People heal in many ways. As we heal we heal others.
 Spirituality & Healing through worship liturgy at St. John’s Episcopal in Aptos, CA
Connect with Others:
Spirituality & Healing through song for persons with Parkinson’s Disorder
Singing uplifting songs with other people helps voice and reduces social isolation.
And,  singing with others  also combats depression.   
Get up and get moving! Â Sing!
 For Tremolos is Aptos, CA,  contact Julie or Barry at 831 688-0888  for the next meeting time.
St. Johns’s in Aptos, CA  hosts on a weekly basis  the Tremolos singing group for persons with Parkinson’s  and their caretakers.  Come to St. John’s  most  Thursdays 1 – 2:30.
Donations are needed to support TREMOLOS in Aptos, CA  —  this wonderful singing group which helps persons with Parkingson’s Disorder.  Contact for more information.  You can donate via plastic.  I did!  EASE PB INC  has a local address:  3240 Churnside  in Santa Cruz, CA  95062
Healing through Prayer:
So that bonb shell crises drops  on you.  Your life is  suddenly  upended.  You got  shattering news. What to do?  Let’s  assume that  you have not been in  church for years. Or  perhaps   never.
You hope God cares. You hope God exists. You’d like to connect.
Where to start? Consider prayer —  in general and prayers  for healing.
Look around your community. When choosing a prayer  resource consider how public/ private you want your request and how immediate or long term that need may be.
Some  resources for healing prayer  in Aptos, CA include:
Trinity Covenant Church:  Prayers are offered for individuals and churches  during the 10 AM Sunday services. Connect with the pastor Troy Martin and the church elders for spiritual assistance, prayers.
Twin Lakes Church: a prayer phone call request  on a weekday morning  is fielded  immediately to either or all:   1) the woman’s prayer chain;  b) the   ‘green sheet’ with names and prayer requests available to all members to pray over;   c) prayers  by   clergy and prayer team members  held each Thursday at noon. Issues of immediacy, privacy issues and clinical issues are managed thusly.
St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church: St Johns offers prayers for healing   in  the early evening  on week days (5 PM on Monday, Fridays at noon).  Individuals are encouraged to drop in and participate.  Click here  concerning a  recent evening prayer service and prayer for healing as night comes.
For on-going prayer needs,   contact the church office.  (831 708 2278)  St. John’s has an   email prayer chain for immediate requests and publishes   prayer list available Sunday AM and individuals listed on it  are prayed for during the week.
Resurrection Catholic Community:Offers a Healing Services  several times a year. These are  specific Masses for individual healing which include the  laying on of hands by clergy and members collectively.  On week days (Mon. – Fri.) there’s an 8:30 am Mass . The Sanctuary part  of the church is open for daily  prayer from 9 – 4. The weekly church bulletin contains a list of persons who ask for prayer. Contact the church office to get on or off the list.
Another way to Heal is through  through Workshops
Jesus authorizes believers to heal the sick. Â Every believer has a measure of healing power. Use it.
Healing Workshop offered  by Anglican priest William DeArteaga:  “Every Believer a Healing Evangelist†  William DeArteaga, who has authorized  the re-publishing of any of his works on Monterey Bay Forum,  writes:
“This workshop aims at motivating and equipping every born-again Believer to appropriate his/her authority in Christ as a healing and evangelical agent for the Kingdom of God. The key scripture is Luke 10:8-9 where it is clear that healing is a doorway to proclaiming the Gospel.
Luke 10:8-9 New International Version (NIV)
“When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is offered to you. Â Heal the sick who are there and tell them, “The kingdom of God has come near to you.”
The sad situation is that most churches, including Pentecostal and charismatic congregations, limit the healing ministry to trained intercessors. This is somewhat effective, but it also obscures the authority and healing ability of many lay persons.
This workshop aims as demonstrating that every Believer in Jesus Christ has a measure of healing power, and some even extraordinary anointing in this ministry. It is a supplement, not a replacement to trained intercessors who may have advanced training in inner healing and deliverance ministries.
The course is based on the pioneer work of Charles and Francis Hunter, a Pentecostal couple who in the 1980s made popular the biblical fact that
in the New Testament there are no petition prayers for healing. All healing prayer is done in the command mode.
Sequence of teachings and exercises:
The first segment:  We go over the biblical basis for command healing and also discusses the “energies of God†for healing that are transmitted via the laying on of hands. The participants are  divided into prayer groups of three or four for the workshop exercises.
Exercise # 1:
The prayer groups practice and experience the distinction of praying in petition for healing and then praying in command by each one praying for a sickness or medical condition of the others in the group, or a proxy person.
The second segment: This teaches about the energies of God as transmitted via the believer’s hands, and modeled on Luke 5:12-14, where touch and command are employed at the same time.
This section shows that healing prayer must often be repeated as in Mark 8: 23-25. Also 1 Cor 12: 9 defines the gifts (plural) of healing and different persons have different anointing for various illness or situations. Thus repeated prayers over one person expose that person to various levels of anointing and persevering prayer which is the key to battling serious disease.”
The above is a small section concerning Healing Workshops currently available with Anglican priest William DeArteaga.  Â
Healing through Books and Words:Â
12 noon Fridays,  Prayer at  The Episcopal Church of St. John, 125 Canterbury Drive,  Aptos,  (831)  707-2278.   Join others with  Alliee DeArmond.  Music.  Prayer. Hear the Word discussed.

 Alliee DeArmond  writes a column In the Spirit published in the  Santa Cruz Sentinel. Â
A link to a recent column: Â Â
 For 20+ years, Alliee operated  The Word Shop, 246-A Center St., Aptos,CA. In December, 2018 the Word Shop stopped operating and St. John’s Helpful Shop replaced it at that location.  Â
  Healing through Needle Craft:

 Wednesdays, 12 noon – 2 pm.  Weekly meetings on Wednesdays  for those who sew, knit, and quilt  accompanied with prayers for healing. Bring food to share for pot luck lunch.  Meet other needle crafters. Â
Needle crafters meet every Wednesday from 12 noon – 2 PM  in the  kitchen area of St. Josephs Catholic Church, Capitola, CA  Â
St. Josephs is located at 435 Monterey Ave, Capitola, CA 95010. Â
For  more information about needle crafters,  contact Robin  Goodwin  Â
Healing through Gardening:
Aptos Community Garden   Yes — you may heal through gardening.  Some garden plots are still  available at the Garden.  Plots are rented for a year based on the size of the plot. Some people share a plot. Â

 Call (831) 688-5727 extension 2  and leave a message that you are interested in a garden plot.  The garden is  an Outreach of Christ Lutheran Church. Â
For Aptos Community Garden, Â See pictures on Twitter! Â Â
Get a Twitter account and in  the Search bar type  #AptosCommunityGarden Â
Healing through Thrift Store Giving:Â Â
St. John’s Helpful Shop is now located near the entrance to Seacliff State Beach. The Helpful Shop provides a service to the community in conjunction with Resurrection Catholic Community. Gently used books, household items and clothing are available. More volunteers are always welcome.  Information about St.John’s Helpful Shop is listed in the Aptos Chamber of Commerce.

Church members and  community members  give the  items  and  also staff the shop.
Healing occurs in many ways …. Â More ways to heal are listed below: Â
Healing through Back Packing:

Some people heal though back packing.
Back packing simplifies life.  You take with you your house. Your wardrobe.  Your food.  You leave behind TV and  electronics.  You can enjoy who you meet along the way.  Yes,  you may get a little smelly, but so what.

Posts related to Healing are listed on Monterey Bay Forum  under  various categories, e.g.,
Healing, Health and Spiritual.
Healing through local  northern CA medical  resources: Â
UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco, CA: Â Â
Stanford Hospital, Palo Alto, CA: Â Â
Dominican Hospital, Santa Cruz, CA: Â
Watsonville Community Hospital, Watsonville, CA Â
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