Iman Rauf said USA policies caused 9/11. He’s never reneged. His mosque at Ground Zero shows a lack of wisdom or true reaching out.
Category: DSM-5 & Psychology
Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM) & Psychology topics including autism, autistic spectrum disorders, intellectual disability, mental retardation & ADHD
Obama used “empathy standard”…
Nancy Pelosi calls for investi…
Will unions refuse to build mo…
For 9 yrs St. Nicholas churc…
Mosque 3 blocks from grond zer…
Let’s play Words With Friends …
Let’s play Words With Friends on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! My username is ‘DrCameronJ’.
What resources in CA are there…
Who wants to co-author a Dummi…
Who wants to co-author a Dummies type book on autism? email psycholoigst & visit Monterey Bay Forum