Category: Uncategorized
Santa Cruz CA resident gets “intersex” birth certificate
Santa Cruz, CA resident gets a “intersex” birth certificate — first one ever  issued in the USA.
For the first time in the United States, New York City issued a birth certificate reading “intersex” in the gender field.
Gender issues
‘Pushed down the female track’
Self-defining words
Monerey Bay Forum
Fax: 831 688 7717
kill a bald eagle & fight global warming?
Bald eagles are a protected species. Killing them is a crime, and criminal prosecutions are not rare. But it’s a different story if you are a wind energy company. The Obama administration has just released a final rule that will allow 4,200 bald eagles to be killed by wind turbines a year without penalty:
Under the new rule, wind companies and other power providers will not face a penalty if they kill or injure up to 4,200 bald eagles, nearly four times the current limit.
That limit is annual.
Deaths of the more rare golden eagles would be allowed without penalty so long as companies minimize losses by taking steps such as retrofitting power poles to reduce the risk of electrocution.
How many eagles are currently being killed by wind turbines? The federal government won’t say.
Firenze Sage: Â Too bad there isn’t an EPA official fired for every dead eagle.
New York Times: The home of fake news does it again
Sole Republican elector who plans to vote against Trump is a ‘9/11 faker’ whose claim to be a first responder at the Pentagon is FALSE
Republican elector Chris Suprun, 42, Â was not a first responder during 9/11 attacks as he has previously claimed
Suprun, a Dallas, Texas, resident, portrayed himself as a heroic firefighter in an editorial this month for The New York Times about not voting for Trump
The 42-year-old claimed to be a first responder with the Manassas Park, Virginia, fire department
The Manassas Park Fire Department didn’t respond to September 2001 attacks
And what’s worse – Suprun wasn’t hired by the department until October 2001
Suprun is the sole Republican to publicly announce his ballot would not be cast for the president-electÂ
- has asked the New York Times if they fact-checked his claims  – the paper says it ‘fact checks’ all op-ed articlesÂ
Frienze Sage: Â The times claims to have fact checked the article. Obvious lie as is the story. We want Hillary no matter what we have to do to get her.Â
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popular vote decide who is President? You say?
How did your Thanksgiving Diner conversations go? One  friend of many  years said,  Hilary should be President as she won the “popular vote”. Response:  Pass the potatoes ….
When will someone figure out how many illegal votes were cast? Â Â Â The Wall Street Journal weighs in saying lots of illegal votes were case.
America is a republic of states. Â America is not first and foremost a “democracy”. Â States created America. Â And the states decide via the electoral college who will be President.
And for those who disagree: Â Change the US Constitution. Â And until it is changed — obey the law. Â Make sense?
Now for the current  re-counts:
So what did you hear around your Thanksgiving diner table? Â Anything interesting? Â Share!
Take back California’s water from Boxer? Quick!
Everyone in California  — including Barbara Boxer —  knows we have water problems.  And most individuals  conserve water.
And then we look at what  politicians  such as Boxer do — and don’t do.
Boxer lives in San Francisco and represents California. Surely she could be in contact with whatever is necessary to figure out how to save water when the big storms hit?
Why is government so clueless when it comes to real issues?
One might think so. Â Guess again.
One would think that these politicos — such as Barbara Boxer — could  figure out how to save water?
When we have heavy storms why does all the surface water continue to drain into San Francisco Bay due to lack of  surface storage in the Sierras and pumping restrictions to protect the smelt?
Ok, we Californians  love to eat fish. And yes we love our salmon and maybe we love  our smelt.
But our farmers are hurting. Â And Barbara Boxer — as usual — has only herself to consider.
Only 852,000 of the 5.5 million  acre-feet of water — only  10 percent — during the first two months of this year was sent to southern California.  Why so little water sent south?   Bureaucrats who operate the pumps keep the water from flowing south to the farmers.
And guess who is sinking a modest water bill that could provide relief to CA farmers? Â Barbara Boxer.
Let her know what you think: Â save the farmers or save the smelt? Â You choose.
Trump keeps promises to Deplorables? Yes!
Were you one of Hilary’s Deplorables who voted for Trump? Â Guess what: Â Trump is picking key players who have your interests at heart.
Strategy: Â Trump listens to Obama and then picks who he wants. Â A brilliant strategy. Â Listen to who was in power and then do something else.
Very important:  When foreign dangers threaten, the generals will be awake.  Remember how Secretary of State Hilary Clinton responded to Bengazi?  Who knows who did what that night. In contrast,  Trump’s picks include  several command generals to fill key cabinet positions related to security.
Does Trump keep promises to Hilary’s ‘Deplorables’?
Were going to get regulations off the backs of people. Â That was something Trump talked a lot about. Â Trump’s key appointment for the top post at Enviornmental Protection Agency will bring law back to a lawless agency.
The jobs Trump has filled: Defense (Mattis), Treasury (Steve Mnuchin), Transportation (Elaine Chao), Health and Human Services (Tom Price), Commerce (Wilbur Ross), Education (Betsy DeVos), United Nations ambassador (Nikki Haley), Housing and Urban Development (Ben Carson), Central Intelligence Agency (Mike Pompeo) and attorney general (Jeff Sessions).
So far, Deplorables, President-Elect Trump’s picks have your interests at heart: Â safety of the USA, get regulations under control, create jobs for Americans.
Ohio State jehad attacks: head scarfs in solidarity says CNN
   In response to the Ohio State jehad killings, CNN Camrota  wants non-Muslim women to wear head scarfs  in solidarity with Muslim women.  Really?  Why the Burka and head scarfs  according to Muhammand?
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished and not molested,†Allah tells Mohammed.
The context of Koran chapter 33 verse 59 is even grimmer if you put it in the context of verse 50 which allowed Mohammed’s army to enslave and rape captured women and the use of the Burka to distinguish between wives and slaves.
But CNN’s Alyssa Camrota followed the usual habit of buying into Muslim fantasies of victimhood by suggesting that non-Muslim women adopt this degrading symbol of rape and subjugation.
“Maybe there will be a movement where people wear the head scarf in solidarity. You know, even if you’re not Muslim,†Camerota said during an early-morning broadcast on CNN’s “New Day.â€
“Maybe it’s the way people shave their heads, you know, sometimes in solidarity with somebody who is going through something,†she added.
Camerota was responding to a CNN segment about Muslim women who say they live in fear of being verbally or physically attacked for wearing head scarves.
It’s time for Camerota to read books as to how Islam badly harms women. Try A God Who Hates.
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Per Castro: you are free to mourn for 9 booze free days or be shot

The nine-day mandatory mourning period continued in Cuba on Tuesday, the designated day for foreign leaders to speak of the legacy of dictator Fidel Castro. Castro’s brother, dictator Raúl, announced the 90-year-old’s death on Friday.
Cuba has imposed a mourning period on its people, though Fidel Castro’s death was widely celebrated by Cubans throughout the world. The government has banned the sales of alcohol to prevent celebrations, as well as prohibited any loud “public activities,†playing of music, or excessive laughter. News anchors have been ordered not to utter the words “good morning,†“good afternoon,†or “good evening†after a communist singer-songwriter took offense at describing any day without Fidel Castro in it as “good.â€
Fidel Castro’s ashes will end their tour of the nation in eastern Santiago, where he was born. Before that voyage across the island, however, the government paraded his ashes through the streets of Havana, displayed to throngs of Cubans forced to attend the ceremonial march. The Cuban state propaganda outlet Granma had announced th
Firenze Sage:  No buenos dias here. Or Booze or music or freedom. But the diplomats will meet for a Champagne  lunch at the seaside.
insiders too often make – but not follow – the rules?
Tired of ‘insiders’ running America? Lots of  voters chose  Trump because he was an ‘outsider’ who might shake things up.
The ‘insiders’ did not follow the rules for upcoming vestry elections of St. John’s, an episcopal church in Aptos, CA.
Pay to pray —  if you want to be on the Vestry says one episcopal  church  having just a few days ago accepted proposed revisions to their Bylaws.  [St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Aptos, CA]
Looks like  another instance of the’insiders’ doing what they want — and not following the ‘rules’ laid out for others.
These Bylaws still have to be approved as legal by the Chancellor for the Diocese  of El Camino Real. Â
The Chancellor  for the diocese is Nancy Mahomey Cohen.
Will  the Chancellor for the diocese agree that these proposed  revisions to the Bylaws for St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Aptos are indeed “legal”?
Will legal advise from the diocese agree that it’s  OK to require that potential Vestry members must make a Pledge of identifiable money during the preceding 6 months  to the Corporation  to be on the Vestry?
Her email: Â
Here’s what happened:Â
At an episcopal church level it’s possible to self-nominate or nominate someone else to sit on the church board.
The rules to follow sent by email  on Sept. 29, 2016.
One long time  member followed the rules and submitted a petition to place  another member  on the list  for nominees.  The applicant  ‘an outsider’  strictly  in the sense that  the applicant  was  not nominated by the ‘insiders’ on the  Nomination Committee.
The Clerk appropriately followed the rules, kept the name secret,  and on the correct date  turned over the name of the applicant to the Nominating Committee.
Here’s where the  ‘insiders’  did not follow the rules.  The applicant only had to meet two requirements:  be over the age of 14 and be listed on the Parish Registrar.  The applicant met both conditions.
After receiving the name, the Nominating Committee should have put that name ‘in the basket’. Â That’s it. Â Job done. Instead, the Nominating Committee (no Chair) decided to turn it over to the interim priest and senior warden.
At the  most recent Vestry meeting  the interim priest said that he was asked by the Nominating Committee to ask the applicant two questions ….. Â
The Nominating Commitee  — the Vestry — stopped doing its job and turned it over to the interim priest and one warden.  Opps! The insiders did not follow the rules laid on in the Sept. 29 email
Per review of the Bylaws, the Vestry shall nominate a Chair of the Nominating Committee.  When asked,  Junior Warden Andy Pudan  stated that there was no Chair. Andy P. stated that he, Diane Scofield and Vicky Wilson  were on the Nominating Committee.   That meets the Bylaw rules that 3 members from the Vestry be on the Nominating Committee.  [The Bylaws also allow 2 other menbers.]  Another Vestry member Jon Showwalter  (not on the Nominating Committee)  said to the Clerk  that Charles Greenleaf  was an  ‘adviser’  to the Committee.
The most recent Vestry meeting was called to discuss and accept proposed  changes to the Bylaws.  Charles  Greenleaf, who was present as Guest for the preceding two Vestry meetings, was not present at the November 2016 meeting.
TakeAway from the November, 2016 Â Vestry meeting: Â A Pledge to the church is a requirement if you want to be on the church board.
Maybe someone will review these Bylaws and say No!
written by Cameron Jackson