What’s it matter whether USA citizen or resident in 2020? A lot!

Does  it matter  whether your’re a citizen or resident of USA in 2020?  Yes, it   matters mightily.

You should care about the question of citizenship on the upcoming 2020 Census.  We need an honest count of residents compared to citizens.   If we don’t ask — we don’t know.

Organizations and state governments which encourage more population, e.g., California by its generous welfare system and  Sanctuary Cities ,   care mightily.  CA wants a larger population precisely because more population means more power in Congress.   That’s because of how our the 435 congressional representatives are divided among the USA states.

Seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by total population.

Since ‘residents’ are counted as part of the total  population that means that illegal aliens who are present  at the time of the census are counted in the apportionment process.

Here’s a hypothetical:   Imagine that suddenly — overnight –  the populations of California (39 million) and Texas (29 million) doubled  due to an influx of millions  of illegals coming over the southern border into Texas and California.  Were  that unlikely hypothetical to occur,  both CA and Texas would increase the number of representatives for each state.  The total number of representatives is set at 435.  Some states would lose representatives and some states — such as CA and Texas — would gain representatives. More representative equates to more political power.

What is a citizen?  In 1787, the Constitution defined citizenship as open to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

What’s a population census?  A population census is the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining, at a specified time, to all persons in a country or in a well delimited part of a country.Sep 25, 20.

Clearly — it matters mightily how many ‘illegal aliens’ are currently in the USA as of 2020.  For years politicians fume about the”millions in the shadows’.  Well, let’s count them.

And then  let’s require  that our congressional representatives  forge immigration policies in 2020  that make sense to We the People.

It’s time to change the Flores Agreement which limits the number of days children can be held from 21 to 100 days. The ‘catch and release’ policy implemented  by President Obama must cease.

Yes it mightily matters how many citizens are in the USA as of 2020. It’s all about freedom.  

Trump says 7/11/19 that he won’t back down, that he will use existing government information to determine how many citizens there are in the USA.

written by Cameron Jackson    jaj48@aol.com



how protect liberty in Hong Kong? Boot China from the United Nations says Denise Ho

Kick China out of the U.N for it’s human rights abuses says Denise Ho, popular Hong Kong singer

Individuals who  today stand tall  for freedom and individual liberty  include media owner Jimmy Lai  and popular Hong Kong Singer Denise Ho.

Hong Kong singer Denise Ho recently  appeared before the U.N.’s  Human Rights Council.   Ho   requested that the U.N. boot China out  of the U.N because of it’s human rights abuses.  Abuses include the thousands of Uyghur  Muslims detained in moved for “re-education” purposes in China.

During her remarks,  Denise Ho was interrupted by a Chinese diplomat.   Ho is the type of person China wants to extradite from Hong Kong  back to the mainland for trial because of  free speech  which China does not permit.

The following was printed in the Wall Street Journal 7/10/2019:

“We keep reading about the relentless march of authoritarian government, but the liberal pessimists didn’t reckon with the people of Hong Kong. Against all odds, their recent protests against a bill to allow extradition to Mainland China have forced the Hong Kong government to back down.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam declared on Tuesday that the extradition bill is “dead” and she has no plans to revive it. This is an extraordinary achievement….

“Before Hong Kongers took to the streets, the extradition law looked inevitable. It would have given China the power to pursue critics in Hong Kong by having them arrested and then brought to the Mainland for trial and imprisonment. The millions who protested understood that this law would have meant the end of Hong Kong’s legal protection against China’s politicized courts.

“You can bet Ms. Lam’s masters in Beijing will look for some other way to assert more control over Hong Kong.

And on that score, we were encouraged to see that Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo each met Monday in Washington with Jimmy Lai, a media owner who has been a consistent voice for a free and democratic Hong Kong despite risks to livelihood and limb. The meetings will be noticed and offer encouragement in Hong Kong, where U.S. companies have invested some $81 billion.

“Mr. Lai’s meetings at both State and the White House came on the same day that a popular Hong Kong singer, Denise Ho, appeared before the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Denise Ho  was interrupted by a Chinese diplomat after she suggested China should be booted from the U.N. body for its human-rights abuses and called for the council to “convene an urgent session to protect the people of Hong Kong.”

Ms. Ho is the kind of Hong Kong critic that Beijing would love to charge with something and then extradite to the Mainland.

“Constant vigilance is one price of liberty, and Hong Kongers know they’ll have to watch what Beijing and Ms. Lam do next. But meantime the rest of us should cheer the courage and resilience of the Hong Kong people who refused to bow to Beijing’s orders even when their cause looked hopeless.”

[ exerpt above   from the Wall Street Journal, Wed. July 10, 2019   People Power, Hong Kong-Style]


Aptos Psychologist:  China aka Hong Kong’s government  got a ‘black eye’ when millions of people in Hong Kong stood tall for their individual legal freedoms.  Yes,  why not kick China out of the U.N. for it’s human rights abuses.  And do the same  for other countries who consistently abuses human rights.  There’s quite a list of countries who abuse their citizen’s basic human rights.  Maybe the U.N. should fold up and go away?


Does Kamala Harris truly love you?

young people ‘stupid’ says Kamala  Harris

Are people aged 18 – 24 “stupid”?  So says Kamala Harris who seeks to be President in 2020.

During a keynote address at a symposium hosted by the Ford Foundation in 2015, Senator Kamala Harris, who at the time was the California attorney general, called people aged 18 to 24 “stupid.”

Kamala Harris  said, “What’s the other thing we know about this population? And it’s a specific phase of life. And remember, age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid.” “That is why we put them in dormitories, and they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions,” she added.

In 2011 the current San Francisco  District Attorney  George Gascon  conferred Certificates of Completion of the program  to eleven (11) graduates of Back on Track.Harris states she started a  Back On Tracks program  in 2015.  No numbers are readily a available as to how many have completed the Back on Track program which  Harris refers to.


Firenze Sage   jaj48.aol.com:   

Ok, millenials,  how do you like her now?


Miss great music? Come St. John’s Episcopal in Aptos CA

Music from the greats? Love it played and sung the right way?

Come to St. John’s Episcopal  — close to Seacliff State Beach in Aptos, CA  — for more splendid music.   From today, celebrating 130 years  of love for God, Christ his Son  and service to all God’s people.

Listen. Come and hear more great music. in Aptos, CA


the new close shave [Gillette pushes trans agenda]

Trans agenda pushed by Gillette

Shown below  is a real  ad, pushing the trans agenda,  put out by Gillette.

  The ad introduces a girl pondering his/her  identity.

In a deep voice, the young woman talks to the camera about finding herself:

“I went into my transition just wanting to be happy. I’m glad I’m at the point where I’m able to shave.”


“Growing up, I was always trying to figure out what kind of man I wanted to become, and I’m still trying to figure out what kind of man that I want to become.”

A beaming father is present for her first pruning of the ol’ facehedge. She recites what he’s taught her about mastering the mandibular manscape:

“North, north, east, west, never in a hurry.”

Dad smiles in approval.

He coaches:

“Now don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. Shaving is about being confident. Aw, you’re doing fine. You are doing fine.”

They hug.

For her, it’s Mission Accomplished:

“I’m at the point in my manhood where I’m actually happy.”

Then a caption:

“Whenever, wherever, however it happens, your first shave is special.

Firenze Sage  JAJ48@aol.com

I wonder if dear old dad waxes too.


Aptos, CA: This is a church, oops no steeple, open it up and LOTS of people? Yep. Lots of kids. www.tccsantacruz.org

Lots of kids and parents flow at Trinity Covenant Church in Aptos, CA.  Spirituality & HealingSundays 10 AM and all ages Sunday School at 9 AM.

For more info go  www.tccsantacruz.org 


remember New York City underwater? The Park Ave. breast stroke? dire predictions?

Remember the Park Avenue breast stroke?  When New York City was underwater? 

And gas over $9 a gallon? A carton of milk costs almost $13?

Remember when that happened on June 12, 2015? No? This was the wildly-inaccurate world of 2015 predicted by ABC News 11 years ago this week. Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015.

The segment included supposedly prophetic videos, such as a teenager declaring, “It’s June 8th, 2015. One carton of milk is $12.99.” (On the actual June 8, 2015, a gallon of milk cost, on average, $3.39.) Another clip featured this prediction for 2015 “Gas reached over $9 a gallon.” (In reality, gas cost an average of $2.75 four years ago.)


Firenze Sage  jaj48@aol.com     On  a serious note. Why don’t the current soothsayers check the past predictions before  making fools of themselves.


one carrot berger please … meat grown in vats from plants?

 Here’s another one of their dumb predictions that we’re all supposed to forget about when the deadline passes without incident. Jessica Campisi, The Hill:

In 2040, most of the “meat” people eat won’t come from slaughtered animals, a new report says.

Instead of sourcing meat products from dead animals, 60 percent of meat will be either grown in vats or won’t actually be meat, but instead plant-based products that look like meat, the report from global consulting firm AT Kearney found…

The report cites challenges to find arable land due to climate change and expanding cities, as well as health risks posed to humans if they eat livestock treated with antibiotics to avoid epidemics.

Yes,  yes, because global warming. As we all know, the polar ice caps have melted and snowfall is a thing of the past. Those predictions have come to pass, and so will this one.


Firenze Sage   jaj48@aol.com  Imagine. Hamburgers from material grown in vats.   1984 is coming soon to a country near you. 


155 million people preyed upon by Democrats’ Medicare for All

Millions — 155 million people  — will lose their private medical insurance which they get via employers should Democrats pass Medicare for All.
Watch out! Wise up!
According to a new telephone poll that the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation published Tuesday morning, many of the  voters contacted  seem to think that Medicare for All would do things it wouldn’t ― or, more precisely, that it wouldn’t do things it would….

Two-thirds of Democratic voters think that people with employer coverage could hold on to their policies under Medicare for All, according to the Kaiser study, which used a nationally representative sample of more than 1,200 adults.

In reality, both the Sanders proposal and its House counterpart, from Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), would prohibit the sale of private insurance that is “duplicative” of what the new government plan would offer.

That would effectively wipe out existing employer policies. Private insurers could still offer supplemental plans, but only to pay for extras, like cosmetic surgery and premium hospital rooms, that the government plan didn’t cover.

Some general info:  Of those with insurance, most (67.2 percent) have private coverage. More than half of the population—56 percent—has employer-sponsored coverage, followed by Medicaid (19.3 percent), Medicare (17.2 percent), individual market coverage (16 percent), and military coverage (4.8 percent).


 Firenze Sage  jaj48@aol.com :   Remember Obama’s  “if you like your health plan you can keep it?”  Here we go again!!


And she Kamala Harris wants to be commander in chief (of what?)

 Kamala  Harris:    “Today I’m thinking of the fathers who can’t be with their children because they were ripped from their sons and daughters at the border. The fathers who can’t celebrate today because they can’t afford bail. The fathers who are deployed. Don’t forget them. #FathersDay


 Firenze Sage   jaj48@aol.com       Remember rough men who stand guard so others may sleep;   they  in her case  rank behind illegals and felons.
