Victims? Are both Dr. Ford  and  Judge Kavanaugh   victims  of  Democratic strategies to  delay and destroy ? Yes!
In her actions,  was Dr. Ford complicit with the Democrats  delay and destroy  tactics? Possibly.  See below why.
Both witnesses  9/27/18 are compelling. Which testimony has more credibility?
Largely  it appears that Dr. Ford was  used by the Democrats for their purpose to destroy Kavanaugh any way possible.
Democrats sought to destroy Kavanaugh’s  public and private life based  largely on a  page from his high school yearbook which concerned remarks about  drinking. Committee Democrats  repeated called  for another FBI investigation.  Six  FBI investigations have been done of Kavanaugh. The Committee has investigated all allegations brought to them and they are the determiner of  fact. Not the FBI which makes no recommendations or conclusions
What we know  now from the hearing about   a) the   leak of Dr. Ford’s Letter; and b) the delay and obstruct tactics by Democrats including Ford’s attorneys; c) inconsistencies in  Dr. Ford’s statements. d) what the public now knows
- leak of Dr. Ford’s letter:    Ford  testifies that she sought complete confidentiality & expected  it. Dr. Ford first contacted   her Rep. Ossho and  later spoke with Feinstein by phone. Dr. Ford requested confidentiality of her letter. Under oath, she states that she never released confidentiality.
If we believe her, then Dr. Ford’s letter was leaked to the press. By whom? Only four  sources  had Dr. Ford’s letter which  detailed alleged sexual abuse by Judge Kavanaugh:   Dr. Ford & her attorney  and CA Anna  Ossho  and  CA Senator Diane  Feinstein.
Either  representative, their   staff or someone they gave it to leaked Dr. Ford’s letter to the press.  Best guess for leak:  Ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Senator Diane  Feinstein.
Why  probably Feinstein?  Because of Feinstein’s misleading actions of delay and cover up of information during the Committee’s hearing. She sat on information and asked no questions.
Feinstein denies leaking the letter. However, her actions show a strategy of deny and obstruct.  She sat on the letter for 45 days and asked no questions of Kavanaugh concerning abuse during the judiciary hearing which went on for days.
There is substantial support that there was a  coordinated effort by Democrats in conjunction with Dr. Ford’s attorneys  to use delay tactics to put off the vote until after the mid-term elections, and keep the seat open   until the 2020 elections.
Abuse by Democrats of Dr. Ford: Dr.  Ford testifies that she only went public via an interview with the Washington Post  after reporters appeared at her house  peering in her window talking to her dogs and showing up posing as a student in class.  Thus, she  went public due to the leak of her letter by the Democrats. This is how the Democrats abused Dr. Ford.
Curiously, asked   under oath whether she contacted   President Trump she testified that she did not know how to contact the President. That’s odd because this is a woman with four degrees including a Ph.D. Dr. Ford  uses a computer for work and can readily  Google the President’s contact information .
Feinstein had the letter alleging sexual assault for  45 days yet asked no questions of Kavanaugh during the entire Judiciary Hearing.  Feinstein stalled and delayed.
- Delay and obstruct tactics of Democrats  CA Sen. Diane Feinstein & Democrats
Over 150 nominations by the Trump administration have been delayed by the Democrats. So delay and obstruct is the pattern the Democrats use.
Dr. Ford testified that she did know know/ understand that the Judicial Committee would come to her in CA or anywhere.  Did Dr. Ford really not know or did she Dr. Ford  prevaricate  saying that she did not understand what the committee’s offer meant? Perhaps her lawyers did not inform Dr. Ford.
Take Away:Â Both witnesses make powerful, compelling statements.
Dr. Ford ‘s three fact witnesses deny her story and do not corroborate any facts she alleges.  One key witness,  Leland, is the only other female teenager at the small party and a longtime friend of Dr. Ford. She two denies it via her lawyers and sent an email.
Concerning her basic Who,  What, When, Where  facts — No new information came out when Dr. Ford testified under oath.
Judge Kavanaugh: Under oath, he walked through using his 1982 calendar  stating how he was out of town and what  his activities d were during the summer of 1982. He has contemporaneous evidence that supports his position. His evidence  is strong and consistent. In contrast, Dr. Ford’s evidence is not corroborated and her story is denied by all  three key witnesses.
- Inconsistency / not believable testimony by  Ford
Flying: Dr. Ford said her fear of flying prevented her from readily going to Washington D.C. She testified that she travels widely by plane  for vacation and work. This summer she spent a month back east, attended her grandmother’s funeral. She vacations in various parts of the world (Costa Rica, visits each year to her parents, Hawaii)
Alcohol: Only 1  beer drunk  by Ford and others  at the party except Judge and Kavanaugh. How did Ford  know? Was she counting the beers? Could someone downstairs have consume a beer   during the alleged ab use going on upstairs in the bedroom?  Teenagers typically don’t count the beers which  others drink.
Date of event:  Ford first  said it was the mid-80s, then early 80s and then summer of ’82. She testified that her recollection of when she got her driving permit made the date more fixed.  Question: how did Ford  on a daily basis in the summer of ’82  get to her Country Club  by car which was 20 minutes away from her home?  More than likely, someone drove her.  Was that someone who also drove her to the party and home? She testifies she did not drive in ’82.
Contact with abusers: Encounter with Judge at Safeway six weeks later: Most people avoid persons and situations that have caused them high anxiety. Ford went up to Judge in Safeway and said ‘Hi.† Dr. Ford testified that she had numerous periphery contacts both before and after the event with Kavanaugh. Nothing sexual or of note happened. One would think she would avoid all contact afterwards.
What to conclude:Â Â
The Democrats violated Dr. Ford’s  privacy and confidentiality by leaking her letter to the press.
Dr. Ford clearly did not tell the truth about not being able to fly to Washington D.C.  She actually flies everywhere for vacation and work purposes.
Perhaps Dr. Ford’s attorneys  did not inform Dr. Ford  that the Senate  Judiciary Committee would go anywhere including CA. She testifies that — had she understood — she would have welcomed them. Perhaps she simply went with the flow and agreed to “delay and destroy” tactics.
Dr. Ford comes across as vulnerable, and much younger than her age of fifty-one. Her speech patterns are those of a much younger person. Tentative.
She testified that she did not know how to contact President Trump. Wow!
She testifies that she did not make any attempts to contact any member of Congress except two Democrats.  Why only two Democrats?   She testified that she did not know what “exculpatory†means. She  testifies that did not know who pays for her lie detector test, She testified she was unsure whether the lie detector test was both audo and visual.  Anyone looking around the conference room or asking basic questions would know.
Further, she testifies that she does not know “best practices†for interviewing victims of abuse. That is not believable.
Dr. Ford is a published  research psychologist having published in the area of abuse,  When asked under oath,, Dr. Ford did not know “best practices†for how to interview victims of sexual abuse.  Best practices include  a forensic interview using verified interview techniques. Such an interview was  possible had the Judiciary Committee flown to CA or Dr. Ford   consented.
Yes, both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh are victims.  Yes, the Democrats “search and destroy†tactics towards  Kavanaugh are far worse than the McCarthy era of the 1950’s. Yes, Kavanaugh’ has credibility.
Dr. Ford does not have corroboration from any of her three key witness. All three deny her story. Unlike Kavanaugh (who has detailed calendars) she has no contemporary evidence.  Her presentation is believable — that she experienced sexual abuse by someone. But by whom? When? Where?
 What to do?  Vote! Contact your representatives!  Talk to Democrats about these terribly harmful tactics. Stop the abuse by Democrats in our public arena.
written by Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson  jaj48@aol.com