Spiritual exercises? How to converse with God?  How can you expand your daily consciousness of God, who is in all and all present.
Catholic priest Father Larry  learned after the death of his wife Joan nineteen years ago how much he needed God as his Friend, the same way as Abraham was God’s friend.
“But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend. ( Isaiah 41:8).
Says Father Larry: There’s one, two three spiritual exercises you can do daily, which take about 5 or so minutes a day.  These spiritual exercises are a way of expanding your consciousness of God who is in all and all present.
1) Think back over the last 24 hours for an interaction or event that went well in your life. Re-experience those moments and hold them in your consciousness. Then, give thanks to God for those moments and event.
2) Next. Now think back over the last 24 hours for an interaction, project or event that did not go well. This time think how it might have gone better and replay in your consciousness how it might have gone. And now, ask God for grace that next time that it will go better.
3) Think ahead to the next 24 hours. Think about what might happen in the next 24 hours, about up-coming  projects, events or interactions which you think will occur.  Pick a particular possible event. And ask God for strength and wisdom as you experience that up-coming event or interaction.
That’s the One, Two , Three spiritual exercises you can utilize to expand your consciousness of God as your Friend and Companion on the Way. Thank Father Larry of Resurrection Catholic Community, for these suggestions.
written by Cameron Jackson  7/29/2019   JAJ48@aol.com
Where is God? Where was God during the 70 years that 1,000+ catholic children were abused by 300 priests in Pennsylvania? No one protected those children.
What can you do? What can all of us do? Let’s do more than just acknowledge the problem. That is a start however.
Pope Francis August 20 2018 speaks  strongly:  we must acknowledge the truth and take on the pain. … and fight all forms of corruption he said.   Pope Francis calls for prayer and fasting.  And he calls that we all fight clericalism. What ever that means.   Read Pope Francis’s words.
What;s the response? So what did the local catholic priest have to say last Sunday?
In Aptos, CA the the homily Sunday August 19 2018  was on the meaning of the Eucharist.  What was said in that homily 8/19/18:
Come to church to receive the true Body and Blood of Christ.  God is truly present in the Body and Blood of the Eucharist — those words summarize the sermon preached Sunday, August 19, 2018  at Resurrection Catholic community.
The priest emphasized, You need to come once a week to receive the true Body and Blood of Christ.
What was the response? About  1/3 took the Cup. Almost all present came up and received the Bread. About 5-7 children were present at this 6 pm Sunday service. About 200 + persons were present (a guess).
Not taking the Cup more often than not — that is the norm in this catholic church.
Aptos Psychologist: Yes priests prepare sermons ahead of time. OK so this evening the priest spends the entire 10 minutes on the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist — that God is truly present in Body and Blood.
Take Away
And the TakeAway from the sermon is that only the “real” stuff — the actual presence of God — is there during the Mass. So do get to church at least once a week.
A church service – whether catholic or episcopal or other — has numerous opportunities for prayers for forgiveness and recognition of issues the church needs to face.
The issue of abuse of 1000 children by 300 priests in Pennsylvania has been in the news all week.
Not to say anything — during Prayers of the People, during Announcements and other times — is to fail to recognize the truth and fail to take on the pain that those children and their families experienced.
What about that supernatural stuff?  Did Jesus Christ –crucified, tortured and hung from a cross – really rise from the dead?
Or is Easter just about sharing eggs and going to the  beach? Sharing time with people? Beer and bongo drums?
What’s politically correct for Aptos CA churches to talk about?
Here’s what persons heard from the pulpit attending Resurrection Catholic Community 3/31/18Â Â and Christ Lutheran Church 4/1/18Â Â in Aptos, CA:
A 3/31/2018 8 PM Catholic service in Aptos, CA:  Two people were “first time visitors” at the Easter service at the church.  The large church of 400-600 was three quarters filled.  The service was a familiar one. Candles lit by a fire with procession. The Word spoken including a homily by the priest.
The priest told his Easter story of a resurrection moment.  As a young priest ( he had been two years a priest) in order to meet families in the Diocese he walked about 2 hours across the Philippine Islands in 100 degree humidity. He was sent out ‘two by two’ without taking food, clothing or provisions. That was back in 2004.
It was very hot and the priest  was quite tired from the two hour journey when he arrived.  When he arrived he was graciously welcomed to a small home by a husband and wife in their late 70’s.
The woman welcoming him — with a hug which is rarely done in the Philippine culture (they shake hands) — and she said it was the most important moment in her life;  this was the first time a priest had entered her home.
This was was a ‘resurrection’ moment  for the priest.  The woman’s words inspired him. He was no longer tired and exhausted.   He experienced God’s love through other people.  Walking two hours home afterwards he was not tired.
Take away from the sermon at Resurrection Catholic Community:   When you get discouraged or depressed, think of ‘resurrection’ moments in your own life said the priest. Think of moments of great joy, peace and love that come through the connections and experiences you share with other people. You have your stories of resurrection to share.
What people heard at Christ Lutheran Church April 1, 2018 could be titled  The Power of Assumptions.
You can hear the sermon via YouTube. When it’s available a link will be included to it here.
Can people make changes from the bottom up instead of top down? The sermon mentioned  Rosa Parks ( 1960s black civil rights) and the Florida students ( 17 students killed by a former student) as examples of people who  make change from the bottom up….
Refugee Resettlement is front and center in the Easter bulletin for Christ Lutheran April 1, 2018:
Per the bulletin, this year’s Easter offering at Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos CAÂ goes to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) which “has helped over 500,000 refugees”.
Refugee Resettlement Watch (RRW) follows closely the 9 main agencies that resettle people, one of which is LIRS. In 2006 the American taxpayers paid 97% of all the costs incurred by LIRS [18.6 million of the 20.9 million]. Taxpayers also paid roughly 97% of all costs encourage by agencies that do resettlement for the Catholic church and the Episcopal church.
The former CEO for LIRS Linda Hartke was paid a $300,000. package until she was fired by the LIRS board for a variety of reasons.
By the year 300 or so roughly a quarter of the Roman Empire became Christian.
As portrayed in the gospels, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. No one saw ‘this private act’ done by God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Later, Jesus appeared to multiple people in many situations yet those people initially did not recognize Christ. Mary Magdalene did not recognize him until he called her by name. Christ told her not to touch him as he was not yet raised.  Doors and windows were locked and Christ showed up.
So what is the  Easter Resurrection? Simple but not simple.
Read the gospels for yourself. Read those stories and let God speak to you directly. The Wall Street Journal article mentioned above [The Easter Effect…] is a good start for thinking about the Christian faith.
  Jesus Heals All … Yesterday & Now!  Come Oct. 14 to Aptos
October 14, 2017  Live Music 9:45 am to 11:45 am  – pot luck sharing. Come! Â
 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA
Resurrection Catholic Community Â
Experience healing through  prayer,  song, laughter, sharing and listening.
 All are Welcome!  And yes, you can come for all or part of the Event. Â
 Coming from out of town? Plan to stay in Aptos, CA for the day. Enjoy a bit of the Aptos enviorns. The entrance to Seacliff State Beach is 1/2 mile away.  Severino’s Bar & Grill with a tranquil koi pond garden is right next door. The Hidden Nursery is a lovely quiet spot to visit.  Next door is Aptos Natural Foods and Aptos Coffee Roasting Co    Â
SATURDAY, Oct. 14, 2017 –Â
  9:45 am — 11:45 am:  Live Music (Secular & Sacred) with Resurrection musician Lulu Manus on guitar! Â
Like to participate?   bring a book or reading on healing.  Bring an object that matters to you (a ring, bracelet, picture).  Bring some food that you like to eat and some to share with others. Â
There may be discussion of some several of the healing Jesus did with women: Peter’s mother-in-law; a woman who had bled for many years; a young girl who had recently died. Â
Come and enjoy the music! Share your thoughts and food with others! Sing!  Bring a friend! Â
Bring your (supervised) children & grandchildren.  Mini-cup cakes & cider  at 9:30 am.
Can’t come for all of it? Then come for part! Prefer to read the newspaper? Fine! Need to do your work?  Then bring your laptop or smart phone as you listen to great music played by  Resurrection musician Lulu Manus.
October 14, 2017  Live Music 9:45 am to 11:45 am  – pot luck sharing.Â
Memorial Table for those harmed in recent fires. Â
 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA
Resurrection Catholic Community Â
Experience healing through  prayer,  song, laughter, sharing and listening.
 All are Welcome! Â
 Coming from out of town? Plan to stay in Aptos for the day. Enjoy a bit of Aptos enviorns. The entrance to Seacliff State Beach is 1/2 mile away.        Â
SATURDAY, Oct. 14, 2017 –Â
  9:45 am — 11:45 am:  Live Music (Secular & Sacred) in the Community Hall. Lulu Manus on guitar! Â
Like to participate?  bring a favorite book on healing — or some reading that helps you heal. Bring an object that matters to you (a ring, bracelet, picture). Bring some food that you like to eat and some to share. Â
There may  be discussion of some several of the healings Jesus did with women: Peter’s mother-in-law; a woman who had bled for many years; a young girl who had recently died. Â
Come and enjoy the music! Share food with others! Listen! Laugh!  Bring a friend! Â
Bring your (supervised) children & grandchildren.  Mini-cup cakes, warm cider & tea at 9:30 am.
Can’t come for all of it? Then come for part! Prefer to read the newspaper? Fine! Need to do your work?  Then bring your laptop or smart phone as you listen to great music played by  Resurrection musician Lulu Manus.
Experience healing through  prayer,  song, laughter, sharing and listening.  All are Welcome!  Can you come?
Please —  SIGN UP ahead of time — via email  or phone — DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
831 688 6002
FRIDAY Oct. 13 —  3:00 pm  — Hospitality for Travelers from Afar
  If  you are coming from afar,  please contact Cameron Jackson you  if need information  regarding housing or other issues.
Come early! Â Â Get here when there is plenty of light & enjoy a bit of Aptos enviorns.
  4 to 5 pm:   Doors Open  —  Live MusicÂ
     Pick up Information  Know What’s Happening & Rest and Relax
 5 to 6 pm:  Food & Converstion to Share  —  please bring food to share in the  Community Hall.  One large ham and beans donated to date!
  6 to 7 pm:  Soaking Prayer  (listen)  & Praise Music (singing) Â
  7  to 8:30  Program with Rev. Hugh & Monte  Bromiley —  with Praise Music or background  music during any  breaks (to be determined)    8: 30  Exit Music.       Â
SATURDAY, Oct. 14, 2017 —  $30 for day  suggested donation includes breakfast & lunch — donate as you are able —
 8 to 9 am:  Pancake & Sausage breakfast  in the Hall  — hosted by Boy Scouts #609
8:45 —  in  the church —  Soaking Prayer music (listen) & Praise Music (sing)  Â
9 to 12 noon: Â Morning Program with Rev. Hugh & Monte Bromiley
12 to 1:  Lunch with  Live Music in Hall —
      Opportunities to witness concerning  Healings & Miracles
      Come get acquainted with others!  If you want to walk around Aptos there’s info  concerning places on the Info Table
 1 – 4 pm:  Afternoon Program with  Rev. Hugh  & Monte  Bromiley  –Â
 Prayer Stations and Reading of Names people wish to pray for —  to be determined.
All are Welcome!  Come & Participate!   On Saturday — only —  a  $30 donation (breakfast & lunch included) is suggested.  Donate as you are able.
Friday, Oct. 13:  4 p.m.  Hospitality & Registration in the Community Hall:  Rest & Relax time;  bring & enjoy  Food to Share;  Soaking Prayer background music.  Dinner with other attendees  —  if you want —  at Severino’s restaurant next door. Warm foods  available to share  in Community Hall.   Rev. Hugh Bromiley speaks on Inner Healing  in  the church  —  roughly  around  7  p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 14: —  8:00  – 9:30 a.m.  Pancake & Sausage breakfast hosted by Boy Scouts #609 in Hall.   Soaking Prayer background music in the church.   Some community singing groups may participate either Friday or Saturday  — which groups may participate is  still in process.
Saturday 12:00  Lunch Break: pre-made  lunches (3 choices)  available  in Community Hall, or bring your own  or  enjoy food from  near by eateries.  Background music.  Enjoy getting acquainted with others!
Rev. Hugh Bromily speaks  on Inner Healing  —  Sat.  around 9:30 a.m & around 1:30 p.m Program closes at 4:00 pm.
The Rev. Hugh Bromiley, North American Director of Order of St. Luke
On top right, go to Chapters and click on Chapters by State/ Province. Find on the map the blue Geolocate Me and click on it.
Using the website’s GPS, a list of the Chapters closest to you will appear.
For example, people living in Aptos, CA  will see the following chapters listed:   Aptos – St. John the Baptist;  Aptos – Soquel Drive;  Salinas – Salinas Chapter;  Pacific Grove  – St Mary’s by the Sea
Next, click on the GREEN button Chapter Page. Click to JOIN the Chapter. Â Then, READ the Announcements and Discussions that are posted.
Four Chapters of the Order of St. Luke are hosting a Healing Event ‘Christ Heals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow! in Aptos, CA on October 13 & 14, 2017. Â Go to AptosChurch.info for complete information.
It is easy to JOIN several Chapters.  For example, near Sacramento there’s a Chapter that regularly posts what happens at their monthly  meetings.  Elba White is the Convener for that Chapter.  Have fun meeting other OSL members online.  Reach out to others as you participate in Jesus’ Ministry of Healing!    written 9/3/2017  by  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
Remove the  sandals from your feet as this is holy ground
God told Moses to remove the sandals from his feet as this is holy ground.
At the Feast @ 5 September 3, 2017 service  at St. John’s in Aptos,  Mother Tracy  discussed various physical ways  that people world wide — and through different religions — connect with God.
One way is through removing shoes before entering ‘holy ground’ .  Another way is by raising hands  high to praise  God.
The Feast @5 service is geared for families and  includes everyone.  After the service, there is a pot-luck.  The Feast@5  is held the FIRST Sunday of each month  at The Episcopal Church of St. John,  125 Cantebury Drive, Aptos, CA  95003.  Call 831 708-2278 for information.