Impeach Trump? How? Another moronic try at impeachment by MSNBC


fake news about impeachment?  stupidity?

Another moronic try at impeachment.

MSNBC used the word impeachment 224 times in 18 hours.

Don’t go to MSNBC for facts on the Constitution. For the second day in a row, the network attempted to explain the process of “how Impeachment works.

” Once again, the cable channel screwed up. MSNBC Livehost Ali Velshi on Thursday lectured his viewers: “Think of the House as a prosecutor and the articles of impeachment is a document detailing the alleged crimes.” So far so good.

But then, an MSNBC graphic incorrectly trumpeted the number of senators needed to convict a president: “60 VOTES out of 100 SEATS.” No, it’s 67 senators.

Though his graphic got it wrong, Velshi himself gave the correct information. Today, that is. On Wednesday, he incorrectly asserted: “Two-thirds of the Senate, 60 as it stands right now, are needed to vote guilty for impeachment.” On that day, Velshi said of the House’s role in impeachment: “Next, the House votes. At least two-thirds of the chamber has to approve the impeachment.” No, just a simple majority is needed.

On Thursday, Velshi managed to get that section right, noting: “A simple majority is all that’s needed to approve the impeachment.” BUT he made another error. The host claimed: “The Senate acquitted Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton without impeaching them.” No, they were impeached in the House. Just not convicted in the Senate.

One might ask: Why is MSNBC giving daily updates attempting to explain the impeachment process? Another question might be: If they are going to explain impeachment, could Velshi and the network at least do so properly?


Firenze Sage opines:    If these idiots are so keen on impeaching Trump,you’d think they’d at least learn how to do it.

Or is it fake news?  The choice is fake news or stupidity.


FAKE News published about your business on YELP — squelch it!

How remove FAKE news from Yelp

Someone publishes FAKE news about your business. What can you do?   Get that review removed! Get the FACTS straight.

Use Yelp rules  how to get fake, misleading and biased  news removed.    IF someone violates  the Content Guideline & Terms of Service –  those reviews can be removed.
Can you remove a review from Yelp?  Yes.
To delete, they can go to ABOUT ME -> REVIEWS and then click on the little garbagecan icon on the bottom right next to the review for your business. Deleting reviews can work on Ripoff Report, Google+, Yelp!, Facebook, Yellow Pages, YMLP and other review and map sites.

Remove Negative and Fake Reviews from Yelp, Google and Other Sites

Stop consuming Chinese made drugs? China fakes data & adulerates drugs


China fakes medical data & adulterates drugs

Check  your medications & make sure  that no drug  ingredients are made in  China.  Better safe than sorry.   Stay safe from Chinese made “adulterated” drugs based on fake data.  The following is based on a Letter in WSJ August 4, 2018.

In 2017, the most warning letters for adulterated drugs  issued  by the FDA (see went  to Chinese drug  manufacturers.  India was close behind.

One example:  the anti-hypertensive drug valsartin — made in China — was recently recalled,    One safe and simple solution, many cardiologists  moved  their  patients to a different medication. But what if you like varsartin and want made in USA medications?

One excellent resource in Aptos, CA  is Frank’s Pharmacy.   If  you or someone you know   likes  varsartin,   you can get USA made  valsartin through Frank’s Pharmacy.

China is now one of the biggest producers of drugs and drug products in the world.

Chinese drug  products appear to be   not trust worthy because info about them is   based on fake data.    Radio Free Asia reports that an internal review in 2016  by Chinese drugs regulators showed that the Chinese fabricated the test results.

One resource available through Amazon books and on Kindle is   ” China RX : Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine”.

Can someone explain why one  must pay via Amazon  $12 for a Kindle  electronic copy  of “China RX”   and $14  for a paper copy?   Shame on Jeff Bezos!

written 8/4/2018  by Cameron Smith Jackson, licensed psychologist PSY14762

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Firenze Sage: who is Elizabeth Carisle? fake name AG Loretta Lynch

  Stay on outlook for fake stuff:

Fake names used by top USA govt officials:  Illustrating how government hides information from the American public, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name to conduct official Department of Justice (DOJ) business in agency emails obtained by Judicial Watch. As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias Elizabeth Carlisle in emails she sent from her official DOJ account. In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”

This begs the question of how many other government officials use fake names and whether those aliases are searched when agencies process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Besides Lynch, we have only discovered the use of such aliases among government operatives to conduct official business at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Obama’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, famously used the alias Richard Windsor in a government email account to conduct official business and communicate with staff. Jackson even took required EPA computer training under the fake identity with the handle She eventually resigned over the scandal, which brought to light the agency’s violations of federal open-records laws.


Firenze Sage:  Did anyone in the Obama administration follow the rules?    More screw the  public from the most transparent admin in history.



Firenze Sage: Boo louder! [Trump’s speech at Davos]

boo sound was ‘boosted” by German media

German public broadcaster ARD has been blasted after admitting it “boosted” the sound of booing at the speech given by U.S. President Donald Trump late last week.

President Trump gave his speech at Davos on Thursday, again delivering sharp criticism to the mainstream media. He stated: “it wasn’t until I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how mean, how vicious, and how fake the press can be.

ARD released a clip of the speech on the Twitter account for its popular news programme “Tagesschau” in which distinct boos could be heard directly after the President’s comments. A short time later the programme admitted it had booted the volume of the audio in order to showcase the booing. The show has since been accused of “manipulation”, Stern reports.

Those behind the programme wrote on Twitter, “We did actually make the sound a little louder at the end so that you can hear the booing. Only in this way can we reflect what our correspondents have reported.”

Editor-in-chief of the German tabloid newspaper Bild Julian Reichelt called out those involved saying it was, “hard to imagine that you would have done the same for applause.”

Kai Gniffke, the editor in chief of ARD defended the move saying that it proved the reporting of his journalists.


Firenze Sage:  If you hate someone this badly, anything goes.




A trophy for fake news of the week? Al Franklin? Trophy for real heroes? Native American code breakers?


A trophy for fake  USA  news of the week  goes to?

A trophy for fake news of the week goes to …? Al Franklin?   And trophies  for  real heroes this week   go to?

Fake apology of the week trophy  goes  to Republican  Al Franklin who can’t say exactly what he is apologizing for.  He  made an on the air apology for  fondling an  attractive woman’s breasts   while on an airplane.   Al  Franklin  does not remember   ‘the kiss’  as described by the woman — nor  does he apologize for it.

Fake news award  trophy for the week  goes to ….   Democrat Senator  Elizabeth Warren aka  “Pocahontas”  who President Trump slams for faking  Native American heritage which she used to further her graduate school career. Doubtful that Warren will apologize for that bad behavior  which she engaged in  many  moons  ago.

Fake defense  of the week ….?   That award  goes to Democrat Nancy Pelosi  who describes  Democrat John Conyers as an “icon”…   An icon of what?  Revere John Conyers for successfully covering up money paid by taxpayers in 2015  related to charges of  sexual harassment?

And who are some  heroes of the week?     How about  the Native American code talkers who were honored recently by President Trump.    They are  true heroes.   And  how about  the heroine Pocahontas who in 1607 saved the life (so it goes) of John Smith,  an Englishman who was captured by Native Americans.    She was a true heroine.

Some info on Pocahontas  below:


Pocahontas, a real Native American heroine to tell children about

Pocahontas (born Matoaka, known as Amonute, c. 1596–1617) was a Native American[2][3][4] teenager notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, the paramount chief[2] of a network of tributary tribal nations in the Tsenacommacah, encompassing the Tidewater region of Virginia. In a well-known historical anecdote, she is said to have saved the life of a captive of the Native Americans, the Englishman John Smith, in 1607 by placing her head upon his own when her father raised his war club to execute him. Some historians have suggested that this story, as told by Smith, is untrue.[5]

Yes, honor Native American code breakers that helped win World War II.  And call a fake a fake  –  Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” is and was a fake for  saying that she is Native American when she applied to Harvard and Penn. There’s lots of fake news out there.

written by Cameron Jackson


Image manipulation? Russian flag & Trump

russian flagWhat’s the Russian flag look like –  well, it’s red white and blue.  Guess what — let’s pull a fast one say  a couple young men.

One of the persons  the  behind the supposed “prank”   was paid in the past  by  Hilary Clinton to go disrupt Trump rallies.

trump name on flagThis appears to be  more stuff  from the left/ liberals who  wants to connect Trump somehow  to Russia and that somehow Clinton’s victory — supposed to be a given — was stolen wrongfully by Trump.  That’s the narrative.

One thing for sure:  now we know what the Russian flag looks like.  That Russian flag by the way has  only been around a couple decades.


fake news: if you don’t like Trump just go ahead & lie

 fake-news-bbbb Fake news again: Actually detained under Obama, an Olympic medal winner Muslim-American  lies as to when  detention occurred.  
The latest example features Ibtihaj Muhammad, the New Jersey native who recently became the first female Muslim-American to win an Olympic medal for the United States.

Here’s a transcript of what Muhammad told Popsugar’s Lindsay Miller on Feb. 7 about the alleged incident with customs agents [emphases added]:

Popsugar: Do you know anyone who was directly impacted by Trump’s travel ban?

Ibtihaj Muhammad: Well, I personally was held at Customs for two hours just a few weeks ago. I don’t know why. I can’t tell you why it happened to me, but I know that I’m Muslim. I have an Arabic name. And even though I represent Team USA and I have that Olympic hardware, it doesn’t change how you look and how people perceive you.

Unfortunately, I know that people talk about this having a lot to do with these seven countries in particular, but I think the net is cast a little bit wider than we know. And I’m included in that as a Muslim woman who wears a hijab.

Journalists were so eager to virtue signal their outrage and despair over this supposed injustice that Time, the UK’s Independent, the Daily Mail, the New York Daily News, The Hill, and of course Sports Illustrated and ESPN all spread the story far and wide before verifying it. Specifically, they should have double-checked whether she was detained after Trump’s travel ban went into place, after Trump was inaugurated, or perhaps while Obama was still president.

As it happens, according to Muhammad herself, her purported “detention” took place in December while Obama was still president.


Firenze Sage:  If a Muslim woman speaks ill of Trump it must be true. There are no journalists left anymore.


“very, very fake news” by CNN & others says Trump at news conference

Trump, jobs, immigration, wall discussed at press conference 2/16/17
Trump, jobs, immigration, wall discussed at press conference 2/16/17

Jobs, immigration, trade deals, the wall, keeping America safe   and much fake news discussed at 2/16/17 news conference by Trump.

Trump says,  CNN tone shows much anger and hatred. Better that CNN reported honest and true news says Trump. Illegal news leaks a huge problem says Trump.

Hilary Clinton gave away 20 percent of America’s uranium in a deal with Russia.  If we can get along with Russia …



M.L. King Jr’s bust: Time magazine reporter cannot see what he does not want to see


M.L.King Jr's bust never moved.
M.L.King Jr’s bust never moved.

The M.L. King Jr bust never moved:  White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, scoldedTIME magazine White House pool reporter Zeke Miller on Friday for falsely reporting that the Martin Luther King Jr. bust had been removed from the Oval Office after President Donald Trump moved in.

Miller had initially tweeted Friday that the MLK Jr. bust, which then-President Obama put in the Oval Office after removing a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 2009, had been removed from the Oval Office.

Realizing his mistake, Miller tweeted a correction and apologized for spreading the false report:

Correction: The MLK bust is still in the Oval Office. It was obscured by an agent and door.


Oh do forgive his apparent blindness. The bust,which I must have seen before,was behind a person or door which obscured my view of what I must have seen before. Or–I got caught lying.
