Ladies night out in Israel or Arabia? [U.N. votes Israel as one & only nation that violates women’s rights]

Overall freedom and women’s rights better in Israel or Arabia?  Choose.     Israel  is the one and  only  nation that violates women’s rights,  so says the United Nations (U.N.).

We are taught that all cultures are equal, that they are all equally valuable. We are told that, despite creating the modern, technological world, western, capitalist, mostly white cultures are no better than Arab, Persian, or Islamic cultures anywhere else.

Welcome to the United Nations where magical thinking like this dominates. It’s what makes it difficult to determine whether the U.N. is a circus or an insane asylum.

Case in point; the U.N. Economic and Social Council voted 40-2 (with 9 abstentions) to single out the state of Israel as the only nation that violates women’s rights. Voting in the affirmative were countries where husbands have the “right” to rape and beat their wives (Saudi Arabia), stone women who commit adultery (Iran), and other Middle Eastern and African states where the unspeakable practice of female genital mutilation is routinely practiced and accepted.

Israel was singled out for allegedly being the “major obstacle” for Palestinian women “with regard to their advancement, self-reliance, and integration in the development of their society.”


Firenze Sage  Let us move the U.N.  from NY to Cairo and then de-fund it.


How & why fix corrupt refugee resettlement to USA? [Illan Omar]

Yes, we  can fix  corrupt resettlement  of refugees to America . Now’s the time to do so.

Know what can happen to your town. About 170 towns receive resettlement of refugees sent by the U.N.

Per  blogger Ann Cororan and other advocates,  this out of control resettlement of refugee  process  has gone on for 10+ years must  stop.  The law that started the mess must either be fixed or dumped she says.

Why fix the corrupt, out of control resettlement to the USA?

  • Because it’s another example of Big Government imposing its will on small USA communities who need to be better informed and have appropriate say as to which ‘new neighbors’ are imposed on them by government.
  • And it’s a  matter of power and numbers controlling political decisions.  In Ann Cororan’s view, as  the Muslim population in the USA grows America is pushed  that much closer to Sharia law,  which is contrary to Western values.

Here’s how to fix corrupt resettlement to the USA:

  •  Dump existing law which allows United Nations to select all refugees to U.S.   Set the ‘ceiling’ at zero refugees admitted by U.N.
  • Stop  paying 9 non-profits ‘by the head’.  This  encourages ‘head hunting’ and drives up total expenses of each refugee [each refugee gets ‘gold standard’ of all possible welfare benefits]
  • Require state department to obtain local city/ county approval prior to placement of any groups of refugee by any federal/state entity.

A case illustrating how U.N. policies relate to resettlement of a refugee family  based on false statements:

The history of how Congress woman  Illam Omar got to the USA as a refugee has been in the news lately.  At age 12 she, a sibling and her father  came into the USA  under false pretenses aka using the name Omar which was not their  own name.   Later, for purposes that remain obscure, Omar married her biological brother and was married to him while married to another man.

Illam Omar has received publicity for her comments about “Benjamin babies” [that Jewish financial  interests affect our national policies toward Israel].  Omar’s district has conflicting thoughts about her remarks about Israel.

Aptos Psychologist:   If  reports are accurate that U.S. Congress woman  Illam Omar married her brother while married to another man and committed  6-8 other frauds related to taxes and legal status then she needs to be  held accountable under USA laws.   That her father brought her into the USA under false pretenses is one thing.  What Omar did as an adult another thing.

Did a corrupt resettlement process lead to additional corrupt actions by   Illan Omar as an adult?  Let’s find out.

written by Cameron Jackson
