Why sign a Pledge to repeal Obama-Care?
1) Two thirds of Americans oppose Obama-Care.
2) All small businesses (under 500 employees) including 1 1/2 million non-profits must give a 1099 to every person/entity they do $600 business with. Another onerous expense. More centralized power.
3) Fast food corporations such as McDonald’s — whose employees have mini health plans — will not be able to afford health care for their workers. This year they got a government reprieve. When not an election year, likely no reprieve. Soon this will force part time workers on to the government plan or else pay a fine for no health care.
4) Specialty health care plans will go out of business as Obama-Care is a “one size fits all”.
5) Health care controlled by the federal government means rationing for all according to the rules set by the health care “czar”.
6) There are excellent ways to improve health care and do so in the private sector: allow everyone to cross state lines and shop for what fits their individual needs; allow businesses to group together and shop; set up competitive exchanges that operate akin to travel exchanges. For more info Google Repeal Obama care or see below:
After months of backroom deals, political payoffs, and strong-arm tactics, President Obama and the Democrats forced an unpopular health care takeover through the United States Congress. Americans lost this battle with their elected leaders in Washington but the war is not over! If we’re willing to the fight to save freedom, we can settle the score in November by electing true conservatives who will repeal this unconstitutional and dangerous bill. The simple truth is the bill cannot be fixed. It must be repealed.
The Senate Conservatives Fund, chaired by U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, has launched this national “Repeal ObamaCare Pledge” to rally support for conservative candidates who vow to repeal President Obama’s health care takeover. America is teetering toward tyranny and we must work together to reverse the radical agenda in Washington.
Electing just any Republican is not the answer. We’ve seen what happens when we send Republicans to Washington who don’t truly believe in the principles of freedom. They abandon their principles, lose the trust of the American people, and leave us with Democrats controlling Congress and the White House.
Instead, we must support true conservatives who love the Constitution and who will fight for limited government, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. And we must only help those candidates who vow to repeal ObamaCare.
Tell your family and friends about the Repeal ObamaCare Pledge so they can join our national campaign. The more people who sign the pledge at RepealItPledge.com, the bigger the impact.
Share the Repeal ObamaCare Pledge with your friends using our Facebook page. Facebook is a powerful way to quickly spread the word so we can repeal Presiden Obama’s health care takeover.
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