So – who becomes a teacher? And what better way to hire teachers?
The current method: Can you add? Know some basic division? Then maybe you can become a teacher … Questions for wanna-be teachers ask for a bit of basic addition and division.
Here’s some examples of typical questions.
Here’s a question from a recent test given to college students in Michigan planning to become teachers: “Which of the following is largest? a. 1/4, b. 3/5, c. 1/2, d. 9/20.” Another question: “A town planning committee must decide how to use a 115-acre piece of land. The committee sets aside 20 acres of the land for watershed protection and an additional 37.4 acres for recreation. How much of the land is set aside for watershed protection and recreation? a. 43.15 acres, b. 54.6 acres, c. 57.4 acres, d. 60.4 acres”.
The Arizona teacher certification test asks: “Janet can type 250 words in 5 minutes, what is her typing rate per minute? a. 50wpm, b. 66wpm, c. 55wpm, d. 45wpm.” The California Basic Educational Skills Test asks the test taker to find the verb in the following sentence: “The interior temperatures of even the coolest stars are measured in millions of degrees. a. Coolest, b. Of even, c. Are measured, d. In millions”. A CBEST math question is: “You purchase a car making a down payment of $3,000 and 6 monthly payments of $225. How much have you paid so far for the car? a. $3225, b. $4350, c. $5375, d. $6550, e. $6398.”
OK — So what’s a better to hire teachers? Hire teachers based on the discipline — what they are competent in — what they learned in college. A degree in biology required to teach biology. The ‘how to be a teacher’ stuff be learned on the side.
Firenze Sage:Â Â This is the best evidence for charter and voucher schools.