Don’t “illgal alien” me, at least in NY [$250 K fine]

People who sneak in the USA  or jump the fence.?  What do you call them?  Illegal aliens? Watch out!

You can get a $250 K fine in New York using term ‘illegal alien’  — which is the legal term. Oh my!

The federal government of the United States refers to those who are in the country illegally as “illegal aliens” — at least four times in the statute books.

Section 1252(c) of the “Aliens and Nationality” laws is titled: “Authorizing State and local law enforcement officials to arrest and detain certain illegal aliens.” The section authorizes state and local law enforcement officials “to arrest and detain an individual who— (1) is an alien illegally present in the United States; and (2) has previously been convicted of a felony in the United States and deported or left the United States after such conviction.”

But in OZ:The city of New York’s Commission on Human Rights has decided that illegal aliens need more protection from the law than American citizens. So they passed an ordinance that not only makes it illegal to threaten to call immigration authorities on a suspected illegal, but you could be fined $250,000 just for saying “illegal alien.”

This is not The Onion.

You can call an American anything you want — any vile, vulgar, obscenity in the book — and not be punished for it. This ordinance would seem to grant extraordinary protections to those in the United States illegally.


Firenze Sage opines:   NY is trying to catch California as the wackiest state.

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Call the Red Cross! It’s a New Year …[Safe zones at Brandenburg Gate]

Safe  zones to protect women on  New Year”s Eve  2017 at Brandenburg  Gate in Germany

Safe zones to protect women  on New Year’s Eve, 2017, when partying at Brandenberg Gate in Germany.

New Years Eve in Berlin

   Out of fear for a replay of what happened two years ago in the city of Cologne  — when groups of migrant men abused dozens of German women celebrating the arrival of the new year –  the city of Berlin has decided to create “safe zones”  for women at the New Year’s celebration at Brandenburg Gate.

On New Year’s Eve 2015, about 1,200 women became victims of sexual assault in several major German cities, with more than 600 women attacked in Cologne and about 400 victims in the northern German city of Hamburg.

Prosecutors established that more than 2,000 men were involved in the assaults, but only a tiny fraction — about half of them foreign nationals who at the time had only recently arrived in the country — had been identified a year later.

It took months for the full scale of the 2015 assaults to emerge, but when prosecutors released their final estimates, Germans’ attitude toward refugees changed dramatically:

To many, New Year’s Eve 2015 is the night Germany’s welcoming attitude toward newcomers ended. Leading politicians called for tougher deportation laws soon thereafter.

In Berlin on New Year’s Eve 2017, women can go to the safe zones when they are harassed or simply don’t feel safe.

The safe zones are guarded by members of the Red Cross. There will also be psychologists present to help the women deal with the abuse they might suffer.

The safe zones were created at the request of Berlin’s police department. Earlier, the October Fest in Munich experimented with these safe zones, which proved to be very useful.

In addition to creating safe zones, the police have also informed would be partygoers that they are not allowed to bring their own alcoholic drinks to the party at Brandenburg Gate, or even to carry a backpack with them. They can go to the celebrations with their wallet and smartphone, and that’s about it.


Firenze Sage:   Why go out if you end up in a group therapy session surrounded by the Red Cross?


Firrenze Sage on German asylum seekers: As Butch Cassidy said,”Who are those guys?”


 Asylum seekers in Hamberg,  Germany.  So, “who are those guys?” as Butch Cassidy said.  Not adults it turns out.  They claim to be children but are really adults.

49 per cent of the migrants who have claimed to be underage in the city of Hamburg Germany  this year are actually adults, according to a new report from the Social Security Board.

The number is up from figures from last year which showed that 47 per cent of those claiming to be underage were adults. The new 49 per cent figure covers the 482 unaccompanied asylum seekers who came to Hamburg from January to September of this year, Die Welt reports.

Across Germany this year there have been a total of 55,890 asylum seekers claiming to be under the age of 18 but according to the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, 24,116, or 43 percent, were officially adults.

Underage minors go through a different process than adults in Germany.  Those defined as “minors” receive different services than adults.


Firenze Sage:  No photo id ? No problemo. We take everyone,  bomber or otherwise.
