“Slavery is white people…thing” tweets Boston University Saida Grundy, Â Assistant Professor of sociology and African-American Studies at Boston University.
Grundy shows stunning ignorance of slavery both past and present in various cultures. Â Where was this professor educated? Â How was she vetted?
Grundy didn’t stop there. She asks: “is white people’s new deflection from dealing with slavery that ‘all races have had slaves’ thing? is this the new ‘#AllLivesMatter’?â€
Professor Grundy added other enlightening tweets:
“for the record, NO race outside of Europeans had a system that made slavery a *personhood* instead of temporary condition;

“there is also no race except Europeans who kidnapped and transported human beings in order to enslave them and their offspring for life;
“before Europeans invented it as such, slavery was not a condition that was de facto inherited from parent to child.â€
Firenze Sage: Â Somewhere in the dusk of history she may find Greek slaves

or Roman slaves

or Egyptian slaves or even, horror of horrors, African slaves, a word derived from Slavs in the Middle Ages.