on jobs and the economy, Obama and the Democrats pushed through Obama-Care.  Now it’s 2013 and Obama-Care about to kick in. 

We the People don’t want Obama-Care. It’s just as unpopular  now as when it became a law passed by Congress with 0 bipartisan support from Independents or  Republicans. Two-thirds of Americans are worried and concerned how Obama-Care will affect them.


If  you are someone who dislikes Obama-Care,  do what you can do. Doing nothing is a form of support which  pleases those who created Obama-Care.

If you have not  yet done so,  exercise your free speech and right to assemble and petition your government.  Here’s how:


Pick up the phone and call your representatives.  Send  a  Twitter, Speak out on Face Book. Talk to your neighbors. Open your Contacts and send a group e-mail.  Just don’t be part of those millions wh just o let things happen.

Do what you can do even if seems hopeless, i.e.,  if  you live in a Democrat controlled district and happen to be Independent or a Republican.

For example,  I live in a  Democrat controlled  California  district where our “representative”  Sam Farr votes  the Democrat party line 9 out of 10 times.  Check out Sam Farr’s  stats.  93% of the time  Sam Farr  votes in lock step with the Democrat Party. To see Sam Farr’s voting record:


What are Independents and Republicans to do?  We are stuck between a rock and a hard spot. The Democrat Party, President Obama and Socialist/Democrat  Sam Farr  support Obama-Care as they   rightfully understand that Obama-Care will cave in and then, after some piecemeal attempts to fix it, the U.S.  will become a single payer medical system. Single payer was and is what President Obama and the Democrat Party seek.

Obama-Care puts millions more people into the current Medicare system.  Let’s look at how this plays out where I live, in Santa Cruz County,  California: Getting a Santa Cruz area physician  who takes Medicare is currently quite difficult.  Not impossible but very difficult. The shortage of  MD’s  willing to take Medicare  will only get astronomically worse.


There are already some medical  specialties wherein  Santa Cruz area MD’s  take no Medicare patients.  Child psychiatry is one area.  If you want a child psychiatrist and only have Medicare you must go out of  Santa Cruz county.  Developmentally delayed adults is another group of people  which  cannot find Santa Cruz area psychiatrists  willing to take Medicare.

How has socialist/ Democrat  congressman Sam Farr helped our Santa Cruz County  area physicians? Not at all.

Many years ago,  Santa Cruz County was classified as  a “rural” district.  Doctors  in ‘rural” districts get paid substantially less  for Medicare patients than doctors providing services  in “urban” areas such as Campbell, Saratoga and San Jose,

California. Sam Farr has represented Santa Cruz County for over 20 years. Yet, Sam Farr has never gotten the “rural” classification  for Santa Cruz  changed to “urban”.   Thus,  our  Santa Cruz, CA  doctors continue being paid substantially less than doctors 20 miles away over the hill. The local Santa Cruz Sentinel had a recent headline concering  the price of housing in Santa Cruz County. The area is one of the most expensive to live in:


For those out there concerned that medical doctors (and psychologists)  be paid decently for Medicare patients, remember Sam Farr’s failure  to change the classification of Santa Cruz County from rural to urban. Simply put, Sam Farr is  ineffective.  Voters should remember that in 2014. So when you call your representative, send a Twitter or get on FaceBook ….

Tell your representatives, neighbors and friends  that what’s good enough for Congress  is good enough for We the People.   Our congressional leaders opted out of Obama-Care.  Why?  Too expensive they said.  And we likewise we should say, Obama-Care is  too expensive! If  congress will  not  get in the boat, we should not either.

Another reason to de-fund and repeal Obama-Care:    Under Obama-Care,  younger  workers pay heavily to subsidize the old and sick.  And unfortunately, what the young are subsidizing with Obama-Care s is a sick system with doctors paid less and less and medical decisions increasingly made by administrators — by  the death squads as some have aptly described them. Pour millions more into the same system with the same number of physicians and what happens? Someone, some entity,  has to ration the medical services that are provided.  So, now everyone gets worse medical care that before.

A third reason to de-fund and repeal Obama-Care:   Thanks to President Obama’s  recent ad hoc decision,  there is no income verification. So anyone can say anything and sign up for Obama-Care.   Down the road, it will be on the government’s shoulders to get the money back. Perhaps this is why Obama-Care has 18,000  IRS jobs built in  –to oversee tax compliance in the long run. What people say as to their projected 2014 income is has enormous consequences determining  the government subsidy that  they receive.  For example, the difference of only $3,000 in projected 2014 income changes the government subsidy from a mere $50 to $600 or so.   So which figure is a person likely to tell the government?

Think of the Big Picture:  Currently, medical decisions are made between you and the physician you selected.  Under Obama-Care, administrators will made the most  important medical decisions. Doctors and hospitals will be out of the loop.

President Obama has opened the flood gates so that  younger workers will  sign up. Obama has let businesses off the hook for implementation before the next election. Congress is off the hook.

 Is this the Hope and Change that you wanted in 2008?  In 2012?  Now in 2013? The American public likes having their adult children able to be on their parent’s policy until age 26. The public wants prior medical conditions covered.  Fine.  There are other ways to do so without implementing Obama-Care.

It’s time to put the skids on Obama’s Hope & Change via Obama-Care.  What say you? 


Cameron Jackson  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Aptos Psychologist: cart behind horse where it belongs!

horse in front of cart
horse in front of cart

Cart behind  horse where it belongs – finally! Surely you have heard the expression, “don’t put the cart before the horse…”

Clinical medical decisions by MDs can now be  driven by the ‘horse’ of immediate information available from instant blood tests



cart before the  horse
cart before the horse

Cart before the horse:  Where we have been for years!  Typically, feeling ill patients call their MD and schedule a visit.  And, as a result of the visit the MD orders blood tests. And days or weeks can intervene before the blood test results get back to the MD. And then the MD schedules the patient in to discuss the results. All that may change soon. And for the better!

Soon, you the patient can call your MD who orders a blood test to be done that day at a  nearby pharmacy. Instead of taking vials of blood only one drop is taken from your finger. when your finger pricked. Within  a couple hours , all the tests  are done at the pharmacy  and you take your lab results with you to your medical  appointment. Then the rule in and rule out process central to medical diagnosis can begin — based on immediate, accurate information provided by the patient.

Now the ‘horse’ of reliable information drives the ‘cart’ of clinical decision  done by your physician.

And who put the cart behind the horse where it belongs?

Not Sherlock Holmes — but Elizabeth Holmes, drop out from Stanford. She is a 29 year old chemical and electrical engineer and entrepreneur. The first pharmacy to carry the instant blood tests will be Wallgreens in Palo Alto, California.

“Theranos was founded in 2003 by Elizabeth Holmes to empower individuals with actionable health information at the time it matters, enabling early detection and intervention of disease. Today, Theranos is revolutionizing the way that health information is collected, analyzed, and communicated.”

For more information about Theranos, visit http://www.theranos.com   To be added to a press list for future announcements, contact pr@theranos.com.

Written by Aptos Psychologist, Cameron Jackson.  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

See a recent Wall Street Journal article:  A Drop of Blood. An Instant Diagnosis   Saturday/Sunday September 7-8, 2013



Lupron medication can keep children safe from predators?

Lupron for sex offenders work?
Lupron medication  for sex offenders work?

Can Lupron medication control  sexual attraction urges for children?  Of course, we want sexual offenders to stop harming children.  Is medication the way  to keep children safe from predators?    

If  Lupron works, why is the price so high?  Considering the cost of keeping someone in prison (50+K) can close monitoring and Lupron work?

Might Lupron medication or other medications such as Depro-Provera  keep more chilren save?

Roughly 300,000 children are abused a year.  The recidivism rate is 13% according to Sorentino.

Dr. Renee Sorrentino is clinical director in psychiatry at Harvard. She thinks Lupron is worth the expense. What say you?

[whohit]-LUPRIN MED-[/whohit]

Aptos Psychologist says:

Harming innocent children is considered one of the worst crimes.  Psychiatry — as usual — recommends popping pills and monitoring closely.  And there will always be some  people who say keep them in prison and throw away the key.  What treatment works and can we foot the bill?

Below is a story in the news about a sexual offender (he focuses on  12 year old boys)  who takes Depro-Provera  which weakens his sexual urges.:



Outrage in Hyde Park after a high-risk sex offender moved to town. Adding to concerns– Timothy Szad, 53, is living about a mile from a public school. More than 100 parents showed up to a meeting Wednesday night wanting to know if their kids are safe since the Vt. Department of Corrections has listed Szad as likely to reoffend. He was released in July after serving out a maximum sentence for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a teenage boy.

Their protest was civil, but their signs speak volumes. These Hyde Park parents want registered sex offender Timothy Szad out of their town. And they have the support of Rep. Kurt Wright.

“The ones you’re really concerned about are the ones labeled high risk to reoffend,” said Rep. Kurt Wright, R-Burlington.

Parents gathered Wednesday night to voice their long list of concerns to their sheriff and other state officials.

“What would the policy be if this guy starts showing up?” asked Ted Greene. His son starts soccer practice Thursday morning.

“So, how are we as parents supposed to feel our kids are safe in this school? And in this area?” questioned another father, Mark Dvorak.

Some parents have spread the word themselves, plastering Szad’s mug shot on their cars for everyone to see.

“It’s a different way of life for a while and you have to be proactive, we and [the Sheriff’s] six other folks can’t do it alone,” said Lamoille North Supervisory Union Superintendent Joseph Ciccolo. He reminded parents not to just keep an eye on Szad, but on their children.

“You’re concerned about the playground coverage after hours; well, I’m concerned that you don’t send your children out without adult supervision,” Ciccolo said.

Since Szad moved to Hyde Park last week, Lamoille County Sheriff Roger Marcoux has received more than 10 calls a day. He’s made keeping tabs on Szad his top priority.

“He was very, very transparent of what he’d done. He took us through his history and agreed to some things that are very important,” Marcoux explained.

That includes checking in with the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department on a daily basis, getting monthly shots to control his sexual urges, and never leaving the ministry member’s house where he’s staying without supervision.

“If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have anybody watching this guy 24/7,” Marcoux said.

Still, many residents want Szad out. Technically all those agreements he has made with Marcoux are voluntary. Szad is a free man and could stop taking his medication or checking in with police if he chooses.

“Is Hyde Park kind of a halfway house for him and he’s going to move on? I mean, he’s not renting a house; he’s just staying with this person. What’s his long-term plan?” asked resident Chris Lynch.

Marcoux couldn’t answer that, but reminded the crowd that Szad may be safest while living with the ministry members. The alternative, he says, could be worse.

“Traditionally what happens to these folks is they end up in the woods in a tent and then I don’t know where he is, my department doesn’t know where he is. He’s not getting treatment, he’s probably not going to be getting those shots anymore because he can’t drive,” Marcoux explained.

Marcoux has also gone door to door to about 40 homes nearby where Szad is staying to identify which homes have children who may be at risk. But for many residents, it’s not enough. They are hoping to appeal to their legislators to push for civil confinement. That’s a law that if passed, would mean sex offenders could be held past their sentence if deemed dangerous.

Related Stories:

Hyde Park parents voice concerns about sex offender

Sex offender has Hyde Park on high alert

High-risk sex offender moving to Hyde Park

High-risk sex offender returns to Vermont

High-risk sex offender leaves Vermont for California

High-risk sex offender heading out of Vermont

Sex offender release renews calls for Vt. civil confinement law

Community placement for Vt. sex offender on hold

Springfield on alert after state warns of sex offender release

Vt. Corrections warns of sex offender release





Simplify life with a smart cell phone? Yes! Reduce stress???

[whohit]-Simplify Life-[/whohit]

smart cell phones
simplify life with a smart cell phone?

iPhone or Androd

Simplify life with a smart cell phone?  Yes!

Reduce stress? Maybe, but probably not. 

[written by Aptos Psychologist  www.freedomOK.net]

 With a  smart phone, you can simplify life by  getting  rid of your alarm clock.

But if you forgot to charge your cell phone battery, watch out!

‘I forgot to charge the cell phone’ is akin to the   lame excuse  that ‘ the dog ate my homework’ for the under thirty crowd.

No more need (assuming that your cell phone  is charged)  for a flashlight by your bedside or for a calculator.  That’s true. And, no more need for  that wrist watch  which   you strapped around your arm every morning.

You can get rid of the land line and stop paying that monthly bill. Besides, so few people call anymore except for people whom you don’t want to talk to. But when that BIG STORM hits — like it did in New York City  and the electricity is out for days — having phones connected to phone lines comes in  darn handy.  But then you do need  to know how to use a pay phone, a talent many in the  under thirty generation have  not mastered.

With a smart cell phone, no more need for a personal address book or Rolodex file?

True.  But having all Your Eggs in One Basket  can be stressful when you can’t find your cell phone, you  misplace your eye glasses or your long term or  short term memory abilities  are not as tip top as they used to be.

Some say that if  you  buy the right app, you can get rid of most of your keys.

Perhaps.  But, for sure,  that does not apply to  smart cell phones made by Microsoft Windows — which only has 2% of the market and a dwindling app store.  And don’t try to find an app for keys if you buy the newest smart phones by Blackberry.

With a smart cell phone, you  can sell  or give away your record/cassette tape player.  But would you?

Yes, now you can listen to your music — and  at the volume   you want —  whenever you want.  However, for those who remember the richness of great sound equipment,  the music you hear may sound rather  thin compared to what you remember.

Well, using a smart phone is in keeping with at least ONE rule of Thoreau:


written by:    drcameronjackson@gmail.com


coffee, fish, alcohol slows MS? Yes for many …

[whohit]-coffee and ms-[/whohit]

coffee, fish and wine slow
coffee, fish, alcohol  slow MS?

Coffee, fish,  alcohol slows MS? Yes for many say researchers.

Yes for many, i.e. for persons with relapsing MS, not so much  for persons with progressive MS.

Persons with relapsing have clearly defined attacks with worsening of neurological function with partial or full remission.  Persons with progressive MS  have a gradual worsening from the beginning.




Mar. 19, 2012 — Patients with relapsing onset Multiple Sclerosis (MS) who consumed alcohol, wine, coffee and fish on a regular basis took four to seven years longer to reach the point where they needed a walking aid than people who never consumed them.

coffee, fish and wine
coffee, fish and  alcohol slow MS for many


However the study, published in the April issue of theEuropean Journal of Neurology, did not observe the same patterns in patients with progressive onset MS.

 Different mechanisms might be involved in how disability progresses in relapsing and progressive onset MS state researchers.

Researchers asked patients registered with the Flemish MS Society to take part in a survey, which included questions on themselves, their MS and their current consumption of alcohol, wine, coffee, tea, fish and cigarettes.

The 1,372 patients who agreed to take part were also asked to indicate whether they had reached stage six on the zero to ten stage Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and, if so, when this had happened.

“MS is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system” explains lead author Dr Marie D’hooghe from the National MS Center at Melsbroek, Belgium. “The clinical symptoms, progression of disability and severity of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another.

“Two major MS onset types can be distinguished. Progressive onset MS is characterised by a gradual worsening of neurological function from the beginning, whereas patients with relapsing onset MS patients experience clearly defined attacks of worsening neurologic function with partial or full remission.

“EDSS 6 is an important milestone in the development of MS as it is the point at which patients need support to walk a reasonable distance.”

The patients who took part were aged between 17 and 89 years-of-age:

  • 65% (893) had relapsing onset MS. 76% were female, with an average age of 50 years. Age at MS onset averaged 31.5 years and disease duration averaged 19 years.
  • 35% (479) had progressive onset MS. 62% were female, with an average age of 59 years. Age at MS onset averaged 37 years and disease duration averaged 21 years.

The researchers analysed how long it had taken people to reach EDSS 6 and compared those who reported moderate consumption of fish, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and cigarettes with those who reported occasional or no consumption. This showed that:

  • Just over half (51%) had reached EDSS 6 after an average disease duration of 20 years. The percentage was much higher for people with progressive onset MS (80%) than relapsing onset (36%).

  • Patients with relapsing onset MS who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol (one drink a week or more) reached EDSS 6 seven years later than people who did not drink at all and wine drinkers reached it four years later than those who did not drink wine. The time differences were insignificant in people with progressive onset MS.

coffee, fish and moderate alcohol slow MS for many
  • Daily coffee consumption delayed reaching EDSS 6 by five years in people with relapsing onset MS, but there were no significant differences in people with progressive onset MS. Drinking tea daily produced insignificant results in both groups.
  • People with relapsing onset MS who ate fish two or more times a week reached EDSS 6 seven years later than those who ate it less than once a month. It made no difference whether the fish was lean or fatty.

The time differences quoted above did not take into account gender, age at onset and treatment, which are known to affect disability progression in MS. But even after adjusting for these factors, the hazard risk analysis for time to sustained EDSS 6 (where 1.0 was the reference number for zero consumption) showed that:

  • The hazard risks for relapsing onset MS were significantly lower for a number of factors: moderate alcohol (0.61), moderate wine (0.67), daily coffee (0.60), occasional coffee (0.60), fish at least twice a week (0.60) and fish at least once a month (0.63).
  • Daily cigarette smoking raised the risk to 1.35 in relapsing onset MS.
  • The only hazard risk of any statistical significance for progressive onset MS was 1.56 for patients who preferred fatty fish, compared with those who preferred lean fish.

The paper contains full details of the suggested mechanisms that may be involved in the links between consumption and disease progression.

“Although our findings show a number of associations between consumption and disease progression, it is important that patients recognise that this does not imply that certain food and drinks provide a protective effect as other factors may be involved” stresses Dr D’hooghe.

“Our study does, however, provide valuable pointers for future research as it reinforces the theory that different mechanisms may be involved in the progression of disability in relapsing and progressive onset MS.”


North Korean health praised by WHO as MDs not migrate

North Korean health care praised because MDs cannot migrate
North Korean health care praised because MDs cannot migrate

North Korean health praised by WHO as MDs do not migrate. As North Korean is a totalitarian state, MDs and other heath care personnel cannot leave the country.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan, praised DPRK North Korea’s health-care system. The praise followed her official visit to this totalitarian and rogue nuclear-armed police state.

WHO Chan stated that “there is no shortage of doctors and nurses in North Korea.” She says “the country does not suffer from a so-called brain drain because health professionals do not emigrate.”

Another source gives the following direct quote to Chan on this issue: “‘To give you a couple of examples, DPRK has no lack of doctors and nurses, as we see in other developing countries, where most of their doctors and nurse have migrated.”

Director-General Chen continues “‘Based on what I have seen, I can tell you they have something that most other developing countries would envy,’ [The head of the UN’s health agency] made these statements despite reports of renewed famine in parts of the country.”

More info:  http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/07/whos_delusions_on_north_koreas_health_care_system.html

Firenze Sage: Ms Chan cannot figure out why doctors in a concentration camp cannot leave. And she heads a health organization.



AUTISM: how to prevent social & communication delays


How parents can  lessen or   prevent AUTISM symptoms in young children:  

Before birth: 

  • Ultrasounds:  Consider limiting the number of ultrasounds you as a pregnant woman undergo.  What is ultra sound?  You must know that “something” is passing through highly sensitive, quickly developing human tissue.  Do you really need to know the sex of your child?  Does your MD really need to know exactly how when the child is likely to be born so they can plan their time better?  Less is best for your child if merely done to know sex and date of birth.
  • Immunizations:  know what your MD or hospital will do right after birth concerning possible immunizations.  Does your child really need them? Learn and you  decide.  If  OK with your MD, stretch out the time between immunizations. For example instead of 3 on one day why not one shot  a week over the course of a month.
  • Improve & maintain your health while pregnant and after birth: what possible problems are likely given your family history? Depression? High blood pressure? Diabetes? Get prenatal medical advise. Know the  kinds of vitamins and what you can do to be optimally healthy.

After birth: 

  • Establish rhythms between child and parents and other care takers.  So that the child knows by the actions that occur   that someone will pick the child up, sooth with  their well known voices heard inutero and  feed and change the child as needed.
  • Talk to your child. Do so before birth and do so after birth. Keep it simple. Speak clearly and slowly. Look the child in their eyes when talking to them. From birth on, speak to the child with simple, caring language:  “Are you hungry?”  “Want to play?” “Time to stretch” ? “Are you wet?”  “How about a hug and kiss?” “Listen to this song.”  Use the words from birth that you want them to learn.  Keep it simple.  Lots of reinforcement.
  • Tell the child what you are doing and give the child time to respond to you.  Say, “Time for milk …”  or “Time to eat …”  and look at the child so the child can anticipate a bottle or breast. Connect your words and nonverbal actions so they child comes to expect what will occur having heard  your words and seen your actions. Anticipation is healthy for your child.
  • Know & respect the very different  temperments  young children have:   Is your child slow to warm up?  Highly active physically? Very regular in what they want for sleep and food?  Or is your child highly irregular and changeable moment to moment. You as the parent have to be flexible and — even though tired — willing to adapt to the needs of your child.
  • Create a warm, colorful, inviting physical and emotional envirnment for your baby:   things that dangle.  colors and shapes. soft and hard objects to touch. music that sooths in the background. darkness for sleep and light and sound for day time contact.

Get help:

  • Plan ahead and be nice to your mother-in-law or other persons who could step in and assist in the first few weeks.  Plan ahead so mother and father can have a break.  And, assuming your in-laws have had children (how else could you be there) also assume that they can act appropriately with your young bundle of love. Let them use their wisdom and knowledge and don’t make them do what you do.  Learn from your elders. Yes, what a thought for young mothers and fathers following the latest fads in child raising. 

What to know: The variations in normal development are immense.

Information about  the development of your child is vital:  Do keep track of your child’s development with smart phone cameras and old fashioned baby books.  Write down: age child first smiles? age child starts to kick arms and legs to get your attention? age child turns head towards you when you say his or her name?

Well Baby Checks: Write out a list of any concerns you have and take that list when you talk to you MD.  There are excellent check lists MDs can have you fill out concerning the issues that may suggest delays in social and communication development.

Seek early help:  There are twenty plus Regional Centers in California which  provide assistance for  young children  with developmental delays.  Parents can self refer or they can have their MD refer the child.  No diagnosis is necessary to get excellent assistance to assist your child’s development in the 0 to 3 age period.

This is just to get you going.  There are lots of books out there. If you have questions or comments sent them to:   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com 

Dr. Jackson is a licensed California psychologist. She is employed part time for one of California’s regional centers. Dr. Jackson assesses children and adults and provides short-term therapy. Dr. Jackson has expertise in autism and other developmental delays. You can find additional information about Dr. Jackson on Monterey Bay Forum www.FreedomOK.net and on the Psychology Today website.  She may be contacted at P.O.Box 1972, Aptos, CA 95003  831 688-6002




Welcome to 5th century! Islam rejects DNA evidence

Islam rejects DNA as evidence in rape cases

Welcome to the 5th century! Islam rejects DNA as evidence in rape cases. So says the Council of Islamic Ideology. Why? Because there is no mention of DNA in the Islamic bible – the Koran.

“Why did they not produce for it four witnesses? And when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is they, in the sight of Allah , who are the liars.” — Qur’an 24:13

The Council of Islamic Ideology rejects DNA testing as primary evidence because it isn’t mentioned in the Qur’an. The Qur’an mandates that four witnesses are required to establish sexual crimes – zina — and that’s that.

In a meeting of the council on Wednesday, religious scholars observed that while the tool could aid investigation into rape complaints, it could not be taken as evidence. It could, at best, serve as supplementary evidence but could not supersede the Islamic laws laid out for determining rape complaints.

“It cannot be treated as main evidence but it certainly is a great help in investigations,” said Allama Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, a member of CII present at the meeting chaired by Senator Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani. The Quranic provisions calling for four witnesses would still be required as evidence in such cases, the scholars maintained.

The observation was made in response to queries sent to the council by different courts regarding the status of DNA tests as evidence in rape case. The standard police practice has been to register rape cases only after obtaining DNA test results and presenting the report before the court as the main evidence.



Firenze Sage: All cultures are equal sayeth the idiot.  

 Shoveling Smoke

War Against Rape in Pakistan      DNA evidence rejected



Firenze Sage: Workers’ paradise [China’s dead pigs]

Dead pigs in China
Welcome to China:

The heady optimism of four years ago has now given way to more sober views, thanks to the accretion of facts. Facts like 16,000 dead pigs floating down Shanghai’s Whampoa river in March. Or the worst air pollution on record in Beijing in January, with levels of tiny particulate matter reaching levels 25 times higher than the standard in the U. S. Or 80% of the East China Sea lost to fishing because of the pollution, according to Elizabeth Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations. Or 1.2 million premature deaths due to air pollution, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.

Another nugget: “A recent social media campaign led by locals and international activists shed light on the growing phenomena of ‘cancer villages’—areas where water pollution is so bad that it has led to a sharp rise in diseases like stomach cancer,” wrote Thomas Thompson last month in Foreign Affairs. “The China Geological Survey now estimates that 90% of China’s cities depend on polluted groundwater supplies. Water that has been purified at treatment plants is often recontaminated en route to homes.”


Firenze Sage:  The worker’s paradise.     Four More Years by Firenze Sage


Firenze Sage: anti abortion = anti black [says MSNBC]

Number of abortions by Planned Parenthood

On May 26, MSNBC political analyst Michael Eric Dyson described Virginia lieutenant governor nominee E.W. Jackson as “a black puppet” who carries a white supremacist message.

Jackson is a black man, and is urging Christians in the black community to break free from their loyalties to the Democrat Party.

According to Newbusters.org, Jackson raised Dyson’s ire by warning these Christian that the Democrat Party has “has created an unholy alliance between certain so-called civil rights leaders and Planned Parenthood,” and that this alliance has resulted in the deaths of “tens of millions” of “black babies.”

Dyson responded by saying “Planned Parenthood is not about abortions.” He then added: “[Jackson’s] a vent. He’s being ventriloquized. His mouth is moving but White Supremacist ideology is floating through it, and the most repressive sorts of ideas that we can  imagine are being evoked here.”


Firenze Sage:  Three hundred forty thousand(340,000) planned parenthood abortions a year is not about abortions according to this pundit.    Four More Obama Years

