Listen to hospital patients & stop staring at computers / adding data no one reads! Change the medical system?


LISTEN to patients in hospitals & stop staring at hospital computers!

Listen to hospital patients  & stop staring at hospital computers and  putting info into medical systems no one reads. Or rarely reads.  Wake up and get hospitals to wake up.

MD’s and nurses now spend heaps of time staring at computers — and little time listening to you.  Why?  Money they get.

Ever spend a week in a hospital recently?  Family and friends visit?

Dominican Hospital, Santa Cruz, CA:   What everyone sees — at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, CA for example — is nurses sitting in front of computers.l And patients principally see RNs when they come to give medications  — with their computer in front of them.

At Dominican Hospital the patient gets asked the same questions in the ER area and again when “admitted” to the hospital.   But later  — when leaving the hospital  — they do not have an easy way to leave with a copy of their records.  Yes there is a way  — but not readily available.

Listen.  And listen some more.  All this is Bad News for patients who do need someone to listen.  Patients need someone to touch. them.    And someone to be there with them.

