‘Impeach Trump!’ says Illan Omar from Somalia who married her brother Elmi possibly for immigration status …


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) married her brother  Elmi  in  2009 – 2017,   possibly for immigration benefits.   Omar  has 3 children by  Hersi and married him in 2018.  She filed taxes while legally married to someone else.

Congress woman Illan Omar born in Somalia (D – MN)  seeks Trump’s impeachment.

David Steinberg: Tying up loose threads in the curious case

Illan Omar married her brother  according to school records.

Omar “won’t dignify with an answer” Trump asking her   whether  Illan Omar is  a Communist  and whether she support  Muslim  terrorist group al Quida.  Trump  generically said recently  ‘go back and fix things and then tell us what to do’.

So who will Ms. Omar answer?    This representative, Ms. Omar,  is not  easy to contact.  Ms. Omar has no FAX  and her mail box   number (202)  225-4755 is full.  So she cannot be contacted by FAX or phone right now.    Her snail mail  address is 1517 Longsworth HUB, Washington D.C. 20515.

Ms. Omar accuses Trump of ‘keeping children in cages’ [at the southern border] and that illegal aliens are ‘forced to drink from toilets.’

Aptos Psychologist     jaj48@aol.com

Omar comes  into the USA under false pretenses. Now she makes  false accusations of others?    

 Omar gets into America based on gaming the system [marries her  brother possibly  to get immigration benefits]. 

Illan  Omar gets  elected to Congress   and  falsely accuses Trump's administration  of putting' children in cages'  and 'forcing adults to drink out of toilets.'  

Prison toilets are one piece entities wherein  the water tank is above the seat. Yes, people in prison can drink from the top part of the toilet.  

To:   Ms Illan Omar:  
 1)  show the public the 'cages' where children are kept?  Yes VP Pence found extreme overcrowding of men which demonstrates the crises at the border. 
2) answer the question whether you are communist and whether you  support al Quida 
3)  You have failed to answer the following question asked by others:  Did you receive immigration benefits while married to your brother Elmi? 
4) Ms. Omar,  Which do you hate most? a) USA   b)Trump  c) Israel 
It appears that you hate all three.  

5)   Is 'hatred of others' -- zenophobia -- a part of the heritage of Mohammand and Islam?  Yes it is, according to author Wafa Sultan who wrote A God who Hates.    

  Take Away:  
Muslim society and the Islam religion are vastly different from American society and freedoms based on the U.S. Constitution. 

 Muslims such as Ms. Omar come here for what they want and some, like Ms Omar, game the system to get in.  And then some Muslims,  including Ms. Omar, attack the country that offered assistance and entry.   

Islam as practiced in much of the middle east is a political system which cannot be separated from it's religious component. That issue is something which the Supreme Court must deal with.  Soon.  

 Some Muslims come here for their version of 'freedom of religion/ politics' and then  seek to impose their  version of  Islamic religious/ political system here. Ms. Omar is one of those Muslims. 

Congress woman Ms. Illan Omar shouts 'racism' while benefiting from the many freedoms which only the USA offers because of our  Constitution.

Some progressive Democrats, which include Rep. Illan Omar,  seek to undermine U.S. freedoms by imposition of their version of islamic/ sharia law/ zenophobia views.    

 Rep. Illan Omar accuses others of behavior she engages in:  racism, zenophobia and hatred of that which differs from her views.

When will Illan Omar  realize that people don't care about her color  -- they do care about her views.         

written by Cameron SmithJackson    JAJ48@AOL.com            


What’s it matter whether USA citizen or resident in 2020? A lot!

Does  it matter  whether your’re a citizen or resident of USA in 2020?  Yes, it   matters mightily.

You should care about the question of citizenship on the upcoming 2020 Census.  We need an honest count of residents compared to citizens.   If we don’t ask — we don’t know.

Organizations and state governments which encourage more population, e.g., California by its generous welfare system and  Sanctuary Cities ,   care mightily.  CA wants a larger population precisely because more population means more power in Congress.   That’s because of how our the 435 congressional representatives are divided among the USA states.

Seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by total population.

Since ‘residents’ are counted as part of the total  population that means that illegal aliens who are present  at the time of the census are counted in the apportionment process.

Here’s a hypothetical:   Imagine that suddenly — overnight –  the populations of California (39 million) and Texas (29 million) doubled  due to an influx of millions  of illegals coming over the southern border into Texas and California.  Were  that unlikely hypothetical to occur,  both CA and Texas would increase the number of representatives for each state.  The total number of representatives is set at 435.  Some states would lose representatives and some states — such as CA and Texas — would gain representatives. More representative equates to more political power.

What is a citizen?  In 1787, the Constitution defined citizenship as open to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

What’s a population census?  A population census is the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining, at a specified time, to all persons in a country or in a well delimited part of a country.Sep 25, 20.

Clearly — it matters mightily how many ‘illegal aliens’ are currently in the USA as of 2020.  For years politicians fume about the”millions in the shadows’.  Well, let’s count them.

And then  let’s require  that our congressional representatives  forge immigration policies in 2020  that make sense to We the People.

It’s time to change the Flores Agreement which limits the number of days children can be held from 21 to 100 days. The ‘catch and release’ policy implemented  by President Obama must cease.

Yes it mightily matters how many citizens are in the USA as of 2020. It’s all about freedom.  

Trump says 7/11/19 that he won’t back down, that he will use existing government information to determine how many citizens there are in the USA.

written by Cameron Jackson    jaj48@aol.com



I am a stupid, biased CNN media info babe re Trump and term limits

CNN info babe wrongly says Congress already has term limits

‘I am a stupid, biased media info babe’ what CNN Brook Baldwin should say about her recent comments about Trump and term limits.

It’s   another another example where the press editorializes rather than reporting.

Most people know — and anyone who works in Washington D.C. must know that:

There are no term limits on Congress.  Our elected representatives  stay for decades. Way too long.    term-limits-get-out-not-a-retirement-home

Outsider  candidate Donald Trump calls  for reform.  Reaction by CNN info babe shows bias.

Donald Trump announced a proposition to institute term limits for all members of congress:  A constitutional amendment for six years in the House, and twelve years in the Senate:

There is another major announcement I am going to make today as part of our pledge to drain the swamp in Washington. If I am elected President, I will push for a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.    term-limits-tired-of-career-politicians

Decades of failure in Washington, and decades of special interest dealing, must come to an end. We have to break the cycle of corruption, and we have to give new voices a chance to go into government service. The time for Congressional term limits has arrived.  ~ Donald Trump



Quick as a flash, CNN rushes to the microphones and typeset.

In what can only be described as the current intelligence customarily found amid the Clinton News Network,

CNN host and info babe  Brooke Baldwin looks at her panel, smugly and condescendingly replying:

 …. “there are already term limits, so what does Trump  mean”?


  ginsburg-biasFirenze Sage:  
Quick, put her on the supreme court.
How about term limits on the media?