Give people in need a “free fish” or a fishing pole? Free fish first! per COPA / Central Coast Interfaith Sponsors Inc.
Community organizer Tim McManus of COPA / Central Coast Interfaith Sponsors Inc., a non-profit organization located in Watsonville, CA,  spoke 9/16/2018 to 15- 20 parishioners at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Aptos, Calif.
So, does your church/ synagogue / mosque “welcome the stranger”? Seek “social justice”?
How about lots of cheap housing,  free health care/ free specialist MD referrals for illegal alien immigrants, & expanded free mental health? Those are COPA’s 2018 goals for Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties in California.
So what methods really work to effect “social justice” according to COPA?
Just show up when told to – says  McManus of COPA / Central Coast Interfaith Sponsors Inc. The power politics of sheer body count with government officials effects COPA specified change according to Mr. McManus.
Here’s what COPA Tim McManus says:
Aptos Psychologist: COPA is not my cup of tea. What was the original tea party that lead to the American revolution all about? Not about “body count” muscling local government officials to achieve socialist progressive goals. About COPA — be wary. Give a fishing pole not free fish.