Require elected officials state in writing — 24 hours ahead of time — how they plan to vote
The  way current  Council meetings are currently conducted is an abomination .
I suggest that each member of the council be required under penalty of forfeiture of  to submit 24 hours in advance of any meeting a statement in writing which sets forth the member’s views on issues to be voted upon and contentious issues which are not to be voted upon.
The views are not binding but are for the purpose of alerting the assembled crowd to the position of the particular   council member which would allow a member of the audience to focus his question on the issue at hand. And, furthermore, it would require the councilmember to answer a specific question with respect to his view and why he holds it.
Question: Should those illegal immigrants also be allowed to vote in CA local and state elections? Is it time to control our southern border with Mexico?
Spokespeople for Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins did not respond to questions whether it’s appropriate for lawmakers to get special services at the Capital office. Of course not.
I agree that only U.S. citizens can register to vote in California state or local elections. CA has a border with Mexico and thousands of persons illegally cross the border The statistics are staggering.
These illegals are citizens of other countries and their allegiance is to those countries — not to the U.S. Only people who stand in line and legally are permitted to enter and later go through the process of becoming a U.S. citizen should be permitted to vote in CA elections. Go Monterey Bay Forum for more discussion. All public comments are welcome there. Cameron Jackson
Below is the measure that will appear on the November 2018Â ballot:Â Â
INITIATIVE MEASURE TO BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO VOTERS Elections Code section 2001 is added to read: 2001{a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, only persons who are United States citizens may register to vote and vote in an election held within the territory within which he or she resides and the election is held. This section applies to elections held by the state and every subdivision of the state, including cities, counties, charter cities, charter counties, charter city and counties, and districts.
written by Dr.Cameron Jackson, licensed psychologist in CA (PSY14762). Monterey Bay Forum welcomes new authors who know about northern California particularly Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties.  How to contact Dr. Jackson and other authors including Firenze Sage:Â