Fax Sen. Heidi Heitkamp re YES Kavanaugh!  Vote on Saturday Oct 6, 2018. See FAX numbers for North Dakota below: FAX does get to her. Her email boxes are full. So — FAX !!
Research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford,  Ph.D. flunks  basic  professional standards  for psychologists –standards  related to fabricating data, deceptive statements and sharing research data for verification? Take a look.
American Psychological Standards (APA)  standards for psychologists  are not put on  akin to a business suit for   the 8 to 5 day.
For many professionals what they do – whether  doctor, lawyer, psychologist  becomes interweaved with the essence of who they are as a person  and  how they interact  in general  with people.
Read in their entirety, professional standards: expect professionals to show care towards all persons equally  and to provide options and ways for persons to respond back.  That thinking  underlies  the  professional standards for all psychologists, and all medical doctors.   Summed up – do no harm
Concerning  the APA standard for sharing research data for verification:
Psychologist Christine Blasey. Ford failed to treat persons equally by a)  failing to notify  all parties e., President Trump, Republicans, the Judiciary Committee. She, a Democrat, who only notified other Democrats.
Psychologist Blasey Ford failed to provide her Therapist Notes for general inspection by neutral parties.   Some stories floating around the Internet  say 4 boys  were involved and others refer to 2 boys. Most sources say no names are included in the therapist notes.
No highly specific identifiable information is provided i.e., what they looked like, clothing, color of room, how this 15 – 18 year old woman got there or got home (as she did not drive).
What was the Therapist Treatment Goals related to the trauma Blasey-Ford says she  supposed experienced 30+ years ago. Diagnosis is the flip side of treatment.    If you go to a MD and he/she determines that you have a torn ligament and not a broken leg then there’s one treatment and not another. So what was the diagnosis and  treatment goals – if any —  as stated in the therapist notes?
Aptos Psychologist opines:
This woman, research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford, fails to meet basic professional standards. The standards that all Ph.D. research psychologists are expected to meet. What standards?  Read the American Psychological Association standards. Do no harm, take care in all your interactions with people and provide multiple means for feedback are part and parcel of the thinking that underlies the  APA standards. Read the specific APA professional standards — and consider in general what they mean.
Research psychologist measure — carefully –small differences using standardized tests in conjunction with careful, thorough behavioral observations and other information.  Noticing small differences and recording them and finding commonality in all of the information, i.e., how all the data (standardized test data,  various reports from various people, behavioral \observations) fits together. That’s what clinical/ research psychologists excell at doing. That’s what psychologists do best.
Research/ clinical psychologist Christine Blasley Ford, Ph.D. fails to meet basic professional standards.
written by Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.  Monterey Bay Forum
The current USA   law — passed by President Clinton –gives lifetime entitlement of all federal programs to refugees.  45 CFR 400.301.
This gives a lifetime entitlement for refugees who become citizens.  Currently, contractors can continue to deposit refugees where they choose regardless of state objection.
When Obama increased the Refugee admission quota in 2017 to 111,000 four states withdrew. But the numbers of refugees that actually settled in those states did not decline. That’s because of CFR 400.301.
Currently the resettlement programs are on automatic pilot without the States able to say no effectively. Â
If you think that freedoms for Americans — including the right not to be beaten by your husband — should be protected without extending that USA right world wide …. then petition your government to abolish CFR 400.301
President Trump lowered the immigration quota to 45,000. The next President could increase it to 250,000. It’s time that citizens of the USA spoke up and get control of how many “refugees” are allowed in and on what basis refugees will be admitted.
The USA can and should seek to strengthen women’s rights abroad. And we can and should be be a beacon of freedom world wide.
written by Cameron Jackson  drcameronjackson@gmail.com
A professor at East Carolina University recently discovered that the diversity course she teaches isn’t actually “effective†in changing students’ racial or gender biases.
Dr. Michele Stacey, who teaches criminal justice at ECU, assessed the efficacy of the school’s diversity course by surveying 288 criminal justice students’ attitudes towards women and minorities both before and after taking the course, publishing her findings in the latest issue of the Journal of Criminal Justice Education.
Race, Gender, and Special Populations in the Criminal Justice System is a three-credit course that is required for the ECU major and minor in criminal justice. Aimed at educating students about the challenges of minorities in the criminal justice system, the course covers a variety of topics, including Native Americans and African Americans.
But while the course is also offered in the spirit of helping to reduce student’s bias towards these groups, Stacey discovered something interesting.
After assessing the bias of students before and after the course—using prompts such as “a woman should worry less about their rights and more about becoming good wives and mothers†and “if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whitesâ€â€”Stacey found that the course hadn’t altered students’ attitudes towards race or gender.
Executives favor a classic command-and-control approach to diversity because it boils expected behaviors down to dos and don’ts that are easy to understand and defend. Yet this approach also flies in the face of nearly everything we know about how to motivate people to make changes. Decades of social science research point to a simple truth: You won’t get managers on board by blaming and shaming them with rules and reeducation. Let’s look at how the most common top-down efforts typically go wrong.
Diversity training
Do people who undergo training usually shed their biases? Researchers have been examining that question since before World War II, in nearly a thousand studies. It turns out that while people are easily taught to respond correctly to a questionnaire about bias, they soon forget the right answers. The positive effects of diversity training rarely last beyond a day or two, and a number of studies suggest that it can activate bias or spark a backlash. Nonetheless, nearly half of midsize companies use it, as do nearly all the Fortune 500.
Firenze Sage:Â This cannot stand so the class will be pass/fail and nobody will fail.
What women say privately about the #Me too…movement differs considerably from what’s said in public. So says an opinion piece published by the New York Times recently.
Aptos Psychologist: Seems like the #Me Too …. encourages young woman to view themselves as frail victims? Let’s raise kids (boys and girls) to view themselves as strong and capable.
Trump’s proposed health care rule offers relief from high premiums and freedom to choose
Whew! Trump offers relief from Obama-Care’s many requirements  and high premiums.  Trump’s health care proposal [The Wall Street Journal, Friday, Jan 5, 2018] offers millions of self-employed and small businesses freedom to purchase health insurance plans that don’t comply with Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
Time to speak up and say what you think. The new rule will be published Friday in the Federal Register and undergo a 60 day comment period.
The Trump administration also plans to release a proposal to pave the way for more short-term health policies with fewer benefits.
The proposal was praised by the National Restaurant Association and the National Retail Association as a way for small businesses to have the same bargaining power as large companies, leveling the playing field. Self-employed people who don’t get subsidies also heralded the proposed changes in rules.
Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson: Getting rid of the requirement that all Americans must purchase health insurance — which is part of the recent legislation that reduces taxes for 80% of Americans — that was a huge step towards more choice. This proposal means that mom’s working from home as sole proprietors can get health care for themselves and their family. Whew.Â
“I saw a member yesterday with her cleavage so deep it was down to the floor,†Kaptur said, according to the sources present. “And what I’ve seen … it’s really an invitation.†The comments left many others in the room stunned, the sources said. From Politico.
Kaptur said women on Capitol Hill should have to abide by a stricter dress code, like those adopted by the military or corporations.
“Maybe I’ll get booed for saying this, but many companies and the military [have] a dress code,†she said. “I have been appalled at some of the dress of … members and staff. Men have to wear ties and suits.â€
Aptos Psychologist: More decorum coming soon? Not likely.  Women students wear P.J.s to night law classes.  In Aptos, women wear bathing suits with minor cover up to get groceries. The image you present does affect how people interact with you.
written by Psychologist Cameron Jackson PSY14762Â DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
 Hollywood, California-based non-profit organization called Women in Film (WIF) announced this week that it is launching a “sexual harassment help line†on December 1.
The group, which “advocates for and advances the careers of women working in the screen industries – to achieve parity and transform culture,†says the helpline will help by providing legal aid, counseling, and advice to men, women, and youth who have experienced or are experiencing sexual harassment.
The William Morris/Endeavor (WME) talent agency provided seed funding for the sexual harassment help line. However, WIF says it still needs to raise $25,000 to help launch the helpline.
“Since early October, the world’s attention has been focused on the unfolding story of countless allegations of sexual harassment against many powerful men in the entertainment industry,†a statement from WIF read. “In response, Women In Film is launching a Sexual Harassment Help Line — an integrated program to refer victims of harassment to designated mental health counselors, law enforcement professionals, and civil and criminal lawyers and litigators.â€
Southern California Public Radio reported that WIF stated: “Anyone, regardless of gender, can access the Sexual Harassment Help Line at 323.545.0333. The Help Line will go live beginning FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 at 10 am PST. It will be open M-F from 10am-5pm.â€
The helpline is being launched in response to a multitude of sexual harassment allegations and revelations against mostly men in the film, news, and entertainment industries. In addition to that, years of sexual misconduct have started to surface against politicians, both in Washington and in various state capitals.
Comment: Who is paying for this?  How is privacy protected? Is there followup to see how callers like the service?  There are plenty of mental health professionals that might be interested in helping out. written by licensed CA psychologist Cameron Jackson, Ph.D. PSY14762  Â
  Elitist woman snob in action: ABC Cokie Roberts Suggests that Lower Class Women Excuse Moore Because ….. get this …. That Kind of Woman Are Used To Being Raped. Oh?
Veteran journalist Cokie Roberts said, “One of the things to keep in mind is, in the base, even women are suspicious about these sexual harassment claims. Â
She continued, “And part of the reason for that is that women who are not in fancy white collar jobs often have really awful things happen to them on the job. They are assaulted. They are raped. They have horrible things happen to them. And so when they hear women say, ‘he talked dirty to me,’ or ‘he came on to me,’ they think, ‘big deal. That’s not what happened to me. What happened to me is so much worse.’ And so there’s not that same sense of affinity.â€
Firenze Sage:  Or it could be that the non tv personality woman just punches the sexual assaulter – rather than scream for a safe spot?  But this  swamp  broad wouldn’t get that.
  Late-night TV blackout — about Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood producer & Democrat Party mega-donor.
The parade of liberal late-night TV hosts — including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, and James Corden — flat-out ignored Thursday the blistering New York Times report alleging that Hollywood super-producer and Democratic Party mega-donor Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed multiple women over a period of decades.
The allegations piled up even as Mr. Weinstein helped define popular culture. He has collected six best-picture Oscars and turned out a number of touchstones, from the films “Sex, Lies, and Videotape,†“Pulp Fiction†and “Good Will Hunting†to the television show “Project Runway.â€
In public, Mr. Weinstein presents himself as a liberal lion, a champion of women and a winner of not just artistic but humanitarian awards.
In 2015, the year Ms. O’Connor wrote her memo, his company distributed “The Hunting Ground,†a documentary about campus sexual assault.
A longtime Democratic donor, Mr. Weinstein hosted a fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton in his Manhattan home last year. He employed Malia Obama, the oldest daughter of former President Barack Obama, as an intern this year, and recently helped endow a faculty chair at Rutgers University in Gloria Steinem’s name. During the Sundance Film Festival in January, when Park City, Utah, held its version of nationwide women’s marches, Mr. Weinstein joined the parade.
Weinstein’s most current attorney, a woman, just resigned.
Firenze Sage writes:Â Â Did we really expect fair and balanced news from these elitists?