Let’s help create Marx’s ‘classless society’ in San Francisco by favoring Blacks?  Government has gotta get rid of income gaps between Blacks and others?
   London Breed, the Mayor of San Francisco, recently announced an innovative new program designed to provide financial support for women expecting a child both during the pregnancy and for six months after the baby is born.
 Breed said in a statement. “The Abundant Birth Project is rooted in racial justice and recognizes that Black and Pacific Islander mothers suffer disparate health impacts, in part because of the persistent wealth and income gap.â€
Given the costs associated with prenatal care, medical expenses and the costs associated with raising an infant, that’s a nice idea, isn’t it?
I’m sure plenty of mothers-to-be could use that sort of help. But as with so many things in this world, there’s a catch.
Or a couple of catches, actually. First of all, it won’t be available to everyone. You have to be selected by the people in charge of the project.
Oh, and don’t bother applying if you happen to be a Native American, Latina, or White woman expecting a child. The offer only applies if you are either Black or of Pacific-Islander background. (Yahoo News)
Venezuelans wait in line to cross into Colombia through the Simon Bolivar bridge in San Antonio del Tachira, Venezuela, Sunday July 17, 2016. Tens of thousands of Venezuelans crossed the border into Colombia on Sunday to hunt for food and medicine that are in short supply at home. It’s the second weekend in a row that Venezuela’s government has opened the long-closed border connecting Venezuela to Colombia. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)
Women living near the Venezuelan border region are flocking into neighboring Colombia to sell their hair, sometimes for as little as $20 a head.
Reuters reports that as many as 200 Venezuelan women a day cross the border to sell hair stylists their locks to be used in styling or adding volume to the hair of customers. While the $20 price is small in absolute terms, it could mean a windfall in a country that just began printing 20,000 bolÃvar bills to keep up with the spiraling inflation. Reuters notes that $20 is “the equivalent of a monthly minimum wage and food tickets†in Venezuela. Due to the socialist rationing system, the government regulates how much food each individual can buy with food tickets or ration cards.
Venezuela’s socialist government has grossly mismanaged the oil-rich nation’s economy for the past 17 years, with dictator Nicolás Maduro now presiding over outrageous inflation and an unwieldy ration system that forces many Venezuelans to spend up to eight hours in a supermarket line to buy basic goods like flour, milk, and vegetable oil. The food crisis in Venezuela is threatening to become a famine as studies show nearly
The food crisis in Venezuela is threatening to become a famine as studies show nearly 90 percent of Venezuelans do not have the means to acquire three meals’ worth of food a day. 15 percent survive by eating garbage disposed of by restaurants and cafes.
Firenze Sage: Â What is Socialism is the answer? Â Venezuela writ large.