Don’t “illgal alien” me, at least in NY [$250 K fine]

People who sneak in the USA  or jump the fence.?  What do you call them?  Illegal aliens? Watch out!

You can get a $250 K fine in New York using term ‘illegal alien’  — which is the legal term. Oh my!

The federal government of the United States refers to those who are in the country illegally as “illegal aliens” — at least four times in the statute books.

Section 1252(c) of the “Aliens and Nationality” laws is titled: “Authorizing State and local law enforcement officials to arrest and detain certain illegal aliens.” The section authorizes state and local law enforcement officials “to arrest and detain an individual who— (1) is an alien illegally present in the United States; and (2) has previously been convicted of a felony in the United States and deported or left the United States after such conviction.”

But in OZ:The city of New York’s Commission on Human Rights has decided that illegal aliens need more protection from the law than American citizens. So they passed an ordinance that not only makes it illegal to threaten to call immigration authorities on a suspected illegal, but you could be fined $250,000 just for saying “illegal alien.”

This is not The Onion.

You can call an American anything you want — any vile, vulgar, obscenity in the book — and not be punished for it. This ordinance would seem to grant extraordinary protections to those in the United States illegally.


Firenze Sage opines:   NY is trying to catch California as the wackiest state.

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Recall Santa Cruz City Councilmen Glover & Krohn? Remember Ross Encampment?


Recall  Santa Cruz City Councilmen  Glover & Krohn?  Remember the Ross encampment?    Remember the sight of hundreds of tents for many weeks located  at the  entrance to Santa Cruz?

Later, after they had to leave, remember the thousands of needles and tons of garbage that were  cleaned up?

Remember what thousands of drivers  saw week after week when  passing  by the  intersection of Highway #1 and Highway #9.

Remember.   Then consider  signing  the petition to remove both Krohn and Glover  from the Santa Cruz City Council.

For move information go to Santa Cruz United’s Research  list of articles and videos.

written by Cameron Jackson



Will Democrats ‘go for impeachment’ over this phone call?

Will  Democrats ‘go for impeachment’ ?   All over a phone call in which President Trump asks about an  entity — Crowdstrike — which examined the DNC server and  Trump asks about   interference in the 2016 elections.

Did the Democrats do what they accuse Trump of doing?


Public Safety better or worse 2019 in Santa Cruz & Watsonville CA ?

Is public safety better or worse in Santa Cruz County in 2019?  The Democrats control awnings and signs  — but what about violent crime, needles and other health issues?

Is public safety better or worse  2019  in Santa Cruz County?

What’s the fall out from years and years of  Democrat Party policies on  Santa Cruz and Watsonville, CA?

Some current 2019  impressions:

  • Kids kill  other  kids in Watsonville, CA.   Take a look at crime statistics.   Because Watsonville gang members routinely  target younger  kids,  parents keep children  inside their homes. Kids are not allowed to ‘hang  out’ in  their front yards in Watsonville, CA. So parents tell me.
  • North County Santa Cruz CA  frequently  ignores South County Watsonville CA   issues.  Watsonville and Santa Cruz  are two  different worlds   joined by Highway 1.
  • Over 600 kids require  sheltering  on any given day  throughout Santa Cruz County. So says an employee of the Salvation Army shelter in Watsonville.
  • Psychotic adults hang  out  and talk in loud voices to themselves   at the  McDonalds Restaurant    on  Ocean  Street in Santa Cruz.  The Watsonvile McDonalds are much more family centered and much cleaner.
  • Two ‘more than typical’ Progressives city officials  face probable  recall by  8000+ Santa Cruz City voters.  The recall effort states that these two public officials  ignored  numerous   public safety issues  (needles,  human feces and violence) posed by the Ross St encampment.  And other issues.  Click the recall effort link for more information.
  • Mothers & the general  public  routinely watch   for needles and drug related debris  on  l Santa Cruz County  beaches.
  • ‘Free’  Santa Cruz beaches are  far dirtier than the CA County managed beaches which  you pay to enter.
  • Idle adults hang out in droves   near  the Santa Cruz  COSCO, close to the Ribele Family Shelter Building located  at Highway 1 and River St.  It does not ‘feel safe’ to drive near by.
  • Oh, my …… Oh my ….
  • There’s more control by city  government   of  ‘the little things’ — such as can a business have a sign  or an awning?  — than the ‘big picture’ i.e,  how can we work with the community to   reduce    violent crime and improve public safety?  
  • Opps!!!     Perhaps it’s time for a change from the Democrats and their   policies?

write to  Cameron Jackson


D’La Colmena has best soft tacos?

Three soft tacos from  D’La Colmena  for $5 located at 129 West lake Ave., Watsonville, CA

Best soft taco in Watsonville, CA?  D’La Colmena sells three  soft tacos for $5.   Try the lengua (tongue). Yum!   Delicious!

Cheap! Lots of lime!  There’s several different kinds of soft tacos.   Three soft tacos for $5 is a new item.

D’La Colmena Market & Catering is located at 129 West Lake Ave., Watsonville, CA

More than 40 years in business, E’La Colmena is run as a father-son team  by Adrian Gonzalez who purchased it from his father Manuel Gonzalez.  Some employees have stayed more than 20 years.  One more than 30 years.

writte 9/28/19 n by Cameron Jackson


Talk first before file complaint? So says Councilman Glover

So the other party did not come to Santa Cruz Councilman  Glover to discuss the  issue before filing a complaint?

Does this pass the sniff test?

From the Sentinel:

“For Glover, the substantiated complaint, as described by hired consultant Joe Rose, was that Glover violated the city’s Respectful Workplace Conduct Policy when addressing Meyers Feb. 1 about shared conference room scheduling. According to Rose’s report, the timing of Glover’s “needlessly and unjustifiably antagonistic” response to Meyers’ overstaying her allotted time in a city conference room was “humiliating and embarrassing” to Meyers because it occurred in the presence of “important community partners.”

Glover responded in his Facebook post to the public group SCCCP – Santa Cruz and Central Coast Politics, saying, “the substantiated complaint was “due to a communication issue combined with the mishandling of the conflict by the other party involved as they did not come to speak to me first before filing a complaint.”

To be fair, let’s look at the report filed by consultant Joe Rose.  Let the public read the report for themselves.

So who’s who in the Santa Cruz Sentinel article?    The paper wrongly printed  Santa Cruz Councilman Glover with Krohn’s face and  Councilman Krohn with Glover’s face.

Glover is Afro-American, not Caucasian  as portrayed in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. .  Opps!   Pictures are worth a thousand words.

So here’s an example of “wrong news” by our local paper.

written by Cameron  Jackson



Amazon sells far too many dangerous products?

Time to hold  Amazon  responsible for dangerous products, e.g.,  Chinese made  motorcycle helmets which crack on  impact and magnetic toys  with no labels which children swallow? Eee-gads.

True story published in the Wall Street Journal:    A mom bought  a motorcycle  helmet on Amazon for her  son who died when  he collided with a car.   This motorcycle helmet was labeled safe according to  USA federal  standards.  Not safe,  the helmet  was   made in China and re-sold on Amazon  by a tiny outfit in California  When tested, these Chinese made  motorcycle   helmets crack on impact.   There’s about 4,000+ of these   helmets still in circulation.

Former Amazon employee Rachael Johnson Greer managed Amazon’s safety systems until 2015.  For a number of years the  safety section at Amazon consisted of three persons.    Greer now advises third-party Amazon sellers.

Rachael Greer estimates  that in 2017  roughly  80% of Amazon’s third-party sellers did not comply with federal, state or industry safety  labeling and the vast majority of issues were not having proper warnings and labels.

For the complete story, check out the Wall Street Journal article week of 8/25/2019.   Providing useful information concerning safety gives consumers choice and freedom.

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Omar & Tlaib are victims or seek harm to Israel? Biden’s decision backfires …

OK for Israel to keep out persons such as  Omar and Tlaib  who may  seek harm to Israel?  Who vocally  support the boycott of Israel?   So thinks Israel.

Front runner  Democrat Joe Biden posted a tweet meant to criticize the Israeli government’s decision not to admit two anti-Semitic U.S. congresswomen, Omar and Tlaib. 

Biden  said he is a supporter of Israel but no one should be denied entry into a democratic state over “ideas”. “No democracy should deny entry to visitors based on the content of their ideas”, he said.

The organization sponsoring Tlaib and Omar is MIFTAH, an anti-Israel propaganda group founded by Haneen Ashrawi. The group organizes junkets to introduce U.S. politicians to the region and their propaganda. For example, in 2016 Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) was caught calling Jews “termites” in a speech a few months after one such trip to Israel with MIFTAH.   Rep. Johnson is  as the congressman who voiced his concern that Guam may tip over and capsize if it becomes over-populated.

Convict Maurice Hill not stopped by gun control

Ex-con and Muslim  Maurice  Hill was not stopped by gun control.

Clarion Project reported:

Maurice Hill, the criminal who wounded six police officers in a shootout in Philadelphia and was arrested after a seven-hour standoff, attended a radical mosque.

The mosque, called Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar, is known for preaching the Islamist ideology promoted by Saudi Arabia referred to as “Wahhabism.”

Clarion Intelligence Network has been aware through its sources that the area where the shootings took place is known for trafficking in guns, drugs and counterfeit items. This criminal market has a strong Islamist element that includes extremist gangs.

Hill’s older sister said he “occasionally attended” an unnamed mosque, confirming initial reports from our sources that Hill is a Muslim. The sources do not yet have first-hand evidence of the shooter being personally involved in Islamist extremism.

Clarion Intel’s sources report that Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar is a Salafi mosque which follows the theocratic teachings of Saudi Arabia’s top Wahhabist scholars.

Hill has been arrested a dozen times for various crimes including evading the police, drugs, guns and aggravated assault (which was a downgrade from attempted murder). He served two years on drug-related charges, was paroled in 2006 and then had to serve another year for shooting someone and was released in 2013.

There is a protest planned for Friday night calling for Hill’s release from jail.


Firenze Sage     

What a surprise that the shooter Maurice Hill  had an illegal obtained gun and attended  a mosque.   Do we need mosque control and ex con control? 


suicide of the unions?

Labor union supports illegal aliens arrested by  ICE in Mississippi.
They’ve lost their way.
They are SOOOOO Corrupt that they forgot who they represent.

AFL-CIO Union President Richard Trumka posted several tweets on Thursday in support of illegal aliens taking US jobs.

Rishard Trumka: We condemn these raids in the strongest possible terms and pledge our full support to @UFCW and the working people of Mississippi as they work to win justice for all those who were unfairly targeted.

Face it US workers, they’re just not into you.

Illegal alien labor has decimated the US meat packing industry.
The jobs that once provided for large families are now barely pay above minimum wage.

And the AFL-CIO supports this.


  The democrat party has lost its mind or left it in the wigwam. 
 write to:   Firenze Sage