What to do about Covid-19, looting & other Democrat failures? Vote in Nov.!

‘Hand over the brain.’

Democrat politicians expect you to hand over your brain when thinking about recent lootings, the killing of an unarmed black by a white cop and how to manage Covid-19.   Do you live in a town or city run by Democrats?  Watch out! Think for your self!

What can you do about Covid-19, looting in the streets and Democrat  policy failures?  For sure, vote in November.   In the meanwhile, use your brain to make decisions and do so with courage and a heart that is caring.

Courage. A heart. A brain.  That’s what the lion,  the tin man and  the scarecrow wanted. And those are precisely what  Democrat Party  policies lacks.

New York is a Democrat stronghold.   New York  been a hot spot during the Covid-19 epidemic with a higher death rate than the rest of the U.S.  The actual disparity is absolutely shocking.  As a proportion of the population, the number of excess deaths in New York City during the epidemic has been 16 times as high as in the rest of America.(Wall Street Journal, The Measure of New York’s Covid Devastation, June 3, 2020).

Many  east coast and west coast  cities and states are controlled  by the Democrat parties. Thanks to Democrat progressive policies,   San Francisco on the west coast  is  known as the city of feces and homeless.  That’s Nancy Pelosi’s home  town.

Democrat controlled New York City is   now known as the place where the most die from Covid-19.  That’s where 4,300 Covid-19 patients were transfered  from New York  hospitals to nursing homes.  This exposed the oldest, frailest and most vulnerable to the virus.  (WSJ, The Measure of New York’s Covid Devastation, June 3, 2020).

The Democrat politicians that run cities have bought into the belief that the police are a bigger problem than rampant disorder. Where did that belief come from?  Remember President Obama and his policies towards the police.  Eight years of Obama and his AG Eric Holder have had a huge impact.

In response to the recent killing of a black unarmed man by a white policeman  Eric Holder was asked to day  6/3/2020 in a podcast on Obama’s website,what is your most radical dream?‘ Holder replied,‘that people be judged by their deeds and  not  sterotype people.”

Deeds — let’s judge people based on their deeds says AG Eric Holder.   Blacks make up 13% of the USA population and in 2018 African-Americans and made up  53% of known homocide  offenders in the U.S..  African-Americans  commit about 60%  of  all robberies.

What about who  is killed by  the police?   In 2019, the police fatally shot 9  unarmed blacks and  19 unarmed whites  according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively in 2015.

So, last year in 2019  twice as many unarmed  whites  were killed compared to  unarmed blacks.  There’s been no outrage or looting because  unarmed white men  died.

In 2018 there were 7,404   black homocide victims.  That’s alot of blacks dying and most of them are killed by another black person  That is the sad, rarely discussed  story than Democrat politicians  do not address.

What about the safety of police officers?   A police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.   The above  statistics are from The Myth of Systemic Police Racism, WSJ, June 8, 2020.

California and New York are both run by Democrats. Both states have been slow to re-open from the Covid-19 pandemic.  In Santa Cruz, CA people are still kept off the beaches during th 11-5 hours and people are still “sheltering in place” wearing masks.

What to do?  Use your brain, have a heart and show courage.

written by Cameron Jackson   PSY14762  licensed CA psychologist




Annrae Angel or Ari Symons for Santa Cruz judge in 2020?

Annrae Angel says why she — not Ari  Symons — should get your vote for  Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge in 2020 elections.  Egregious conduct by  judge Symons running a red light    is the issue,  says Angel.

Attorney Annrae Angel  spoke  10/30/19 at the  monthly meeting of  Santa Cruz Repbulicans. 

Read  “the facts” of  the Symons case  as  gathered by the CA state    government Commission on Judicial Performance.    The Commission  meets  behind closed doors  and  allows  no questioning of “the facts”  before reaching their “conclusions”. Closed door proceedings without input raise multiple  red flags for me.

Should you,   as I do,  think this Commission has overstepped it bounds, tell them what you think. See the form which you can fill out complaining about a judge.    How to complain to the government entity which appears to target people wrongly?  Petition your government.

Ari Symons said that  she  ran the red light. Think  of the Simon game  many people have played.

Ari Symons clicked the Red and  played  the game straight.    ‘I did it!’ she told people immediately.   Symons   told co-workers  the truth.  She ran the red.

When someone says repeatedly that they did it, that they ran the red light and that the  moving vehicle  violation ticket is their –how can that be a viewed  by the  watch dog  government entity  as a  ‘cover up’ or considered  ‘egregious behavior’?

Rather, overall this appears to be  the Democrats  in Sacramento targeting an individual.   Perhaps it would be better if CA was not run by the Democrats?

Per the “facts” as stated  by the Commission, Ari Symons told  co-workers that  she  ran a red light   that morning.   Some time  later Symons  wrote  letters saying she was the one who ran the red light. Later, things got   muddled between spouse Michael and wife Ari. Not every spouse does what the other spouse wants, correct?  So says Symons concerning overall handling of the red ticket.       Ari Symons   made mistakes how the matter was handled.   Symons   has admitted her mistakes.

Aptos Psychologist:   These facts and the others listed by the Commission for Judicial Performance    don’t add up to “egregious conduct” by  Ari  Symons.

And,  the CA state  government should not get away with wrongful behavior.    Come on, government Commission for Judicial Performance   Do  better! Or disband, re-group,  and  re-fresh your standards.  Don’t target individuals.  Play the game straight.

This entity. the  Commission on Judicial Performance,  meets  in San Francisco Dec. 4-5, 2019 and Jan 29-30, 2020.  Phone:   415 557-1200  FAX 415 557-1266 Three members   of the Commission — Nishimura, Capozzi and Torres — can be replaced immediately as they have exceeded the number of years they can serve.

Tell our state  government   to add new members to the Commission on Judicial Performance  who will act honestly and with integrity.  Make sense?

written  10/31/19  by Cameron Jackson      jaj48@aol.com 



Public Safety better or worse 2019 in Santa Cruz & Watsonville CA ?

Is public safety better or worse in Santa Cruz County in 2019?  The Democrats control awnings and signs  — but what about violent crime, needles and other health issues?

Is public safety better or worse  2019  in Santa Cruz County?

What’s the fall out from years and years of  Democrat Party policies on  Santa Cruz and Watsonville, CA?

Some current 2019  impressions:

  • Kids kill  other  kids in Watsonville, CA.   Take a look at crime statistics.   Because Watsonville gang members routinely  target younger  kids,  parents keep children  inside their homes. Kids are not allowed to ‘hang  out’ in  their front yards in Watsonville, CA. So parents tell me.
  • North County Santa Cruz CA  frequently  ignores South County Watsonville CA   issues.  Watsonville and Santa Cruz  are two  different worlds   joined by Highway 1.
  • Over 600 kids require  sheltering  on any given day  throughout Santa Cruz County. So says an employee of the Salvation Army shelter in Watsonville.
  • Psychotic adults hang  out  and talk in loud voices to themselves   at the  McDonalds Restaurant    on  Ocean  Street in Santa Cruz.  The Watsonvile McDonalds are much more family centered and much cleaner.
  • Two ‘more than typical’ Progressives city officials  face probable  recall by  8000+ Santa Cruz City voters.  The recall effort states that these two public officials  ignored  numerous   public safety issues  (needles,  human feces and violence) posed by the Ross St encampment.  And other issues.  Click the recall effort link for more information.
  • Mothers & the general  public  routinely watch   for needles and drug related debris  on  l Santa Cruz County  beaches.
  • ‘Free’  Santa Cruz beaches are  far dirtier than the CA County managed beaches which  you pay to enter.
  • Idle adults hang out in droves   near  the Santa Cruz  COSCO, close to the Ribele Family Shelter Building located  at Highway 1 and River St.  It does not ‘feel safe’ to drive near by.
  • Oh, my …… Oh my ….
  • There’s more control by city  government   of  ‘the little things’ — such as can a business have a sign  or an awning?  — than the ‘big picture’ i.e,  how can we work with the community to   reduce    violent crime and improve public safety?  
  • Opps!!!     Perhaps it’s time for a change from the Democrats and their   policies?

write to  Cameron Jackson   JAJ4848@aol.com


Rail Banking NOW Santa Cruz CA style? Let’s put in a trail that works as a train will never happen ….Carey Pico comments…


rail banking NOW in Santa Cruz CA

“David, that is why rail banking makes sense. Save it until we need to bite the bullet and put in a train. What’s wrong with that?

“If we don’t rail bank now, the County [of Santa Cruz, CA]  will be forced to subsidize freight service by millions each year with infrastructure maintenance (as they did with Iowa Pacific) until the tracks can really be used in a cost-efficient way.

“Right now, the RTC [Regional Transportation Committee]  is discussing spending $30M to upgrade the tracks to Class-2 (30 mph max) to support a freight train with no benefit to the County.

“Think about it, a commuter train needs Class-3 (60 mph), so the tracks would have to be torn out again and replaced whenever the County really needs a train in 30 years. The idiocy of this discussion within the RTC astounds me.

“So why not rail bank it and use it until needed?

written by Carey  Pico  — of Aptos CA


Sana Cruz, CA hospital emergency care – jammed to overflowing Feb. 2018 — what to do?

Santa Cruz CA hospital emergency care — jammed  to overflowing the last week of February, 2018. What to do?  What to know?

There are two hospitals in Santa Cruz County:  Dominican Hospital — a Dignity Hospital now — located in Santa Cruz, CA  and Watsonville Hospital located in the southern area  of the County.

The population  of Santa Cruz County has grown enormously.   Infra-structure which  supports the population — such as  hospitals and roads — has not grown. Getting around the County is a major problem only getting worse.

Our politicians and policy makers have served the population poorly concerning roads. Do we need another hospital?

Ever feel  seriously ill?  Experience major symptoms?  Think you need to get to a hospital?

What to do:

1)  Go by ambulance.  Hopefully you don’t have to travel to hospital  during  early and late hours (7-9 & 3:30 to 7).

2)   Take your medications with you.  If you are admitted,   Dominican gives generic medications which can be quite  different from those prescribed by your MD.

3) If available, bring a ‘advocate’/ scribe — someone  who can verbalize what your symptoms are to hospital personnel,  who can keep track of who does what to you   and who can write down the  changing nature of your symptoms.

Once you are in a bed in Emergency,  Dominican Hospital provides  excellent care for life threatening, catastrophic issues.

What  to know:

A  M.D. referred to a ‘Hospitalist’ is the person who decides whether you will be admitted to the hospital, i.e., stay overnight in a bed for further tests, proceedures  and observation.

The number of  M.D. ‘Hospitalists’ who see you may be one or several.  This is one reason  why it’s important that your ‘advocate’/scribe can communicate with the medical personnel you come in contact with  — especially the ‘Hospitalists’ and Nurses.

Once you are admitted to a bed in the hospital, your  R.N. communicates with the Hospitalist assigned to you.   The name of the Hospitalist is typically written on a board near your bed.

Depending on how your symptoms change and how impacted the hospital is,  you may be moved multiple times to other Units in   the hospital.

While you are in the hospital, you will   come in contact with many person performing  different  medical procedures.   It may be helpful for you to keep track of time of day, date,  and who performed what procedures on you.   That way you know what’s happening and you can better communicate with your Hospitalist concerning your medical needs.

Dealing with the fragmentation due to the  multiplicity of medical contacts and procedures:

What if some of your medial  issues are addressed but from your perspective other crucial ones are not?   If you and your advocate/scribe and family think that your  immediate medical concerns are not getting met, that more is going on than it appears,  you can request  a Rapid Response Team intervention.  This is a team that will quickly come and  evaluate you  and address your concerns.   If issues arise communicating with your R.N. there is a supervisor for all the nurses in your unit, the  Charge Nurse who can address  your concerns. Other eyes, ears and perspectives from the Speech, Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist may provide invaluable  information and evaluation.

Discharge:   Later on, the  Hospitalist  MD assigned to your case is the person who  “discharges” you,  saying  that  you are no longer experiencing catastrophic symptoms,  and certifying that you are ready to leave the hospital for a lower level of  medical care (i.e., nursing home, home health care, out patient care).

If you do not agree with the  M.D. Hospitalist be sure to speak up and say why.

 Did the M.D. Hospialist actually  meet and talk with you before deciding  to discharge you? Did  the the Hospitalist actually  review  the results of  the medical procedures before making and conveying to you his/her  Discharge decision?    The person in charge of the Hospitalists is the Medical Director for Dominican Hospital.

Dominican Hospital has medical personnel performing ‘”Leadership” functions.  These persons (who are in top management positions)  go around to the rooms and initiate conversation  with patients as to  specific needs and as to  the overall experience.  These conversations can and do  enhance overall  communication.  From the patient’s perspective the overall experience can seem quite fragmented as the patient has so many brief contacts with many medical personnel.  

Dominican Hospital posts what it calls  the experience principles.  A promise to our patients and each other:

Know me as a person.  Connect with me, not with why I am here.

Communicate with me.  Keep me informed about decisions that impact.  Listen to me and respond to my concerns.

Empower me.  Allow me to be in charge of my care.  Advocate for me and teach me to advocate for me.

Comfort me.  Notice when I am having dificulty and take action to help to relieve my suffering.

Work together as a team.  Support each other.  Do what you say you are going to do.

Champion the ministry.  Treasure the mission.  Build and strengthen capabilities of the ministry.

Dominican Hospital’s experience principles are aspirational.  Having your own advocate/scribe can help enormously.

Traveling to and from Dominican Hospital:

Workers from Salinas, CA who start work at 6 am at Dominican Hospital  can get to work in 40-45 minutes. When the Dominican Hospital  MRI machine was ‘down’ the last week of February 2018 it took 45 minutes for an engineer to drive from Aptos, Ca to the hospital  wherein he repaired  the machine in 2-3 minutes.

Dominican Hospial’s emergency facilities are impacted by various populations including 1) a large homeless population which sleeps out ‘in the rough’ and gets sick when it’s wet and cold;  2) a  large population of drug addicted individuals ;  3) 30% of Santa Cruz County has families with children whose first language in not English. And more and more people are coming to the County.

The population of Santa Cruz CA has grown enormously in the last 30-40 years.  There were and still are only two hospitals with emergency facilities for catastrophic medical conditions. The roads are impacted and increasingly it’s more and more difficult to get to and from Dominican Hospital.

You can “schedule’ your trip to the Emergency facilities at Dominican Hospital.   Sudden major health events cannot be scheduled or dealt with by appointment.

What to do?   Start by talking about your experiences ….

Santa Cruz County has two main hospital  facilities and perhaps, given all the changes of the last 30  years, we need an additional facility located in mid-county.  Or perhaps we need  some additional  smaller facilities that are open 24 hours a day and can handle catastrophic issues?

written by Cameron Jackson   drcamearonjackson@gmail.com




Aptos Psychologist: To be — or not to be — a Sanctuary City? Santa Cruz, CA is one. Did voters vote?

  sanctuary-city-greenTo be or not to be a Sanctuary City.  Did voters vote?

Which CA cities  are Sanctuary Cities?  Santa Cruz, Watsonville – they are Sanctuary Cities.  What about Scotts Valley?  Capitola? Can residents in Aptos, CA vote?

 In general, do  voters get to vote to be or not to be a Sanctuary City?

Below is a Letter published in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2016:

A president who cares 

“Listening to President Trump’s inaugural address was most inspiring. As the mother of a United States Marine officer I know that now there is now a man in the White House who really cares about our military, our veterans, families and keeping this country safe. I am ashamed that on leaving office Mr. Obama released 233 drug dealers. How does that make our children safe?

Oh, but I forgot, Santa Cruz is a sanctuary city so this release does not worry its residents.”

— Linda Eberhardt, Scotts Valley

So — is it  time to end sanctuary cities?   In 2017,  there are about 300 canctuary cities — up form about 70 in 2011.

Remember Kate Steinle —  who was murdered while walking with her father  in sanctuary city San Francisco.  She was murdered by   by an illegal who had been deported multiple times.

 Let’s say to sanctuary cities:  “If you refuse to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement, you will lose your federal funding.”
