More holes in Dr. Ford’s story support Kavanaugh’s testimony

This smells?  More holes in Dr. Ford’s story support Kavanaugh’s testimony

More holes in Dr. Ford’s story support Kavanaugh’s testimony.The only other girl — best buddy then and for years with Dr. Ford — testifies to FBI she never knew Kavanaugh and never attended any small party with him or Ford.

Ford supposedly ran out of the house and somehow got home 20 minutes away as crow flies. Ford’s friend, best buddy for years, never came up to Ford and inquired why leave  and Ford never spoke to her in ’72 about the supposed event.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s story gets more and more holes in it.  First she could not fly to Washington D.C yet she flies world wide for pleasure and work.  Then  she was  told that the Judicial Committee would fly to her in CA or anywhere.  Either her attorneys did not tell her — which is malpractice — or she somehow did not recall it.   Then Ford testifies that adding another front door was main reason for couples’s therapy in 2012 although the building  permit was  gotten in 2007 and pictures show completed by 2011.

Women who have been assaulted — including those nearly assaulted who escaped successfully — remember the details.  Lots of details.  But Blasey Ford cannot recall vital details.

Remember those high school days and high school friendships?   They go deep.  Blasey Ford’s best girl friend does not corroborate.  One more big hole.

Latest info:  Ford’s former boy friend says Ford helped prepare person for a polygraph and that Ford ran up bills after he took her off his credit card.  See link here. 

written by Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson 


Dr. Ford – accuser of Kavanaugh – flunks basic decency standards including APA guidelines for psychologists

Psychologist  Blasey Ford  flunks basic professional  APA standards

Dr. Ford  — accuser of   Kavanaugh — flunks  basic  decency standards  including  APA guidelines for  psychologists.   That is, don’t exploit or harm others & avoid relationships that could reasonably impair their professional performance.

What about the legal standards of presumption of innocence and preponderance of evidence?   A research Ph.D. psychologist knows how to add up the overall picture of “facts” of her case. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s facts — best we know — are weak.

Ford, a  registered Democrat who signed a letter opposing Trump’s immigration  policies, joins other   Democrats & progressives  who turn  American due process upside down. See Presumption of Guilt published in the Wall Street Journal 9/22/18.

American Psychological Standards (APA)  standards for psychologists  are not put on  akin to a business suit for   the 8 to 5 day.

For many professionals what they do – whether  doctor, lawyer, psychologist  becomes interweaved with the essence of who they are as a person  and  how they interact  in general  with people.

Read in their entirety, APA ethical guidelines and standards  expect psychologists  to show care towards all persons equally  and to  provide options and ways for persons to  respond back.  The  thinking  that underlines guidelines for  psychologists and  doctors:    do no harm

Concerning  the APA  ethical guidelines:

  • Psychologist Ford failed to treat persons equally by a)  failing to notify  all parties  e., President Trump, Republicans, the Judiciary Committee.   Dr. Ford is a registered  Democrat who  only notified other Democrats.
  • Psychologist  Ford failed to provide the entirety of  her Therapist Notes for general inspection by neutral parties.  Her therapist notes state 4 boys   and Dr. Ford opines fewer.    No  names are included in the therapist notes.
  • No highly specific identifiable information is provided   i.e., what the boys looked like,  their clothing,  the color of  room, how Dr. Ford   got there or got home (as she did not drive)

Self-care by Psychologists is   is part and parcel to providing care towards others:

Dr. Ford states in her publications that mentoring future psychologists is her primary goal.  Dr. Ford presumably has professional /  clinical interactions with her students.    For trauma Dr. Ford states that  she  incurred sometime in 1983-85, Dr. Ford first  sought professional help roughly six years ago.

What were  the  Therapist  Treatment Goals related to the trauma Dr. Ford  says she  experienced 36  years ago?   Diagnosis is the flip side of treatment.     If you go to a MD and he/she determines that you have a torn ligament and not a broken leg then there’s one treatment and not another.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may have been the diagnosis?   If that was the diagnosis, what were the treatment goals and are they in the clinical notes  of the therapist Dr. Ford and husband  saw in 2012 or so  for couple’s therapy?   Those clinical  notes could and should be released by Dr.Ford.

Aptos Psychologist opines:

Dr. Ford  fails to meet basic  decency standards as well as  general APA  guidelines for  psychologists.   Do no harm, take care in all your interactions with people and provide multiple means for feedback are part and parcel of  APA guidelines and standards.

Dr. Ford is a research/ clinical  psychologist.  Psychologists measure — carefully –small differences  using standardized tests in conjunction with  behavioral observations and  other information.    Finding commonality  in all of  the information (standardized test data,   reports from different sources and  behavioral observations)   is the hallmark of what clinical / research psychologists do best.   It’s what psychologist  are particularly trained to do.

What  psychologists are trained to do best — fit together the “big picture” from all  available information — Dr. Ford fails to do.     I give Ford an F.

written by Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.   Monterey Bay Forum 

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Kavanaugh’s accuser psychologist Christine Blasey Ford flunks APA standards for psychologists?

Research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford,  Ph.D. flunks  basic  professional standards  for psychologists  –standards  related to fabricating data, deceptive statements and sharing research data for verification?  Take a look.

American Psychological Standards (APA)  standards for psychologists  are not put on  akin to a business suit for   the 8 to 5 day.

For many professionals what they do – whether  doctor, lawyer, psychologist  becomes interweaved with the essence of who they are as a person  and  how they interact  in general  with people.

Read in their entirety, professional standards:  expect  professionals to show care towards all persons equally  and to  provide options and ways for persons to  respond back.    That thinking  underlies   the  professional standards for all psychologists, and  all  medical doctors.   Summed up – do no harm

Concerning  the APA standard for sharing research data for verification:

  • Psychologist Christine Blasey. Ford failed to treat persons equally by a)  failing to notify  all parties  e., President Trump, Republicans, the Judiciary Committee.  She, a Democrat, who  only notified other Democrats.
  • Psychologist Blasey Ford failed to provide her Therapist Notes for general inspection by neutral parties.   Some stories floating around the Internet  say 4 boys  were involved and others refer to 2 boys. Most sources say no names are included in the therapist notes.
  • No highly specific identifiable information is provided i.e., what they looked like, clothing, color of room, how this 15 – 18 year old woman got there or got home (as she did not drive).

What was the  Therapist  Treatment Goals related to the trauma Blasey-Ford says she  supposed experienced 30+ years ago.  Diagnosis is the flip side of treatment.     If you go to a MD and he/she determines that you have a torn ligament and not a broken leg then there’s one treatment and not another.  So what was the diagnosis and   treatment goals – if any —  as stated in the therapist notes?

Aptos Psychologist opines:

This woman, research psychologist  Christine Blasey Ford, fails to meet basic  professional standards.  The standards that  all Ph.D. research psychologists are expected to meet. What standards?   Read the  American Psychological Association standards.  Do no harm, take care in all your interactions with people and provide multiple means for feedback are part and parcel of the thinking that underlies the   APA standards.  Read the specific  APA professional standards — and consider in general what they mean.

Research psychologist measure — carefully –small differences using standardized tests in conjunction with careful, thorough behavioral observations and other information.    Noticing small differences and recording them and  finding commonality  in all of  the information, i.e., how all the data (standardized test data,   various reports from various people, behavioral \observations) fits together.  That’s what clinical/ research psychologists excell at doing.  That’s what psychologists do best.

Research/ clinical psychologist Christine Blasley Ford, Ph.D. fails to meet basic professional standards.

written by Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.   Monterey Bay Forum
