Ode to Hilary — Christians everywhere, Â beware? Â
Facts:  Obama/ Hilary accepted 13,000+ Syrian refugees  into the USA this past year ending Sept. 2016.
 Only 64 of the 13,000 accepted  as refugees to the USA  are Christians. Â
Why so few Christians?
As you read this, hum the tune from  Peter Paul & Mary song: Where  did all the  flowers go?  Â

“Where did all the flowers go … Â
Syrian’s Christians, Â Â ever more …
“Gone to graveyards …. Â everywhere? Â
Yes — gone to graveyards …… Â everywhere.
“Five hundred  thousand  … Christians gone.  [that was the number of Christians in Syria]
“Oh so strong …. Â they fled their homes,
and  left behind….
“their  ancient  bones,
And fled …. their  Muslim foes
filled  with Christian songs Â
but left in  fear of Islam law.  That gives all power to the Muslim Pa.  Â
“So, where did all  the Syrian Christians  go?
Gone and scattered  …. ever  more…
“Yes– Â Gone and scattered …. ever more. Â Â Â

“Thank you, Â Hilary, Secretary Oooo,
That  this past year for evermore,Â
64 Syrian Christians  came through  our  doors,Â
Allowed in for now — perhaps for ever more. Â
as refugees
To grace our  soil.”
Tell us  why —  Secretary Hilary Oooo  —  why so few?  So few?” Â
Aptos Psychologist: Ask Hilary why only 64 Â Syrian Christians out of 13,000+ Â Syrians were admitted to America this past year?
written by Cameron Jackson  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com Â