Firenze Sage: Boos and cheers for Romney at NAACP because …

Romney’s speech at the NAACP an important one.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP)  needs a name change and an a change in attitudes  so they stop jousting at windmills and see non-existent slights in every word coming from a conservative Republican.  At the NAACP convention,  Mitt  Romney said he would stand up for the Black family, for better school choice for Black  children and for the sanctity of  marriage.

If you know one thing about Mitt Romney’s speech before the NAACP convention in Houston this week it’s probably that he was booed for vowing to repeal ObamaCare.

What you may not know is that he got a standing ovation as he left the stage and his speech  elicited applause several times during the 25-minute address to the nation’s oldest civil rights group. 

 Meanwhile, NAACP officials downplayed the  positive reactions to Romney’s speech  as not really real.
Hilary Shelton, who heads the the NAACP’s  Washington, D.C. chapter, suggested most of the applause came from Romney campaign supporters who were  planted in the audience.

“Quite frankly, the campaign actually gave me a list of African-American VIPs that they brought into the NAACP meeting,” Shelton said on “The Ed Show”. “These are people who are brought in to actually provide the cheering for him, so there will be some support along those lines” said Hilary Shelton.



Down on the lefty plantation you  [who applauded Romney] could not possibly have had a mind of your own. So some ringer pretended to be you.


Joseph Curl of The Washington Times views Romney’s speech quite important:



Aptos Psychologist: killers of Terry are immigrants without papers?

5 men killed Brian Terry with Fast & Furious guns. Their legal status?

Names matter. What are we to call the 5 men accused of killing border partrol man Brian Terry Dec. 14, 2010? Are they immigrants without documentation? Immigrants seeking a Dream? Illegal aliens? Fugatives from justice?

What is their legal status?

The 5 men entered the United States with a plan to “arm themselves with fire arms”

Now we know their names: Jesus Rosaro, Favela-Astorga, Ivan Soto-Varraza, Heraclo Osario-Meza and Manuel Osorio-Arellanes who is in custody. There is a $1 MILLION reward for any information that leads to their capture.

Have you noticed how language has evolved
to describe persons who illegally enter from Mexico? Illegal aliens became ‘immigrants without documentation’ and lately simply ‘immigrants not by choice’ when referring to those covered by the Dream Act. The language we use to describe persons entering without permission has ‘evolved’ similar to how President Obama attitude towards gay marriage ‘evolved’.

Some things we don’t know:
Why leave guns at the scene of the crime? Why no way to trace the guns? Who in the Justice Department was in charge of Fast and Furious? When did Eric Holder first know about Fast and Furious? Why does it take 18 months to get an indictment out of Holder’s Justice Department. Is that because of Holder?

So what do you think we should call these men who shot and killed a border patrol person?


Firenze Sage: Frogs praise Allah! [Egypt’s first fatwa after Muslim Brotherhood’s victory]

Fatwa against eating frogs including the northern leopard frog

Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi just won the presidency in Egypt.

The first legal action taken, the  very first fatwa to appear by Egypt’s highest fatwa council,  addresses—not social, political, or economic issues in Egypt—but rather frogs.

Specifically, the fatwa  bans Muslims from hunting and killing frogs to sell to those nations that dine on the amphibians.
As the fatwa explains, according to Islam’s prophet Muhammad as recorded in a hadith, a frog’s “croaking is praise [to Allah].”
Accordingly, “a number of jurists [fuqaha] have relied on this [hadith] to forbid the eating of frogs, under the notion that ‘that which is banned from being killed, is forbidden from being eaten.’”

written by Raymond Ibrahim of the PJ Tatler

Now if only we could find a fatwa banning Christian killing.

For more Firenze Sage go to and find Shoveling Smoke or English Only Spoken Here, Obama.
Send email to:
Go PJ Tatler for more info on the Muslim Brotherhood’s first fatwa after victory.




Aptos Psychologist: How Tea Parties, conservatives & independents can defeat the Obama-Care TAX at the ballot box November, 2012


How conservatives & independents can defeat Obama-Care TAX in November, 2012

Supreme Court Justice Roberts caved.  He  may go down in history as the Swinging Roberts –    which way does the wind blow?  And there went Roberts … Yes, ideology does matter.

Obama-Care  is a valid  TAX says the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision.    Congress   legally passed   the Obama-Care TAX.   So, remember the power of the purse.  Congress can repeal the Obama-Care TAX.

So, now it’s up to conservatives, independents and free thinkers to organize and defeat the Obama-Care TAX  at the ballot box in November, 2012.

What all of us can do:

Say a  daily prayer for the Nation to survive as the kind of nation it was when a group of patriots first founded the United STATES of America.

This July 4th, take time to read the Declaration of Independence with your family  and friends.

Think about what it means to you to be an American:  what are the freedoms you most cherish and why?

The rule of law is the basis of our freedoms.  Obama’s administration uses REGULATIONS to overturn valid laws.  As Nancy Pelosi say, you have to pass it to

Think about Obama’s response to the Supreme Court ruling concerning immigration.  Arizona can do valid Stops and inquire concerning immigration status. Obama has said that the Justice Department will not  answer phone calls from Arizona concerning immigration status. And further, Obama has set up a hot line so that those who are stopped can get through to Obama concerning their civil rights.

Consider joining  or starting a Tea Party organization which supports limited government, fiscal restraint and free markets.

Some links to California Tea Parties are listed below:

The Heritage Foundation discusses the Obama-Care TAX:

written by Cameron Jackson


Firenze Sage: A day in the life of the Queen of Quatar [corset buying with First Lady]

OK to spend $1000+ for a corset if you are President Obama’s wife off shopping with the Queen of Qatar?

The First Lady is better known for shopping at more modestly priced High Street brands. But along with the the Queen of Qatar, Sheikha Mozah, she closed off part of Madison Avenue to spend time in the luxury lingerie shop.

Their purchases contributed to a market-spanking 12.5pc lift in sales. For more on the First Lady’s shopping habits:…/michelle-obama-fashion

Agent Provocateur, which is styled on vintage Hollywood glamour, sells handmade Calais lace corsets that sell for up to £900, which could ruffle the feathers of more than just President Obama in an election year.:


Well this is an example of how to tighten the old belt. And for only $1400.00
by Odd Bodkins



Firenze Sage: Whose side is the guy on? [Jerry Sandusky’s attorney]

How helpful was Sandusky’s attorney?

Legal problems? Don’t hire someone like Sandusky’s attorney!

Jerry Sandusky’s lead defense attorney told reporters Friday that “he would probably die of a heart attack” if his client is acquitted on all 48 counts of sex abuse of young boys.

“You’re never happy with the job you’ve done,” the lawyer, Joseph Amendola, said. “But I did the best I could considering the circumstances. This was a daunting case.”

On do shut up.



Aptos Psychologist: Useful info how to resign from the SEIU in California

SEIU goons beat up a  person attending rally

SEIU thugs beat up a person attending rally

Are you an irritated and fed up California SEIU member — and want OUT from the SEIU?

For info how to resign membership from the  SEIU go  to this link or read below:

Don’t like that the SEIU goons beat up on people who attend Obama health care rallies?

Did you see the recent ruling by the Supreme Court about the SEIU? It’s in the Friday June 22 issue. Should you want to get out here’s how to get out.

“Enough Is Enough!”

That’s what many California State employees are saying.

Fed up with the rising costs of mediocre Union representation, and SEIU’s lack of transparancy, they have chosen to resign from SEIU and pay only “Fair Share” fees. State workers can Resign from SEIU by submitting the form in Step #1 below, entitling them to save ~2.4 % of their union dues. Continue reading “Aptos Psychologist: Useful info how to resign from the SEIU in California”


Firenze Sage: President Obama is ‘too cool’?

Is cool a racist terms?

Racism underlies why conservatives oppose Obama’s policies says Angela Rye, Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus.

She argues that President Obama has struggled during his first term due to racially-motivated opposition from conservatives who dislike having a black president.

“This is probably the toughest presidential term in my lifetime,” Rye said during CSPAN’s Q&A yesterday.

Angela Rye argues that calling Obama 'cool' is racism

“I think that a lot of what the president has experienced is because he’s black. You know, whether it’s questioning his intellect or whether or not he’s Ivy League. It’s always either he’s not educated enough or he’s too educated; or he’s too black or he’s not black enough; he’s too Christian or not Christian enough.

She said that “a lot” of conservative opposition is racially-charged, citing the use of the word “cool” in an attack ad launched by Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS superPAC.

“There’s an ad, talking about [how] the president is too cool, [asking] is he too cool? And there’s this music that reminds me of, you know, some of the blaxploitation films from the 70s playing in the background, him with his sunglasses,” Rye said. “And to me it was just very racially-charged. They weren’t asking if Bush was too cool, but, yet, people say that that’s the number one person they’d love to have a beer with. So, if that’s not cool I dont know what is.

She added that “even ‘cool,’ the term ‘cool,’ could in some ways be deemed racial [in this instance].”

If cool is racist, what isn’t?
