Is Obama the principal person behind the Trump/ Russia collusion story?
Clinton had a simple message why people should elect her — that Trump was “unfit”.  Prior to the election that was her message to the American public. That’s about all she had to say. Her message did not sell sufficient for her to win the election.
Within 24 hours of losing the election Hilary Clinton’s campaign put out the message that Trump’s victory was not on the up and up — that he obtained it unfairly due to the Russians. Due to Trump/ Russian involvement in our elections.
What we know now is that Hilary Clinton paid for and  created  information — none yet collaborated — that Trump supposedly performed unfit behavior.  That is what is referred to as the Trump/ Steele dossier aka ‘Golden Showers’.
So first Hillary calls Trump ‘unfit’ and then she pays money and supplies information to create information to supposedly support her contention.
Now the evidence points towards Obama as is the person behind it all. And it appears that Obama’s motive was and is to protect himself.
Remember the basic facts about Obama. He was a Chicago politician. He won his first elections by spreading ‘dirt’ about his opponents. He was a community organizer. He has a law degree and taught constitutional law.
Remember all of Obama’s promises that he did not keep…. such as ‘you can keep your doctor…’
Obama promised the American public that Hilary Clinton would be treated the same as any other American. And then Obama exonerated Hilary Clinton and Obama expected his Justice Dept and FBI to also exonerate Hilary Clinton. Which they did.
The facts keep tumbling out.
What’s especially troubling is that mainstream press, i.e., New York Times and Washington Post prefer to suppress or ignore the story.
Cameron Jackson