To cut or not to cut? Infibulate? Rep. Omar’s non-speak on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

To cut or not to cut?  Infibulate?     Is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) an OK practice anywhere? Ms. Illan Omar refuses to answer.

How free  are you when others can cut into your body as a young child?  Bodily integrity is a basic human freedom.

FGM is overwhelmingly practiced in Somalia.  Rep.  Illam Omar,  from Somalia,  probably knows family and others   who have experienced the practice.

Ms. Omar was born and lived in Somalia until age ten.  Overwhelmingly,  98%  of the population in Somalia practices Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).   Young girls  in Somalia are routinely   infibulated (female circumcision).

What Rep. Omar thinks of Female Genital Mutilation and other issues  matters to plenty of  women, voters and people in general.   Though illegal in the USA since 1997, it’s a cultural practice common throughout much of the  Muslim world. Roughly 100 – 140 million woman world wide have experienced FGM.

When asked whether she condemns  the  practice Ms. Omar said the question was “absurd”.  Omar questioned the question rather than answer.  Ms. Omar engaged in non-speak.

Some facts  on  Female Genital Mutilation:

Islam is currently the largest single religious group in which the practice is widespread.   

In-depth research has been done on FTM in Somalia.  

“These studies confirmed that FGM/C is a deeply rooted and widely supported practice that is sustained through many cultural justifications that reinforce its continuation.

The three main reasons cited were that FGM/C is a Somali tradition, that it is an Islamic requirement, and that it enforces the cultural value of sexual purity in females by controlling female sexual desires, thereby ensuring virginity before marriage and fidelity throughout a woman’s life.

The studies showed that there is a fear of women “running wild” and becoming promiscuous if they are not circumcised and infibulated.   FGM/C is erroneously
seen as a way of complying with the Islamic requirement of chastity and morality, and is also believed to enhance women’s ritual cleanliness to enable them to pray.
The perceived Islamic requirement is a major justification for FGM/C in practicing Muslim communities such as the Somali.”

Aptos Psychologist:  What kind of men support FGM?  Those men, probably Muslim, who say to themselves  ‘it’s always been done, it’s religious tradition and …. it ensures one can marry a chaste woman.’  FGM is all about control of women.    Yes   –  Rep. Illan Omar should answer the question, ‘Do you condemn the practise of FGM?

written 7/26/2019 by Cameron Jackson


A horse race: Will Joe Biden fade & Michelle Obama replace him? Possible.

A horse race:  Will Joe Biden fade & Michelle Obama replace him?

Will Michelle Obama replace Biden as top Presidential hopeful? Michelle Obama may  appeal to many ‘middle of the road’  Democrats who find current  contenders too ‘progressive’ for their taste.

Joe Biden  cannot match Michelle Obama in important ways.


woman of color premiere?  Michelle Obama …

Michelle Obama is a premiere ‘woman of color’.  Michelle Obama is immensely popular. Michelle Obama can carry on her husband’s problematic    “legacy”.

Competitors?  Harvard’s first woman of color,  Elizabeth Warren,  cannot compete with Michelle  Obama when they are compared in terms of  their skin color and early background.  Elizabeth Warren’s story about her percentage of Indian blood does not hold up.

California’s ‘woman of color’ attorney Kamala  Harris comes across  as strident compared with former first lady Michelle Obama.  Though Michelle Obama often appeared angry she also had her garden and tried to improve food options for students per her views.

The Democrat ‘ pack of contenders’ are so similar with respect to ‘open borders’, ‘green agenda’ and free medical care for all who can get into the country.  There will be push back.  Michelle Obama may be the one ‘woman of color’ who  most  appeals.  Can Miclelle Obama replace contender Joe Biden?  Possible.

written by Cameron Jackson


Flash! Attorney Kamala Harris never heard of 2nd Amendment

 To maintain our freedoms, Americans have the right to bear arms.  That’s the 2nd Amendment.  Will Kamala Harris’ proposed executive order, were she to become President,  work?  Remember Obama who sent guns across the border to Mexico.
Kamala Harris used a July 13, 2019, tweet to renew her pledge to bypass Congress and enact executive gun control.

Harris tweeted: “Gun violence is the leading cause of death for young Black men in America. We must stop this. When president, I will take executive action to ensure guns do not fall into the wrong hands.”

On April 22, 2019, Breitbart News reported Harris’ plan to give Congress 100 days to pass new gun controls if she wins the White House. Should Congress fail to act, Harris made clear she would simply use executive orders to achieve the gun control she desires.

To date Harris has pledged executive action to require private gun sellers to conduct background checks on their sales, to direct the ATF to take away the license of any gun dealer who breaks the law, and to ban fugitives from buying guns.


Firenze Sage     The usual pap. Guns don’t kill, people who shoot them do.


Fake Indian fakes us again? Elizabeth Warren, Harvard’s first woman of color …

Elizabeth Warren, one of several women running for President in 2020,  faked having Cherokee Indian blood.  Later,   as an affirmative action applicant Elizabeth  was  employed by east coast colleges. Elizabeth Warren was Harvard’s first woman of color.  

Now Warren seeks to spin  the story whether women got a ‘fair deal’ in compensation from Dow Chemical.  Warren was paid heaps of money  by Dow Chemical to keep compensation to women as low as possible.

Is Warren faking us again?

When Dow Corning faced thousands of lawsuits in the 1990s from women saying they had become sick from the company’s silicone gel breast implants, its parent firm, Dow Chemical, turned to one of the country’s leading experts in corporate bankruptcies: Professor Elizabeth Warren.

Warren, now a Democratic presidential candidate, has never publicly discussed her role in the case. Her campaign said that she was “a consultant to ensure adequate compensation for women who claimed injury” from the implants and that a $2.3 billion fund for the women was started “thanks in part to Elizabeth’s efforts.”

But participants on both sides of the matter say that description mis-characterizes Warren’s work, in which she advised a company intent on limiting payments to the women.

“She was on the wrong side of the table,” said Sybil Goldrich, who co-founded a support group for women with implants and battled the companies for years. Goldrich said Dow Corning and its parent “used every trick in the book” to limit the size of payouts to women. The companies, she added, “were not easy to deal with at all.” ….

A person familiar with Warren’s role who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe litigation strategy said the future senator was part of a Dow defense team that had containing the company’s liability as a goal….

Shortly after The Post contacted Warren’s campaign for comment on this story, a lawyer from Warren’s campaign called Gold­rich, the advocate for breast implant victims, to ask her to make a positive statement about the settlement.

“They asked, ‘Could I make a comment about whether the deal was fair? Would I say it was a fair deal? Was it fair?’ ” said Goldrich, recalling her conversation. “I wouldn’t say that.”


Firenze Sage    I can hear it now after denying she worked for  Dow.”But I fought for woman from inside Dow” says Elizabeth  Warren.  What was her salary??

[Court records indicate that Elizabeth Warren was paid  $675. an hour while she was a professor at Harvard University earning about $185  K a year.]


Liar, liar your tail’s on fire? Joseph Mitsud lied 3 x to FBI & not charged. AG Barr seeks answers.

Liar, liar, your tail’s on fire? The investigation by the FBI into persons associated with the Trump was predicated by information supplied by a known liar: Joseph Mitsud.   Was the FBI protection freedoms — or itself?

The mysterious Joseph Mitsud lied 3 times to FBI and was not charged.   Now Justice  AG Barr seeks answers.  Others have long sought answers.

Hear what Jim Jordan says to Mueller below.

What will happen when Mitsud must answer questions?    Today under oath  Mueller refuses to answer numerous questions including  why  Mitsud  was not charged.

AG Barr currently  seeks info from Joseph Mitsud.


How & why fix corrupt refugee resettlement to USA? [Illan Omar]

Yes, we  can fix  corrupt resettlement  of refugees to America . Now’s the time to do so.

Know what can happen to your town. About 170 towns receive resettlement of refugees sent by the U.N.

Per  blogger Ann Cororan and other advocates,  this out of control resettlement of refugee  process  has gone on for 10+ years must  stop.  The law that started the mess must either be fixed or dumped she says.

Why fix the corrupt, out of control resettlement to the USA?

  • Because it’s another example of Big Government imposing its will on small USA communities who need to be better informed and have appropriate say as to which ‘new neighbors’ are imposed on them by government.
  • And it’s a  matter of power and numbers controlling political decisions.  In Ann Cororan’s view, as  the Muslim population in the USA grows America is pushed  that much closer to Sharia law,  which is contrary to Western values.

Here’s how to fix corrupt resettlement to the USA:

  •  Dump existing law which allows United Nations to select all refugees to U.S.   Set the ‘ceiling’ at zero refugees admitted by U.N.
  • Stop  paying 9 non-profits ‘by the head’.  This  encourages ‘head hunting’ and drives up total expenses of each refugee [each refugee gets ‘gold standard’ of all possible welfare benefits]
  • Require state department to obtain local city/ county approval prior to placement of any groups of refugee by any federal/state entity.

A case illustrating how U.N. policies relate to resettlement of a refugee family  based on false statements:

The history of how Congress woman  Illam Omar got to the USA as a refugee has been in the news lately.  At age 12 she, a sibling and her father  came into the USA  under false pretenses aka using the name Omar which was not their  own name.   Later, for purposes that remain obscure, Omar married her biological brother and was married to him while married to another man.

Illam Omar has received publicity for her comments about “Benjamin babies” [that Jewish financial  interests affect our national policies toward Israel].  Omar’s district has conflicting thoughts about her remarks about Israel.

Aptos Psychologist:   If  reports are accurate that U.S. Congress woman  Illam Omar married her brother while married to another man and committed  6-8 other frauds related to taxes and legal status then she needs to be  held accountable under USA laws.   That her father brought her into the USA under false pretenses is one thing.  What Omar did as an adult another thing.

Did a corrupt resettlement process lead to additional corrupt actions by   Illan Omar as an adult?  Let’s find out.

written by Cameron Jackson


home sweet homocide [Somali journalist returns home]

Hodan Nalayeh, a Somali-born Canadian journalist traveled to Somalia last week to prove Somalia is “beautiful” and to challenge ‘stereotypes’.  She ended up being killed by Islamic terrorists.

Somalia is listed as #1 most deadly country.    In Feb. 2019, the capital of Somalia  experienced attacks by terrorists.

Hodan Nalayeh returned to Somalia, the place of her birth, to document the beauty and to tell “uplifting” stories, according to WaPo. It had been 30 years since she lived there.

Nalayeh often tweeted about Somalia and just last week posted pictures showing how much fun she was having in Kismayo and the neighboring island of Ilisi.

“It’s so clean & breathtaking. A perfect place for a day swim with the family,” Nalayeh tweeted just two days before she was killed.

On July 12, al-Shabaab terrorists stormed Asasey Hotel in Kismayo. 26 people were killed in the terrorist attack and Hodan Nalayeh, 43, and her husband were among the victims.

According to a Canadian news outlet, Nalayeh was pregnant when she was killed by al-Shabaab terrorists last week.


Firenze Sage   

 Perhaps this journalist should have gotten another source.


[Somalia is listed as #1 most deadly country.]

China mutilates Chinese who practice spirituality of tolerance, compassion & truthfulness

Spirituality is a ‘no-no’ in China.  What happens  in China to those who practice  meditation and  spirituality exercises aka Falun Gong, exercises which  encourage  tolerance, compassion and truthfulness?

The China government  mutilates Chinese who practice Falun Gong with forced organ transplants.  This has gone on for years.

Let’s ask our Democrat Presidential hopefuls  — Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris –  what they will do about China’s harvesting of organs.  These are real victims who have suffered death and mutilation for their beliefs.

Ms.  Lin, Miss World Canada 2015,  writes in the WSJ,  “How I learned to Stop Hating Faln Gong.

A more apt title is why Ms.Lin stopped hating Falun Gong, a form of   Chinese spiritual meditation  exercises.

At age 13,  Ms. Lin emigrated with her mother to Canada where her mother gave her a flyer  uncensored information about Falun Gong.  Information opened  Ms. Lin’s  eyes.  What she learned:

The Chinese government  routinely mutilate  the dead bodies of   practitioners of Faln Gong.  Persons who practise  Chinese spirituality meditation aka Falun Gong exercises  are the   main source  of 60,000 to 90,000 forced organ transplants   each year.  The U.K-based China Tribune reported this in June, 2019.


Aptos Psychologist: ‘Racism!’ is all over the U.S. mainstream media. That word has become meaningless the way it’s thrown around.    Look at the world and the dastardly things that governments such as China  do to their citizens.




Person holes? Woman holes? Man holes? Oh dear …

Gender free language does little to promote real freedoms.  Berkeley CA is into  language changing for whatever purposes.

Berkeley, CA bans gas and man holes. How about person holes? Man holes? Woman holes?

At a Tuesday night city council meeting, Berkeley, CA  became the first city in America to ban the use of natural gas piping in new construction. But that was not the only utility-related issue they saw fit to attend to. No, there was another matter on deck: Eliminating the gendered connotations of words like “manhole” in the city municipal code.

No longer will the streets of fair Berkeley be dotted with manholes, nary a womanhole or nonbinaryhole in sight. With Tuesday night’s vote, they have all been transmuted into “maintenance holes,” that highest, hardest glass manhole-cover finally shattered.


Firenze Sage    You now need a language course to enter Berkeley, CA   assuming you’d want to.  Gas is cheaper and less polluting than electric  so let’s ban gas.


Tip of the day: Don’t tip, you racist

  Tip of the day: Don’t tip! Why?

Read Jabborwocky  by Carroll as to why.

Word of caution to everyone who feels that they are doing some good in the world by being generous tippers: according to Politico, tipping has a “racist history”:

You might not think of tipping as a legacy of slavery, but it has a far more racialized history than most Americans realize. Tipping originated in feudal Europe and was imported back to the United States by American travelers eager to seem sophisticated. The practice spread throughout the country after the Civil War as U.S. employers, largely in the hospitality sector, looked for ways to avoid paying formerly enslaved workers.

The Rev. Dr. Barber II’s article is one long, desperate pitch for a horrible idea: raising the mandatory minimum wage to $15 an hour. The Rev. Dr. Barber II’s justification for doing so is that it will “end a pernicious legacy of slavery.”

Because of the allegedly “racialized history” of gratuities, the Rev. Dr. Barber II takes umbrage with the entire notion of having to hustle for a buck:

Tipping further entrenched a unique and often racialized class structure in service jobs, in which workers must please both customer and employer to earn anything at all.

Somebody should tell the good Rev. Dr. about all of the people who aren’t in the service industry and work on commission alone. I sold real estate to pay for college back in the day and my guaranteed minimum wage was $0.


Firenze Sage     Racism” has no more meaning than Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky.


’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
      Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
      And the mome raths outgrabe.
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
      The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
      The frumious Bandersnatch!”
He took his vorpal sword in hand;
      Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree
      And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
      The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
      And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
      The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
      He went galumphing back.
“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
      Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
      He chortled in his joy.
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
      Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
      And the mome raths outgrabe.