So why do you hate Trump? Be specific!
Trump does not ‘act Presidential’ some say.  That’s what William DeLaArteaga writes in his recently published essay  On Discerning Trump’s Character and Presidency. It’s available on Amazon with Kindle for $3.50. DeLaArteaga says Trump is full of ‘bull-shit’, that Trump is a narcissist and not a ‘gentleman President’.
A writer for the Wall Street Journal, David Gelernter says that people hate Trump for his vulgarity, that he won’t walk away from a fight, that he’s blunt and that Trump has no ideology.  Gelernter also says some hate Trump because he does not think men and women are interchangeable and because of Trump’s love of simple ideas that may work e.g., the recent view that perhaps  a malaria drug used for 50 years can used as a preventative or cure for COVID-19.
So — why do you hate Trump? Don’t just say ‘he lies!  Or, he’s a racist! Be specific!
written by Cameron Jackson