Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)  thinks that the best way to clean up the FBI is to move FBI’s headquarters out of Washington D.C. to Huntsville, Alabama – which the FBI itself refers to as “its second headquarters”.
See article in the Wall Street Journal 7/11/2023 titled Republican Eyes Sweet Home for New FBI Headquarters in Alabama article 11 of 53.
The decision maker as to where the new FBI headquarters will be located has invited all stakeholders to have their “say” in the decision process. The General Service Administration (GSA) is the entity which will make the decision where the new FBI headquarters will be located. The GSA has been looking lately at sites in Virginia and Maryland.
Many thousands of American voters have been harmed by the ‘take care of Democrat’ leanings and decisions made by the top echelon of the FBI.
All voters are “stakeholders” who can and should have a say where the new FBI headquarters will be located.
President Trump successfully moved the federal agency which oversees federal lands out of Washington D.C. Get closer to what you are actually overseeing was Trump’s thinking.
So what does the FBI do and – based on what it does – (investigate crimes) where should its headquarters be located?
Look on its home page: The FBI investigates all sorts of crime which affect Americans of all ages and walks of life.
One crime the FBI investigates –which affects all Americans accessing the internet – is cyber theft.
A recent 6/20/20223 example of cyber-theft: A consumer (myself) buys a fake digital $99.99 year  subscription to the Wall Street Journal, pays the seller MagazinesOnSale.com with Pay Pal, but the digital subscription is not delivered to the consumer (myself) who cannot contact the seller (telephone 332-236-9347) to get their $99.99 money back because Contact Info (help@magazinesOnSale.com) is fake.I did report cyber-theft the the FBI on their cyber-theft website: https;//www.ic3.gov
As of today 7/11/23: MagazinesOnSale.com offers via the internet a fraudulent one year digital subscription to the Wall Street Journal for a mere $39.99. Don’t buy it!   June 20, 2023 I paid $99.99 for said subscription which was never delivered to me.
The ic3.gov site for providing cyber-theft information to the FBI is very easy and quick to use but — typical government –not easy for the consumer to make a copy of their own report.
At the end of filing the ic3.gov site says PRINT a copy NOW as this is your only chance to have a copy of your report.
To be CONSUMER friendly the FBI ic3.gov site should provide a way for consumers to E-Mail a copy to themselves.  Taxpayer/ citizens who report using I-phone  — which do not necessarily have Print capability –cannot make a copy of what they are reporting to the FBI.
Not to know what you have told the FBI can be quite problematic for people should the FBI want to ‘get you’ which they have done to a number of well known persons.
Yes — the FBI should change their ic3.gov site so that you and I can easily keep a hard copy of what we report to the FBI.  Right?
written 711/23 by Cameron Jackson   jaj48@aol.com
Executive Order needed?  Will President Trump order an immediate physical inspection of ALL 2020 physical ballots for certain counties?
There’s still time. Start with FULTON County, Georgia.
Fulton County GEORGIA is where election officials said there was a massive water leak and STOPPED all counting and sent everyone home — except for several persons who kept on counting and re-ran batches of ballots without poll watchers.
FULTON is where Ruby and cohorts pulled thousands of ballots out from under a table and ran the ballots, some batches repeatedly.  FULTON is where Johan Pulitizer recently got permission to physically examine the ballots — only for Georgia to ‘pull the plug’. Examination was to occur to day, Jan. 4. See the Epoch Times for details. subsctibe for $1 for 4 months.
The physical ballot tells the story whether of MASSIVE mail-in  FRAUD or no FRAUD. Let forensic experts examine the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE for fraud — no folding of the ballot, perfectly filled out ovals, bar codes that ‘throw out’ that ballot for ‘adjudication’.
EVIDENCE of FRAUD in Fulton County, Georgia:  106,000 of 115,000 ballots were ‘thrown out’ and required ‘adjudication’ in Fulsom county Georgia. That’s an over 90% ERROR rate.  Unacceptable! Un-American!  Stop the Steal!  See recent presentation by Did YOUR 2020 ballot count? Find out & what YOU can do how examination of ballots will show whether massive fraud occurred.
credit cards you carry chosen by you or by the Consumer Finance Protection Agency (CFPA)?
Freedom – soon -  from the Consumer Finance Protection Agency (CFPA)?  Freedom from the brain child of Senator Elizabeth Warren aka nicknamed Pocahontas by some. Some call the CFPA an important “watchdog” for consumers. But who wants this “watchdog”.  That watch dog tells you which credit cards you can carry in your wallet.
Do you want one person in America — the head of the CFPA – deciding what credit cards you can have in your wallet and whether you can get a mortgage?
Some questions need answering: The Consumer Finance Protection Agency (CFPA) takes money via fines and gives those fines and money  to whom? Who actually receives those fines is not clear.
It is known that the CFPA is 100% funded via the Federal Reserve and that there are no accountability requirements to Congress. It is reported that the fines received go to Planned Parenthood but that’s not verified.
The constitutionality of the CFPA will be examined by the courts in May 2017. What National Review has to say about the constitutionality of the CFPA:
“House FinaLast year, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the CFPB was “unconstitutionally structured.†Its opinion was not subtle. According to the Court, The CFPB’s concentration of enormous executive power in a single, unaccountable, unchecked Director not only departs from settled historical practice, but also poses a far greater risk of arbitrary decisionmaking and abuse of power, and a far greater threat to individual liberty, than does a multi-member independent agency.
‘But wait, there’s more: In short, when measured in terms of unilateral power, the Director of the CFPB is the single most powerful official in the entire U.S. Government, other than the President. Indeed, within his jurisdiction, the Director of the CFPB can be considered even more powerful than the President. It is the Director’s view of consumer protection law that prevails over all others. In essence, the Director is the President of Consumer Finance.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/454121/elizabeth-warren-native-american-heritage-harvard-fraudncial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas calls the institution a “rogue agency.” Senators led by Sen. David Perdue of Georgia introduced a bill which gives lawmakers control over the CFPB’s purse strings. Currently, the CFPB is funded through the Federal Reserve.
“No person in America, particularly an unelected person, should have the power, unilaterally, to decide what credit cards should go in our wallet, whether or not we can have a mortgage, and whether or not, if we like our banker, we can keep her,” Hensarling said. “This agency is just out of control.”
Comment:  When Pocahontas aka Elizabeth Warren is unhappy about reining in the CPFA — others smile.  Clinton’s $800 BILLION “stimulus plan” which was supposed to build roads and bridges actually went to support union jobs who paid union dues and that money went back to the Democrat coffers.
It appears that the Consumer Finance Protection Agency takes money via fines (as banks settle rather than go to court) and that money goes to support Democrat Party goals.  Goals that take freedom away from American consumers. That’s not cool.      written by Cameron Jackson
 Huge hopes have been tied to electric cars as the solution to automotive CO2 climate problem. But it turns out the the electric car batteries are eco-villains in the production process of creating them. Several tons of carbon dioxide has been emitted, even before the batteries leave the factory.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute was commissioned by the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Energy Agency to investigate litium-ion batteries climate impact from a life cycle perspective. There are batteries designed for electric vehicles included in the study. The two authors Lisbeth Dahllöf and Mia Romare has done a meta-study that is reviewed and compiled existing studies.
The report shows that the battery manufacturing leads to high emissions. For every kilowatt hour of storage capacity in the battery generated emissions of 150 to 200 kilos of carbon dioxide already in the factory. The researchers did not study individual brand batteries, how these were produced, or the electricity mix they use. But if we understand the great importance of the battery here is an example: Two common electric cars on the market, the Nissan Leaf and the Tesla Model S, the batteries about 30 kWh and 100 kWh.
Firenze Sage writes: Â We all knew this but “green technology” must be revered and of course paid for by taxpayers.
 So —  where  did Obama’s  $800 BILLION  Stimulus shovel ready jobs go?
Hilary 2016 promises more of the same — repair the roads, jobs for the 93 MILLION unemployed Americans (half the work force have no job).
Why expect anything different from Hilary than the same old stuff Obama and the Democrats have done for 8 years?
Why did we never know about Obama’s waste of the $800 BILLION for shovel ready jobs?  Because the Democrats  make  it so! Â
Here it’s 2016 and Hilary makes repair of roads and highways a top priority.  What happened to all that $800 BILLION Stimulus money that was to go for “shovel ready jobs” in 2009?   Obama promised — and did not deliver.  Hilary & Democrats will  do the same.  Â
where did all the 800 BILLION stimulus money for shovel ready jobs go?
Roads and highways: Â Five years after signing the Stimulus bill which produced no shovel ready jobs our infra-structure of roads and highways continue to fall apart.
Now 2016 and Hilary promises as top priority  to repair and expand roads. Why believe that Hilary will do anything different?  Not likely.
Union teacher jobs wee protected by Obama.   The Democrat  Party coffers are full of money that came from the union dues of teachers who kept their jobs.
See below for some of the most silly spending of money.
Hilary touts same message: Â Now it’s 2016 and as election time rolls near. Obama did not create jobs nor did he fix bridges. Â There’s no reason to believe that Hilary Clinton if elected will actually do anything different.
Real way to fix bridges? Â Just as FedEx created competition for the federally run U.S. Post Office it’s time to use the private sector to bid and get contracts from the U.S. Congress to rebuild our old roads and fix our “infra-structure”.
Similar to Obama, Clinton in 2016  wants to  ignore Congress and  “fix stuff”  herself. More fraud, more government waste, more Washington running the country.  It’s time to say NO MORE.
Today marks the five-year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Commonly known as the stimulus, the nearly $1 trillion law was hailed as an opportunity to bring America into the “21st century.â€
Just two years after the bill was signed into law, President Barack Obama admitted, “shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.†While the law failed to create jobs as promised, it has provided plenty of examples of waste, fraud, and abuse.
Five years and at least $816.3 billion later, here are 10 ways the government wasted taxpayer money.
10) $1.3 Million for Stimulus Highway Signs
$1.3 million was spent for signs on highways to advertise that infrastructure spending was paid for by the stimulus.
A spokesperson from the Ohio Department of Transportation said taxpayers want to know “where their stimulus dollars went,†after spending $1 million on the signs. Pennsylvania ($140,000), New York ($100,000), and Colorado ($55,000) also spent money on the road signs brought to you by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
9) $152K to Get Lesbians Ready for ‘Adoptive Parenthood’
The law spent $152,000 on a study by Clark University, in Worcester, Mass., designed to stimulate adoption by lesbians. Trustees at the university interviewed 50 lesbian couples to “investigate the unique strengths and potential challenges of lesbian couples†as parents.
8) $600,000 to Plant Trees in Wealthy Neighborhoods
Washington Park, Denver, Colo. / AP
Government workers went door-to-door in the wealthiest neighborhoods in Denver giving away trees as part of a $600,000 stimulus project.
Costing $150 each, government workers justified the trees as potentially saving energy costs by providing shade. The program suggested the government funds would jump-start the economy by creating jobs for those who planted the trees.
7) $384,949 Study of Duck Penises
A $384,949 grant was given to Yale University for a study entitled, “Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior, and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia.â€
A National Science Foundation spokesperson defended the study, saying, “Government funded grants for research have assisted in creating the barcode and Google.â€
6) $1.2 Million Study of Erectile Dysfunction in Overweight Men
$1.2 million in stimulus funds went to study impotence in overweight men. The University of California-San Francisco used the funding to conduct 200 video interviews, at a cost of $6,000 each.
5) $100,000 Anti-Capitalist Puppet Shows
Performers with the Heart of the Beast Puppet Theater / AP
“In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre,†a Che Guevara-inspired puppet theater in Minnesota, received $100,000 in stimulus money, according to a report by Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.). The funds included $25,000 to help preserve one job, and $25,000 to produce “socially-conscious puppet shows.â€
4) $389,357 for College Students to Keep a Diary of Their Marijuana and Malt Liquor Use
Coburn’s report also found that researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo were given $389,357 to pay young people to record their daily malt liquor drinking and marijuana use.
Buffalo-area residents were paid $45 each to record their daily smoking usage through an automated phone hotline.
3) $3.4 Million Turtle Tunnel
A $3.4 million underground turtle tunnel providing “eco-passage†in Florida also had its origins in the stimulus package. The funding was given to Dr. Matt Aresco, who had been on a “10-year mission to help the turtles cross the road.â€
2) $8,408 Study to See if Mice Get Drunk
Florida Atlantic University received $8,408 in stimulus funding to see if mice get drunk after consuming alcohol. The researchers surmised that since “humans who consume alcohol have trouble with ‘navigation, memory, and attention,’†maybe mice would too.
1) $535 Million on Solyndra
Solyndra headquarters in Fremont, Calif. / AP
Just two years after receiving $535 million from the stimulus, Solyndra filed for bankruptcy. The company was the first to receive a federal loan guarantee from the stimulus. Solyndra’s biggest investor, George Kaiser, was a bundler for the Obama campaign.
At least four other companies received stimulus money only to later file for bankruptcy, including Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Co., which received $10 million to increase employment, and Evergreen Solar Inc., which received $5.3 million to install 11,000 photovoltaic panels.