This Biden incident of plagiarizing made the online journal
But Joe Biden’s most famous case of plagiarizing was back in the 1960’s in law school where it was “concluded that Mr. Biden had â€used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution†and that he ought to be failed in the legal methods course for which he had submitted the 15-page paper.â€
Which brings us to today.
On Tuesday Joe Biden was once again accused of plagiarizing, this time in his proposed trillion dollar green new deal.
The Daily Mail reported:
Joe Biden’s Democratic presidential campaign amended his climate policy plan hours after it was released Tuesday because a handful of passages did not credit some of the sources in the proposal.
The changes come after The Daily Caller, a conservative news outlet, reported that several passages from Biden’s plan appeared to borrow from policy papers and statements written by outside groups without citation.
A Biden campaign statement says, ‘Several citations, some from sources cited in other parts of the plan, were inadvertently left out of the final version of the 22-page document.’
The added citations included passages from documents published by the Blue Green Alliance and the Carbon Capture Coalition.
Firenze Sage opines:Â
Biden has nothing to say of his own so he steals from others; and the press protects him.