Aptos psychologist opines: Applied Behavior Analysis cannot create spontaneity in children

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) cannot create spontaneity in children. Becuase spontaneity is something that comes from within the child, not elicited from without.

ABA is a popular technique for treatment of autism and autistic spectrum disorders. Remember Pavlov? He taught a dog to salivate when a bell is rung. With ABA, a stimulus is presented with goal of eliciting a particular response. The goal is that when the trainer does X the child will do Y.

ABA can jump start the beginnings of language. For children who have no verbal language and are around 18 months it can be quite helpful. ABA can shape behavior. It is a powerful technique.

But, Simulus-Response techniques have major limitations. They cannot make your child to spontaneously hug you and say you are the greatest Mom and Dad. ABA techniques cannot teach a child to spontaneously relate with another child.
Check out carefully the techniques that are applied to your child who has autistic specrum issues.
written by licensed psychologist Cameron S. Jackson, Ph.D., J.D.

Below comes from Neurodiversity blog concerning a book by Stanley Greenspan on Floortime approach:

Research Support for a Comprehensive Developmental Approach to Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Other Developmental and Learning Disorders by Stanley Greenspan
“Current research suggests that modern developmental, relationship-based approaches to working with children with ASD and their families focus on the goal of strengthening or constructing the functional developmental capacities for relating, communicating, and thinking. To accomplish this goal, modern approaches work on creating emotionally meaningful learning interactions that are tailored to each child’s and family’s developmental profile.”


What works educating young children with autistic spectum disorders

Aptos, California
(831) 688-6002

* Begin educational services as soon as a child is suspected of having an autistic spectrum disorder.

* Services should include a minimum of 25 hours a week, 12 months a year.

* What constitutes those 25 hours will vary according to the child’s chronological age, developmental level, specific strengths and weaknesses and family needs.

* Each child needs sufficient individualized instruction on a daily basis so objectives are implemented effectively.

* Objectives include achieving functional spontaneous communication, social instruction delivered throughout the day in various settings, cognitive development and play skills, and proactive approaches to behavior difficulties.

Source: Educating Children with Autism, Natioal Academy Press, 2001


Educating Children with Autism

Below is an excellent review of a book on autism I just bought through Amazon. A good read for a rainy day in Aptos, California.

Title: Educating Children with Autism
Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academy Press

A profound and arresting analysis of interventions, January 30, 2003
By John Harpur

My contact with autistic children and teenagers is primarily through research into social skills teaching. I have a assembled a small library of key texts and until I read this one, I found my library incomplete in one area – a review of intervention programmes. This book is simply superb is its coverage of the various principles that inform current interventions, its analysis of the outcomes of several commonly cited progrmmes, and the scope for future work.

However, this book is not ‘selling’ any particular intervention and that may dismay some parents particularly. It is geared more towards informing professionals in the field about options, choices and consequences associated with interventions. And boy is it thorough!

There is a huge amount to be gained from this book. I found reading it to be very stimulating but pleasurably slow, since every page has thought provoking observations.

I would certainly recommend that anyone pursuing interventions not pass over this book, be they parent, teacher or health professional. I genuinely cannot see this book disappointing an interested party. Parents of children with Asperger Syndrome may feel a little let down however, given the lack of attention their special requirements. Other books, such as Succeeding with Interventions for Asperger Syndrome Adolescents, may be of help to them.

To see other reviews go to Amazon.


substantial communication AND social delays in small children?

Does your child have substantial communication AND social delays? Live in Monterey, Santa Cruz, Sen Benito or Santa Clara County?

If under age 3, call San Andreas Regional Center and ask for Early Start services (for ages 0 to 3). San Andreas Regional Center has offices in Watsonville (831) 728-1781, Salinas (831) 759-7500) Gilroy (408) 846-8805 and Campbell (408) 374-9960. Visit the regional center web site at www.sarc.org

If over age 3,
also call San Andreas Regional Center and ask for an evaluation for autism. Call your local elementary school and in writing request assessment for “autistic-like” education services. Keep a copy of your school request and send a second copy if you do not hear back in two weeks. And go to your pediatrician for a hearing and vision assessment and physical check up. Ask ahead of time whether your doctor uses CHAT or some other rating scale for autistic spectrum symptoms.

If your pediatrician does not use an autistic spectrum rating scale, ask for one from Dr. Cameron Jackson. She will send one to you to fill out and take to your MD and appointments with health professionals.

You can email Dr. Jackson at DrCameronJackson@gmail.com or call (831) 688-6002. Dr. Jackson specializes in psychological assessment including the diagnosis and treatment of autistic spectrum disorders. Her office is in Santa Cruz, CA.


Autistic children hot with fever do better

New theory of autism is that the brains of autistic children are normal – simply disregulated. This means that autistic symptoms might be reversible.

The locus coeruleus nordenergic (LC-NA) produces fever and also controls behavior. When autistic children get fevers their autistic symptoms reduce. Thus drugs that target the LC-NA offer a new therapeutic approach. Autism may be reversible. For more information go go http://www.aecom.yu.edu


Autistic children need to focus on eyes of caregiver

What the article below says at length is that autistic children do NOT focus on the eyes of caregivers. Thus, in treating autistic children, its crucial to get them to focus on eyes and learn social cues.

“Two-year-olds with autism lack an important building block of social interaction that prompts newborn babies to pay attention to other people. Instead, these children pay attention to physical relationships between movement and sound and miss critical social information. Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine report their results in the March 29 online issue of Nature.

“Human infants are born in a fragile state. They are entirely dependent on their caregivers for survival, and so it makes sense that infants would possess very early-emerging predispositions to seek their caregivers, to pay special attention to movements in the environment that are associated with human actions and gestures,” said Ami Klin, director of the Autism Program at Yale and the Harris Associate Professor of Child Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center.

Klin, who conducted the study with research scientist Warren Jones and colleagues at Yale, said that two-year-olds with autism showed no signs of this selective attention to these types of human movements. Instead, the children with autism focused on a different environmental cue: they paid attention only to movements that were physically synchronous with sounds.

“Rather than attending to human biological motion, and the social cues in that motion,” said Klin, “children with autism were very sensitive to non-social information: to synchronies between sounds and motion in what they were watching.”

Klin, Jones and colleagues tracked the eye movements of two-year-olds with and without autism while they watched cartoon animations. The animations were created with a technique borrowed from the video game industry in which movements of real people are recorded and then used to animate characters. In this case, the body movements were recreated as points of light on a black background, with one point of light at each joint in the body.

“The eye-tracking data revealed that typically-developing two-year-olds perceived human motion in these moving points of light. They saw people,” said Jones. “But children with autism were insensitive to the socially relevant cues in that motion, and they focused instead on physical cues that typically-developing children disregarded.”

Previous studies by the Yale team have shown that when looking at other people, toddlers with autism looked less at eyes and more at mouths. “The current results suggest something very important about that earlier research,” said Klin. “Rather than looking at the social cues expressed in people’s eyes, two-year-olds with autism may be paying attention, as in the current study, to synchronies between sound and motion. So rather than the eyes, they are focusing on the synchrony between lip motion and speech sounds.”

“This suggests that from very early in life, children with autism are seeking experiences in the physical rather than the social world, and this in turn has far-reaching implications for the development of social mind and brain,” said Jones.

The Yale group is now using this finding in their work with infant siblings of children with autism who are at greater genetic risk of also developing autism. “Because this mechanism emerges in the first days of life for typical children, we hope to use similar techniques to identify early signs of vulnerability in autism. This could be an aid for early diagnosis, which in turn allows for early intervention to maximize positive outcomes for these children,” said Klin.

The next step is to study this phenomenon at earlier stages of development, and to combine the behavioral work with simultaneous neuroimaging through collaboration with another Yale colleague, Kevin Pelphrey.

Other authors on the study included David J. Lin, Phillip Gorrindo and Gordon Ramsay, who is also affiliated with the Haskins Laboratories at Yale.

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Mental Health.

Ami Klin

Yale University


Ways to teach religion to children with special needs: autism, ADHD

child prays
child  at prayer

Ways to teach religion to children with special needs:     

Use short teaching blocks of 15 minutes.

Remove distractions.

Combine pictures with words.

Check with your local elementary school and observe the methods used with children in SDC (Special Day Classes) for children.

Perhaps your congregation  has some experienced teachers or persons with experience working with children with disabilities who can help create a program that works for you.

Information that is available:   Catholic dioceses in  at least 31 states offer specialized religious education for students with autism, intellectual disability/ mental retardation  and other developmental delays.

Teachers  typically use pictograms to discuss God, the Holy Spirit, the church and to pray the Lord’s Prayer.


contact psychologist  Dr. Cameron Jackson for additional information   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com


boys 4 times more likely to get autism

Below is a video discussing the genetics of autism.  If one twin has autism,  an identical twin has a 90% chance of having autism or an  autistic spectrum disorder.  That is a very high heritability  rate.  Boys are 3  to 4 times more likely to have autism than girls.  No one gene is implicated; it appears to be combinations of genes that are  involved.

