Yes — it’s  time for Trump to ‘drain the  DC swamp’ and that includes the Veterans Administration.
You try calling your local Veterans clinic and see what happens.
Today, Nov. 11, 2016, Â I called the local Santa Cruz County number for the Veteran’s Administration. Â I was caller number 27 — and it took several minutes to become caller #26.
Today, on Veteran’s Day 2016  there was no way to actually speak with  a human being here in Santa Cruz County.   The mail box for the “catch all” number was full.
Yes — it’s time to drain the DC swamp. Â And really provide quality services for our Veterans.
Time to clean out Michelle Obama’s garden?  President Barack Obama warns voters that Donald Trump would dig up his wife’s garden at the White House if he is elected president.
Trump will dig up Michelle’s garden frets Obama
“I guarantee you he’ll dig up Michelle’s garden,†he said, during an interview with the Tom Joyner Morning Show.
Obama listed a number of things that Trump would do to reverse the accomplishments of his presidency.
Obama frets about a Trump presidency on Tom Joyner Morning Show:Â
“I guarantee you he’ll dig up Michelle’s garden…you think I’m joking?â€Â
Firenze Sage:  Before the digging begins  — Medicaid goes. Oh woe is me!Â
 Will Donald Trump create more freedom for Americans and throughout the world? Or will Hilary Clinton / continuation of Obama do a better job? As of September, 2018 here’s some freedom links with Trump as President of USA. There’s more freedom? Yes! Lots more freedom!
Actions speak louder than words. Compare Hilary and Trump.  Choose between  crude male talk 11 years ago  or a  female enabler so that her  husband  sexually assaults women?
Monterey Bay Forum:  A pattern of actions over many years shows a person’s character.  There are many reasons why so many  Americans overwhelmingly do not trust Hilary.
Who is racist? More than half of Trump’s supporters  – the  ‘deplorables’  – are racist says Dana Milbank. Â
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank doubles down on Hillary Clinton’s assertion about the “deplorables”.  In Milbank’s words, more than “half†of Donald Trump’s supporters are an “irredeemable†“basket of deplorables†who are, in her words, “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.† Â
Milbank writes that that far from being incorrect in her denunciation, Clinton may in fact have “low-balled the number†by claiming only “half†are racist.
Hillary Clinton may have been unwise to say half of Donald Trump’s supporters are racists and other “deplorables.†But she wasn’t wrong. If anything, when it comes to Trump’s racist support, she might have low-balled the number says Milbank.
Ask for yourself,  What do you have to lose — if you vote  Republican?
charter schools provide choiceschool choice
What about good schools for your children?  The civil rights issue of today is access to good schools. Public charter schools and private schools provide choice for parents.  Obama and the Democrats oppose charter schools — because the Democrats  support the teacher’s unions.
What about your  safety?  Are you safer? If you live in a large city like Chicago (where Obama will have his Library) you are 17 times more likely to be murdered if you are Black (there’s about an equal percent of whites and blacks in Chicago).  What about the young woman killed in San Francisco by an illegal who was deported five times.
After the last 8 years with  a Democrat as President, are our borders safer,  are there fewer  illegals, is there less danger of drugs?
Milliions of illegals entering the USA take away the jobs that entry level workers — black, white, asian, hispanic  — could have.
borders of USA ? safer now than 8 years ago?
What do you have to lose this Labor Day if you are pregnant?
Zika virus: when OK terminate pregnancy?
Women soon  go into labor may  wonder about  that last mosquito bite and about the
Zika virus. Â http://www.brooklynmama.comÂ
Parents may wonder when is it OK to terminate a pregnancy?
What work will  you  do tomorrow?  Ninety-three (93) million  USA workers have no job tomorrow — the day after Labor Day 2016.   Â
When did you get your last raise?   Millions of workers  got hefty raises  — but not in their salaries.  Workers got hefty raises in the cost of  ObamaCare.
cost of ObamaCare
Oh, and the government removed from their website  Obama’ss famous promise  that  the ‘you can keep your doctor …
Aptos Psychologist: Â So,what do you have to lose? Â Put positively, what do you possibly gain? Think about your children’s children and the world you want them to inherit.
Leader of New Black  Panther Party says it’s time to “reexamine the relationship” that black voters have with the Democrat Party.
Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston, Texas, said this week on a local news program that black Americans should “truly examine†Donald Trump’s outreach to the black community and “reexamine the relationship†that black voters have with the Democratic Party.
“Let me say this to the brothers and sisters who listened and watched that speech. We may not like the vessel that said what he said, but I ask us to truly examine what he said, because it is a fact that for 54 years, we have been voting for the Democratic party like no other race in America.
And they have not given us the same loyalty and love that we have given them. We as black people have to reexamine the relationship — where we are being pimped like prostitutes, and they’re the big pimps pimping us politically, promising us everything and we get nothing in return.
“We gotta step back now as black people and say, we’ve gotta look at all the parties and vote our best interests.”
Character or just a character? Â Trump versus Hilary
Character or just a character?
“Trump  is egotistical, bombastic, and brash. He often lacks nuance in his statements.
Trump often lacks nuance: “Crooked Hilary!”
Sometimes Trump  blurts out mistaken ideas (such as bombing the families of terrorists) that he later must abandon. Trump  insults people. He can be vindictive when people attack him. He has been slow to disown and rebuke the wrongful words and actions of some angry fringe supporters.  Trump  has been married three times and claims to have been unfaithful in his marriages.
These are certainly flaws, but I don’t think they are disqualifying flaws in this election. So says Gruden in Christianity Today.
Grudem concedes that while Trump’s character is problematic, he concludes that the billionaire is “a good candidate with flaws†because “most of the policies he supports are those that will do the most good for the nation.â€
Trump isn’t the only candidate whose reputation has taken a hit because of moral transgression
Hillary Clinton has also been rebuffed for her character.  Most recently  for using her own personal email server, rather than the State Department’s, when sending classified emails as Secretary of State.
Hilary personal email server.  Did it get hacked?
 Hilary’s actions ultimately resulted  in both FBI and State Department investigations.  Did she show motive to hide?  Hilary’s personal email server was in her basement.
“Our views on the role of government—whether it’s there primarily to protect people or “keep the peace,†plays a significant role in the priority we give character when judging candidates, says Messiah College historian John Fea.
“If you believe that government has the responsibility to promote the common good and general welfare and moral good of the society and it’s ordained by God to do that, then for me, I would probably want someone with character and is interested in those questions at least,†he said.
Fea joined Morgan Lee and guest host Amy Jackson to discuss how Americans have historically voted on character in previous elections, how the mass media has changed the country’s understanding of a candidate’s moral failures, and when, if ever, the ends justify the means.
Aptos Psychologist:  The above remarks are  taken from an article in  Christianity Today, a good read.  Below a recent picture of Hilary from Drudge.  Is  Hilary Clinton well?